Chapter 14

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It has been a whole year since Anika left, I thought she will come back like she always does... but I guess I was wrong. After Anika's betrayal... I have become Stone Singh Oberoi... as she would say. Mum has been constantly pestering me to get married to a girl she chose, for a year, but I am not ready to move on. Omkara has again started taking drugs, right now he is in rehab... but his condition isn't good. He isn't responding to any of the treatments, where is Gauri? Why is she not with Omkara? Can't she see the pain that Omkara is going through because of her? I guess mum was right, you can't trust those middle-class women... Anika betrayed me while Gauri left Omkara when he needed her the most. One thing that shocks me is that Anika, Gauri and Priyanka all left the house at the same time, I still feel guilty for how we treated Priyanka... I was too busy trying to help my brothers that I never saw the hurt that Priyanka had... I still remember the letter she wrote for us...

To my fake family,

Don't bother searching for me as I will NEVER come back, I hate everyone in this house excluding my bhabhis and Om bhai. Here are my reasons as to why I am leaving:

I don't want to stay in a family where my own parents don't even care about their own children. My dad is cheating on my mum while my mum is becoming an alcoholic. Here is an advice mum, divorce dad and start to care for your children.

My older brother the great Shivay Singh Oberoi doesn't give a damn about his sister. All you care about is your younger brothers, since young whenever mum and dad would fight, you would cheer up my brothers and you looked after them as if they were your kids, but what about me? I was the youngest member yet I was treated like an outsider, I never saw you coming up to me and trying to cheer me up or look after me. The only reason that I don't hate you is because you married my Anika di... she is the best, don't ever hurt her.

My younger brother, Mr Rudy, you know what Rudra bhai grow up, you aren't 10. I love how you can make a girl fall for you and then break her heart. You married Saumya, the only person who understood me in this house and you hurt her to the point... that because of YOU ... she is scared to fall in love. Stop looking at girls from their outer beauty, look at them from their inner. I like Bhavya di but the best for you is Saumya di because you don't have to change yourself for her unlike with Bhavya. I hate you the most because you broke the heart of a girl that did so much for this family, that loved you truly. I will never forgive you.

Omkara bhai, you were always the one that truly loved me... I love you bhai... but if you hurt my Gauri bhabhi then I will never forgive you.

Bye, my fake family,


As soon as we all read it, we all became emotional and guilty. All of us including bade mum and bade papa started looking for Priyanka, but we couldn't trace her anywhere. After a few days, bade mum divorced bade papa and started helping us in the business. Bade papa was feeling very guilty for his actions and even apologised to the entire family, but none of us forgave him. Bade mum kicked him out of the house, and then she started to show love and care to Omkara and Rudy... but both Omkara and Rudy neglected her. Rudy has changed a lot and so has his relationship with us. He no longer is the immature, irresponsible Rudy, instead, he has started his own business and doesn't even talk to any of the family members. He and Bhavya are always ignoring the family members. If any of us try to talk to him, he gives us a rude answer and then leaves... What is happening to our family?

Why are Rudra and Bhavya neglecting their family members?

Do Shivay and Omkara deserve Anika and Gauri?

Precap - Rudra's POV

Thank you guys for the votes and comments that you guys gave in the last chapter. They mean a lot to me. Please continue to vote and comment. I finished my exam early and therefore I am updating the story. Do tell me how this chapter is. 

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