Chapter 7: Apologies

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Chapter 7: Apologies

Sleepless, Taehyung can't help but get annoyed by the loud knocks on the door of his house. He got out of his room to open the door of his house. Once he opened it, regret immediately got him when he saw it was just Jungkook outside.

“If you're here to apologize, can you please just leave? You are just going to waste your time here.” Taehyung said without any hint of emotion in his eyes.

“Let's fix this, Taehyung.” Jungkook uttered, looking at him.

“Fix? There's nothing to fix, you already ruined our relationship, Jungkook.” Taehyung grumbled.

“I know, I'm here to admit that it's my fault. Please, forgive me, love.” Jungkook held both of Taehyung's hands.

“Why would I forgive you? Did you really think with just one sorry from you would fix everything? No!” Taehyung said through his gritted teeth.

“I'm drunk…”

“I'm hurt!” He shouted, cutting Jungkook's sentence.

Tears fell out of his eyes while looking at Jungkook. He wasn't able to do that last night, but he badly wants to let out the pain of what Jungkook did to him.

“Did you… did you even consider my feelings at that time? Did you know how much you hurt me? You left me, Jungkook, you left me even though you know I'm hurting. I waited for you because I wanted to explain everything to you, but when you came back, you continued to hurt me.”

Taehyung uncontrollably cried Jungkook wanted to touch him, hug him and comfort him, but he was the one who was going away from him.

“I knew you were drunk, but Jungkook, you almost raped me. Your harsh words already hurt me but when you tried to force yourself on me, I don't know, I don't know what to do anymore. I love you, I love you so much, Jungkook. But why did you hurt me like that?” Taehyung let out the pain he was holding since last night.

When Jungkook attempted to touch him again, Taehyung stepped backward, but Jungkook pulled him into a hug while he was squirming around.

“I'm sorry, Taehyung, please forgive me. Please don't push me away, I can't bear losing you. I love you too, Taehyung, I will do anything, so you can forgive me. Just please, don't break up with me.” Jungkook told to Taehyung, who was pushing him away.

“Let me go, Jungkook, let me go!” Taehyung was weak, but he was still trying to get away from Jungkook.

“You can hurt me, punch me, I don't care if it's going to hurt me. I deserved it, baby, don't leave me.” Jungkook didn't let go of Taehyung.

“Why are you doing this to me, Jungkook? Why can't you just let me go?” Taehyung cried, weakly punching Jungkook's chest.

He doesn't have enough strength to fight back. He didn't fall asleep last night and has been crying alone. He felt exhausted right now.

Jungkook knelt down in front of Taehyung, still holding his hands. Since they were just at Taehyung's door, his neighbors were watching them.

“What do you want me to do, Taehyung, so you can forgive me? I'll beg the whole day, I'll do everything, Taehyung. Don't do this to me, don't leave me.” Jungkook cried while looking at Taehyung.

“Please, Jungkook, let me go, I don't want to continue our relationship anymore. Nothing will work if you don't trust me, so please, leave me alone. I'm begging you, leave me now.” Taehyung sobbed.

It hurts him to see Jungkook doing this, but he can't accept his apology. He's still hurt from what happened last night.

“Won't you give me a chance, baby? I'll make everything right. Are you really going to end our relationship like this?” Jungkook asked with tears falling from his eyes.

“Please, leave me, please” Taehyung responded while sniffling.

Jungkook stood up and cupped Taehyung's cheeks, wiping off his tears.

“If that's what you want, I'll do it for you, then. But, please, don't be hesitant to ask for help when you need me. Even though we ended our relationship, I'm still willing to help you. Taehyung, please be happy without me, okay? Take care of yourself, you always forget to do that. I apologize for hurting you, you don't deserve whatever I've done and said to you.

Baby, I love you, and I always will, you know that. I don't want to leave you like this, but I know I can't do that. I'm sorry if everything had to end like this, it's all my fault. I hope you would forgive me soon. I love you, Taehyung.” Jungkook smiled painfully.

He wanted to kiss him, but they were not in a relationship anymore. He just gave him a long peck on his forehead as a goodbye. He let him go and looked at him, but Taehyung wasn't looking at him. He turned around and left Taehyung alone.

When Jungkook left, Taehyung went back inside his house and closed the door. His black slid down on the door and cried harder, feeling the pain in his heart. The pain was worse compared to earlier.

Wow, he pushed away the person who truly loved him. What a good decision, isn't it?


And, now, he's in pain because of that. That's definitely a good decision that he wouldn't regret.



That's what he's feeling right now, he thought he wouldn't feel alone after what happened to him with his parents. But he felt it again because he lost Jungkook.

Was he being too much?

Did he overreact?

Maybe, if he gives Jungkook a chance, he shouldn't be alone right now. But he was afraid that his feelings for him might not be the same after knowing that Jungkook didn't trust him enough to believe him.

He doesn't know what to do now, what he will do without Jungkook?

It was always Jungkook who's helping him with everything. But now, Jungkook was gone from his life, no one will help him anymore. No one will accept and love him as Jungkook does.

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