Chapter 71

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Shivika's Room

Anika comes out of the bathroom, after a long shower and sees Shivay playing with Ansh. They look so cute thinks Anika. She goes up to Shivay and taps on his shoulder to gain his attention.

Anika (upset) - I have thought about this a lot Shivay, and we can't change the past...and I can't blame you... because I remember that in my drunk state, I gave you permission...let's just move on... and forget that this has ever happened... as ... I am not currently in a state to be in a relationship with anyone...

Shivay (smiling) - I understand Anika, and I wasn't going to force you... what happened last night... shouldn't change our friendship... I will take Ansh to have a shower... while you can go to make breakfast...

Shivay with a smile takes a hiper Ansh to shower, while Anika after brushing her hair goes to make breakfast.

Rumya's Room

Rudra is pacing around in his room to think of an idea to expose Shanaya, but nothing is coming in his brain.

Saumya (clicking her fingers in front of Rudra) - I want you to call one of the best detective agencies and get information on Shanaya... as who knows... she may have changed... and I need to go to Reyaan's Haldi rasam...

As Saumya turns to leave, Rudra pulls her softly towards him and this time he doesn't find her eyes as icy cold as it was before, he can see another emotion in there... which is... betrayal. Rudra betrayed Saumya by ditching her... forgetting their marriage and marrying Bhavya despite Saumya's warnings, despite his bhabhi's warnings.

Saumya dazes into Rudra's eyes to see love, she always wanted to see the love for her in Rudra's eyes, but he has hurt her beyond a certain length. Even Though he has tried to win her back, she still feels hurt by him. Suddenly, a phone call gains Saumya attention and they immediately break eye contact while Rudra lets Saumya go.

On Call

Reyaan - Saumya, where are you?

Saumya - I am coming Reyaan

Reyaan - Hurry, I won't start this ritual without you... and Shanaya is waiting for you as well...

Saumya gets annoyed at the name of Shanaya, is Shanaya actually a betrayer? Is she a cheater? She pushes her thoughts away and cuts the call and rushes inside to get ready for the Haldi rasam.

After 15 minutes

Saumya goes outside the room to see Rudra shirtless, she immediately closes her eyes while Rudra is shocked.

Rudra (shocked) - Why did you come out so quickly?

Saumya (covering her eyes) - I... I have to go to Haldi, or Reyaan will kill me and therefore, I got ready quickly... but where are you going?

Rudra (fully clothed) - I am going with you... don't say no... I know Reyaan hates me and all, but I can't let you go by yourself.... If we want to work together to destroy Shanaya, we have to see her as a team... she needs to know who she is messing the way, you can open your eyes now. Saumya opens her eyes and is shocked to see Rudra. He was looking so different.

He didn't look like the playboy, that broke her heart, he looked like her husband who wants to win her over. Rudra taps on Saumya's shoulder to get her out of her thinking mode and both of them leave towards Reyaan's house. The journey to their destination was quiet, with music playing from the radio. Soon they reached their destination and both of them enter the house and are welcomed by Reyaan's parents.

Reyaan's dad (smiling) - Hello Saumya beta, it's been so long since you visited us... you should visit us more often... We miss our daughter a lot.

Reyaan's mum (hugging Saumya) - Yes Saumya, we really missed you... (turns to look at Rudra) ... who is this guy?

Saumya lets go of the hug and look at Rudra, to see him fidgeting, they hold a relationship yet they don't.

Saumya (smiling and pulling Rudra's arm) - Aunty, uncle! Meet my husband...

Rudra is shocked that Saumya accepted him as her husband and also is pulling him towards her. Why?

Reyaan's dad (shocked) - When did you get married Saumya? Why didn't you invite us?

Reyaan's mum (shocked) - Yes Saumya, why didn't you tell us? I am very upset with you...

Rudra (smiling) - Sorry aunty and uncle... actually, our marriage happened in such a hurry that we didn't have time to invite anyone...

Reyaan's mum (smiling) - It's fine... I just had a great idea... why don't we get you both married again? It will be great... what do you say? (turning to Reyaan's dad)

Reyaan's dad (smiling) - That's a great idea, and Saumya you can't say no to us... we will take care of everything, please let us do this... if you consider us as your parents...then you will let us...

Saumya (upset) - Fine uncle...

Reyaan's mum (smiling) - great, Saumya... and (turning to Rudra)

Rudra (confused) - Rudra

Reyaan's mum (smiling) - Today will be your engagement...and you both will get married to Reyaan and Shanaya, why don't you both invite your family members and friends? While I set up a room for Saumya...

Reyaan's mum and dad leave to set up everything while Rudra looks at Saumya with a confused face.

Saumya (upset) - I am sorry, but I had to lie to them... I didn't want to lie to them as well... they are like my parents... And no daughter can lie to her parents... I didn't know that they will get us married again... I can't hurt them... one more fake marriage won't make a difference to this relationship anyway...

Rudra (upset) - Why don't you just tell them the truth that we are getting divorced?

Saumya (upset) - I can't...they seem so excited to get us married again... I can't be selfish and tell them the truth...I hope you understand... please invite everyone in the Oberoi mansion....

Before Saumya could finish what she was saying, she gets dragged by one of her friends to meet Reyaan's fiance.

Precap - Engagement

Next Update: Friday or Saturday (due to my exams and tests) Sorry!

Thank you guys for the votes and comments that you guys gave in the last chapter. They mean a lot to me. Please continue to vote and comment.

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