Chapter 66

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No one's POV

Saumya who saw Rudra leave silently during the mini celebration didn't bother to check on him as she thought tit for tat. When did he ever show concern for her? Why should she keep on getting used? She was having a fun time with her brothers and sisters when she noticed a figure near the door smiling at her. She immediately recognises him to be Reyaan. She rushes up to him and hugs him. Reyaan is the only guy who blindly trusts her... Reyaan who was surprised by the hug takes a moment to realise what's happening but then hugs her back. Soon they disperse and Reyaan goes towards dadi to take her blessings.

Dadi (smiling) - Reyaan beta, I haven't seen you for so long... you should come here more often...

Reyaan (annoyed) - Why would I come to a place where my friend's heart was broken? Where she was blamed for something that she didn't do? She was even tortured by this entire family... I hate all of yous... especially (goes towards Rudra) you

Reyaan punches Rudra making his eyes black. Saumya saw this but didn't bother to even stop Reyaan as she knew that Rudra deserves it and whatever Reyaan is saying is right.

Anika (worried) - Reyaan, we understand the problem... but violence is never the answer...

Reyaan (angry) - Really, you are saying this Anika bhabhi... what were your husband and devars doing when my Saumya got kicked on the nose by that Bhavya? What were you doing? Don't try to stop me... as he deserves all this .... Saumya pack your bags, we are leaving.

Saumya (shocked) - Reya...Reyaan... no ... I can't leave, I have to stay here... until this wedding and then I am going to Mumbai.

Reyaan (annoyed) - No Saumya, these people don't deserve so much love from you... why are you even caring for them when they didn't care for you? (goes to Anika) you thought of her as your older sister... but did she stand up for you when she was given the chance? (goes to Shivay) you called him your bade bhaiya... did he ever fulfil the responsibility of a brother? (goes to Omkara)... you called him your bade baal vaale bhaiya... he was your favourite brother... you tied rakhi to him... did she ever stand up for you? NO! None of them did! ...

Dadi (upset) - I know Reyaan we all made a mistake but... we have apologised... I know we don't deserve forgiveness but...

Reyaan (angry) - Please dadi, don't say a work... I respect you a lot but when it comes to my friend, Saumya then... I ... what do you think that just because you said sorry that all the mental abuse she had to deal with will go away? Dadi, she is an innocent soul and you guys are taking advantage of her... also dadi, for once... stop thinking about your useless grandsons and think about your granddaughters... Saumya thought of you as her grandmother... but you...never assumed her as your granddaughter... no offence dadi, but your other granddaughter Priyanka is not in this house for a year... did you even bother to check on her? All you care about is your stupid and useless grandsons... my billu, my Om, my Rudra... what happened to my Priyanka? Why are you showing a difference between your grandsons and granddaughter?

Saumya (annoyed) - Reyaan, don't question dadi's love... all dadi's love their grandchildren equally... now please leave... you are my friend Reyaan and that's why I am telling you respectfully to leave... I can solve my own problems... they have realized their mistakes and that's all that matters...I think you should leave now.

Reyaan angrily leaves the place but not before glaring at Rudra. He really wanted to bash Rudra up but he knew that his friend wouldn't even like it.

Saumya (coldly) - Rudra, you wanted to know what is true friendship... didn't you? Well, Reyaan just showed you the meaning of true friendship... (turning to everyone).. Sorry on behalf of Reyaan, he said a lot...

Dadi (teary-eyed) - No Saumya, he was right... I was being stupid... I showed differences between my granddaughter and grandson... I shouldn't have... this is 21st century and girls and guys are the same... I should have realised it earlier... please... please give me Priyanka's number... I want to call her... and apologise... I want to apologise to you too... I am sorry Saumya... please forgive me... I was wrong...

Saumya smiles and gives dadi a hug and Priyanka's phone number, while Anika runs towards her room crying and as always Shivay follows her.

Anika (crying) - Why is life so cruel? When I thought that everything was well... everything flipped... How could I forget my betrayal to Saumya? Saumya has done so much for us... and I haven't done anything for her...

Shivay (puts his hand on her shoulder) - Anika...

Anika (upset) - Not now Shivay...I don't need you to come to me every time I cry... I have cried without your support and I still can.

Shivay (hurt) - I know you can cry without me... but you can talk to me... and maybe I can help you as I want to do something for Saumya as well...

Anika (upset) - Shivay, I don't need your help... I am an independent woman, I can figure out things myself...

Shivay (hurt) - Anika, stop pushing me away... I know I made a mistake... and I am trying to make it up to you... but I can't if you keep pushing me away.

Anika (angry) - The reason I am pushing you away was that I don't want to get broken again... what will happen if you leave me again? I am not a toy Shivay... I am a human being... don't treat me as if I am a toy...I don't want your sympathy...(upset)... look Shivay, just leave

Shivay (hurt) - Anika, I don't...

Anika (hurt) - LEAVE!

Shivay leaves the room feeling hurt and cursing himself for not showing trust to his wife. On the other side, Saumya is packing her stuff from Rudra's room when Rudra comes along.

Rudra (hurt) - Saumya, where are you going? Are you leaving me?

Saumya (cold) - I will leave you... but for now, I am going to the guest room...where I belong...

Rudra (upset) - No Saumya, you don't belong there... you belong in this room... I will go to the guest room...

Saumya (smirking) - Don't show me fake hospitality... the old Saumya would be dying for you to say that... but this Saumya... she doesn't want to stay in a room where you have stayed in... with your wife... Bhavya... I have no right in this room... so let me leave Rudra.

As Saumya turns to leave, Rudra holds her and pulls her towards him, making her drop all her luggage and her hands immediately go on Rudra's shoulder while Rudra holds her by her waist.

Saumya and Rudra had a mini eye lock, where Saumya's eyes showed nothing but hatred to Rudra which pained him a lot while Rudra's eyes showed love for Saumya, which made Saumya angrier. Soon, Saumya breaks the eye lock and glares at Rudra with anger.

Saumya (angry) - Don't touch me ever again... you are nothing to me and you will never be, after this wedding, I am leaving don't bother trying to come closer to me as you will fail.

Rudra (hurt) - Saumya, please listen to me...

Saumya (angry) - What is there to listen Rudra? Don't you understand what it means when I say it's over... I mean it's over... I want nothing to do with you.

Rudra (upset) - Saumya, I am sorry... I shouldn't have treated you like that... I shouldn't have been such a bad husband or a friend... I am willing to do anything to gain your love... I am sorry.. (starts crying and begs Saumya) please forgive me... please.

Saumya (angry) - Don't beg me for forgiveness as I am not willing to give you that. Think about the situation from my perspective, if I married a guy despite your warnings about him and even tortured you... would you forgive me?If I come up to you after a year of my marriage... where I found out the secret of my husband... and I just lost my child.. And apologise to you... would you? (Rudra bends down his head)... exactly, you are so selfish... I can't believe I fell for a guy like you.

Saumya starts packing her bags and Rudra silently watches her.

Rudra's POV

She is right, I can't force her to be in a relationship with me. I have always shown mistrust in her, she deserves to be free. I can't keep forcing her, she is a human, I have to let her free. I don't want to win her over if she doesn't want me to win over her. The least I could do is try to win her friendship, it will be hard but I want my old Sumo back. I want Rumya back, no more Ruvya, only Rumya. I will try my best to earn Sumo's friendship.

POV ends

Meanwhile, Aditya, Omkara, Gauri and Pankhuri are all sitting in Omkara's room, trying to come up with a solution to make Saumya smile. Gauri and Omkara are feeling really guilty for not trusting their sisters and they know how much Saumya has done for them. They found out that the honeymoon package they got from Mr Smith was fully funded by Saumya. Saumya knew how much they loved each other and how much they needed some private time, and therefore she decided to use that idea.

Pankhuri (smiling) - Guys, I got it!

Aditya (shocked) - Pankhuri, your ideas are always flopped... don't you remember your last idea... I am not listening to you.

Pankhuri (angry) - How could you say that Aditya? I am not going to talk to you

Aditya (shocked) - I was only telling the truth...

Omkara and Gauri who were tensed before, are trying to hold back their giggles looking at Pankhuri and Aditya argue.

Pankhuri (angry) - You are so mean... why can't you ever be nice... Learn something from Omkara... he is so nice to Gauri...

Aditya (annoyed) - Om, why are you doing this to me? Why are you showing off?

Omkara (shocked) - Wait, what? What did I do?

Aditya (annoyed) - Why do you have to be so nice to Gauri in front of Pankhuri? This Pankhuri, ever since she came has been talking about how you guys are such a perfect couple...

Pankhuri (annoyed) - I am only telling the truth... why do you think my ideas are so bad? (upset) you are always mean to me...

Aditya (worried) - Ok, mam.... Tell us your idea... and I am sorry, your ideas aren't bad... I was just annoying you.

Pankhuri (angry) - I don't want to talk to you

Pankhuri turns her back towards Aditya while Aditya cries internally at his misfortune.

Aditya (turns Pankhuri around) - Ok baba, sorry (holds his ears)... I won't tease you again (whispers to himself), what a boring wife I have?

Pankhuri (curious) - What did you whisper to yourself?

Aditya (shocked) - nothing

Pankhuri (smiling) - Good, and it's fine Aditya

Soon both of them hug

Gauri and Omkara smile seeing their love unfortunately, they had to break their moment as they need to figure out how to make Saumya smile.

Pankhuri/Aditya (embarrassed) - Sorry

Gauri and Om laugh seeing their faces turn tomato red and seeing Gauri and Omkara laughing at them, they turn even redder.

Gauri (smiling) - Pankhuri bhabhi, no need to be shy... he is your husband.

Pankhuri (shy) - you are right, but still... (remembers something)... I forgot to tell you all my

After the plan is told

Omkara/Aditya/Gauri (excited) - Brilliant...

Gauri (smiles) - I will explain the plan to Anika di

Omkara (smiling) - I will explain it to Shivay

Aditya/Pankhuri (smiling) - I will explain it to Rudra...

They turn towards each other and again start bickering about who will tell the plan to Rudra. The fight was really cute but they needed to accomplish the plan and therefore Gauri intervenes.

Gauri (smiling) - Why don't you both tell it to Rudra?

Precap - Leap of a week (any guesses to what the plan is)

This is the longest update I have ever done.  Thank you guys for the votes and comments that you guys gave in the last chapter. They mean a lot to me. Please continue to vote and comment. 

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