Chapter 13

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Gauri's POV

Since the day, I found out that Anika di is actually my blood - sister I have been feeling on top of the world. I have never had any siblings and having an older one, made me feel so good. Anyway, after giving Priyanka a hug, we take her downstairs where we see that our handsome groom waiting impatiently for his bride. As soon as Ranveer sees Priyanka, his mouth hung open and he starts staring at Priyanka, while Priyanka does the same.

Saumya (whispering) - Bhabhi... you have got a whole night to do that, let's get you married first.

Priyanka immediately blushes and immediately gets rid of the eye contact she had with Ranveer but Ranveer is still staring at her. We carefully take her down and make her sit next to Ranveer while di goes towards Ranveer and whispers something, which makes Ranveer shocked and embarrassed.

Me (whispering to di) - What did you tell Ranveer?

Di (mischievous smile) - I just told him that if he keeps staring at my Priyanka like that... then the marriage will take longer to proceed and he would get a fly in his mouth because he isn't closing his mouth.

Me (playfully hitting di) - You shouldn't have done that

Instead of replying to me, di looks at the wedding that is happening. As I look at the wedding, all those painful memories of my marriage with Mr Omkara Singh Oberoi comes into my mind. I can't really blame him for my heart break because I should have understood long back that a relationship requires trust and also they need to know the value of each other, to be successful. I turn towards Anika di, who is running towards Ansh, probably because he might have wakened up. Anika di has finally got over that Shivay and is happy with us. She is a big businesswoman and works with bhai and bhabhi. To be honest, I am kind of sad that bhai and bhabhi couldn't come but I can understand why... after all, my dear bhabhi is 5 months pregnant.
Voice (shouting) - Stop this marriage

We immediately turn towards the voice:

Me (running up to bhai and hugging him) - Bhai! Bhabhi! I thought you wouldn't come...

Bhai (hugging me back) - How can we miss our princess Priyanka's marriage?

Bhabhi (angry) - Gauri! You started this marriage without us... I am so angry with you

Bhai looked at bhabhi with a shocked face and then whispered something to bhabhi, which made her smile and blush.

Bhai (approaching pandit) - Start the marriage

As the marriage is commencing, bhai starts looking around for Anika di, before I could say anything Anika di comes out from the bedroom with a crying Ansh.

Anika di (seeing bhai) - Bhai!

Anika di rushes towards bhai and gives him a warm hug, making sure not to squish Ansh.

Bhai (taking Ansh from Anika di, who instantly stops crying) - Looks like my champion missed me...

Pandit - Marriage is finished, now take blessings from your elders.

Priyanka comes towards bhai and bhabhi and takes their blessings.

Priyanka (smiling) - Ritik bhai... I need your blessings first because you helped me so much to achieve my dreams... I couldn't have started a business, without your help... you are the brother that I have never had

Bhai (teary-eyed) - How many times do I have to tell you Priyanka you are a younger sister to me and I only helped you by giving you tips... you did all the work.

Priyanka (smiling) - Thank you again Ritik bhai... and for my Shivanya bhabhi... you are the best... you know bhabhi... I never got a mum's love ... but because of you, I got it... I am so grateful to you... thank you

Bhabhi (teary-eyed) - Don't make me cry Priyanka...this little baby inside me... doesn't like that his/her bua is making his/her mum cry... now coming to your thank you... (angry) How can you say thank you to your Shivanya bhabhi? You call me bhabhi and then you say thank you... I am very disappointed in you.

Bhai (concerned) - Sorry Priyanka... don't mind her anger... You know how she is.

Priyanka gives an assuring smile to bhai, and then approaches di who is looking at her with tears.

Priyanka (holding di's hands) - Anika Bhabhi! What should I say to you? Bhabhi, you have done so much for me and so has Gauri bhabhi... you both have been with me through my thick and thin times... I am so glad that I have such wonderful bhabhis... I am grateful to both of you because... I don't know what I would do without you guys.

I try to stop myself from getting teary-eyed, but nothing goes planned because I immediately start to get tears from my eyes.

After taking our blessings, she goes

Priyanka comes towards Saumya to take her blessings but Saumya steps away.

Saumya (cupping Priyanka) - You are becoming my bhabhi... in that relationship, I am supposed to take blessings from you.

Priyanka (smiling) - No, Saumya di... you will always be my older sister... who I look up to... the reason I don't call you bhabhi... is because... since we met... I have been thinking of you as my older sister... Saumya di, I have never had an older sister but ... you are a perfect example of what an older sister should be like... You have understood me so well in such a short amount of time... You have always supported me to follow my dreams... there is a lot more to say but ... all I am going to say is... you will always be my older sister...

Saumya (hugging her) - Stop making me emotional Priyanka bhabhi

Priyanka taking the opportunity takes Saumya's blessings and then turns to stand with Ranveer.

Precap - Back at OM

This is my last update for this week due to my exam and that's why I made it long.

Next Update: Next Weekend 

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