Chapter 18

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Anika's POV

I wake up to hear Ansh's cries, he has been really cranky for a couple of days now and I am starting to get worried.
Saumya (knocking the door) - Anika di! Can I come in

I turn to the clock beside me to see it's only 5:00 AM, why is Saumya awake so early?

Me (taking Ansh in my lap) - Come in

I knew immediately that my Saumya has cried, I can see that she has put on makeup to make it look like she hasn't. I don't want to make her more cry, so I decide to not question her.

Me (putting on a fake smile) - Hey Saumya, why are you awake at this time? Shouldn't you be sleeping?

Saumya (lying) - I got up to get water but I heard Ansh's cries so I came in.

I really want Saumya to open up to me, but I don't want to force her.

Me(worried) - I don't know why he is crying so much

Saumya (fake smile) - Let me hold on to him di, you should sleep... you haven't had proper sleep for so long...

I am sorry Saumya, but I can't hold it back anymore.

Me (worried) - Saumya, why are you lying? I can clearly see that you have been crying... 

Me (continuing) - Saumya, you call me di... that means sister... please tell me why you are sad? I want to help you.

Saumya (crying) - Di! It has been one year... one year since all of us lost everything... you lost Shivay, Gauri di lost Omkara, Ansh lost his father and I lost my everything... I know that this isn't my fault but sometimes I wish I never met the Oberois... Di! Every day I think it's because of me that you all are here... if it weren't for me then...

Me (angry) - Saumya! Stop blaming yourself... Mr Shivay Singh Oberoi is a useless person... the only thing he is good at is being a good brother and son... he never will be a good husband or father... don't blame yourself for this because that guy doesn't deserve so much attention from us. I HATE HIM and I HATE ALL THE OBEROIS!

With that, I wipe Saumya's tears and then pass a silently listening Ansh to Saumya.

Me (painful smile) - 'Just remember that all the shit someone puts you through, Sooner or later find its way back to them.' Now don't cry for people that don't even value your tears... I am going to get ready ... can you look after Ansh while I get ready.

Saumya (smiling) - No di! We should all take rest... I know you haven't had as much rest due to Ansh's constant crying.... Look he is asleep now (pointing to Ansh) let's all sleep for some time... and di... thank you.

Saumya then puts Ansh in his cot bed and then drags me to sleep besides her. 

Gauri's POV

I have been searching for Saumya and di for 10 minutes and I am starting to get worried. Also since morning, I have been feeling really restless as if something big is about to happen. I also have to go shopping today for Ansh. How can I be so forgetful? I quietly approach di's room just in case Ansh is sleeping, to see the most beautiful sight. Saumya and di sleeping together hugging each other, while Ansh is playing in his coat. Not wanting to disturb di and Saumya, I quietly take Ansh with me outside.

Me (smiling) - My poor baby, did Mumma and masi (Saumya) leave you all by yourself? It's ok, your Gauri masi is here to look after you...

I take Ansh to his room where all his things are and get him changed.

After 30 minutes

Di immediately comes rushing in, followed by Saumya who is looking extremely tensed but as soon as they see Ansh in my arms they smile.

Di (smiling) - Chutki! Why didn't you wake me up? I am so sorry...

Me (smiling) - It's fine di, I saw you both asleep and therefore I took Ansh

I happily give Ansh to di and then I turn towards Saumya.

Me (smiling) - Saumya, do you want to come shopping with me?

Before Saumya could say anything a voice behind her answers

Voice (screaming) - YES!

- Image her wearing less jewellery and having sindoor in her parting-line of her hair 

Priyanka immediately runs towards us and hugs all of us individually while Ranveer comes running behind her with a huge bag.

Ranveer (out of breath) -

Di (smiling) - Ranveer, take a deep breath...

While Ranveer is taking deep breaths, Priyanka turns towards us and smiles

Di (teasing her) - Your face is glowing Priyanka... why is that?

Priyanka (blushing) - Anika bhabhi...

Saumya (joining in) - Yes Priyanka bhabhi.... You are glowing and your cheeks are turning red...

Me (controlling my laughter) - Yes Priyanka, why are your cheeks turning so red...

Priyanka (blushing) - Bhabhi you too, and Saumya di... I will not talk to you guys... where is my boyfriend?

Di (smiling) - He has gone to his school... why are you here? Don't you have to go on honeymoon?

Ranveer (smiling) - Bhabhi, actually we have moved our honeymoon to next week... and don't you know bhabhi there is a ritual where the bride has to go to her maternal house.... That's why she is here. Now (looking at Priyanka) Prinku you forgot your purse... and you forgot to give me something.

Priyanka (smiling) - Thank you Ranveer... (thinking) what did I forget to give?

Ranveer puts on a mischievous smile and whispers something to Priyanka, which makes her blush even more. I wonder what he asked? Soon Priyanka drags him away from us and exists the door but immediately comes back with a shy smile.

Di (laughing) - Ranveer wanted a kiss right Priyanka?

Priyanka (embarrassed) - Gauri Bhabhi, I will come shopping with you. Anyone else?

Saumya (sad) - I can't due to work but you guys can all go.

Di (sad) - I have to go for Ansh's doctor's appointment, sorry

Me (shocked) - How did I forget? We will also come with you

Di (smiling) - No, you guys go shopping and I will meet you there after the appointment so we can all go home together.

Precap - Rikara meeting

How will the meeting go?

Will Priyanka also meet Omkara?

Will Shivay meet Priyanka and Gauri?

Next Update: Thursday

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