Chapter 3

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A/N: Thank you so much for supporting this sequel! I am glad you're enjoying everything thus far, and I hope you'll love this one, too! I likely won't update again before Christmas, so no matter what you celebrate, I wish you love and happiness this holiday season! However, I do hope to have the next update before the new year :) I really enjoyed writing this chapter! It has some NC-17, so you've been warned. Enjoy and please don't forget to leave feedback! Xo


The sun was shining through a crack in the curtains, blinding me as I slowly woke in our hotel room. I turned away from it and the white lights behind my lids disappeared. I finally opened my eyes, looking at the profile of the birthday boy. Last night had felt like a disaster, but I was going to table my frustrations and celebrate my favorite man. His plump lips were parted and his head tilted in my direction. I grinned, gazing down at his bare torso, unable to resist leaning over to kiss his strong bicep and buff pecks. He was delicious and I wanted to taste him, because it was the first morning I hadn't spent hugging my best friend, Loo.

I trailed my lips from his chest up the side of his neck to nip his ear. He squirmed, quickly wrapping me in a bear hug. I squealed loudly as he smothered my neck in kisses.

"Morning, birthday boy. Playing possum?"

He stopped, moving to gaze at me. His bright blue eyes were gleaming and playful. "Good morning, sexy wife. And I may have been forming my own plan of attack. I've missed this."

I bit my lip. I couldn't believe the baby was behaving, and luckily today of all days. Our lucky charm indeed. "Me too. Don't jinx it. Take advantage of me instead."

He raised his eyebrows.

I shrugged. "It's your birthday. Meet me in the shower for gift number one."

He watched with a smirk as I stood from the bed, dancing my fingers down my naked stomach toward my center. I winked, turning to run to the bathroom. I immediately switched on the shower and a moment later he was trailing after me. His hand slapped my ass, causing me to yelp. I grabbed his wrist, pulling him in and pressing him against the cold tile.

"Glad you're not sick," he said.

"No time to waste, just in case." I peered up at him, dropping to my knees at his feet. The water ran down our sides as he braced himself, sucking in a deep breath.

I took his thick length in my hand and began stroking him in an easy rhythm. He rested his head back on the wall as I pleasured him. He hardened easily beneath my touch, so I leaned in and added my mouth.

He gasped. "Oh baby, fuck."

I licked and sucked him, keeping my hand pumping his base. He smelled divine and we hadn't even showered yet. His unique taste and scent answering my siren's prayer as I moved my free hand between my legs.

I moaned against him as he subconsciously began moving his hips to match my strokes. His hand tangled in my hair to hold me in place and I almost came undone watching him fall apart.

"Mmm, enough. Stand up."

Normally I would've been happy to suck him off to completion, but I was thirsty to feel him. My morning sickness had taken a back seat for a change and I was hungry for a different wake up call.

I stood and he immediately reversed our positions, pushing me against the tile.

"Lift your leg and hold on, baby."

"God yes," I said, offering him my thigh.

He wrapped it around his hip, slowly guiding himself inside me. I melted as his length filled every empty inch. We stood there for a moment as our bodies adjusted.

"Sure you're okay?" he asked, kissing my neck.

"Yes. Please move. Now."

He grinned on my skin, setting a quick, unrelenting pace. I gripped at his shoulders, whimpering in ecstasy as he moved in and out, licking up my throat. My fingernails dug half moons in his porcelain skin as he claimed me, my ass slamming into the wall with every thrust. The passion was driving me wild as he hit my spot over and over. I trembled in his arms, knowing I wasn't going to make it much longer.

"Let go. Let me feel you," he said through gritted teeth.

"Shit Jamie, please!" He pumped a few more times and I practically screamed, unraveling in an explosive orgasm.

"Fucking Christ," he yelled as I milked him of his own. He spilled into me, both of us shaking.

My orgasm went on and on and he didn't move, keeping us together as I throbbed around him, humming my pleasure.

"My God, baby. That was hot."

I smiled, finally opening my eyes to see him. He gently eased us apart. "Happy birthday."

He panted. "You're incredible."

"As are you. Let's get cleaned up so I can give you your other surprise."

"Yes ma'am. Hope it includes another round of that."

I laughed. "Maybe a few more."

He leaned in to capture my lips in a breathless kiss as I clung to him. Last year's birthday had been beyond memorable, but I had a feeling I was about to outdo myself.


After what had been a delicious start to my morning, I spent the following hour on my back; except fully clothed and not with my husband's body on top. Our rough sex had reminded my stomach that I hadn't fulfilled my contract with the toilet, and I had an embarrassing wave of nausea. I knew it was too good to be true. Once again, Jamie had understood, wetting a cold washcloth and resting it on my head while he called the desk for crackers.

I'd refused real food because our first stop of the day was lunch with my in-laws and stepdaughter. If my stomach cooperated from there, I had a surprise for us as a family, and would end the night with a special evening alone.

"Hey," he whispered before sitting on the bed beside my hip.

I smiled over at him, putting my best face forward. "Hi."

He rested his hand on my belly, caressing it gently. "Has our crazy kid calmed down?"

"I think so. It's fading."

"Good," he said. "We have to leave soon. Are you up for it or want me to cancel?"

He looked so innocent and young in that moment, my heart caught in my throat. I didn't want to ruin two days in a row for him, my fault or not. He deserved to have the best day ever, and I was determined to give it to him.

"No, babe. I'm excited to celebrate. I'll be fine."

I slowly sat up and reached for a mint I kept on the nightstand. Unwrapping one, I popped it in my mouth and hoped its effects were immediate.

"I'd be content spending the day in bed with you." He lifted my hand to kiss my wedding ring.

"I'll be selfish later, but your family really wants to see you."

He grinned. "You know something?"

I shook my head, allowing him to continue.

"Before you, I didn't spend many birthdays with my dad. It was usually only the annual phone call, or I'd come back to party with my mates and just crash in his spare room. Even when previous relationships we celebrated elsewhere. But this makes two years in a row you've given me my daughter and father for my birthday, and I can't put into words how much it means to me."

He brought my hand to his heart and I felt it beating wildly. His sweet confession warmed my own; I would do anything to make him happy, on his birthday or any day of the year. I was delighted it effected him that deeply.

"Family is everything," I whispered, trying to keep the tears at bay. "You're my everything. I want to give you everything."

He moved closer, bringing my face to his as he rested his palm on my stomach between us. "You have, sweetheart. Plus so much more."

I tucked the mint under my tongue, pulling his mouth to mine and kissing him with all the love I felt inside. His family had been torn apart when he was merely sixteen; he'd lost a lot of himself when his mother passed, and I wanted to be the one to remind him that we would love him through it all. We became a family the day we said "I do," and I promised myself I'd always make sure he felt safe, cared for, and cherished, because that's how I felt with him.

Breaking us apart I said, "I can't wait for your next surprise."

His smile widened as he eyed me carefully. "I trust it'll be perfect, because it comes from you."

"Just like our baby will be, coming from you."

A glint of emotion passed quickly through his gaze before he leaned in to kiss my forehead. "From both of us."

He finally stood, offering me assistance getting up. I combed my fingers through the ends of my hair and straightened my top before following behind him through the suite. I grabbed my clutch from the coffee table and smiled at him.

"Onward?" he asked.

"And upward." I linked my arm in his as we left to meet our family for lunch.


"Dulcie has a special surprise for you, Daddy," Samina said.

She and Jim sat across the table from Dulcie and me, Jamie sitting at the head of it since he was the birthday boy.

"You will wove it!" she exclaimed.

We all laughed as she jumped down from her chair.

"Need help?" I asked her.

"Yeth pwease."

I smiled over at my husband who was grinning from ear-to-ear. "We shall return," I announced to the table.

Dulcie grabbed my hand and practically dragged me into the kitchen. She stopped us in front of the oven and pointed. I knowingly opened the door to retrieve Jamie's cake.

"Where are the candles?" I whispered.

She shrugged and I realized it was for the best she didn't know where the fire hazards were kept.

"In here," Samina said, opening a drawer behind me. She handed over a box as well as a lighter.

"Thanks." I smiled, removing a handful of candles.

"How many is Daddy?" I asked.

"Seven!" She held up four fingers.

Samina laughed with me.

"Seven candles it is." I put them in the frosting one at a time, counting out loud with her to her designated number.

"I think it's truly lovely what you're doing for Jamie," Samina said.

I blushed. "Last year was memorable, and I don't want to slack off."

She smirked. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to him. I'm sure he's told you himself, but we all know it, too. You've changed him in the best possible way, and you're amazing with her."

Dulcie picked up the paper plates that were covered in multi-colored balloons as she waited for us to cut the chatter and cut the cake.

"Isn't Mummy amazing?" Samina asked her.

I butted in. "Um, I'm 'Mama' to her. Just because...we don't want to confuse her."

Samina nodded. "My apologies, good idea."

She ran her fingers through her granddaughter's curls. "Isn't Mama the best?"

"Yeth!" Dulcie agreed without hesitation.

I felt myself tearing up again and took a deep breath to push them aside. The hormones were determined to catch me off guard.

"I love your family," I said to Samina.

"We love you, all of us, especially this one and that one." She nodded toward the dining room.

"Ready to sing?" I redirected my attention to the anxious little girl.

"I'm weady!"

I lit the candles and asked her to lead the way. The three of us began singing Happy Birthday as we entered. Jamie and Jim wore similar elated expressions. I gently set the cake down in front of him, concluding our song. He stared at the candles for a brief moment then blew them out.

He looked up at me and I giggled. "Happy seventh birthday, honey."

He chuckled before bringing me to his lips to seal his wish with a kiss. "Thank you, baby."

"I made it, Daddy!"

"It's beautiful, baby girl. Thank you."

I helped him cut the cake, passing pieces around to everyone, and laughing when Dulcie waited for no one to shovel it in her mouth. We enjoyed a light conversation as we ate our dessert, talking about how busy our lives would be once we flew back to the states. We had a fairly full schedule until the baby was due, and I was mildly worried how we'd accomplish it all in time, but that was a discussion Jamie and I would have to have privately.

"Shall we head out to give Jamie his next present?" Jim asked.

"Head out? It's not here?" His gaze met mine.

"Nope," I said.

"Where is it?"

"Daddy, it's a supwise," Dulcie interjected.

Again, we all snickered as she put him in his place. We had a miniature diva on our hands, and Jamie was at a loss for words.

"Well, alrighty then," he said. "Let's have it."

Samina and I quickly cleaned everything up as the guys helped Dulcie find her shoes and get her in the car.

"He has no idea?" she asked.

"I don't think so, but he'll probably figure it out as soon as we park."

"That's okay," she assured, "it'll still be worth his reaction."

"Thank you both for helping set this up, and for taking care of Dulcie for us."

"We understand, sweetie. Anything for you."

We gathered our belongings and met the men outside; on to surprise Jamie with the one gift I was sure would make his year.


"What the..." Jamie mumbled, gazing out the window.

Jim parked the car and Dulcie quickly undid her own buckles to free herself.

"Why are we at your old office?" he asked Jim.

He smiled at him from the rearview mirror. "Your wife's idea."

"I'm so confused." He laughed and I squeezed his hand.

"Trust me?"

He held my gaze for a long beat. "Of course."

We all exited the vehicle, and Jamie locked our fingers tightly as we made our way inside the building. The entire staff erupted in excitement upon entering. They squealed over Dulcie, hugged Jim and Samina, and told Jamie how proud they were for his acting jobs. I was introduced to everyone amidst the whirlwind, and kindly kept to myself as they were reacquainted.

"Is the room free?" Jim asked one of the technicians.

"Always on reserve for you, Doc."

He smiled at her before looking to me. I saw the unasked question in his expression and nodded. Jim led the way to our designated room as Samina followed behind, holding Dulcie's hand while she skipped down the hall. Jamie purposely slowed our pace so he could question me.

"What's happening?"

I stopped us, letting our family go on. "I couldn't think of what to get you, because nothing I could buy would ever top the greatest gift you've given me."

The tears finally found their place as they ran down my cheeks. He caught them with his thumbs, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Don't cry," he pleaded.

I smiled through my emotions. "Our baby was created from the strongest love I've ever known, so this year for your birthday..." I trailed off, trying to sob my way to my surprise. "I wanted you to see your child for the first time."

His breath hitched and his hand went limp in mine. "That's why...that'" He stuttered his way through a sentence before wrapping me in a tight embrace.

"Are you serious?" he breathed me in.

"Yes, and I wanted your dad to be the one to do it, with our family here."

He leaned back and I saw the wetness on his own cheeks. "I love you so fucking much. You're perfect."

I kissed him. "Let's go see our baby."

I led him down the hall and into the room where everyone else waited. Jim and Samina were beaming at us when we entered, Dulcie kicking her feet back and forth in a chair beside the bed.

"Surprised?" Jim asked.

Jamie sighed, visibly crying. "Beyond."

His dad took him in for a long hug as Samina and I wiped at our eyes over their exchange. Both men repeated our actions, brushing away their tears.

"Your wife suggested it, and I thought it was simply brilliant."

Jamie pulled me into his hip and kissed my forehead. "That she is, Dad. That she is."

He gently helped me up onto the examining table before pulling the other chair closer to its edge. I gripped his hand tightly, sharing a smile with him then redirecting my attention to Jim.

"What's that?" Dulcie asked as he picked up the bottle of blue liquid from the warmer.

"Jelly," he said.

"What flavor?"

We all laughed at her innocence.

"You can't eat this kind, sweetie. I'm going to put it on Kelsey's tummy and it'll help us see the baby inside."

Her excitement and confusion piqued. "Otay."

With his free hand, Jamie helped roll my shirt up and tuck it under my breasts. I took note of the intimate and territorial gesture, squeezing his palm.

"This will feel a little bizarre at first," Jim told me.

He squeezed the warm jelly onto my lower stomach and moved the sensor to spread it around.

"Are you both ready?" he asked.

I nodded quickly and looked at my husband who was doing the same. He whispered, "I love you," right as Jim flipped on the machine.

Everyone turned their attention to the black and white fuzziness that encompassed the screen. A gentle swooshing sound began as he rolled the device over my belly to find the lucky charm we were looking for. I heard Jamie's gasp before I registered the image.

"That little peanut right there is your baby," Jim said.

I glanced at him and he was absolutely elated. My heart warmed over the special moment we were partaking in.

"That's a baby?" Dulcie asked.

Samina answered for us, since Jamie and I were too busy staring at the screen. "Yes, honey. Why don't you tell Mama and Daddy congrats and we'll go see if they have any lollipops at the desk?"

We broke our concentration to see her jump up from the chair. "Congwats!"

Jamie leaned down and kissed the top of her head. "Thank you, princess. You're gonna be the best big sister."

"Can I get a lollipop for the baby?"

"Of course you can," I answered. "That's sweet of you."

"Yay!" she cheered. Samina picked her up and headed out.

"Jim?" she asked before leaving. "I'm so happy for you both," she said to us, a stray tear falling down her cheek.

I mouthed a "thank you" as Jamie gave a quick nod.

"One moment," Jim responded.

She left and we looked at each other before over at his dad.

"Everything looks great," he said, his full attention on the monitor. "A healthy baby and a healthy mummy. What a blessing. Keep doing what you're doing, Kelso."

I chuckled. "Thank you for agreeing to this surprise."

"No, thank you. This is..." he paused, clearing his throat full of emotion. "It means a lot that you'd ask."

"Yeah Dad," Jamie added, "I'm glad you're here."

"Me too, son. Your mum would be thrilled. I love you both. Or shall I say the three of you?"

I bit my bottom lip to suppress a new wave of emotion. He hit a couple of buttons on the screen as I looked at the tiny human in the frame. It quickly disappeared when he shut off the machine. Jim handed me some tissues before standing.

"You two need a moment. We'll be in the waiting room when you're ready."

He kissed the top of my head as I cleaned myself up, before walking around the bed. He pat Jamie on the back on his way out.

Once the door closed I moved my gaze to my husband's handsome face. His eyes were clouded with tears that hadn't fallen and his cheeks wet with the ones that had.

He kissed our adjoined hands. "I love you more than anything else in this world."

I began sobbing; there was no resisting everything I felt inside from pouring out my eyes.

"Sweetheart, no." He stood, pulling me into his chest as he sat with me. I cried against him, hearing his pounding heartbeat, and breathing in his familiar scent.

"Our baby," I squeaked out.

He kissed my hair. "We did that."

I giggled through the tears, holding him tightly as he rocked us back-and-forth. Jim had clearly dealt with thousands of women and knew this reaction was imminent. I was eternally grateful he'd left us alone.

"I love you, Jamie. More than you'll ever know."

He kissed me again. "I do know. You're giving me a child, there's no greater love on Earth."

I leaned back from his hold and his watery eyes met my own. I stroked his cheek, smiling widely, and he returned both gestures.

"You're the best daddy already. I can't wait to see you with our little one."

Even in the dim light I saw the blush wash over him. "And you never hesitated once with Dulcie. I've always known you'd make an excellent mummy. I'm honored to be the daddy to that lucky baby."

I kissed him sweetly, holding his face to mine. He reciprocated, massaging my lips with his.

"Our lucky charm," I whispered across his mouth.

He laughed. "Luck of the Irish has never profited me like this."

"Me neither." I winked and he leaned in for another kiss.


My stomach had cooperated the entire day as Jamie and I walked back into our hotel suite. Both of us were emotionally drained, but I still wanted to enjoy his celebration. It was the least I could do following a disastrous night on the red carpet. Jim and Samina had promised Dulcie a surprise at their house to entice her to go with them so that we could spend the rest of his birthday alone.

"Today has already been amazing," Jamie began, "but I have a feeling you're not done. What's next?"

His anticipation was adorable and if I wasn't holding onto him, I was certain he'd be bouncing up and down as he waited for my response.

"Nothing spectacular. You said you wanted to stay in bed with me, so that's what we're going to do all night."

He bit his lip, caressing my lower back. "You always know exactly what I need."

"I'm also a little selfish."

"Are you?" He chuckled.

"Yeah, I've really been craving a greasy pizza. Guess what we're having?"

He full on laughed. "That's not too weird of a craving."

"Yet," I added.

"True, but please be selfish whenever you want. Because pizza in bed with my wife sounds like a dream."

I shrugged. "What can I say, I'm a dream catcher."

He continued laughing. "Can I be serious for a minute?"

I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Always."

He kissed me slowly and I lost myself in his soft mouth, completely forgetting the conversation at hand. His lips smacked as he pulled away, and I licked my own.

"Today was one of the best days of my life. Only second best to Dulcie's birth and our wedding day. Thank you for making it special for my dad, too. He didn't always feel like a part of my family when I was married before."

I took a breath to speak and he pecked me to keep me quiet.

"And this isn't me comparing you to anyone. It's merely a reminder that you're the greatest thing that's ever happened to me and my family. You're the thread that ties us all together and I will never forget this. Seeing our baby with my dad and daughter present is the greatest gift you could've given me. You're perfect. And yeah, last night wasn't, but I don't care. You're right for me and that's all that matters."

I searched his eyes for an adequate response, his words mirroring Samina's. He took my breath away. My mission had been accomplished tenfold and it made me equally as happy to know how much he and his family loved me.

"Can the pizza wait?" I asked.

He raised an eyebrow. "Sure. You okay?"

I could tell it wasn't the response he was hoping for.

"Never better. Let me show you how much I love you."

He smirked. "Pizza will always take a back seat to you."

"Good," I said, grabbing him by the shirt and leading him to the bedroom.

His hands cupped my waist when I stopped us at the edge of the bed.

"Undress me," I said.

He licked his lips, finding the hem of my shirt with his gentle fingers. He lifted the material over my head and arms, unclasping my bra, and dropping both to the floor. He followed their path, kneeling at my feet to make quick work of my pants. His eyes never left mine as he trailed them down my legs. I kicked my shoes away so he could pull them completely off.

He nuzzled my stomach, his hands holding me in place as he took in a deep breath. I scratched my nails through his hair as he left a soft kiss to my navel.

"I'm so glad I got to see you today," he said to the baby inside.

My eyes clouded as I giggled. He kissed me again.

"You're already loved by many people. We can't wait to meet you, but you've got a lot of cooking left to do. Don't rush."

Without another word he slid my panties off and threw them carelessly. I tipped his chin up to look at me.

"My turn."

He stood, a delighted smile plastered on his face. I returned the same favor, stripping him of his shirt, pants, and boxers. He was already hard and we hadn't done a thing. I loved driving him wild without having to try.

I was taken from my reverie by his sweet lips on mine. I moaned, opening up to invite him in. Our kiss grew deeper and more passionate as I licked at his upper lip. He still tasted like icing and I was suddenly starving. We both gasped for breaths, not wanting to come up for air. His lips tortured mine, but I was giving it right back, trying to spill my heart through my mouth. He was soaking it all up.

I finally broke us. "Jamie," I panted.

"Come here." He took my hand to trade me places. He sat back against the headboard, pulling me with him to straddle his waist.

I sat across his lap, holding his beautiful face between my hands. "Happy birthday, sexy."

He smirked. "My favorite one yet. Thanks to you."

"I am insanely, madly, deeply, over the moon, to infinity and beyond in love with you."

He leaned in to kiss my neck. "Ditto to all of that."

He pressed open-mouthed kisses across my chest. I watched him in delight, tangling my fingers in his golden locks.

"I can't wait for you to start experiencing the good effects of being pregnant."

I laughed. "Do fill me in, Mr. Expert."

He rolled his eyes. "I grew up with an OB-GYN, you really think I wasn't schooled on everything? Either by the endless talks Dad gave or me snooping on my own."

I shook my head. "A teen looking for porn in his dad's work magazines. Naughty."

He gently bit my shoulder. "Shut up."

"You don't deny it?" I laughed again.

"Maybe I did a few times. Whatever. But I learned some valuable info. I think he wanted me to be a doctor, too."

I scratched the back of his neck. "And you were a rebel."

"Naughty by nature."

We both laughed loudly.

"For instance," he began his lesson. "You're soon going to be horny all the time, and I'm gonna have to restrict you to three orgasms a day."

I gasped, holding my chest.

"Shocking, I know. But Junior will want a break even when you won't."

"You'd deny me sex?" I was teasing, but tried to keep a straight face to watch him backpedal.

"I wouldn't call three orgasms a denial. For you, I'd make it happen."

I slapped his arm. "Perv."

"Yours." He winked before going on. "And those three daily orgasms I'll give you," he was tooting his own horn, "are gonna blow your mind, baby."

"Hmm, is that so?"

"Oh yes, you'll be begging for more."

I pulled his hair, causing him to lean back. "And it'll be the worst time of your life?"

"Hell no. I'm always ready for you."

"Pfft, sounds miserable. Thought you said it'd be the good parts? When do we get to that?"

He raised an eyebrow. "The best part is that these babies," he palmed my breasts, taking me by surprise, "are gonna get bigger and more sensitive."

He took one of my nipples in his mouth and sucked hard. I moaned, tugging his strands again to stop him. He only moved to the other and repeated his action.

"They're gonna be delicious and I can't wait to play."

"Dirty boy," I managed to breathe.

He rolled his thumbs over my hardened peaks. "You'll thank me for it."

"Shit," I said as he continued his torment, switching between his mouth and fingers on both nipples.

"I think that concludes today's lesson," he said, "because I want you to take me now."

I looked down into his intense gaze, moving to hover above his length. He watched as I lowered myself onto him, moaning as he stretched and filled me.

"Mmm, God Jamie."

"Set the pace, baby. I'm yours."

I held onto his shoulders as I rode him slowly. His hands gripped my hips, helping me move.

We both panted, the pleasure making my toes curl. Maybe the effects were already taking place, because it was pure ecstasy.

"You're glowing," he muttered.

"That's sweat," I said, riding him quicker, close to imploding.

"You. Are. Beautiful." He sucked at my neck, wrapping his strong arms around me. The position was intimate as I clung to his dampened skin, face-to-face.

"Please," I begged. "Help."

He moved us down the bed, pulling me to him even closer as he pumped himself in and out, meeting me thrust for thrust. He grunted, as I tightened around him.

"Yes," he hissed. "Now."

I rolled my hips and the friction it provided my swollen bud caused me to explode. I grasped him, panting his name and various curses. His own orgasm quickly followed mine as he groaned and gripped my ass in both strong hands.

"That makes two," he said breathless.

I smiled into his neck, absolutely spent. "You promised three."

He kissed the top of my head. "You wanna go for more?"

I nodded. "Maybe after pizza."

He chuckled against my hair, inhaling my scent. "You never cease to amaze me. My little pregnant minx."


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