Chapter 67

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A week later

No one's POV

Saumya was talking to Reyaan on the phone about her situation as she hasn't talked to him for a week now because Reyaan was mad at Saumya for stopping him from teaching the Oberois a lesson.


Reyaan (annoyed) - Why did you stop me from bashing that Rudra up?

Saumya (annoyed) - I didn't want him to die that easily... he deserves to be tortured and I will torture him... now that the stupid lawyer refused to let us get divorced... I will not spare him... this must be his plan to stop us from getting divorced... He must have bribed the lawyer.

Reyaan (shocked) - What? Why did they refuse to let you get divorced?

Saumya (annoyed) - Because even though we are married, we haven't stayed in the same house and same room for more than 3 months... I can't even bare to breath the same air as him and I have to stay in the same room... I am dying Reyaan... bhai and bhabhis are getting married next week and after that, I was supposed to leave this house... but ... due to the stupid lawyer, I have to stay with them for another 3 months...

Reyaan (upset) - Saumya, I can help you... you don't have to stay with him for 3 months... we can find another lawyer...

Saumya (annoyed) - We went to one of the top lawyers and he also said that... you know what, I think I should get my revenge now... mission torture Rudra is on... by the way, when is your marriage?

Reyaan (smiling) - I will help you with your mission and my marriage is in 2 weeks...

Saumya (excited) - I can't wait till your marriage... I am going to do a special dance for you...and it will so fun... I can't wait to meet the unlucky girl

Reyaan (smiling) - her name is Shanaya...

Saumya (shocked) - Shan...Shanaya... I have heard of that name somewhere...

Reyaan (smiling) - She is a famous model... maybe that's why... anyway, I got to go and we are meeting tomorrow, right?

Saumya (smiling) - Yes Reyaan maybe that's why, anyway bye!

Rudra who heard the last bit of the conversation was shocked when he heard the name, Shanaya! Could it be the girl that broke his heart... no... no, it can't be... he can't watch someone else's heart get broken by Shanaya. Rudra immediately goes towards Saumya and then taps on her shoulder. Saumya immediately turns around and looks at Rudra with icy cold eyes.

Rudra (worried) - Did... you... just say... Shanaya?

Saumya (cold) - Why do you care? Mind your own business...

Rudra (worried) - Did she go to my school

Saumya turns to leave but Rudra who was trying to be patient as lost his patience and pulls Saumya softly towards him.

Rudra (angry) - Answer my damn question! This is very me for once

Saumya (angry) - Yes, she is from your damn school... and I WILL NEVER TRUST YOU... do you get it Rudra? I am not the same Saumya who would want to get heart-broken again... I don't want to listen to anything.

Saumya forcefully makes Rudra let go of her and then goes towards the room, while Rudra sits there depressed.

Flashback to the time when Rudra and Shanaya were dating

Rudra wasn't always a playboy like he is now. He didn't always look at the outer beauty, he looked at the inner (I know hard to imagine) when he was in high school he met a girl, she wasn't the prettiest nor the smartest in the class nor the richest, however, Rudra fell for her. He fell hard for her, it was love at first sight for him and since they were in the same class, he took chances to impress her. He didn't have many friends at that time, he only had one, who was close to him. He trusted him a lot. Anyway, the girl's name was Shanaya, (You guys can imagine her as anyone). Shanaya was from a middle-class family and her only aim in school was to make her parent's proud. She constantly tried to avoid Rudra as she had no interest to talk to him, however, as time went on, she started talking to him and they soon became friends, then best friends and then lovers. By the time they became lovers, Shanaya and Rudra's relationship was so strong. Since they were friends before, they know each other's likes, dislikes, basically everything. After a couple of months of dating, Shanaya started to act different, as in she didn't have time for him anymore, and would always think of ways to avoid him. Rudra at first didn't think much but when the rumours of his best friend and Shanaya dating, started... he started to get a little worried. He soon confronted his best friend who denied the rumours and he trusted him, but all his trust went down the drain when he saw his best friend at Shanaya's house (Shanaya gave Rudra keys to her house when they started dating as she lived by herself) in an intimate position. He immediately ran away from the scene and the next day he slapped his best friend.

Best friend (shocked) - Why did you slap me?

Rudra (angry and holding his collar) - You broke my trust! You cheated on our friendship... you choose her over me... how could you?

Rudra was bashing up his best friend while everyone was trying to stop them, but to no luck. Suddenly, Shanaya came to the middle and stopped Rudra from bashing him up.

Shanaya (smirking) - Don't bash him up... as he was only my pawn... I have cheated on you many times... I broke your trust many times... but ... I have no guilt... I only became friends with you as you were rich... your friend here... well, he was my one-night stand... I never liked him... I never liked you... I used both of you...

Rudra (disgusted) - What is wrong with you? Are you mentally insane? You are such a gold digger...

Shanaya (smirking) - Shut up you idiot, all your friends here are fake... they only like you because you are rich... now that I am exposed... are we officially not a couple? Because I don't want to be pretending anymore...

Rudra just wanted to strangle that bit** but he knew he can't and therefore he left the campus with pure anger and he also changed schools.


Rudra changed because he thought that his friends only want to be friends with him for money and also that all girls are gold diggers.

Sorry for such a boring update, the next update will be based on what the plan was by Pankhuri. Thank you guys for the votes and comments that you guys gave in the last chapter. They mean a lot to me. Please continue to vote and comment.

 Next Update: Maybe Thursday

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