Chapter 45

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Saumya's POV

As I playing with Ansh, I see Anika di come in with one of her angry looks and by that look, I knew she met Shivay. As I am going to approach her, Neil comes running behind with an angry look as well.

Neil (angry) – Ani, why did you hide from me that Shivay is actually your ex-husband? I would have bashed him up for you...

Me (smiling) – You would bash up any guy for di... especially the one that hurts her... am I right Neil or am I, right?

Neil (angry) – I would hurt anyone that tries to hurt my Ani...

Me (smiling) – You guys are so cute... di would also hurt any girl who tries to hurt you...

Di (taking Ansh from me) – yes I would hurt the girl if she hurts Neil but if Neil hurts her then I will take the girl's side.

Neil (pretending to be offended) - That's not fair, Ani... if I could take your side no matter what then so should you... I thought we were best friends

I listen to those two argue funnily about who is a true friend. I knew this will make both of their modes better. Sometimes I feel jealous at their relationship, I wish I had a friend like Neil in my life who would be really protective of me. As I am thinking all this, I get a call from an unknown number. I leave those two to enjoy with Ansh and to argue about who is a better friend.

Me - Hello

Person - Hey Saumya, I am calling you to tell you that I have changed my number... so just keep this number in mind now

Me (smiling) - Of course Reyaan... when is your wedding again?

Reyaan - In a few months... I wanted to ask you Saumya... do you want to catch up? Wanna hang out like old times? It has been so long...

Me (smiling) - I don't mind...

Reyaan - But, I am in Delhi at the moment... so we will meet in around a month

Me (smiling) - Ok, see you!

After cutting the call, I see Anika di holding Ansh and Neil staring at me with a mischievous smile

Me (embarrassed) - He is... getting married

Anika di (turning to Neil) - Someone was saying that we were so cute together and that we would do anything to help each other... well look at you Saumya, you have got a friend as well that will do anything for you... it doesn't matter that he is getting married... as he still hasn't got married...

Me (smiling) - Di, what are you saying?

Neil (laughing) - She is just joking, Ani... now it's my turn to hold Ansh...

Di (smiling) - My poor Neil, you have bad luck... Ansh is asleep (pointing to Ansh, who is snoring away)

Neil was about to say something but he gets a phone call and excuses himself to pick it up.

Gauri di (smiling and screaming) - HELLO!

Me and Anika di run up to give her a hug, making sure that poor Ansh doesn't get hurt

Gauri di (smiling) - Guess what?

Me/Anika di (smiling) - What?

Gauri di (smiling) - I met Omkara...

Anika di (upset) - What? Did you get hurt? Are you ok?

Me (smiling) - I know you did, Khushi di told me...

Gauri di (upset) - I will have to talk to Khushi after this, how can she spoil surprises like that?

Anika di (upset) - I am confused, how is meeting Omkara a surprise?

Gauri di (smiling) - Di, I have decided to give Omkara a week to prove himself to me... if he does then I will give him a chance... but if not... then... I ... will divorce him

Anika di (confused) - Aren't you already divorced?

Gauri di (smiling) - No, he didn't sign the divorce papers

Neil (smiling) - Are you all done with your girl conversation? Guess what, mum and dad are busy tonight... that means I can go out with you all... as I don't have to go home... so who is coming to a restaurant? My treat

Me (smiling) - I am in

Gauri di (smiling) - I am also in... but I will also pay with you

Neil (smiling) - No, my treat! Guess what Ani?

Neil looks at Anika di with an excited face while Anika di is lost somewhere, Oh no! This will not be so good for her health.

Neil (shaking Anika di) - ANI! (Di gets out of her thinking mode)... Avni agreed to go on a date with me! Do you know what that means?

Anika di (teasing Neil) - I don't know, what does that mean?

Neil (upset) - It means she likes me! Anyway, let's go...

We all rush upstairs to get ready, while Neil goes to the guest room where most of his clothes are as he is mostly staying with us because his parents live far from here.

After an hour

Precap - Jealous Shivay and Rikara scenes

Thank you guys for the votes and comments that you guys gave in the last chapter. They mean a lot to me. Please continue to vote and comment. 

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