Chapter 17

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A/N: Happy Mother's Day to all the incredible mommies who read this story and the ones that raised all of us :) In honor, I wanted to update this story about our future mom-to-be! And it's their anniversary chapter, so I really hope you love it! I'll give you a break from the Evan drama, hah! Xo


It was hard to believe Jamie and I had been married for a year. It seemed like yesterday and forever rolled into one. We'd been through a lot in our first year, even aside from the baby. It hadn't been the smooth road I planned on, but it made us stronger and through the rough times we grew closer. I wasn't scared of what the future held, because I knew we'd make it come hell or high water. We were bringing a child into the world, one we'd created from the purest love either of us had known, and our lives together had only just begun.

Jamie was always the one planning grand romantic gestures, but for our first anniversary I'd wanted to plan my own. He'd been stubborn and struggled with his past demons during my project with Evan; however, we made amends. After some long discussions, sleepless nights in the sheets, and sweet acts on his part I'd fully forgiven him. Although his violence had no place in our lives, directed at me or not, I understood it came from somewhere buried within. We faced it together, and there was no use in dwelling on it, making our lives miserable in the process.

I headed back upstairs after finishing the set up for my surprise. I had everything strategically planted, and it was time to wake him so the fun could begin. I crawled into bed, snuggling against his side. He slowly woke, his hand rubbing a soft pattern over my hip.

"Happy anniversary, hubby," I said, kissing his cheek.

He opened one eye to peer at me and I laughed. "Happy first anniversary, wifey."

I squealed when he rolled me to straddle his waist. Our baby didn't leave room for close cuddles anymore. He moved his hand to my bump.

"Daddy can't hug Mummy," he said.

I smirked. "I mean we could, but it'd be awkward as hell."

He chuckled. "And you won't get to be on top much longer."

"Are you suggesting I seize the opportunity?"

He nudged me with his hips, his erection coming to life behind me. "You're already there, so—"

I shook my head. "Maybe I should make you wait."

"It's our anniversary." He narrowed his gaze.

I shrugged. "Mommy's hungry. Get up."

"I can get up and fill your hunger. Consider it a 2-for-1 deal." His teeth bit into his bottom lip.

"Baby, I'm too excited for your surprises. Please?"

He sighed, closing his eyes. "Fine, you're off the hook for now."

I leaned down to kiss him, but was unable with my bump. He chuckled, meeting me halfway. He deepened it, our tongues dancing briefly.

"Maybe I'll let you have me after breakfast, bent over the table or riding you on the couch, your choice. Deal?"

"Christ." He groaned. "You're not helping."

I laughed, he was too easy to tease. "I'll make it up to you, promise. Now let's go!"

I clapped my hands as I rolled from his waist to stand. He rubbed his face before joining. He slid a pair of gym shorts over his hardened length and I had to resist whimpering. It was my fault. He eyed me, knowing I was watching.

"After you," he said with a grin.

He followed as I led us down to the kitchen. I stopped in front of the fridge and nodded at the white board hanging on it.

His eyes left my gaze and he chuckled at the note. "Because you're so sweet, open me for a first anniversary treat."

I smiled as he looked inside to reveal the top layer of our wedding cake. We'd kept it frozen for a year, a cute tradition we decided to try.

"You have to share," I said. "With your pregnant wife and growing boy."

He lit up the room with his bright smile. "I suppose that's fair."

He pulled the cake from the shelf and noticed the second note taped to the top. He tore it off and read it aloud in his delicious accent. "Mummy is always hungry...for Daddy. Your next gift sits where we do for dinner."

I shrugged when his gaze met mine. "I told you I'd make it up to you."

He raised an eyebrow, heading toward the kitchen table. I'd set the small bottle inside a gift bag to keep him guessing. He tossed the tissue paper to the side and laughed loudly when he pulled the KY Jelly from it.

"Wow," he said. "Very subtle, baby. I'm impressed."

I snorted. "Shut up, I was trying to be creative."

"Oh, we're going to get real creative later." He winked and my heart began racing at the possibilities.

"Check the bottom of the bag," I said.

He retrieved the next note. "March 17 is a lucky day, but before you get lucky find the shamrock in the pantry." He shook his head.

"What? It's a lucky day for more than one reason now."

He laughed. "Our poor son. Conceived on my favorite day of the year."

"Excuse me?" I pointed at myself.

"Okay okay, my second favorite day."

"Today better be at the top, Mr. Dornan!"

He chuckled. "Always and forever, Mrs. Dornan."

I followed him back into the kitchen as he opened the pantry. I'd taped a big glittery shamrock on a bottle of Jameson. He retrieved it with that shit-eating grin that had yet to fade.

"Good choice," he said, holding it up.

"You might need a shot or two before I push our wild child out."

"Don't think I can handle it?" He pursed his lips.

"I've got a good grip, baby. Wouldn't want you to end up in a bed beside me."

He roared with laughter. "Fair enough."

"Your next clue is written on the back of the shamrock."

He ripped it off the bottle and turned it over, eyeing me after reading it to himself.

"What?" I asked.

"I've stretched your shirt over my belly, check the hangers before you get jelly?"

"You don't get it?"

"Um, maybe."

I rolled my eyes. "Check the closet."


"No, the one by the front door."

He nodded, heading in that direction. I trailed behind as he dove right in, flipping through the jackets. I'd purposely hid it toward the back so it wasn't obvious.

He found it, pulling out the hanger that had a Manchester United shirt on it. His eyes met mine. "Baby, you didn't have to get me a new one."

"I think I stretched yours out. Or rather, we did." I cupped my bump.

He smirked. "I'm okay with that."

"Well, now you have one that won't be so baggy."

"Thank you," he said. "All of these gifts are incredibly thoughtful."

He leaned in for a kiss, but I held my hand up. "You're not done."


"Turn it over."

On the back I'd pinned one final note. He read it to me. "Our little guy will make many a peep, but your last gift can soothe him, it can be found where he'll sleep."

"I hope you like it," I said.

He wasted no time responding as he practically jogged toward the stairs. I laughed, following him. He barreled through the nursery door. I met him a few steps later as he stood gawking at the gift I'd propped against the wall.

"Wh-what is that?" he stuttered.

"Happy anniversary."

He caught my eye for a second before picking up his new guitar. I watched as he caressed the dark wood, holding it against his stomach.

"It's beautiful," he whispered.

"It's a Gibson J-200 directly from Memphis."

His gaze was watery when it met mine. "You ordered it from Memphis?"

"Yes, baby. It's the exact model Elvis played. The closest thing I could get to his real guitar."

"Oh my fuck—" His mouth dropped open and he froze.

"I love you," I said quietly with a grin.

He gently set it on the floor before tackling me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he rocked us back and forth, his tears wetting my cheek. My fingers tangled in his hair while he cried.

"You're incredible," he mumbled.

I stepped back to grip his face, wiping the wetness away with my thumbs. "You've been amazing this last year and especially during my pregnancy. You're always doing such beautiful things for me, this is the least I can do to repay you."

"Baby," his lips were on mine before he could finish his thought.

I melted into his warm mouth, our tongues tangling. I sucked at his bottom lip and he moaned. He lifted me into his arms and I knew that was the end of the game.

"Your gift will have to wait," he muttered between kisses. "I need you now."

I smirked, pulling us apart as he carried me back to the bedroom. "What about breakfast?"

"Fuck breakfast. You're not getting away this time."

I giggled as he set me down at the foot of the bed. Safe to say I'd done well in choosing his gifts, and he was about to thank me in my favorite way.


The doorbell rang as I retouched my make-up in the downstairs bathroom. Jamie and I had kicked off our evening with glasses of sparkling juice on the porch. We'd laughed and swung, watching the summer crowds diminish as the day faded to early evening. It had been hard to walk away from such a beautiful sunset, but Jamie guaranteed the view from dinner would be equally fantastic.

"Can you get that?" he yelled from the top of the steps. He'd gone up to fetch something.

I didn't respond as I flipped off the light and headed for the door. I opened it and was greeted by an older gentleman holding a bouquet.

"Mrs. Dornan?" he read from the card.

"I am she." I smiled as he handed me the flowers.

"Enjoy." He gave me a nod before disappearing down the sidewalk.

I turned and practically bumped into my husband who stood behind me with a seductive smile.

"Happy anniversary, beautiful."

I gazed at the colorful bouquet of carnations. They were bright red, light pink, purple, white, and beyond gorgeous.

"Jamie, they're lovely."

"They're not white roses, but I can get you those tomorrow."

I grinned. "You can get me any color flower you want. I would never deny them."

"I Googled it." He chuckled.


"First anniversary flowers. When I told Dad white roses were your favorite he told me not to be ignorant to tradition. He couldn't remember what flower it was, so I had to look it up. Turns out it's carnations."

I giggled. "Your dad knows what flowers you buy me?"

He blushed and I resisted kissing his rosy cheeks. "He asked if I'd made any big plans for us and then it spiraled from there."

I moved to kiss him on the lips. He groaned, tilting my chin to deepen it. We stood like that for a long while, relishing in the embrace.

"Well, I can't wait to see what those plans are. Let me put these in water real quick."

I shuffled to the kitchen and grabbed a vase from the cabinet. I filled it with enough water to get it through until tomorrow, setting it on the counter before meeting him again.

"My lady." He offered me an elbow. I laughed as he walked me out of our house and to the car.

We rode in silence, holding hands on the console, and merely enjoyed each other's company. I rested my other hand on my bump, feeling the little guy tumbling around. It was amazing to know he was in there and I had constant proof. It was a relief every time he wiggled, because it meant he was okay. He reassured Mommy he was still cooking.

"He's kicking," I said.

Jamie looked over before breaking our hold to get a feel. I helped guide his wrist to where and he chuckled when he moved.

"Hey buddy," he said.

I kept my hand atop his as I let him talk.

"Why don't you take the night off so Daddy can impress Mummy?"

I laughed. "What's that entail?"

"Daddy might have some plans he doesn't want baby dude to hear."

"Is that so?"

He lifted my palm to kiss my ring. "Give Mummy a break, okay? I'm going to be selfish and take her for myself."

"I'm all yours," I said, meeting his gaze.

"Did you think this time last year that you'd be pregnant now?"

I shook my head. "I didn't, but I think you had other plans."

He snorted. "We got a little carried away with the honeymoon stage."

"Yeah, Daddy couldn't keep his hands to himself."

He parked the car in a spot outside our favorite lakefront restaurant. He cut the engine before twisting in his seat to look at me. "You are happy though, right?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What? God, Jamie of course! I've never been happier. Why would you ask that?"

He sighed. "I don't know, I just—I hope I didn't rush you into this life. It all went so fast; moving in, getting engaged, married, a new house, a baby. And I wanted all of it, every single moment to be shared with you. But I hope in my wants I didn't push you too fast into things you didn't want."

"Baby, stop." I gripped his hand tightly between both of mine, trying to read his expression. "You always told me not to worry about moving too fast, that if it felt right then we had to trust it. Because what we share is more special than anything either of us has experienced. It happened the way it did and exactly when it was supposed to."

"Were you ready?" His gaze was intense as he begged for my honesty.

"Are we ever?" I offered a smile. "When does life ask for permission? Our wedding and honeymoon were exactly what we wanted. We've turned our house into a beautiful home to fill with memories. And we knew full well every time we made love without protection that there was a potential for pregnancy. So yes, I'm extremely happy that I share this life with you. No, you didn't push me, and I may have never been ready, but it wasn't up to us. Fate has dealt us a pretty amazing deck of cards."

He nodded. "It makes me happy that you're happy with me. I know I've been an ass recently, and I didn't want to push you to a point where you questioned if you made the right decisions."

"Jamie, baby, you have to let go of those insecurities. I love you and only you. I chose to marry you and start a family with you. I will always pick you."

"Then I want to give you your gift now, if that's okay?"

"Of course." I leaned in to kiss him quickly.

He shot me his shy smile as he pulled the blue Tiffany's box from his jacket pocket. "Here's to one of many happy years together."

I took the present from his trembling hand, not understanding where his nerves had come from. I untied the white bow and lifted the lid. I gasped when it revealed a diamond infinity necklace.

He cleared his throat. "My love for you is infinite. It has no edges and does not end. I am forever yours."

"Jamie," I breathed, choking on my tears. "It's the most beautiful and special gift."

"Our son will be the most beautiful gift you'll ever give me."

I took a leveling breath as he stretched across the console to hug me. He kissed the side of my head a dozen times as I gripped his neck with my fingers.

"I love you more than you could ever know," I said.

"And I always will," he finished.

I sat back, kissing his lips over and over. He chuckled, holding my face to stop me.

"You should've waited until after dinner."

He smirked. "The timing felt right."

I nodded. "My make up is probably a mess and I really wish we could skip dinner so we can go home to bed. But naturally I'm fucking starving and could eat the house."

He threw his head back in laughter. "We're not skipping dinner, and you look so damn gorgeous I wish you knew. In fact..." he trailed off.


"Follow me." He tossed open his car door before meeting me at mine and reaching for my hand.

"Where are you taking me?"

"I want a picture of you like this. Right now."

"I look like a mess!" I protested, pulling on his arm.

He ignored, walking me to a grassy area. "You look like my wife and the mother of my child. I want a permanent reminder of this moment. Please?"

I sighed as he dropped my hand to reach for his phone. "Okay fine. But just one then you better feed me."

"Cross my heart." He winked.

I turned sideways, placing my hand on the trunk of a nearby tree. Jamie grinned as he snapped a picture.

"Perfect," he said. "You are perfect."

"Food! Now!"

He held his hands up. "Yes, let's eat so I can get you home."

I rolled my eyes, dragging him toward the entrance as the sun began its final descent over the water.


I was still blindsided by Jamie's worries in the car, but I tried to cast them aside over dinner. I didn't want him to question anything else on our special day. He'd been vulnerable since the incident with Evan, and I tried to keep that in mind. It was the ugliest moment in our marriage, but it was over. I wasn't going to leave him because of it, yet for some reason he was terrified I wanted to. How could I prove to him that I wasn't going anywhere?

"I'm excited to see Dulcie," I said while we waited for dessert.

Since being pregnant, every meal we had turned into multiple courses. Jamie was even putting on some sympathy pounds, which made me smile. He looked cute with a tiny tummy and six-pack abs. My abs were long since buried, and I hoped they made a fair return after December.

"Me too. I miss her." He downed the rest of his water.

"FaceTime is a wonderful invention, but nothing beats the real thing."

He nodded. "Also, I'm pretty sure my sister is throwing you a small shower while we're there."

"I know," I chuckled. "Jess sent me pictures of decorations the other day and tried to play it off when I asked her what they were for. I think the blue gave her away."

His smile grew wider. "I told her to go easy on you. And easy on me, since I'm going to have to ship it all back here."

"God, I didn't even think of that." I pouted.

"It's fine, baby. Part of the deal with long-distance families."

"Well, the registry gifts will come straight to us. It's the other things we have to worry about."

"You don't have to worry at all. I'll take care of it."

I smirked. "My knight in shining armor. Thanks for always handling the not-so-fun parts."

"Hey, I love it. I'll get two golf days out of this." He bit his lip to stifle his laugh.

"Why two?"

"The shower there and the one here."

I shook my head. "Careful what you brag about, I'll make you suffer through them with me."

He laughed. "Women get weird at those things. Eating melted chocolate out of diapers, no thanks."

I snorted. "Absolutely not happening. I'll run away."

"Jess might tie you to the chair, she loves traditional shit."

"No she won't. She knows I'm not big on being the center of attention."

He grinned. "You're right. I told her to behave."

"Can you believe we're even having this conversation?"

"I can and I can't."

I raised my eyebrow. "How so?"

"I can believe it, because it's what I've wanted with you since the beginning. But I also can't, because it feels surreal that we're having a baby."

"I'm going to push a human out of my body in a few months. How crazy is that?"

I cleared my throat as our waiter returned with dessert, knowing full well he heard what I said.

Jamie laughed and thanked him. "It's going to be amazing."

I took a bite of my triple chocolate cake, and stopped myself from moaning. "Can I tell you a secret?"

He looked up from his cherry cheesecake. "Of course you can, baby. You don't ever need permission."

"I don't want you to take this the wrong way."

He swallowed his bite. "Say it before my mind has time to wander."

"I'm a little scared." I shouldn't have said anything, because his forehead immediately wrinkled.

"Of what, darlin'?"

"Having a baby."

He chewed on another piece, watching me as he thought about his response. "Actually giving birth or raising a kid?"

I giggled, nervous to admit it after all this time. "Both."

He nodded. "I would be more surprised if you weren't. It's the biggest event of your life and the greatest responsibility we'll have."

"Maybe I should talk to Jim. He always helps with his wisdom and expertise."

"You can talk to me," he said.

I held up my hand to stop him. "That's not what I meant, babe. I'm talking about the process of labor. He could walk me through it before Google terrifies me even more."

"He does know exactly how it works," he chuckled, "but I'll be there every step of the way."

"Laying in bed with me? Holding my hand? Wiping my tears?"

He smiled. "All of that and more."

"You're the best husband in the world. And I already know you're the best daddy, but I'll realize that tenfold when I see you with our son."

"A boy." He took a deep breath, setting his fork down. "Still can't wrap my head around it."

"Me neither. Not that I would've been able to wrap my head around having a girl, but wow. I'm going to raise a little man."

He sniffled and it was only then I realized his emotions had taken over. "I can't wait to see you with him."

"Sweetie, don't cry." I wanted to move and gather him in my arms, but I didn't want to draw attention.

"We should go." He wiped his eyes, retrieving his wallet and dropping enough money on the table to cover the bill with a significant tip.

He stood, reaching for my hand and I took it, letting him drag me through the restaurant and to the car.

I waited for him to reverse and drive off before I spoke. "Thank you for dinner."

He gripped our interlocked fingers tighter. "You don't have to thank me."

"Dessert was pretty fantastic as well."

He laughed. "I don't think I've had my fill of dessert."

I ran my thumb across his knuckles. "I can't think of anything else I'd rather do right now than you."

He looked over with a toothy grin. "You should write Hallmark cards, Miss Romance."

I shrugged. "I owe you one."

"Or three."

"Oh, an all nighter?" I asked.

He nodded. "If you're up for it."

"Not sure I'm the one who has to be up for it."

We shared a laugh at our ability to shift a serious conversation to a hilarious one at the drop of a hat. He was my partner in all things.

"Let's get you home first."

I watched the houses pass, most of the lakefront properties shaded by lush trees. The only sign of activity was in the distant lights shining through the branches. I was grateful in that moment for our quiet life away from the glitz and glamour. That had never been me, and I'd grown to learn that had never been Jamie either. He loved his line of work, but he didn't love the publicity that came with it. I never minded the little bubble he kept us in. I took comfort in knowing our children would never feel the intimidation of the spotlight.

He pulled into the garage and once he shut the car off, I exited, wasting no time heading inside and toward what I was craving the most—him.

He didn't say anything as he trailed behind. My only indication he was following were his footsteps. I flipped on the lights in our bedroom and his hands snaked around me to cup my bump no sooner than we walked in.

"Do you want a massage, a bath, some candles, music?" he whispered against my ear.

The goosebumps flared across my skin. "All of the above."

He kissed my neck with a laugh.

"But you first," I said.

He stepped away from my frame to lower the overhead lights. I watched as he moved to close the blinds and curtains covering our windows. It didn't matter how many times we were intimate, I always got butterflies knowing this stunning man wanted me as much as I wanted him.

He walked up, cupping my chin. "I love you and our little man more than life itself."

I smiled and held back the tears. "We love you like crazy. There's no one better meant to care for the two of us than you." If he needed an ego boost, I would give it to him. Anything to reassure him and silence those fears he expressed earlier in the car.

"Let me show you how right you are." He smirked, turning me and grasping the zipper at my neck.

I bit my lip as he lowered it slowly, his knuckles brushing my spine on the way. The dress pooled at my feet and I kicked it away, taking the opportunity to step out of my pumps.

I spun around, Jamie's face flushed with anticipation. My fingers met the buttons on his collared white shirt, undoing each one without breaking our eye contact. It fell open and I couldn't resist running my hands from his broad chest down to the V on his hips.

He pulled the fabric from his arms while I went to work on his dark jeans. I unsnapped the button and slid the zipper down. I knelt before him as he watched under hooded eyes. I left a soft kiss to his happy trail before linking my fingers in the waistband and pulling him free from his jeans and boxers. He stepped out of both after removing his shoes.

I stood, choosing to skip on oral because I needed him now. He met my fervor, unclasping my bra in a single move then dropping to his knees to remove my panties. I played with his hair when he pressed his lips to my bump, kissing our son and me simultaneously. I treasured those moments, because they would be over too soon. I helped him up from the floor, and he walked me backward toward the bed.

"We're getting limited on positions." He grinned.

I felt myself blush. "My favorite is still an option. Maybe we can add some pillows."

He nodded. "Absolutely."

I reached for the ones on my side and he grabbed his, stacking them up at the foot of the bed.

"Is that enough?" he asked.

I leaned over, resting my bump on the cushion we'd created. "Perfect."

He stepped up behind me and I felt his hand cup my wet center. I spread my legs further as he teased with his fingers, slipping one in and out before gliding down to rub my swollen bud. I could feel his length hard against my lower back, and the fire inside erupted—I wanted him.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Fine. Please, Jamie."

Without further adieu he slid into me gently, allowing me to adjust. I moaned and gripped the sheets at the sensation. He'd been right, the sex only got better as the weeks went by. He pulled out and with the same measured stroke pushed back into me. It was too controlled. I knew he wanted to make love, but my release was imminent and I didn't think I would last.

"Happy first anniversary," he said.

I smiled, feeling him finally pick up the pace. "Mmm, it was amazing."

"You're amazing, baby. Damn."

He grasped at my skin with one hand on my hip, the other on my shoulder, keeping me in place to control his thrusts. I rolled back into him every time he bottomed out and the feeling was indescribable. I was losing my mind.

"Harder," I begged.

"Slow," he argued.

I whimpered, knowing that wasn't going to stop me from coming undone. "I can't—"

He silenced my protest as he obliged, slamming into me over and over. He pushed my body up the pillow and my fingers trembled with my grip on the sheets.

"God, Kels." He was panting as he continued to bring me closer to the edge.

"Oh fuck, right there," I cried. He hit my sweet spot with every deep thrust and I couldn't hold back any longer.

My legs shook as my orgasm rippled through my body. I moaned his name, tightening around him while he kept going.

"Ah," he grunted, his own climax being milked from him by my throbbing. "Yesss."

I collapsed my body weight onto the pillows and mattress, feeling him pull out after he finished, and dropping on the bed beside me. We both attempted to catch our breath. I giggled when I looked over at him.

"I could use two more rounds of that."

He laughed, wiping the sweat from his brow. "And here I wanted to take it slow."

"What can I say? This kid has turned me into a cheetah."

He rolled onto his side, his strong hand running down to my lower back and gently kneading it. "Well, we have all night. If Mummy can make it, that is."

I smirked, my eyes bouncing between his blue-grey ones. "I think we should savor this second honeymoon stage while it lasts."

"Good idea." He moved to leave a lingering kiss on my lips.

"Bath?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You need not ask twice."

I laughed as he hopped up and took off toward the bathroom. I was lucky—to have him, our families, a home, and soon a baby boy. In one year he'd managed to make dreams come true that I hadn't even dreamt.


What did you think of their first anniversary celebration? Please don't forget to vote and/or comment before going <3 Thank you for reading, you all mean the world to me!

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