Chapter 72

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In Oberoi Mansion

Om (shouting) - Shivay, Adi, Anika, Gauri, Mum, Mr Oberoi, chote papa, dadi, Pankhuri bhabhi! Come out

Everyone starts rushing towards the living room, worried due to the commotion.

Shivay (worried) - What happened?

Om (smiling) - today is my sister's engagement... with my brother...

Adi (confused) - How is that possible? Priyanka is already married... and so is Saumya... Om, how many sisters do you have? (turning to Pankhuri) ... are you getting married again? Please tell me you are...

Pankhuri (annoyed) - Aditya, stop joking around... at least listen to Omkara

Om (smiling) - Saumya and Rudra's engagement is happening...

Anika (annoyed) - What is this? I am sure, Saumya is forced to do this... my sister... she hates Rudra... then why?

Gauri (annoyed) - I agree with di, Saumya would never get engaged to Rudra ... they are getting divorced in 3 months.

Om (upset) - I know Gauri and Anika... you both are right... I will explain everything... (explains the situation)...and the funny bit is that today was supposed to be mine and Aditya's engagement with Gauri and Pankhuri.

Gauri (upset) - Why does Saumya have to be so selfless? And Omkaraji... let's postpone our engagement to tomorrow...

Anika - I know right, Saumya... this girl

Aditya - Guys, we need to cheer up ... even though Saumya has done this because she is so selfless...

Shivay - we can still make this real... look don't get me wrong... but their relationship deserves another chance... yes, Rudra did wrong by marrying Bhavya and by being a bad friend... but let's not forget that he is now sorry for his mistakes... I know... I know... that sorry doesn't fix anything, but even God wants them to be together... if not... then why would Reyaan's parents ask Saumya to get married again...

Aditya - yes, Shivay is right... And Shivay doesn't take my lines again or I will take yours...

Pankhuri - Aditya, stop teasing people and let's get ready guys, we don't want to be late...

At Reyaan's house

Saumya goes towards a girl who is smiling and laughing with her friends and she taps on her shoulder to be surprised.

(pretend she is happy and smiling)

Shanaya (shocked)- Hello

Saumya - I think I have seen you somewhere...

Shanaya (nervous) - I am a model... maybe that's why

As Saumya is thinking this, some of her friends drag her to get ready for her engagement, while Rudra is forced to get changed as well and therefore, Rudra doesn't get to see Shanaya nor Reyaan.

After an hour

Gauri and Om are seen walking in with a smile on their faces since Om has managed to convince Gauri. Next come Anika and Shivay without Ansh.

Last but not least, Pankhuri and Aditya walk in with a big smile on their faces.

All the 3 couples go towards Reyaan's parents to take blessings and the parents happily give them blessings.

Reyaan's mum - I am so sorry to all you 3 couple that due to the celebration you guys couldn't remarry...

Reyaan's dad - don't be shocked... someone told us... therefore, I hope you don't mind but we asked your dadi to bring in your rings... so you guys can get engaged today...

Reyaan's mum - this will be fun... 4 engagements and one haldi on the same day...

And as if on cue, dadi, Shakti, Tej and Jhanvi all walk in with a jolly Ansh in Shakti's arm.

Reyaan's mum (smiling) - Now that everyone is here... I have an announcement... today will not only be my son's haldi but also my daughter's engagement to Rudra. Please welcome with a round applause Saumya and Rudra.

Saumya and Rudra go towards dadi to take her blessings and then goes towards Reyaan's parents and takes their blessings.

Reyaan's dad (smiling) - May I please have the first couple... Saumya and Rudra on stage to get engaged.

Saumya with a fake smile holds Rudra's hand and takes him to the stage for the engagement. Shanaya who saw the scene gets shocked seeing Rudra and feels jealous when she sees Saumya so close to him.

Shanaya's POV

I need to get rid of that Saumya, she will ruin my plan and she is stealing both Rudra and Reyaan from me. 

Shanaya's POV ends

(Reyaan is behind Rudra - for those who want to know what Reyaan looks like)

Reyaan is seen fuming at that scene but due to his promise to Saumya, he isn't able to do anything


Saumya pulls Reyaan to come with her to talk.

Saumya - Reyaan... I am getting engaged

Reyaan (happy) - congrats but to who... and why are you telling me like this?

Saumya - I and Rudra are getting engaged at your haldi rasam

Reyaan (angry) - What? Saumya please don't be blind... can't you see that he isn't right for you... I thought you hated him, then why?

Saumya - Because... aunty and uncle want us to get married in front of them... today is our engagement... and then we will have haldi... and so on... our marriage will happen on the same day as yours...

Reyaan (annoyed) - Are you mad Saumya? Just because my parents want to see you both get married again, doesn't mean... you will... I will talk to them...

Saumya (holds his arm as Reyaan is about to go) - No Reyaan, I can't break their heart... today is supposed to be a good day for them...

Reyaan (annoyed) - No Saumya, they need to know the truth... if you tell them after then they will be even more heartbroken...

Saumya (upset) - They won't be... because... I am falling for Rudra again... I think... he is changing... but I don't fully trust him... as what if he breaks my heart again?

Reyaan (annoyed) - Saumya, grow up... I don't trust him... but for you... I am tolerating him...if he manages to impress me or if he manages to make me think that he is a perfect partner for you before your marriage... then I will accept him... otherwise... I will stop this marriage myself...and that's my promise... and I promise not to interfere in your rituals... I will stay happy... but as I said... on the day of your marriage... if I am not happy...then...

Reyaan leaves the room while Saumya looks devastated.

Flashback ends

Reyaan's dad (bringing Reyaan back from flashback) - May I please have Rudra's 3 brothers come up on the stage with their wives for their engagement. The first couple that does their engagement is Pankhuri and Aditya who are smiling seeing so much love for them. Next couple is Shivay and Anika who are blushing and one of them is faking a smile. Last but not least Gauri and Omkara come up on stage and make each other wear rings both of them are smiling and feeling lucky to be with each other.

Precap - Shanaya vs Rumya

Sorry, Rumya will be a focus for a few updates and therefore, not a lot of shivika nor rikara scenes will be shown. Thank you guys for the votes and comments that you guys gave in the last chapter. They mean a lot to me. Please continue to vote and comment.

Next Update: Monday 

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