Chapter 22

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Saumya's POV

As I start to leave towards the door, Gauri di starts to cry. I immediately turn towards di and give her a warm hug. I know that di isn't as strong as she shows, but I am sure that she would have answered Omkara and Shivay strongly, my di won't be weak in front of the ones that abused her physically and mentally. After a few minutes, I check to see that di is now worn out and her crying has calmed down as well.

Me (softly asking di) - Are you ok, di?

Di (sad) - Saumya, Omkara has tortured me so badly, he has hurt me a lot... but when I saw him today... I could see that he is regretting his deads .... He is honestly very sorry for his actions. I somewhere feel guilty that... I am responsible for the state he is in... I...

Me (upset) - Di, I understand that you love him so much and that's why you are upset because you think that it's your fault that he is in this condition, but bhabhi... don't forget the tortures he did to you.... Don't forget that he made your life miserable.... Di! Please don't be weak... if you forgive him so easily then, he will again take you for granted. He needs to learn his lesson.

With a smile, I take di into the car to take her home. As I am sitting in the car, I start to think of ways to protect my dis and Priyanka and Ansh. I know that Shivay is very smart and since he knows that Gauri di is here, he will try to find out about her. He will do anything just to find out about her. I immediately dial the number of one of the best spying agency in Mumbai, knowing that Shivay will do that because he thinks that the best agency will do the best work.

On Call

Guy - Hello, this is Reyaan from XYZ spy agency, how may I help you?

Me (surprised) - Reyaan?.... My name is Saumya, I need you to...

Guy (shocked) - Saumya? As in Saumya Tendulkar

Me (surprised) - Yes! Reyaan Chabra?

Reyaan - Yes, it has been one and a half year, Saumya! How are you?

Me (smiling) - I am fine, but how are you?

Reyaan - I am fine as always, I miss you... We should meet up... sometime soon.

Me (smiling) - Of Course, (serious face) Reyaan, I need your help.

Reyaan - How may I help you?

Me (serious face) - look, Shivay is going to call this company to get information about two people called Gauri Kumari Sharma and Anika. Please don't tell him anything about them... I know that it will be hard for you to go against your company policies... but please don't tell him anything about them and if possible, please make sure that no one tells him about those two people.

Reyaan (shocked) - Saumya, you have changed so much... you don't call Shivay as Shivay bhaiya ... and who is Gauri Kumari Sharma.... And Saumya, you know that I can't go against the company, I can get fired for lying to my client.

Me (sad) - Please Reyaan, do that for me. When we meet up, I will answer all your questions, for now just do that and make sure no other agencies tell him about them. Please, Reyaan! I will do anything if you do that.

Reyaan - I will try Saumya... I can't make any promises.... Wanna meet up on Saturday? We haven't hung out for so long.

Me (smiling) - Fine! But in the morning at 10 am. Deal?

Reyaan - Sure! I have your number so I will text you later to decide the location. Bye!

Me (smiling) - Bye!

Thank god, Reyaan works there, now I don't have to worry about Shivay getting to know about Gauri di and Anika di. I know that I said to Priyanka that since their names are changed, no one can find them... but this is Shivay Singh Oberoi we are talking about... he will get his answers by hook or crook. I trust Reyaan to not tell any information about Gauri di and Anika di.

Driver - We are here

I turn towards Gauri di who is sitting lost, I immediately know that she was thinking about Omkara.

Me (clicking my fingers in front of di's face) - Are you fine di?

Di (lost) - Where am I?

Me (worried) - We are home di.

I help di get out of the car and then we both go inside with fake smiles towards Anika di's room.

Anika di (smiling) - Finally, you guys are here! You know Priyanka and Ranveer took Ansh with them because they said you wanted to talk to me.... What is it?

Thank you Priyanka and bhai, I owe you guys.

Gauri di (fake smiling) - Di...

Anika di (sad) - What is it chutki? Tell me

Gauri di (upset) - First please promise us, you won't take a lot of stress about this

Anika di (scared) - What is it? I promise not to take a lot of stress

Gauri di (upset) - they are back... Mr Shiv... Mr Shivay SIngh Oberoi and Mr Omkara SIngh Oberoi.

Anika di (smiling) - So what?

Me and Gauri di (shocked) - What?

Anika di (smiling) - Guys, I know that you guys might think I am weak and I would get all tensed and worried about this, but you are wrong. They were in our past and this lifestyle is our present and future. We can't keep getting feared by our past as it will not take us anywhere. I don't care if they are back or not because I don't want to go back to my old life... I love this life. I am not scared of them... I know that Shivay still thinks that I betrayed him and I don't feel the need to tell him the truth anymore, just like Saumya doesn't feel the need to tell the Oberois that Bhavya is the true villain... they will only blame us more and more if we try to tell them the truth. So, what's the point? They will only realise our value when they themselves... accept that they were wrong. Our past shouldn't stop us from getting a brighter future.

I rush up to Anika di, with Gauri di also rushing with me to give Anika dia warm hug. I can't argue with di as she is right... they will only realise what we are worth if they themselves realise their mistake.

Precap - Rudra in Mumbai!

How will Reyaan and Saumya's date go?

Do you agree with Anika's thoughts?

Note: Guys, I am trying to update as fast as I can because I am going on holidays soon and therefore this story will be on hold for 2 weeks after this Friday. Sorry!

Thank you guys for the votes and comments that you guys gave in the last chapter. They mean a lot to me. Please do continue to vote and comment. Do tell me how this chapter is. 

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