Chapter 19

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Author's POV


Shivay and Omkara have been on the plane for 2 hours now and Shivay has been constantly doing work on his laptop while Omkara has been sleeping due to his weakness. 

Pretend Shivay is sitting on one of the chairs with a laptop

Captain - We will be arriving in Delhi in 15 minutes

Shivay goes towards Omkara's room and then shakes him a little to wake him up

Shivaay (waking Omkara up) - Om, we are nearly here.

Omkara after a few minutes wake up feeling very tired and annoyed at Shivay as he had to leave OM where all of Gauri's memories are there. Shivay silently gives Omkara water to help him feel a bit better but Omkara refuses to take it.

Omkara (angry) - Why are you taking me to Mumbai? This place isn't going to help me... I need...

Shivay (angry) - Stop being so stupid, I am taking you here so that you can feel fine and I choose this place because... I have a meeting here in a few days. We will be going back after 2 weeks, so please calm down and don't say that you need Gauri because if she can survive without her god, Omkara then you can survive without her.

With that Shivay angrily leaves the room, while Omkara starts to get ready for his light changing trip in Mumbai.

After 30 minutes

Gauri and Priyanka are now on their way to the shopping centre while Anika is in another car and going to the doctor with Ansh, both Anika and Gauri are feeling restless but are too afraid to share it with anyone. Meanwhile, Priyanka is in her own world. Gauri seeing Priyanka so lost, shakes her to bring her back into the present.

Gauri (worried) - Priyanka, Where are you lost?

Priyanka (upset) - Bhabhi, just one year ago, I met Ranveer and after a few months of dating, he proposed to me and now I am happily married to him. My life is so perfect... but bhabhi I am scared... I am scared that this perfect life I have will come to an end. Because 'I think I'm afraid to be happy because whenever I get too happy, something bad always happens.'

Gauri who feels that whatever Priyanka is saying is true, but she knows that by saying that, it's not going to make her feel any better and therefore, changes the topic.

Gauri (fake smiling) - Do you remember, how Ranveer proposed to you?

Knowing that Gauri wants to change the topic, Priyanka starts to think about the best day of her life.

Flashback (For people who want Priveer scenes)

Priyanka's POV 

He called me that day and asking me to meet him at a certain address as it's an emergency. I immediately rushed outside from the office being worried and in around 10 minutes, I arrived there.

Imagine that girl isn't there

I have never been here and I am shocked at how beautiful this place is, after a few minutes of looking around, I suddenly remember Ranveer and I immediately scream for him.

Me (screaming) - RANVEER! Where are you?

Suddenly, my sight turns black due to Ranveer's hand covering my eyes.

Ranveer (let's go of his hands) - Prinku, come with me

We hold hands and woke down the aisle as if we are actually getting married. Soon, we stop in front of a beautiful waterfall. 

I still can't stop myself from being so fascinated by the beauty. Ranveer then makes me turn towards him.

Ranveer (smiling) - Priyanka, this is the place my mum used to always bring me every day, before... she died... But this place has lots of amazing memories with my mum and I want to share this place with you, so we can create new memories. No one knows about this place except for us.

Me (smiling) - Ranveer, we can come here whenever you want, can I please ask... wh...what happened to aunty?

Ranveer (sad and letting go of my hand) - She...she died of cancer... remember when I met you for the last time and I told you that my mum was sick (I nod) ... well, they were the first symptoms of cancer. Since we didn't have any cash, we couldn't pay for her treatment and she passed away 1 year after that.

Me (sad and guilty) - I am sorry...

Ranveer (smiling and holding my hand) - Don't be, it's fine... Prinku we have been friends since I was five and you were 4, we became really close friends in the 2 years... after you left... there wasn't a day, where I didn't think about you. I even used to tell Saumya, all about you and you know she always used to tell me... that I should move on... I can't always rely on your memories... she used to tell me that you might have moved on... I don't blame her for saying that because she is trying to stop me from getting heartbroken. You know despite Saumya's words, I still dreamt about you... soon I realised that I am actually in love without you... you know I was thinking to go to Delhi to search for you despite not knowing what you look like... I know that my heart will recognise you immediately, and it did... when I first saw you at Saumya's house... I immediately recognised heart immediately recognised you... you don't know how happy I was to find out that Sahil isn't your boyfriend. After I started dating you.... That was the best part of my life...

Me (worried) - WAS!... we are still dating

Ranveer (smiling) - no Priyanka, I don't want to date you anymore (I immediately get heartbroken but before, I could say anything, he starts talking)... don't say anything, let me finish...I am not really good at expressing my feelings but... (bends on his knee and takes out his ring) will Priyanka become Mrs Ranveer Randhawan... will she be the reason why I smile every day?

Me (mix of emotions and watery eyed) - YES!

Flashback Ends

Author's POV

The car immediately pulls up near a big mall, but the two ladies are in their own thoughts.

Driver - Mam, we are here!

Gauri who has been thinking about her life since this year and Priyanka who has been thinking about Ranveer, immediately jerk up and after murmuring a thank you, they leave to go towards the entrance of the mall.

Gauri (smiling) - Priyanka, I am going to go see some clothes for di and Ansh... you have to get some clothes for your honeymoon.

Priyanka (blushing) - I don't need any clothes... bhabhi let's go

Gauri (teasing her) -Why are you blushing Priyanka? I am asking you to get some warm clothes as you are going to Shimla.

Not wanting to be further embarrassed, the Priyanka leaves to get some warm clothes for her honeymoon after waving bye to her Gauri bhabhi. Gauri turns around to go towards the shop but accidentally bumps into someone, making them drop all their stuff.

Gauri (looking down and helping the person get the stuff) - I am so sorry

Gauri looks up to see the person but drops the stuff that she was carrying on the floor and looks at that person shocked

Gauri (shocked) - O...Omka...Omkara

(Don't think Saumya as a negative character, she was worried about Ranveer being heartbroken and also she didn't know that the girl that Ranveer was talking about was actually Priyanka Oberoi)

-       Guys, I am sorry if what Ranveer said, didn't sound as romantic or as good because I        am actually not that good at expressing feelings.

Precap - Rikara conversation

Next Update: Weekend 

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