Chapter 40

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Anika's POV continues


I get ready for the business meeting I have, this is my first time meeting the owner of the company and I have to look professional. I haven't got any details about the company except for the fact that I have no idea who the company is or who I am meeting. I am so nervous, yesterday was very hectic and I haven't prepared anything for it. RING!RING! I hurriedly pick up the phone, worried that Ansh might wake up due to the noise.

On Call

Me (whispering) - Hello

Caller - Hey Ani, guess who will be helping you with this presentation

Me (smiling) - Hi Neil, I am so happy that you are working with me in this presentation... so how are you? 

Neil (smiling) - I am fine yaar (friend) but I am missing everyone a lot especially Ansh

Me (laughing) - Are you sure, you are missing Ansh and everyone else... or are you missing someone else... maybe...

Neil (laughing) - No,no... I am ...not..meeting... I mean we have a meeting with the Oberois soon... hurry up... I will meet you there... Bye

Neil immediately cuts the phone, I love making this guy nervous. Neil Khanna was my best friend in the orphanage and after I left the orphanage after being adopted by Sahil's parents, we lost contact and after I moved to Mumbai, I reconnected with him. Wait, did he just say that I have a meeting with Oberois. Oh god, wish me luck... I don't want to deal with that Bagad Billa again but I don't even have a choice.

After 30 minutes

Me (screaming) - Hey Gauri, I am leaving for office... I will be back in a couple of hours... would you be able to look after Ansh for that time... I have fed him so he will be asleep for a couple of hours...

Instead of having Gauri reply to me, Saumya replies from the kitchen.

Saumya (screaming back) - Di, don't take tension... I will look after Ansh

I go towards Saumya to avoid the shouting, which would wake up Ansh. As soon as I get in the kitchen, I couldn't stop myself from laughing. Saumya was covered in flour, which made her face look so funny and the floor was also covered in flour but Saumya is the one mostly covered in flour.

Me (laughing) - S...Saumya, why are you covered in flour?... You... look...

Saumya (faking anger) - Di... don't laugh at me... I was trying to cook food for us... but... I guess...

Me (laughing) - That plan's fine Saumya... I will cook when I get home from work... anyway, where is Gauri?

Saumya (cleaning herself) - di went to her art show that she is hosting... she will be back at night...

I start to help Saumya clean up while laughing in the middle because of her face.

Saumya (smiling) - Di, you should go ... don't you have a meeting?

How could I forget that? I quickly check the time to see I only have 15 minutes to reach the office. Oh god, I hope I get there on time.

15 minutes later

I rush into the office to see Neil looking at me with a smirk. I seriously need to start coming on time otherwise, this guy will keep winning the bet. I come towards him with a smiling face and he whispers in my ear

Neil (whispering) - 1,000 Rupees are now mine... this is getting really easy... you are never on time.

Me (smiling) - I will give you the money later, let me tell you one thing I will win one day... I will come on time once... but for now, let's go meet our client.

As I am heading towards the cabin for the meeting, Avni, my assistant comes in with my file

Ignore the sindoor and mangalsutra

Avni (smiling) - Anika, you forgot your file, this has the details for the project

Me (smiling) - Thanks Avni

Neil (flirting) - Hey Avni, how are you?

Avni (smiling) - Fine sir, what about you?

Neil (smiling) - Avni, how many times do I have to tell you to not call me sir... just like Anika please call me by my name...

Avni (nervous) - But sir... how can I? You are my Anika's boss...

Neil (faking anger) - You can call Anika by her name... then why not me? Come on Avni, that's not fair.

Avni (scared) - I am so sorry Sir ... I mean Neil

She looks into Neil's eyes when she says his name while Neil looks into her eyes, and they seem to have an eye lock.

His hands involuntarily come to touch her cheeks. Oh god! I have to stop this, we have a meeting right now... sorry, Neil. I start to do a fake cough to gain their attention and it works, Neil immediately moves his hands away from Avni's cheeks and then both of them blush and look away. Avni runs away while Neil looks at me with an angry face.

Precap - The Meeting

NOTE: Does anyone want to see Avneil love story? 

Thank you guys for the votes and comments that you guys gave in the last chapter. They mean a lot to me. Please continue to vote and comment.  HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL THE WONDERFUL WATTPAD READERS. 

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