Chapter 23

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Warning: Some parts of this chapter are for a mature audience as it has harm to an unborn child.

Anika's POV

After my little speech and hug, I start to wipe the tears that were coming from Chutki's face. Saumya (smiling and leaving the hug) - Di, I am going to go see Ansh.

Me (smiling) - Wait, I will join know Saumya, sometimes, I feel I have a son and a daughter. Ansh is 3 months old and he doesn't even cry as much as this Chutki does.

Chutki (angry) - Don't compare me to Ansh, di, you know that I am an emotional person

Bhai and Bhabhi (smiling) - We know

Chutki immediately lets go of the hug and runs to bhai and bhabhi.

Bhai (tensed) - What happened Chutki?

I immediately lie to bhai because he already has too many things to worry about and this will add to his problems.

Me (lying) - Bhai, she has been missing you guys a lot

Gauri (letting go of the hug and understanding me) - Yes bhai!

Bhabhi (angry) - What about your bhabhi? How can you forget her? She is way better than your brother.

Gauri (smiling) - How can we forget you?

Gauri then gives a hug to bhabhi while I hug bhai

Saumya (smiling) - What about me? Who should I hug?

All 4 of us open our arms to make the hug into a group hug and Saumya runs up and completes our wish by making the hug into a group hug.

Saumya (teasing bhai) - You know Bhabhi, you are my favourite... you are even better then bhai

Bhabhi (smiling) - Thanks, Saumya, even you are my favourite ... (angry) I hate this Ded Haddi. He is so annoying. You know Saumya, I wanted to go shopping today and buy clothes for the baby... but this guy, he doesn't even have time for us. Imagine what will happen after the baby is born.

Bhai gives a glare at Saumya, which makes Saumya's smile immediately fade away.

Bhai (apologetic to bhabhi) - I am sorry Shivanya, but you know...

Bhabhi (angry) - I don't care if you have... AHHH!

Bhai (tensed) - What happened?

Bhabhi (emotional) - The baby! He/She kicked me

Bhai (smiling through the tears) - I guess my baby doesn't like his/her mum yelling and arguing with his/her dad.

Bhai goes down and starts to feel the baby. He feels somewhat emotional and then talks to the baby in a babyish voice.

Bhai - My baby, come soon.... I love you and don't hurt your mum too much, ok?

I, Chutki and Saumya turn to leave the couple as I can understand that they need some privacy. When we are outside, we notice that Ansh is asleep in Priyanka's arms while Priyanka is asleep on Ranveer's shoulder and Ranveer is also asleep cuddling Priyanka and Ansh. They look so cute. They are going to make wonderful parents.

Saumya (whispering) - Let's go to my room

We all quietly go towards Saumya's room and as soon as we reach there, we all sequel out of happiness.

Saumya (happy) - That was so cute

Chuki(smiling) - Yes di, the way the baby kicked making bhai and bhabhi's fight stop and the cute family scene. Oh god, today is the best day

Me (smiling) - Yes it, guess what, I have no schedule tomorrow... so anyone wants to have a girls day out.

Chutki (smiling) - Why not? It will be fun... after all, it's Saturday... that means Saumya doesn't have work tomorrow

Saumya (worried) - Umm...actually I am going with Reyaan, tomorrow to catch up

Me (smiling) - Are you sure, it's just catching up?

Chutki (smiling) - Who is Reyaan

Me (smiling) - Reyaan is... Saumya' ex-boyfriend

Chutki (smiling) - OMG, we will also join you then

Saumya (shocked) - Di, you can't... I mean that it will be really weird, as you don't know Reyaan and he doesn't know you.

Me (teasing Saumya) - But he does know me...

Saumya (shocked) - No!... I mean...

Me (cupping Saumya) - Saumya, after so long, we are seeing you going out with a guy... I know you have been betrayed by the one that you loved the most... but you need to move on.

Saumya (upset) - Di, please don't say this ever again, I am regretting loving that guy and I will keep on regretting it, as the love was a big mistake... you are right, I need to move on and I have but I don't believe in love anymore and Reyaan is just a friend... please try to understand

Bhai (coming in) - Who wants to feel the baby's kick?

Saumya is the first one to respond and goes towards bhabhi to feel the baby kick.

Meanwhile in OM

Rudra's POV

On Call

Me - Yes doctor, how are the reports? Is Bhavya fine? How about our baby?

Doctor - Mr Oberoi, I think it's better if I tell you in person

Me (shocked) - Just answer my damn question!

Doctor - Mrs Oberoi, isn't doing fine... if she continues to drink Alcohol while she is pregnant ... then, the baby could possibly die... if the baby dies then...she can never become a mother again.

Me (shocked) - What? Are you mad, doctor?

Doctor - I can understand your emotions, Mr Oberoi, but that's the truth...I think you should talk to your wife ... I think it's best if you bring her to me, as there is rehab here and she would be able to get rid of her addiction.

Me (shocked) - Rehab? I will talk to my wife and then, I will decide what I should do. Thank you, doctor.

After cutting the phone, I throw my stupid phone in anger, breaking my phone into pieces.

Me (yelling) - Bhavya!!! BHAVYA!

Bhavya (running in) - What is it?

I look at Bhavya, who for once looks sober, I angrily march towards her while she looks at me fearless and confident.

Bhavya (angry) - What do you want?

Why is she making me think that it's my fault that we are on the verge of losing our baby?

Me (angry) - Bhavya, I just called the doctor to check your result... and they said we are on the verge of losing our baby.

Bhavya (smiling) - So what? I already told you, I don't want a child... this was a mistake and I don't plan on carrying it for 9 months.

How can she even say that for her own child? I know that she didn't want a child, but how can she think of killing it?

Me (shocked) - I have every right to deciding for this child as I am the father.

Bhavya (smiling) - That's what you think.... I mean that, yes you do have a right to say for it but... I have more right then you since I am the mother. I don't want this child and if it dies then I don't care.

Me (angry) - How could you even say that? This is OUR child, OUR sign of love

Bhavya (angry) - Don't force me to change my decision, I am only 25 ... I don't want this stupid child to ruin my life. I can't even abort it and therefore, I am killing it by drinking.

I can't believe I fell in love with such a heartless person? She wants to kill her own child. I need to change her mind. What should I do? If my brothers were here then they would tell me.

Me (angry) - Bhavya, you can't kill this child... they mean a lot to me... please, I beg you.

Bhavya (angry) - Don't try to control me... fine, I won't do anything to the child... if you leave the city for some time as your brothers did, go to Mumbai... for a few weeks. Let me have some piece.

Me (shocked) - What? I can't leave you in this condition

Bhavya (angry) - I don't care, just leave me ALONE... I promise not to harm the baby, while you aren't here... I won't drink

Not having any choice, I start to pack my bags while Bhavya gives me my tickets. Wait, how did she book it so early? Was she going to blackmail me to go?

Me (shocked) - When did you book my flight to Mumbai?

Bhavya (shrugging) - Yesterday, I knew you were going to do argue with me today and that's why I booked it earlier.

I can't deal with this. I randomly grab random clothes and then I leave my house with the ticket.

Will Bhavya really not harm the baby while Rudra is gone?

Is the baby really Rudra's child?

Precap - Rudra sees Saumya and Reyaan together

Thank you guys for the votes and comments that you guys gave in the last chapter. They mean a lot to me. Please do continue to vote and comment. Do tell me how this chapter is. 

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