Chapter 16

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A/N: I hope you enjoy this update, despite what they went through in the last one! It picks up where we left off. Thank you for your love and support of this story! Xo 


I woke the next morning as my alarm sounded, telling me it was time to face Jamie and head back to Ohio. I'd originally felt pretty good about the progress Evan and I had made during the trip. I'd nailed down many final details that would help me finish his biography in no time. The only complication ended up being my jealous husband. Maybe I didn't have to let Evan touch me, but I knew it meant nothing. He was days away from asking his longtime girlfriend to marry him. He didn't want me, and Jamie failed to realize that no matter how much I reassured him.

I rubbed my eyes as the bathroom door opened. Only then did I notice Jamie had been in the shower. He walked out with a towel around his waist, water dripping from his hair onto his muscular chest. Angry or not, I was always attracted to him. But I wasn't gonna cave that easily to his distraction.

"Morning," he said curtly.

I sat up in bed, rolling my hair into a bun and clipping it to the top of my head.

"Morning," I answered.

He stared for a long moment before turning to the dresser. He bent over and the towel rolled dangerously low down his back, but I couldn't give in. As bad as I always wanted to lick and taste his porcelain skin, he was still in the doghouse.

I stood, deciding to join him in his game. I shimmied out of my PJ shorts, lifting his Manchester United shirt over my head and kicking both to the side.

He eyed me as he removed his towel, slowly stepping into his boxers and sliding them up his legs. I ignored looking down at his length despite his efforts to get me to. I brushed past him to the bathroom, feeling his gaze follow me.

"I know what you're doing," he said.

"I'm taking a shower."

"And you had to strip in front of me?" He crossed his arms as he stood on the other side of the door.

"Just like you had to put your boxers on in front of me?"

"Have to get dressed, don't I?"

I shrugged. "And I had to get undressed."

He stepped toward me. "Baby, come on. Let me touch you."

"No," I said. "I know where that leads, and you're not going to fuck your way outta this one. Sorry."

I shut the door and locked it, despite the aching between my legs at our frustrated exchange. I wanted nothing more than to have angry sex with him before heading home, but I wasn't letting him off that easily this time. He'd embarrassed me and put my reputation on the line over his insecurities. He could remain insecure a little longer.


Jamie and I rode in silence to the airport as I sent Victoria pictures of my bump. She was out of town during our visit and I was sad I missed her. But it was for a good reason, she was headed to her fiancé's hometown to announce their engagement to his family. I was elated for my best friend. I remembered when she first told me about him back when Jamie and I were still dating. I couldn't believe how far we'd come, soon to both be married women. I smiled to myself, Victoria and I never dreamed of finding our perfect mates in Manhattan, but thank God we had. Although mine was currently in a shit ton of trouble.

"Fuck," he spat as the car pulled up to the airport curb.

I looked out the window to see men with cameras waiting. Not for us specifically, but they were about to hit the jackpot.

"Of course," I muttered.

I put my sunglasses on. Jamie looked over before doing the same. He didn't say anything as he opened the door and stepped out. I took his hand when he offered to help me, so we didn't cause a scene. A moment later they saw us and started yelling and running in our direction.

Jamie stood directly in front of me between them. Their flashes were excessive as they asked a hundred questions about the baby. I felt my husband's arm around my waist, pushing me through the doors. He kept it secured there as we made a beeline for security. They followed, continuing their annoying shutters and chatter.

He stepped up behind me, shielding me with his body as we got in line. A TSA agent took pity and pulled us to the side, fast tracking our wait. We both thanked her, tossing our belongings in a bin to get away from the circus. She let us keep our shoes on to expedite the escape.

Once on the other side, Jamie took my hand and led me to a reserved VIP room near our gate without a word. No one was in there when we entered, so I sat my purse down in the chair beside me, taking one on the end to force a space between us.

"You okay?" he asked rather sternly.

"Yes," I said. "Thank you for getting me through it."

He nodded, choosing the seat across from me. I felt his burning gaze as I scrolled through my phone, pretending to have something important to read.

"Is this how it's going to be?" he asked.

"For the foreseeable future," I answered, not looking up from the device.

He sighed heavily and I could see him lean back to rest his head on the chair. We continued our silent treatment for the remainder of our wait time.


"Aisle or window?" Jamie asked as we stood in the line for first class passengers.

"I don't care," I said with my arms crossed. He too kept his to himself.

"Whatever," he mumbled, shoving a ticket in my face.

It was for the window seat, not my favorite, but who was I to argue? I'd told him I didn't care. I jerked it out of his hold.

"Hope I don't have to pee." I couldn't resist a dig. I was still outraged at his behavior. He'd actually hit Evan. With his fist. In the face. I was stunned and probably always would be, long after we moved past it.

"If you wanted the aisle why didn't you say?" he said through gritted teeth.

"Don't get nasty." I glared at him.

"Are you kidding me with this?"

"Does it look like it?"

He rolled his eyes, exasperated. But the feeling was mutual. What a way to end a seemingly decent trip, with my husband turning into an animal.

The gate agent scanned our tickets as we walked past, single file to the airplane. I followed the other passengers, smiling at the pilot and flight attendant as we boarded.

"Good morning," Jamie said behind me.

I turned in time to notice the stewardess giving him the once over. I shot her a death glare that she failed to see. I huffed, practically stomping to our seat. I plopped myself down. Jamie tossed his backpack in the overhead compartment before sitting beside me. I retrieved my phone and ear buds from my purse, dropping the Michael Kors bag to the floor and kicking it under the seat in front of me.

"You need to calm down," he said.

I laughed. "What great advice, Jamie. Try taking it some time."

"Stop it."

"No, don't turn this on me. You're getting the exact behavior you deserve after yesterday. So you stop."

"I don't want to spend this entire flight arguing. Listen to your music."

I narrowed my gaze. "Don't tell me what to do."

"Okay fine, I don't give a fuck about you being calm other than our baby doesn't deserve your stress."

I clenched my jaw, trying not to flip out and get escorted off the plane.

"Here's a concept," I began, "I wouldn't be stressed if you would've acted right."

"I'm done," he said, holding up his hands. "Ignore me. At least then we don't have to say stupid shit."

I conceded, avoiding a blow up and one of us hurting the other deeper than necessary. I plugged in my headphones and chose a soothing playlist. Unfortunately he was right, I needed to calm the hell down for our baby. He already hadn't been a fan of flying the last time, I had to relax. I ran through the breathing exercises Jim had taught me.

The beautiful stewardess approached and introduced herself. I missed her name, but she wasn't talking to me anyway. Her undivided attention was on my husband, and he was reciprocating.

I closed my eyes, letting the voice of Michael Bublé croon me into oblivion. I felt the plane taxiing toward the runway, but didn't care to look out. I wanted to be home as soon as possible, that was all that mattered. Maybe a good long girl talk with my mom would help. She knew better than anyone what it was like to be married through the good and the bad. My parents weren't perfect, but they never gave up, and I admired their strength when life dealt them difficult cards.

I reached for the armrest as the plane began speeding toward the sky. Take-off was not my cup of tea. My hand grazed Jamie's as I grasped for something to hold onto. He didn't move it, and neither of us verbally acknowledged my grip. I laced our fingers until the aircraft was above the clouds, closer to cruising altitude. I finally let go without a word or a glance at him, moving my hand back to my lap.

A few minutes later Miss Delta Bombshell returned. I sensed her presence thanks to the heavy cheap perfume she wore. It was probably a retired fragrance from Abercrombie, and it was making my stomach churn. My son didn't like her, he was on my side. I removed an ear bud as she began talking.

"Can I interest either of you in a glass of wine or champagne?"

Again, she wasn't making eye contact with me, just my husband.

"Clearly not," I said, pointing at my belly.

Her eyes widened when she looked over. "Oh my. Congratulations."

Yeah, bitch, it's his baby. Keep moving.

"It'll be a water for me. Thanks."

Jamie watched me during our exchange, a hint of a smirk pulling at his lips. He turned toward her.

"What kind of wine do you have?" he asked.

"Um, red and white," she answered.

I snorted. I couldn't help it. She was dumber than the rock in my wedding ring, but not half as beautiful.

His mouth grew into a full-on smile, but I wasn't sure if it was for me, her comment, or her in general.

"Which is your favorite?" he asked.

She blushed, shifting her weight to the other leg. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he managed to thicken his accent for her. She was clearly affected by the whole package. And if she kept it up, I was liable to sit myself on top of his package to stake my claim. Although that thought was quite dramatic, and would result in a permanent ban for us both.

"The white is pretty sweet," she said.

"I like sweet. That'll do."

I nudged him with my knee and heard him chuckle. The bastard knew exactly what he was doing. Turning her on and pissing me off.

She walked away, stumbling as we hit a bump in the air. I sent a silent thanks to whatever god made that instant karma happen.

"I have a question." I leaned over on his armrest, close to his face.

He turned to look at me, his eyes falling to my lips before moving upward. "What?"

"Are you drinking wine to make me jealous? Or am I driving you to drink? Or are you flirting on purpose?"

"That was technically three questions," he said, stifling his grin.

"Choose your answers wisely then."

He moved his face even closer, our noses brushing as his hot breath met my lips. "What if I said a mix of all three?"

I inched back. "Do you really want to make this worse than it already is, baby?"

He licked his mouth. "Now you know how I feel."

I huffed, moving to sit against the armrest beside the window. This was not a fucking game, and I was almost insulted he was treating it as one. I wasn't blatantly flirting with Evan like he was with the damn stewardess.

Think of the devil and she appears. She handed me my water before setting Jamie's wine down on the tray for him.

"Here you go, sir," she said with no regards to me.

"Thanks darlin'," he replied.

I was done. I couldn't handle it anymore. I stretched across and pulled his chin forcefully toward me. His eyes were filled with confusion when I attacked his lips. He breathed me in, his hands instantly tangling in my hair as he met my fervor.

I heard her clear her throat as she stepped away, shaken by my public display. I wasn't afraid to claim what was mine. Jamie's tongue tangled in my mouth as we sucked and licked at each other desperately.

I was the first to let go, pushing him away. He was panting when I moved back. "Stop fucking flirting."

He watched me, his chest still heaving from my sudden assault. I pressed play on my phone and went back to ignoring him. He eventually looked away, but not before readjusting himself in his pants. I smiled toward the window, happy to know I'd lit him up with a simple kiss.


The car ride home was in equal silence. Not another word after our brief make-out session, and Miss Delta only returned one other time to collect our trash with a small thank you.

Jamie unlocked the front door, stepping aside to let me in first. He carried our bags and set them both down in the entryway.

"We need to unpack," I said. "I don't want dirty laundry lying around for a week."

He sighed, carrying the suitcases toward the stairs. I followed slowly behind as he trekked up to the top. He set them in front of the doorway of our laundry room before turning toward me.

Our eyes met and the electricity between us had reached a new level. I could feel the pulsing of the air as we waited for someone to make the first move. I dropped my purse to the floor and that was his cue.

He charged me and I jumped into his arms without hesitation. He pressed me firmly against the wall in the hallway as I gripped handfuls of his hair. I moaned, his teeth nipping at the soft skin behind my ear.

"I want you," he breathed, sucking my neck. "Now. Please."

I silenced him as my lips found his. I bit his bottom one before licking it. He walked us toward the bedroom while I continued devouring his mouth. His tongue was sloppy, desperately trying to taste every ounce I was offering.

He set me down at the foot of the bed, reaching between us to rip his shirt over his head. My hands scratched lines down his abs and I made quick work of the button and zipper on his jeans. I reached beneath the fabric to grip his growing member. He groaned as my hand pulled him from the restraint. I stroked him a few times, feeling him lengthen in my palm.

"I want you to fuck me," I said.

"Yes, baby." His hand trailed up under my shirt, reaching for my breast but I removed him by the wrist.

"But you're gonna work for it." I gave him a devilish grin.

"Then you've got to stop stroking me like your life depends on it."

"Maybe it does." The mood between us was borderline dangerous, and I hadn't decided if I wanted to play nice yet.

He twitched in my hand. "Please stop."

"Is this driving you mad, baby? Tell me." I continued to work my hand over him.

"Yesss," he hissed, fighting the urge to close his eyes.

"Well you made me real mad last night, and then flirting with the flight attendant? You'll have to pay."

"Please." He was begging and I could feel my panties dampening at the sight of him helpless.

"You can come, baby. Feel free. I can do this all day."

He threw his head back, his eyes screwed shut as he grunted. A moment later he trembled in my hand, signaling he was about to lose control. I dropped to my knees, sucking him into my mouth as his orgasm surfaced.

"Oh fuck." He panted, trying to halt my movements.

I shoved his hands away, locking them behind his back as I licked his thick manhood. His legs shook as fell into the abyss.

"I'm going to—" He couldn't even finish his statement as he filled my mouth. I moaned against him, swallowing what he gave like the pro I am. He watched me do so under heavy lids, brushing the hair out of my face.

"Jesus," he panted, "Christ."

I jerked his pants and boxers down his muscular legs. I wanted him completely naked for my game. He'd wanted to play earlier, and I was going to give it right back.

"Think you can follow some simple directions?" I asked.

He swallowed with a nod. "Tell me what you want."

"For you to follow directions, because you seem to have forgotten how. I asked you to behave in New York and you decided that was too difficult a task."

"Kels, he touch—"

"No talking," I said, pressing my finger to his lips. "Less conversation, more action. I don't need excuses, I need an orgasm."

He dropped his hand to pump himself. "Yes, you do."

"But we're going to get there slowly."

"Not fair," he whispered.

"That's not for you to decide."

He groaned, sweat forming above his brow where his cute freckle resided. I stood on my tiptoes to kiss it, running my fingers through his soft locks.

"Do you want me or do you want Miss Delta?"

His forehead wrinkled. "What? You. You're the only one I want. Don't say shit like that."

"Interesting," I said. "Especially considering I told you the exact same thing about Evan, but you didn't believe me. Why should I believe you?"

He sighed, scratching at his scruff. "I get it. We don't have to do this."

"We apparently do. Because I thought we were done going there, but once again we fought over someone irrelevant to our marriage."

"I'm sorry I lost it," he said. "I won't make excuses. It is what it is. I'm a jealous fucking idiot and I made that clear."

I watched him, standing before me gloriously naked, admitting his faults. I loved him, and maybe part of me didn't mind the jealousy. I liked that he was protective of me, but Evan wasn't Brad. There was no reason for Jamie to act the way he did. I had to let it go though. If Evan was as nice of a guy as he seemed he would move on, too. We'd never mention it again, and we'd get his book published, finally bringing our work relationship to an end. For my husband's sanity.

I stepped up to him, scraping my fingernails down his back. "Take my shirt off."

He gazed at me for a long moment. I scratched the base of his neck, causing him to briefly shut those big blues.

"You're going to unman me," he breathed.

"You're all man and the only one I want. Now take my clothes off." His eyes were on mine. "Like a man."

He smiled, gingerly removing my shirt over my head. I held him close as he unclasped my bra and pulled it from my breasts. They bounced free between us.

"Beautiful," he said, massaging them and thumbing both nipples until they were hard.

"Pants," I instructed.

He licked his lips and I suddenly needed to taste more of him. His hands fell to my waistline as I latched onto his mouth. He trailed one under the band of my yoga pants, finding my drenched core. I gasped into the kiss when he slid a finger through my folds.

"All for me," he mumbled.

"Jamie," I moaned.

He palmed my bud, rolling it in a dangerous pattern. I was going to unravel, but I wasn't ready.

"Let me return the favor," he whispered against my ear.

"Put your hands everywhere. Claim what's yours."

"Only my hands?" he asked, biting the edge of my lobe.

"What else did you have in mind?" I teased back.

"I want to taste you, nibble your soft skin."

"Good plan."

He trailed sweet kisses along my jaw. "Is that what you want?"

I nodded. "I want your lips on every inch of me. Starting here." I touched my neck. "And ending here." I trailed my fingertip across my nipple, over my baby bump, and stopped at the apex of my thighs.

"You own me," he muttered.

"Ditto," I said with a whimper as he removed his hand from my pants.

His tongue and mouth began following the map I'd outlined. He sucked my nipple between his lips, circling his tongue a few times before giving the other the same attention. I played with his hair, coaxing him along. He dropped to his knees, kissing my stomach.

"Daddy's sorry for the noise and bumpy ride," he said. "Mummy's a screamer."

I giggled. "Shut up and keep going."

He smirked, tugging my pants and lace boy shorts down my legs so I could step out of both. I gripped his shoulders when he leaned in to kiss my mound.

"Maybe you should lay down," he said.

I nodded, stepping back to the bed and sitting on the edge. He nestled between my legs, resuming his task. I leaned on my elbows as he spread my legs further, licking and sucking all of me. My release was imminent, but I wanted him.

"Fuck me," I begged. The tables had turned, I was the desperate one. "Now, or I'll finish myself."

He rolled me onto my left side and smacked my ass. "You wouldn't dare. Although I wouldn't mind watching."

I shook my head as he positioned himself behind me. He lifted my leg in his palm, slowly inching his thick length inside.

"Mmm, God." I was too close.

"That's it, baby," he said as I pushed myself onto him.

"Slow, please."

He kissed the soft skin behind my ear. "Take what you need."

I rolled my hips against him, feeling the tip of him brush my favorite spot. He set a languid pace, pushing all the way in before withdrawing. His free hand squeezed my breast, his new favorite pastime.

"I'm gonna come." I grunted, knowing he wasn't there yet.

"It's okay," he whispered. "I want it."

The feel of his hot breath on my neck was my ultimate undoing. I clenched him tightly, over and over as my orgasm exploded. Absolute bliss. I clawed at his hip as he continued to thrust, the spasms going on.

"Pump me, baby." He slammed into me a few more times before he surprisingly also let go. The remainder spilling down my thigh.

I panted when he finally stilled, removing himself and releasing my leg. I rested on his chest, both of us spent and heaving.

"I love you," I said, disturbing the sound of our rough breaths.

"I love you more. Thank you."

I rolled in his arms. "For what?"

He laughed. "For letting me back in. For the orgasms. For calling me on my shit and not letting me get away with being a selfish asshole."

I kissed his nose. "You're not an asshole. You're just overprotective and worried about nothing, but you already know this."

"I've never felt this way about anyone," he confessed. "And I don't know how to deal with it. What we have is unique and rare, so sometimes I get scared I'll lose it over something stupid. Or someone."

I smiled. "You tell me all the time that nothing will come between us. Why don't you believe me when I say the same? You mean everything to me, Jamie. I'm not going to risk losing you. You're my life, and now we've created a life. For the rest of eternity you'll be the only man for me."

He kissed me softly and slowly, savoring the taste of my lips.

"Does this mean I'm not sleeping on the couch again?" he asked, trying not to smirk.

"No, baby," I answered. "You're sleeping with me."

"That's more like it." He pulled me closer, nuzzling my neck. "I never knew it was possible to be this loved and to love the same person back equally as much. I've never had what we have."

I twirled his hair around my finger, holding his shoulders with my other arm.

"So many people love you," I said.

"Not like this."

"Well no, I hope not like this."

We both chuckled.

"I don't feel worthy."

Where was this heartfelt confession coming from? The beautiful, romantic, smart, flawless man in my arms was more insecure than he let on.

"Baby, you are. Let me love you without fear of what may happen. Life is messy, but we will get through it."

"Please never leave."

I tugged at his hair to force our eyes and I noticed his were bloodshot. "What's wrong, Jamie? Tell me."

"I can't lose you. I don't know what I'd do if you changed your mind or if something..." he trailed off and it registered.

His mother's passing caused these deeply rooted fears he'd covered throughout the years. He was terribly scared of being left. My heart clenched inside my chest.

"You can't think like that," I said. "You'll go crazy, and that's not fair. To you or me. We can't stop bad things from happening, but we can enjoy the life we share in the meantime. You don't have to be scared. I'm not going to voluntarily leave. I promise."

"That's just it though." His tears fell freely and I tried to catch them.

"Jamie, I wish I could take back what happened to her."

There was a realization in his eyes that I knew what he was referencing without him having to tell me.

"But it wasn't stoppable. I can't fathom your pain, baby. I can't and I won't try. Please trust me when I say she's still with you. She would want the best for you. Let me be that. Let me love you the way I know you deserve."

"I think you're the only one who knows how." He choked on a sob.

I nodded. "I'm never ever going to leave, okay? You are my soul mate. Nothing in the universe can separate our bond, believe it."

"I love you," he whispered.

"Shh." I pulled him into my chest, allowing him to lose himself in all of the emotions he'd let build up. Over months, over years, I wasn't sure. But I was his wife, the mother of his unborn child, and it was my job to love both of them hard enough that they never questioned my heart. Just like Jim had told Jamie to do. 


Welcome to my rollercoaster ride of emotions! What did you think? Please don't forget to vote and/or leave me feedback before departing! Thank you for reading :) xo

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