Chapter 2

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I rested my damp forehead against my arm, leaning my entire body weight on the toilet seat. Not exactly my favorite place to spend the mornings, but it had become my new hangout. The water silenced its swirling after flushing another round of last night's dinner. I wasn't sure how there was anything left to come up, but my body had become a fan of surprises.

"Kels?" I heard Jamie calling from the bedroom of our suite.

We'd spent the night at the hotel with Dulcie. She'd splashed her energy all over the pool before reaching her final destination on the pullout sofa bed. We wouldn't get to see her for six more weeks after we left Belfast, so we needed to soak up our time together. However, tonight she'd be staying with her grandparents.

I had agreed to accompany Jamie to the premiere of his new movie. Because most of the cast was of Irish descent, as was the storyline, they'd chosen a small theatre for a minor promo.  Due to its size, it seemed like the perfect place for me to step out with him. It was our first official event as a couple, husband and wife, and even though they wouldn't know it, a mom and dad.

I didn't have the strength to answer my husband, and hoped that lack would dissipate before the evening's festivities. I wasn't going to excuse my way out of this one. We needed to make more public appearances together.

A moment later he barreled through the bathroom door. "Baby," he whispered before meeting me on the floor.

"Yes, that's who's doing this to me."

He smiled, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear that had fallen from my quick attempt at a bun to avoid puking on my long strands.

"Blame me," he said. "I can't keep my hands to myself."

I closed my eyes with a grin as he stroked my back lovingly. The simple gesture soothed me, and his proximity made me feel safe. I was beyond nervous to carry a child and subsequently become its mother, but Jamie made the process easier. He was the best husband and father a woman could dream up. For him I could and would be strong; him and our baby.

"Your hands feel amazing," I mumbled.

"Come back to bed. I'll give you a massage."

I peeked at him with one opened eye. "No shenanigans, mister. Your daughter is resting peacefully."

He laughed. "No she's not. I flipped on the living room TV so she could watch cartoons before coming to check on you."

"Good idea." I gave him a limp thumbs up.

"She would've followed my shadow otherwise. But yes, no tomfoolery until she's gone."

I chuckled. "Okay, help me up."

I untangled myself from the porcelain throne I worshipped against my will as he guided me to a standing position. He squeezed my hand tightly, leading me back to the bed and moving the covers so I could lie down.

The door to the living area was cracked open and I could hear Mickey Mouse laughing at himself, followed by a familiar little girl's laughter. I grinned against the pillow I'd propped beneath me. Jamie sat astride my hips, his strong hands slowly kneading my lower back. I sighed happily, closing my eyes and savoring the feel of my husband working out the kinks the heaving had caused.

"You good?" he asked.

"Much better than ten minutes ago. Thank you, babe."

He continued rubbing, working his hands upward toward my shoulders. "Glad to hear it."

"Whatcha doin?" a small voice asked.

Jamie's actions halted as we both looked over at the little figure with bright blue eyes and tangled curls peering around the corner of the double doors.

"Just giving Mama a massage. What are you doing?"

"Why?" she asked.

"Because she hurts."

"Who hurt her?"

I smiled. "Nobody, Princess. But Daddy is making it feel all better."

"Otay," she said, cemented to her spot on the floor.

Jamie resumed his task as I watched her watch him. She had one finger in her mouth and the other hand held her favorite teddy bear, Princess Penelope, or Penny for short.

"You can come in," I said.

She looked over at me, slowly walking through the doorway and toward the bed. I waited for Jamie to stop and help her crawl up onto the king mattress, but she managed perfectly fine on her own. She was a strong girl, and I admired that about her.

"Lay with Mama," I suggested, moving my arm to welcome her.

She instantly giggled and plopped down beside me, her eyes moving to meet mine. Penny laid between us, and I pressed a quick kiss to both of their heads. Jamie's fingers continued rolling over the knots in my neck and shoulders.

"I'm hungwy," she said.

"Well, what shall we order from downstairs?"

She brought her tiny finger to her chin and said, "hmm" as she thought up her desired meal. I couldn't help but chuckle at her, and heard Jamie do the same.

"Ceweal?" she asked.

I turned my nose up. "Nah, makes Mama cold. Brr!"

She laughed. "Me too!"

"What about..." I mocked her pondering, but it was lost on her. She thought I was funny despite my reasoning. "Bacon and eggs?"

"Nooo," she replied. "Eggs are gwoss."

"Eggs are yummy!" I argued. "Especially with bacon."

"What 'bout pancakes?" she asked excitedly.

"I don't know," I said. "Pancakes do sound pretty tasty. Why don't you ask Daddy what he'd like?"

She hopped up from our embrace onto her knees. "Daddy, can we have pancakes?"

"I thought Mama said ask Daddy what he wants, not tell him what Dulcie wants."

She stuck her tongue out at him and it took everything in me not to burst into laughter. I had a feeling Jamie wouldn't find it as funny since he'd told her it was a rude gesture, but I couldn't help it. How would I ever discipline our kid if I found their toddler attitudes cute?

"Little miss," he warned. "Did we not just talk about the tongue thing last night at the dinner table? Grandpa agreed that's not how young ladies act."

She crossed her arms in a full-on pout. I let him handle the situation as my stomach started flopping again. I prayed it was because I'd vomited my way back to hunger, and not because it was ready for toilet time again.

"Guess no one is getting pancakes," Jamie said.

"But Daddy I want them!" she protested. And as if I had cued them myself, her tears began streaming.

"Well I don't want you to stick your tongue out at people either, but you continue to do it."

"Hmmph," she huffed, jumping off the bed and storming away.

"Dulcie!" He halted her with his stern voice.

She turned back around, bottom lip out, and eyes cast down.

"We do not stomp either. Go to time out."

"Daddy!" she wailed again and he removed himself from my frame.

I slowly sat up, praying the movement didn't disturb my stomach. He stepped off the bed and walked to her. I watched him kneel to her level.

"Three minutes in the chair," he said. "Then we'll discuss breakfast. Understood?"

She nodded. "Yeth."

"Thank you." He motioned toward the chair in the corner of our room and she sulked her way toward it. He helped her up before retrieving his phone from the nightstand to set the timer.

His gaze met mine and I knew he wanted us to leave her there for the duration of her punishment. I followed him out into the living room as he opened both doors so he could keep an eye on her.

I grabbed the room service menu and began perusing it perched on a stool at the counter. His warmth enveloped me before his arms snaked around my stomach. He pressed a soft kiss behind my ear.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"A little queasy, but think it's hunger this time."

"Well, what do you want? I'll put in an expedited order."

I smiled, scratching a careless pattern over the veins in his arm. "I'll be fine. No need to rush anyone."

"My babies are hungry, that deserves speedy service. Plus a hefty tip offers a bit of encouragement."

I spun in his arms. "Your babies?"

"All three of them." He winked and it sent a delicious tingle down my spine.

"I love you and your wanting to make us happy."

He nodded toward the other room. "Not so sure everyone is happy right now, but the point stands. You want it, I'll provide it."

"What if I wanted something you couldn't provide right now?" I leaned in to leave small kisses across his stubbly jawline.

"Mmm," he hummed. "The wait would be worth it."

"It always is," I whispered against his ear before nipping it. I moved back to watch his greying eyes.

"Don't start something you're not going to finish," he warned. His mouth hovered over mine and if I hadn't barfed my brains out a few moments prior, my tongue would be licking those plump pink lips.

"I have every intention of getting what I want later, because my husband likes to make me happy."

He smirked. "You're making your husband and junior husband unfortunately happy right now."

I snorted. "Junior husband? Oh so I also married your package?"

We laughed together as Dulcie's timeout alarm sounded. We had a fraction of a second left before she caught us. He took the opportunity to kiss me quickly, despite how gross I felt. Married life wasn't so bad when you were married to a man who loved you unconditionally.

"Yes you did, it's a two-for-one kind of package deal."

I nudged his shoulder as Dulcie ran into the room and hugged his leg. We looked down at her.

"I'm sowwy Daddy. Pwease get pancakes. I wove you."

I grinned as he bent down to pick her up, kissing her on her rosy cheek. She lit up; the girl loved her Daddy more than life itself.

"Apology accepted, and you know I love you more," he said. "What do you think, Mama, should we let her have pancakes?"

He liked putting the spotlight on me, but luckily it was to let me be the good guy, and for that I owed him. I got to cave to her favorite things, automatically putting me on her good list. It wouldn't always be that way, but while it was I'd enjoy it.

"As long as I can have bacon with mine."

"Deal," he said.

"Deal!" she exclaimed.

He tossed her in the air, giving me brief heart failure until he caught her. Dulcie giggled, kicking her feet. My entire world was inside that hotel suite, including the one that occupied my womb. I dropped my hand to rub my belly and Jamie noticed, smiling as he set his daughter down.

"I also love you," he whispered, kissing my forehead.



Our once three-person suite was now filled with what seemed like a zoo. Jim had come to take Dulcie back to his house, and as soon as he departed a train of people occupied our space. It occurred to me I wasn't going to get much alone time with Jamie until the night was over.

His manager had brought in the dress I'd chosen with Samina. The price tag was hefty, but she'd promised it was worth it because it accentuated me in the right places. After all, it was my first public event on his arm; I wanted to look the part of the trophy wife he made me feel like. He was one of the sexiest actors in the business, with millions of women drooling over him; I would be the arm candy he rightfully deserved. Someone worthy to show off, because I was beyond honored to stand beside him in everything.

Jamie's suit was delivered with my dress, along with a tray of fruits and cheese for everyone to snack on, and a pitcher of water for me. There was a bottle of champagne, but I obviously wouldn't be consuming that for a few months. Various women were strung about, digging through their make-up bags to match my gown perfectly, while a woman in all black heated a curling iron in the bathroom. His team had pulled out all the stops for us to be the power couple I suddenly felt like.

I was ushered into Dulcie's timeout chair that had been moved to sit in front of the vanity. The woman in black was covered in tattoos and her bleach blonde hair was wrapped up in a red bandana with matching lips. She smiled at me in the mirror, asking if I had any ideas for my hair. I'd decided to let her have at it and trust her expertise.

The two make-up girls I learned were sisters. Their specialty was in weddings, but they made exceptions for stars that visited Belfast. I was honored to be the star they'd been hired to work with for the day, even if it was only because of whom I was married to.

After what felt like hours, I was dolled up and ready to get dressed. My hair was in long, loose waves that fell across my shoulders. The make-up chosen was simple and natural, with special attention made to enhancing my pink cheeks, and nude eye shadow to allow my brown eyes to pop. One of the sisters had commented on not covering my natural glow too much, and I had to bite my tongue and not tell her it was the baby growing inside that aided in it.

All at once everyone seemed to disappear. I was left standing in the bedroom wearing a silk robe, unzipping the back of my navy dress so I could finish getting ready.

"You should wear what you've got on," Jamie said, startling me.

I looked up to see him standing in the doorway, white dress shirt untucked and unbuttoned. He'd kept his distance while I was pampered, a separate group of experts helping tame his Alfalfa hair and reduce any shine on his face. I'd never really noticed him wearing powder to other events, but once again, tonight was unlike the norm for either of us. It was a huge stepping-stone in our life together. One I should've taken with him far sooner than now.

"That'd make for a great cover photo," I replied.

"You next to me is all that matters."

He slowly made his way over, buttoning his shirt as he came. I smiled; he looked dangerously handsome, like my own personal James Bond.

"Help me get dressed?" I asked.

"I'd rather help you get undressed, but we'd never make it out of this room."

I lifted the chiffon fabric up for him to hold while I untied my robe, letting it fall carelessly from my shoulders to the floor. I saw him swallow hard as his eyes moved down to my dark blue lace bra and matching thong. I figured that additional purchase would be worth the extra money.

"I'm really excited about tonight," I said by way of distraction. "A little nervous."

His eyes trailed from my legs back up to my face and he nodded. "I'm excited too, but there's nothing to be nervous about."

I causally took the dress from him and stepped into it. I wiggled my hips as it conformed to fit me like a glove. "I hope I do okay."

He licked his lips when I adjusted the cups of my bra. "You're going to look great." He swallowed again. "I mean, you'll do great."

I turned and pointed to the zipper. He wasted no time stepping behind me, and ever so leisurely pulled it up my spine. I felt the tips of his fingers graze my skin as he went before he left a gentle kiss to the back of my neck.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

I faced him and that devilish smirk met me.

"More than."

"You seem flustered and awfully quiet."

He shrugged. "Trying to figure out how someone like me ended up marrying someone as beautiful as you."

I felt myself blush. Two years together and almost a year of marriage yet he still made me weak. I never wanted that to change. I wanted us to give each other butterflies even when we were eighty in rocking chairs at a retirement home.

My arms wrapped around his neck as I pulled him into me. "I ask myself the same every day. However, recently it's become more of an, 'I can't believe I let him knock me up' narrative."

He laughed. "Is that so?"

I winked and kissed him quickly as to not lead us down a path we wouldn't return from. His manager would kill us if we didn't hurry our asses up. We had to be downstairs in fifteen minutes.

"Huh," he said. "I don't recall much protesting on your end. It's usually, 'don't stop,' 'harder,' 'faster,' or my personal fave, 'Jamie give it to me!'"

I playfully nipped his bottom lip. "Shut up, dirty old man."

"Look me in the eye and tell me I'm lying."

I rolled both of mine before settling them on his gaze. "Well, the result of all that passion has created a life inside of me, and I love carrying your child. Even if he or she wants me to move our bed to the bathroom."

He was absolutely beaming, and even though I'd never been on a red carpet before, I knew the megawatt smile on his face was brighter than all the bulbs we'd see momentarily.

"You're going to make a grown man cry," he mumbled.

I pecked his lips. "No crying. Take me to the ball, Prince Charming. Show me off to the peasants."

We both chuckled at my ridiculousness, but if the conversation stayed serious any longer my hormones were going to help ruin my flawless make-up.

"Your carriage awaits, Cinderella." He offered me his elbow and I took it with a girlish squeal, delighted to accompany him anywhere he desired.


"Ready?" he asked as we sat in the black car at the edge of the red carpet.

I looked out at the swarm of people dressed to the nines, most of which held cameras larger than their heads. Our picture was already being taken through the tinted glass and we hadn't even opened the door. For a minor event it seemed quite intimidating, but then again it was new territory for me, it likely was on the smaller end of what Jamie had attended.

"As I'll ever be," I whispered.

"Hey," he said, nudging my chin toward him. "It's going to be fine. I'll be with you most of the time and when I'm not, Evelyn will be. There's nothing to worry about. You're stunning and I'm grateful you're here supporting me."

"I love you."

"And I, you." He leaned in to give me a sweet, reassuring kiss.

A tall man in a black suit opened my door and the buzzing grew into collective yelling. I stepped out as the flashes went off a hundred times per second. Jamie quickly grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers tightly, letting me know he was there for strength.

Evelyn looked down at her clipboard as she motioned for us to follow her. "Pictures first then Jamie you'll head to that guy," she pointed, "for an interview. We'll repeat the process and so on, so forth. I've agreed to three Q&A's, multiple cameras and microphones at each stop. Should be plenty of coverage and only one person asking questions to eliminate repetition and confusion."

Jamie's face turned serious as he listened to her give him the rundown. I paid attention to the three places we'd stop so I'd know when to step back. I wanted the evening to run smoothly for us and didn't need any awkward mishaps to be caught on camera and broadcast to the world. I knew everyone was watching our debut.

He pulled me in front of a white backdrop with the movie's logo plastered all over it as well as various sponsors. He'd moved his hand to protectively cup my hip. I rested mine against his back, rubbing it gently to assure him I was fine and was there to celebrate him.

"Jamie! Kelsey! Mr. and Mrs. Dornan," they yelled. "Over here. Look left. Look right. Beautiful couple. Gorgeous dress. Look at that diamond."

Jamie inched us down the red carpet while they incessantly snapped pictures and hollered various requests and comments. He looked at me with a bright smile.

"You're doing great, baby."

I chuckled. "I'm not doing anything except being here."

"That's more than enough."

In an unpredicted move, he leaned in to leave a lingering kiss to my temple, and I knew without his instruction that it was for the cameras. I hadn't expected him to put on a show, but I wasn't arguing. The butterflies fluttered in my stomach at him showing me off to the world. Staking his claim, long after stealing my heart and last name.

Evelyn waved her arm to the first interviewer and Jamie slowly eased me from his hold. I nodded when he looked over at me.

"Go get 'em, tiger!"

He grinned, walking away to do his interview, and I stepped off to the side with Evelyn to watch. All I could see was the back of his head, but he was animated, motioning with his hands as the man laughed at him. He was charming and charismatic, it came as no surprise everyone instantly loved him.

"How are you holding up?" Evelyn asked, redirecting my attention.

"I'm okay. A little overwhelmed, but that's only because I had no expectations to compare it to."

She smiled warmly and it helped ease my nervousness. She was such a sweet woman, and incredibly knowledgeable. Jamie was lucky to have her.

"You're doing wonderful, they love you!" She looked toward the paparazzi that were still snapping photos of me alone with her.

"I suppose they're going to do that the whole time?" We laughed.

"Yes," she said, "they don't know when to quit. They'll have thousands of pictures of you and probably only rotate the same dozen between all of them."

Her comment wasn't intended to, but it made me queasy. There were going to be thousands of pictures of my husband and me across the globe, none of which we would get to approve. There'd probably be a few of me with my eyes closed, or not looking at Jamie enough, or not smiling perfectly. Those would be the ones they'd pick, out of the other hundreds where we looked perfect together. I was suddenly thankful my fingernails were classy and groomed. I knew for a fact they'd zoomed in on my wedding ring.

Jamie walked back over after concluding interview one. "Still good?"

I nodded. "Perfect."

"I'll say." He winked and reached for my hand. I noticed Evelyn regarding us with an adoring smile. If she was pleased then we were clearly doing everything right.

He led us to another spot on the carpet as we posed again. I made a mental note to correct any wrongs. I stood a little taller, straightened my fingers, and cocked my head toward him slightly. Anything that would give them hundreds of decent options to choose from.

I moved to whisper in his ear as he continued smiling. "I am so proud of you. You deserve all of this love and more."

He nodded, acknowledging my statement. We moved another foot down and he returned the gesture, leaning into mine. "Your love is all I need. This is a show and means nothing. Part of the job."

I bit my lip to stifle my face-splitting grin. He broke us apart as we both noticed Evelyn motioning him toward the next guy. I took my place beside her and waited for the second interview to conclude.

My husband repeated his adorable gestures and I began giggling as I gazed. Evelyn went to say something to me and the noise suddenly became a muffled hum as I lost all track of time and space. I felt myself grip her arm and could faintly hear her asking if I was okay.

I nodded, realizing then that the butterflies and queasiness weren't nerves; they'd been the baby. I felt a sheen of sweat form at my scalp as the lightheadedness took over. I tried taking deep breaths to calm my acid reflux and racing heart. I knew without needing a professional opinion that my blood pressure was spiked. Pregnancy and high profile events weren't mixing as well as I'd hoped.

"I need some water please," I heard myself say.

Evelyn took my arm and quickly led me off of the red carpet toward the entrance to the venue. I heard the shutter snaps and felt the gaze of everyone we passed, my opportunity to shine at an event quickly shattering. It took everything in me not to break down in tears. I was going to ruin Jamie's night.

She ushered me to a nearby chair and swiped a glass of water from a staff member passing by with a tray. "Here," she said, "drink this. I'm going to find someone who can check you."

"No," I argued. "I'm fine. I just need a minute to calm down."

Her eyes bounced frantically between mine. She knew I was pregnant and I had a feeling she was terrified something was wrong. However, I was confident it was a mix of acid reflux and high blood pressure. Nothing worth seeking medical attention over.

Before she could respond Jamie came running through the doors. He looked around, his face absolutely drained of color as he finally saw us.

"Kels!" he yelled, jogging over and kneeling in front of me. He grabbed my hands, kissing my knuckles. "Baby, what's wrong?"

I tried to mask the tears that threatened to fall. I felt incredibly guilty for putting a damper on his big night. A night that was supposed to be special for both of us.

"I'm okay," I garbled.

"What happened?" He pulled my face down to his and I had to wonder if it was to keep others from seeing my tears.

"I got lightheaded. Nerves took over."

He closed his eyes, kissing the wetness on my cheeks. "We're going home."

"No!" I protested. "We just got here. This is your night."

"Don't argue with me," he warned. "They got their pictures and interviews. You're my concern."

"I'm good, Jamie, really."

He shook his head. "I won't take no for an answer. This is too much for the baby."

I put my finger to his lips, silencing him before he spilled our secret to the nosy audience we'd acquired. "Fine."

"Evelyn," he said, looking up at her. "Find us a back exit and have the car pulled up to the door. I don't care if they have to drive on the sidewalk, I don't want her exposed to any more cameras."

She nodded, quickly taking off to fulfill his request.

"I'm sorry I ruined everything."

"Shh, stop. You didn't ruin a single thing, baby."

I buried my face in his shoulder, hearing the various whispers surrounding us. A man asked Jamie if I was all right, but I was too disappointed to check to see if he was a costar or a random stranger. Jamie rubbed his hands in loving circles over my shoulder, kissing the side of my head. Slowly the crowd grew louder, and I assumed they'd move on from the show while we waited for Evelyn's return.

And a minute later I heard the sound of her heels tapping toward us. Jamie moved me back to kiss the tip of my nose.

"Let's go."

I sighed, the feeling of defeat weighing heavy, but I needed to relax so that my blood pressure and the wild child inside would calm down.

He tucked me under his arm as Evelyn shielded me with her tiny frame, rushing us to an exit out of sight from everyone and everything going on. Jamie pushed me in front of him when we stepped into the mild evening air, the driver standing by the open door. I crawled in and my husband plopped down beside me.

"Hope you feel better, Kelsey," Evelyn said, her head stuck in the car.

"Thank you. I'm really sorry."

"Nothing to be sorry for, he's the one who knocked you up." She winked and laughed at herself.

"Right and I'll call you tomorrow," Jamie said, trying to shut the door.

I joined in her laughter as she rolled her eyes. "Tough crowd. Talk soon."

Jamie finally chuckled, closing us in before the driver took off toward the hotel. I spun my wedding ring on my finger, unsure of what to say.

He lifted his arm and wrapped it around my shoulder, pulling me tightly against his side. I closed my eyes as he ran his palm over my hair. Sliding off my heels, I laid my legs across his lap and he instinctively held them with his free hand.

"I want to tell you not to feel bad," he began, "but I know you already do. And I wish I could change that."

I huffed. "Yeah, me too. Wish I could change the fact that we're going to be a negative headline instead of the positive one I'd prayed for."

"So what?"

I played with his lapel, shrugging my shoulders. "I'm not good at first impressions, I suppose. We'll call it a Kelsey trademark."

"What an absurd thing to say."

Furrowing my eyebrows I moved to look up at him. "Excuse me?"

He kissed the spot between them. "Relax. I meant you're wrong, because my first impression of you got us to this place." He ran his fingers down my arm, making his way to my abdomen.

"You're not mad?"

"Absurd again."

I pinched his nipple through his dress shirt and he yelped. "Stop saying that and answer me."

"Do you want me to be mad? I'm not, but if that's what you need..."

I rolled my eyes, sliding out of his embrace and to the opposite seat. "No, I don't need anything."

"Come on," he said, reaching for me.

"You come on. I just ran off a red carpet sick in front of the entire planet, which God only knows what kind of reasoning they'll invent, but I'm sure pregnancy will be the first. I'm supposed to forget about it and move on?"

"Quite frankly, yes. It's not the end of the world."

"Okay, great. If you don't care then neither do I."

I crossed my arms and looked out the window, watching the lights of Belfast speed by, praying we were close to our hotel. All I wanted to do was put on his t-shirt, take my make-up off, and crawl into bed.

"That's the thing," he said. "I don't care about tabloids and neither should you. But you know this. How many times have I told you it's only about us? You matter, that's it. I don't give a fuck what they say, because they're not married to me. You are."

I chose not to answer. I'd managed to ruin the red carpet, and now start an argument in the backseat. The acid reflux inside my chest and the hormones coursing through my body had me feeling like another person. One I didn't want to be, so silence was my best defense. Luckily the car halted under the hotel portico and Jamie wasted no time getting out.

Sulking, I slipped my shoes back on and followed behind to the elevators. We entered and he pressed the button to our floor, stepping into the corner beside me. Neither of us said a word as we ascended.

I once more followed his path silently from the elevator to our room. He inserted the key card and after the light turned green, allowed me to step in first. I set my clutch on the counter and kicked my heels off as he locked the door. He looked up at me, undoing his cuffs before removing his suit jacket.

"Are you still feeling sick?" he finally asked.

I shook my head. "It's already passed."

He untucked his shirt and made his way to me, tossing the other items on a chair. "Good, because I need this."

His lips crushed into mine, causing me to stumble, but his hand was on my ass to catch me. He pressed me tightly against him, his hips grinding into mine. And although his desire had come out of nowhere, it was welcomed. I'd gladly let him fuck my hormones away. Anything to snap me out of my mood.

I gasped as he bit my lip, begging for entrance and I granted it. Our tongues tangled as he tripped over my feet to move me backwards. He smiled against my mouth when I giggled.

"Two left feet," I whispered.

"It'd be easier to carry you."

Obliging, I jumped and he caught me, kissing my neck as he walked us to the bedroom. He slid me down his frame, his eyes blazing with passion and I couldn't help myself. I ripped his shirt apart, buttons be damned. They scattered into various corners of the room, never to be found. He removed his arms, letting it fall to the floor

He sucked his bottom lip between his teeth. "Turn around."

I followed his instruction and immediately felt his breath against my ear. He moved my hair to one side, his fingers gripping the zipper to jerk it down.

"Nothing turns me on more than you wanting to be perfect for me," he said.

Chills ran down my spine as my dress pooled at my feet. He made quick work of my bra clasps.

"I don't want to fight over something that isn't your fault. But I have wanted to touch you like this since this morning, and I don't intend on waiting any longer. You can be mad after."

He slid the lace down my arms, tossing it carelessly behind us. I faced him again.

"I won't be mad if you play your cards right."

"A challenge?" He raised a cocky eyebrow.

"We'll call it hormones." I smiled and he dropped to his knees.

His thumbs linked in either side of the thin strings, quickly gliding the thong off my legs. "Then I guess I should get to work."

I gripped a fistful of his hair, throwing my head back as the ecstasy took over. Leave it to my husband to use his lips to erase the rest of the world and consume my thoughts. How it should be, us and only us.


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