Chapter 44

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Gauri's POV

What? I am... still married to him. No this can't be... I don't want to again be used and thrown away like tissue paper... I want to divorce him.

Me (angry) - I want a divorce then...

Omkara (shocked and upset) - Wh...why? Gauri I promise you that I won't treat you like cr*p again... I would trust you...

Me (angry) - Please, don't give me fake promises... who knows if the past would repeat itself or not... I can't be living with a guy who uses me like tissue paper... I don't want to trust you again because what if you break that? It took me a year just to get over you and if the trust breaks again then... I don't know how long it will take me to recover... I genuinely loved you Omkara and I worshipped you but you only hurt me... I want a divorce that's it.

Omkara (upset) - I am really sorry Gauri and I love you a lot Gauri but I don't want to force you in this relationship... can you give me a week to win you back?... I promise you that I won't hurt you again Gauri and in this week if I fail to win you back and to show you that I have changed then... I will leave Mumbai... I will never show you my face again and that's my promise...

Why? Why is life so hard? I just want to go up to him and hug him. I just want to tell him that I accept you, I want you back... but I know ... if I do that then I will be taken for granted... and he will repeat his mistake again... what should I do?

Omkara (wiping my tears) - I am not going to force you to give me a week, I will leave if you want...

Omkara goes to leave with a sad face while I hold him back... no I can't let him go... what's the harm in giving him a week?

Me (pretending to be angry) - I will give you a week and that's it... if I don't feel that you deserve me then you will leave from here after signing the divorce papers...

Omkara (smiling) - Thank you so much Gauri, you don't know how much this means to me

He comes towards me and gives me an unexpected hug while I stand there not wanting to hug him back. If I hug him back then I will fall weak and this Gauri will not fall weak.

Mr Smith (knocking on the door) - Are you both done with the discussion?

Omkara immediately lets go of the hug and looks away, embarrassed.

Omkara (smiling) - Of course

Mr Smith comes in with a laptop in his hand and then stares at us as if looking for something.

Mr Smith (smiling) - I can see the love you both share with each other... anyway, are you both ready to work on the project with me?

Omkara (smiling) - yes, we are

Mr Smith (smiling) - Ok great, I am going to ask you both 3 questions about each other as I want to see how well you both know each other?

Me (curious) - Why is that important?

Mr Smith (smiling) - I like to work with couples that are compatible with each other as it means that there would be fewer issues when they work together for the project... so are you both ready?

Omkara/Me (nervous) - Yes

Mr Smith - Mrs Oberoi, what is Mr Oberoi's weakness?

Me (smiling) - His biggest weakness is that he believes in the truth. He believes that there is no power greater than the truth and that there is no weakness of truth. This logic of his can create big problems for him and it already has.

Mr Smith - Correct answer, Mrs Oberoi... now your turn Mr Oberoi... who does Gauri love the most in the whole world?

Omkara (smiling) - She loves her god the most

Mr Smith - Correct, Mrs Oberoi, What does Mr Oberoi fear of?

Me - 'Omkara fears accepting truth. He fears to look at the other side of the box. He is scared to look and explore the world outside the box.'

Mr Smith - Good job, Mr Oberoi, Who does Mrs Oberoi hate the most?

Omkara - She doesn't hate anyone as hate is a strong word... she dislikes a lot of people but she doesn't hate anyone.

Mr Smith (smiling) - I knew you guys were perfect, I will not ask any more questions as it would just waste my time... now would you please meet me tomorrow at my office at 10:00 am to sign the contract.

Mr Smith then leaves after giving us a handshake

I am quite surprised to know that Omkara knows me so well, I mean he has only hated me then how can he know me so well?

Precap - Aniriya has fun

Thank you guys for the votes and comments that you guys gave in the last chapter. They mean a lot to me. Please continue to vote and comment. 

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