Chapter 18

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A/N: I love writing these family chapters, because I know you all love reading them! So Dulcie is back, and here's one of Kelsey's showers. Hope you enjoy, thank you for your unwavering support! Xo



Jamie and I made it to London without any major hiccups. Except I was quickly learning our son did not enjoy flying—this was the second trip he'd been antsy. Jamie glared at the passengers who passed me looks when I paced the aisle. London had been much longer and higher of a flight than New York, and baby boy wasn't a fan. I'd tried to relax while Jamie did everything he could to make the seven hour trek less stressful.

Unfortunately, I hadn't slept a wink last night, and today was the baby shower Jess and Liesa would host. It wouldn't be too much as it was only Jamie's family and friends, but I was feeling less than bright-eyed.

I closed the dishwasher and turned it on as Dulcie played with her toys on the living room floor. Jamie had on Sky Sports, per usual. He would be running off with Jim to play golf while we had the party. It'd be nice father-son time, even if I wished he were staying to help field questions.

"Dulcie," I caught her attention, "can you help Mama and please clean up your mess before company arrives?"

Jamie agreed to let the ladies host at our house since it was more centrally located, and easier for his out of town friends to access.

"And you need to change into your new dress," Jamie added. "It's not a PJ party."

She giggled, but ignored us both. Wiggle worm stretched in my tummy and I gripped the back of the couch, feeling him reposition.

"You okay?" Jamie asked, grabbing my waist.

"I'm fine. We have a tumbler."

He helped me sit down beside him.

"Princess, let's get going," I said. "We have people coming over any minute."

"I'm playing castle," she argued.

"I can see that, but it's time to play dress up. How about that?"


I sighed, leaning into the cushion and holding my stomach. I could feel a small sweat about to break out, so I took some deep breaths. I didn't want to lose my cool with her or anyone, but I was already exhausted and we hadn't done anything.

Jamie intervened. "Mama doesn't feel good and Daddy's not in the mood for attitude. Please clean up your toys and get ready like we asked."

"I don't want to!" she yelled.

He held up a finger, warning her to watch her tone. "I'm sorry about it, but it's not an option. We can play later."

"I'll wear this."

"No you won't. Go put on your pretty dress."


"Excuse me? You don't tell me no, and you don't tell Mama no. That's two times, it won't happen a third."

"I don't want to!"

"Dulcie, get dressed now!" He raised his voice.

I rubbed my temples as their attitudes unfolded. Lovely, I had two grumpy pants on my hands out of the womb, and one kicker on the inside.

"Daddy's mean."

I interrupted before Jamie blew. "Daddy is not mean. We've both asked you to get dressed way too many times yet you haven't budged. That's enough. We are done arguing. Go change, and not another word."

She crossed her arms and huffed, stomping every step up the stairs to her room.

Jamie's gaze met mine. "Sorry we added to your stress. I can't do this diva behavior though."

"Whatever," I said, wiggling my way to stand. "Enjoy golfing with your dad while I tend to a sassy toddler."

He grabbed my wrist before I could waddle away. "I don't think so," he said.

He pulled me down onto his lap and I tried to hide my smile. My mood could swing quicker than his golf club.

"I'm not leaving this house with both of my girls pissed at me."

I shook my head. "I'm sorry. I didn't sleep worth a shit last night, and don't feel like doing much of anything. But I'm grateful your sisters want to do this for me, don't get me wrong."

"I guarantee every person that'll be in this room will understand. Besides, I already think you're Superwoman."

I chuckled. "Any idea how to tame grumpy gills? At least she's easier to manage than the one doing backflips off my uterus."

He snorted, caressing my thigh, which was soothing my nerves more than I'd realized. "She'll be distracted soon, with cake and cousins and games. Samina will keep her in line."

"And who will keep you in line?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Say I do misbehave, will you punish me later?"

I leaned in to kiss him. His lips were soft as they melted into mine. He brought his other hand up to rest on my bump and hold me firmly in place.

"I'll see what I can work out," I whispered.

"Ew," Dulcie said.

We both looked over at her standing in the middle of the floor with her dress on backwards. Neither of us could resist the laughter that spilled at her innocence.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing," I said. "Daddy tickled me."

"More importantly," he added, "kissing the people you love isn't ew."

"You kiss me." The pride in her voice was adorable.

"Because I love you. See what I mean?"

"You kiss Mama because you love her."

I smiled. "Yes, and I love Daddy, so I kiss him back."

I turned to demonstrate again and she giggled.

"I kiss your brother too," Jamie said. "All the time."

"My brudder? Where?"

We both pointed at my belly.

"How you kiss him?" she asked.

"I just kiss Mama's belly, and since he's inside he can feel it."

"He feels in there?"

I nodded. "He can hear you, too."

She walked up, gripping my big bump in her tiny hands. I held my breath when she pressed a gentle kiss to it before moving her ear down to listen.

"What's it sound like?" Jamie asked.

"A heartbeat."

We chuckled, knowing it was mine she was hearing, because it was beating wildly at the precious moment.

"Say hi," I told her.

"Hi brudder. I kissed you because I love you."

Jamie's hand rubbed my lower back, sensing the emotions before they arose. I ran my fingers through her hair.

"You're such a sweet sister," I encouraged. "He's lucky to have you."

"You can protect him someday like Aunt Jess and Liesa protected me."

She giggled. "He can protect me too."

"Sure he can," I said. I didn't have time to deepen our family bond as the doorbell rang.

"I bet that's them," Jamie said.

She took off toward the door to answer it for us.

"And I bet your leg is numb." I laughed. "Sorry, babe."

He helped me stand, joining me. "Are we good?"

"Yes, very." I pecked him before the noise erupted, and Jamie's family filed in.

"Oh my word," Jim said, barreling toward me.

"Gentle, Dad." Jamie laughed.

He wrapped me in a bear hug. "Don't tell me how to hold my pregnant daughter-in-law."

"It's so good to see you," I said, squeezing him tight.

"You look beautiful, sweetie." He held me at arms length and observed my new figure.

"I didn't sleep a wink last night, but I'll give credit to the pregnancy glow."

Jamie's sisters interrupted our conversation. I couldn't even understand what they were saying as Jess and Liesa both squealed various phrases. Their hands were on my bump before Jim could respond.

"Seriously?" Jamie asked. "She's not a zoo animal."

He brushed them away and everyone laughed at him.

"Relax, overprotective daddy." Jess rolled her eyes.

"I don't mind," I told him with a wink.

"I mind." He huffed.

"Jim, take the boy off her hands for a few hours," Samina said. "Let her breathe."

Jamie wasn't having it, his arm gripped my waist tighter as they heckled him. I couldn't hide my humor in the situation. Jim tossed Dulcie in the air and she giggled before he set her back down, and then she was off to the races with her cousins.

"Meanwhile," Samina continued, "I'll be on Grandma duty today."

I smiled. "Thank you, you're a lifesaver."

"All right," Jim said as Jess and Liesa took off with their bags toward the kitchen. "You ready, son?"

Jamie looked over at me. "I could stay, if you wanted."

I shook my head. "I want you to have fun with my wonderful father-in-law."

Jim's smile lit up the room. "How'd you get this lucky?"

Jamie chuckled. "I don't want to know, because I don't want to jinx it. But thank fuck."

"Daddy said a bad word!" Dulcie yelled as she ran in to grab a game.

I burst out laughing, and Jamie closed his eyes.

"Have fun with that," he said.

"Yeah well, when her mommy calls and asks why she's saying the F word, I don't want to hear you complain."

"Golf. Now." He pointed at the door and Jim joined me in laughter.

"Enjoy, Kelso," he said, tipping his hat.

"Don't miss me too much," Jamie said, kissing me quickly.

"Or maybe not at all."

He snapped his finger and narrowed his gaze, causing me to smirk.

"Love you."

"Love you too, baby."


Jess, Liesa, and Samina had outdone themselves. For something that was meant to be small, they'd gone over-the-top. Between the decorations, games, and food—I felt all of the love in the room for our son.

I'd cried my way through opening the gifts, aww'ing and giggling at the sweet outfits Jamie's family and friends bought. I was blown away that Jamie's friends' wives came to support me. I'd met most of them very briefly at our wedding, but they'd showered our baby in gifts like we were family. It was no wonder he was such an incredible man, because the people surrounding him were equally amazing.

"Mama! Mama!" Dulcie came running toward me.

I stopped my conversation with Jamie's cousin. She smiled as she stepped away to leave us alone.

"What's wrong, princess?"

She rubbed my belly, her favorite hobby now. "Can I have another cake pop?"

"How many have you had?"

She shrugged.

"Tell me the truth."


"And a slice of cake, and a donut, and ice cream? Why don't you eat the other half of your grilled cheese and some veggies?"

"I have to?"

I nodded. "If you want another cake pop then you need to regulate the sugar."

"Fine." She huffed, her attitude reminding me of Jamie's, and I had to laugh.

"Hey," I whispered, kneeling down before she could walk away. "Thank you for helping me open the pretty gifts today and for helping Aunt Jess and Liesa set the table. I'm proud of you."

"Thanks, Mama."

"I think you and I should go on a girls day, sound fun?"


"Okay deal." I kissed the top of her head.

"I love you, Mama."

My emotions caught in my throat. Even if she was only being sweet because I'd rewarded her, it never ceased to amaze me that she could love me without effort.

"And I love you."

She giggled, taking off toward the kitchen. Samina moved to the side before she was knocked over. We both laughed.

"Feeling okay?" she asked.

"I'm hanging in there."

She nodded. "Last few months are the hardest. You're both going to be restless as he grows to full-term."

"Seems like it's changed in the past week alone. I'm much more tired and he keeps me up at night either by kicking or because I have to constantly pee."

"All normal. You're both healthy and that's what matters to me and Jim. Everything else will happen naturally."

"Not looking forward to the swollen feet and shortness of breath. I had a small bout with both after the flight, but that was expected."

"Jamie said he's not a big flyer."

"He's not, I had a bad day following the flight to New York and the one here."

"The altitude is hard for them, even if they are protected. Which is why it's frowned upon to travel later in the pregnancy. You're about at the cutoff for a trip like this."

"Yeah, that's why Jamie and I decided to make this the last one. It's going to be difficult for him to go without seeing D until the end of November."

She offered me a sympathetic smile. "I won't throw him a pity party, because you're making miracles happen, but he's definitely going to struggle. He'll miss her, you're going to continue to change in ways he won't be used to, he'll be even more possessive, and I don't have to tell you he's scared to death to have a son."

"I know, and I'm going to have to handle that as it happens."

She rubbed my arm. "Remember you're not alone. Millions of other women have been in your shoes, and you have a huge support system ready to assist at the drop of a hat."

"Thank you, Samina. You and Jim have helped relax my fears this entire pregnancy. I don't think I'd be this level-headed without your guidance."

"We love you, sweetie. And our boys." She smirked.

"I know you said I don't owe you anything, but I can't thank you enough for this wonderful party, and the beautiful gifts you've given us. My mind is at ease because I know our baby will be loved by the greatest group of people."

"Oh, darling." She pulled me in for a hug and I couldn't hold back my tears of gratitude.

I cried against her shoulder as she rocked us from side-to side.

"You're an angel," she whispered. "Jamie's angel. Thank you for giving him a renewed sense of life."

"He's my entire world."

She pulled back to wipe my tears before Jess and Liesa joined.

"Kitchen is sparkly clean, the way we found it," Jess said with a smile. "We'll load up the decorations and get out of your hair."

"Unless you want us to stay," Liesa added, passing her sister a look.

Jess was running on low fumes, too. Her kids had been racing the sugar high with Dulcie, and I knew she was exhausted from them, and everything she'd done for the party.

"No, I'll be fine."

"She's stuck with me until the lads return," Samina said.

"Thank you for this perfect shower. I'm blown away."

Liesa hugged me when the tears resurfaced. "Anything for you and our little bro."

Jess joined in on the group embrace and it made me laugh. "We love you. This is the least we could do for you keeping Jamie happy."

I sniffled when they let go. The rattling of the door handle caused me to turn, and the sight of my husband walking in made me sob harder. God, I was a hot mess.

"Baby," he said, rushing to hold me.

"It was lovely," was all I could squeak out.

"Who made my wife cry?" He kissed my hair as the girls chuckled.

"I'm sorry." I moved from his embrace, using my wrist to wipe my nose. Mess wasn't even an adequate term anymore. All over the damn map.

"You don't have to be sorry, darling girl," Samina said. "Why don't Jim and I grab that promised cake pop for Dulcie from the kitchen, and leave you two alone."

I smiled, resting my head on Jamie's shoulder. Jim winked at us as he followed his wife's directions, and I felt Jamie tighten his grip on my waist.

"We need to be going," Jess said, snapping her fingers at her kids. "My little zoo animals, time to hit the road."

They moaned and groaned, saying their goodbyes to Dulcie. Samina carried her back into the kitchen to distract her.

Jamie kissed his sisters' cheeks and I blew them a kiss as they left us to stand in the living room. I gazed around at the gifts that were stacked in various piles, and the clothing I'd unfolded to admire that needed refolded and organized.

"All good?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yes, it was amazing. They did too much. Tons of beautiful gifts, they made me grilled cheese sandwiches with pickles, and ordered boxes of glazed donuts and—"

The tears were back and Jamie laughed, rolling me into his chest again.

"Shh," he cooed beside my ear, "they love you"

I sniffled. "Yeah, but they didn't know what I've been craving. You told them. Because you're perfect and I'm so lucky."

"Hey, hey, slow down please." He breathed me in, kissing my temple. "Jess didn't know what to have, and I merely offered a suggestion."

I leaned away to look up into his blue gaze. "And it's exactly what I wanted. You're exactly what I want. How was golf?"

And like nothing had happened, the tears dissipated and I was normal Kelsey again. Bless him for attempting to keep up, because I sure as hell couldn't."

"Golf was fine, not my best not my worst. Did Dulcie behave?"

I smirked. "She did. She helped me unwrap the gifts and had her fair share of cake and donuts."

"Ah, meaning she won't sleep tonight?" He raised an eyebrow.

"She also ran laps around the house with her cousins. I think she evened it out."

He chuckled. "Well, if she's wild then she's all yours."

I wrinkled my nose. "I don't think that's how it works, buddy. I get to pull the pregnancy card for a few months yet."

He sighed. "Fine, I'll cool her jets if she gets silly."

"Will you cool baby dude's too? He was silly last night."

His hand fell to my bump. "And I'm sorry you were up alone with him."

"Trust me, when he's out here screaming bloody murder at 3AM, you'll be the one on poop duty, not me."

"Oh? What exactly is it that excludes you from the fun?"

"Uh, I'm going to push his big head out of my vag. You get poop duty, because it's your big head he takes after."

He roared in laughter and Dulcie came flying through the room to attack his leg.

"Daddy, come eat a cake pop!"

He ruffled her hair. "I will in a minute, princess. Did you have fun today? You behaved for Mama?"

She nodded. "Yes, we had cake and donuts and grilled cheeses and other things."

"Sounds like I missed a good time." He winked at me before bending to lift her.

"Thank you for helping me today," I said. "You're the best big sister ever."

Jamie kissed her rosy cheek then moved to do the same to mine. Dulcie giggled.

"I love my brudder," she said.

My heart skipped a beat at her sweet confession.

"He loves you," I said. "Just as much as we do."

I left raspberries on her neck and she squirmed in Jamie's arms, laughing loudly.


Once the festivities ended, I stayed downstairs to fold some baby clothes while Jamie took Dulcie up to bathe her and get her to bed. As crazy as it sounded, I needed a moment alone with all the things they'd bought for our son. Things he'd soon be wearing, sleeping on, and playing with. Feeling him kick had been the first major sign his due date was fast approaching, but now that we'd had one of the showers and these items were physically in my hands, it hit me.

Jamie was going to go buy an extra suitcase for the clothing and smaller items, and Jim was going to help him ship the bigger things to us. Our son was loved beyond measure, because this was merely half of the family's gifts. I made an organized pile off to the side of the living room before heading upstairs.

When I walked in, Jamie smiled over top of the book he was reading. I pulled my sundress off, tossing it in the hamper beside the closet door. His curious eyes wandered across my swollen breasts while I adjusted my panties. I tugged his Manchester shirt over my growing belly, and he chuckled in delight.

"This is why I bought you a new one."

"And I love it, but that one," he pointed, "is more symbolic now."

I smirked. "My pregnancy shirt. You kept your promise."

"You have to wear it every time you're pregnant."

I rolled my hair into a bun and wrapped a tie around it. "Every time, you say that nonchalantly. Like it's the easiest task."

He smiled. "It's real easy for me, baby."

I hit him with my pillow, causing him to laugh before I fluffed it the way I liked. "Yeah, you don't have to look like a moose or push a bowling ball out of your hole."

"You make it sound romantic, wow." He snorted.

"This is the least romantic part of the pregnancy. Babe, I ate half a jar of green olives today. I can't be tamed."

He laughed again. "Not that it's worth much, but I think you're stunning."

"Good answer. Handsome and smart!"

Jamie lifted the covers for me to join him in bed. I'd had a great time with everyone at the shower, but after little man kept me up most of last night, I was exhausted and ready for sleep with my husband. I rolled onto my left side to face him, suddenly missing my body pillow. He'd hate me if I sent him to buy one for our short trip. He leaned in to kiss me, unaware of my inner dialogue.

"Feeling okay?" he asked.

"Mmm, I suppose."

He grinned. "What does that mean?"


"You want green olives now that you've mentioned it?"

"Nice guess, but no. Kinda wish I'd brought my body pillow."

He pecked me again. "I'll be the body you need."

"As sweet as that is, you're not squishy enough."

His eyes were light as they danced between mine. "We have some extra pillows in the hall closet for tonight. I can go get you a body pillow tomorrow."

"No, we can improvise with those. It's okay, I'll make it work."

"What'd you do last night?"

"Stared at your back."

He rolled his eyes. "You should've woken me. I could've worn you out."

I shook my head. "I wasn't the one who needed calmed, it was your crazy son."

His hand met my bump. "Time change must've thrown him off."

"We've messed up his schedule." I pouted.

"We'll get him back on track." He caressed the top of my stomach where baby dude was shuffling around.

"I was reading that the sleep schedule they're on in the womb is the one they usually take when they arrive. It's going to be hard to travel when he's little."

"Hey," he tipped my chin, "let's cross one bridge at a time."

Speaking of the rascal, he did a somersault against my bladder. Jamie chuckled, feeling him move beneath his hand.

"Someone's awake," he said.

We were both startled when we heard a light knock on the bedroom door.

"Mama? Daddy?" Dulcie asked, twisting the knob to peek in.

"Make that two someone's," I said.

"What's wrong, baby girl?" Jamie asked.

"Can't sleep."

I peered over my shoulder at her. "Well, come on."

I patted the bed and she giggled, running toward the foot of the mattress before crawling up.

"What are you doing?" she asked Jamie, whose hand was still rubbing my bump.

Her verbal skills had improved dramatically since she'd last stayed with us, and I was impressed. She was growing too fast and she wasn't even my daughter. I couldn't imagine how Jamie felt.

"Your brother's kicking," I answered for him. "Want to touch?"

I could tell she'd been feeling neglected. She hadn't seen us in a while and I think she was thrown off because I looked much different than the last time. Plus Jamie had become hyper attentive to me, and in doing so he unintentionally lessened his time with her. We would work on it. It was hard for all of us to adjust to a new routine.

"Yes!" She plopped down between us, reaching out to put her hand beside her daddy's.

"Feel him?" Jamie asked.

She shook her head. "Where is he?"

"Hang on," he told her.

I watched them both waiting for our son to make his presence known, and I had to stop myself from crying. My little family all connected, and safe together.

"What was that?" She laughed.

"That's him," I said.

Jamie winked at me with a broad smile.

"Whoa, that's weird." She rubbed a small circle over where he was wiggling.

"Are you excited to meet him?" Jamie asked.

She nodded. "When?"

"A little over three months."

"I can see him?"

Jamie kissed her hair. "You'll be there when he arrives."

"Yay!" She clapped her hands and sat back on her feet.

"But it's past your bedtime," he said. "I'll come read you another story."

"I don't want to Daddy." She crossed her arms for round two of pouting.

"Okay, no story just sleep."

"I can sleep here?" Her eyes met mine, knowing I was the softy.

"Mama didn't sleep well last night," he answered. "She doesn't need you in here rolling around or kicking her belly."

"Jamie," I said, giving him a knowing look.

He sighed. "I guess."

She was looking between both of us, waiting for a definitive answer.

"You can sleep in here." I smiled.

"Sleepover!" she yelled, lying back against my pillow.

"Shh," Jamie shushed, flipping off his light. "Time to calm down. And you're sleeping on Daddy's side."

She squealed when he lifted her and rolled her over him. I wrapped my arm around his waist.

"Mama needs her body pillow," I said, snuggling his back.

Dulcie giggled. "Is Daddy a pillow?"

"Smart girl." I tickled her neck with my fingernail.

Jamie winced when she kicked his leg. "See what I mean?"

"Have fun, babe." I leaned in to kiss him behind the ear and he chuckled.

"I love you both," he said.

"Love you, Daddy," Dulcie said.

"Well, I love you three." I pinched his butt and he snorted.

"Three, sorry." He swatted my hand, squeezing it three times.

"Love you, Mama."

"Night babies," I whispered.

And we fell asleep like that—me spooning Jamie as best I could, and him spooning Dulcie. What I would've given for a framed photo of that moment.


What did you think? We're getting closer and closer to meeting the little dude! Thank you for reading, and please don't forget to vote/comment before departing, it means the world, xo :)

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