Priyanka's mission for her brothers

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Omkara's POV

After Ranveer leaves, I turn towards Saumya, my instincts tell me to just hug Saumya and apologise to her for my mistakes, but I know that it's not that easy... after all ... I have proved to her that I am not worth the trust... that I am not a good brother. I turn to go towards Ranveer and Priyanka's ward when I hear Saumya and Rudra starting to argue. I can't deal with this now... I need to leave. I go inside, to see a really cute scene. 

I could see that my sister is perfectly fine now, and I don't want to disturb these two either. I quietly turn to go but Ranveer stops me midway.

Ranveer (screaming) - Om wait!

I turn around to see that my little sister who noticed me looks at me with anger, while Ranveer looks at me with a sorry face. Ranveer then comes towards me and whispers in my ear.

Ranveer (whispering) - Don't worry Om, you are Prinku's favourite brother and she can't stay angry with you for too long... at least come and meet her

I am so proud of Priyanka for marrying such an understanding guy. I give him a smile and we both go towards Priyanka.

Priyanka (angry) - Why did you bring him here?

Ranveer (smiling) - Because he is your older brother... and also because he is your favourite right?

Priyanka nods

Ranveer (smiling) - You take too much tension, now listen carefully Prinku, this is your 2nd Asthma attack and I am not going to be happy if you have another one... so I want you to get rid of all your stress... I know you want your brothers to realise that Saumya is innocent, but if you tell them then they won't believe you... as it's not that easy to believe someone who tried to destroy their house actually didn't mean to...let them figure out the truth themselves... just give them a hint and then they can solve it themselves... now Prinku coming to the real point... you said that no one cared about you in that house... let me tell you that you were wrong... there was always that one person that cared a lot about you and that was none other than your favourite brother, Om. At least talk to him? He has realised his mistake Priyanka and that's what matters... I think you should forgive him... and he looks really guilty for his actions as well... But I am not going to force you.

I stand there with my eyes looking at the ground, not being able to face my sister, how could I have been so cruel to her? How could I have not seen the loneliest she felt? I am such a bad brother...

Priyanka (angry) - Om bhaiyaa, look at me... I need eye contact.

I slowly move my eyes from the floor to look at her, I could see the hurt, the loneliness in her eyes.

Priyanka (angry) - Welcome Shivay Bhaiya, I was waiting for you

Shivay comes inside looking really pale and worried and comes towards Priyanka to cup her but Priyanka keeps her hand in the middle to stop him from touching her.

Priyanka (angry) - Don't you dare you to touch me with your filthy hands... and Rudy please leave the room for a minute, I need to talk to them alone.

Rudra with a sad face leaves the room, while Priyanka glares at us.

Priyanka (angry) - If you want me to accept your apologies, then you must find out why Saumya betrayed you...and apologise to her for your actions... if you do that then you will get my apology and Om bhaiya I will help you win Gauri bhabhi...

Shivay (upset) - What about me?

Priyanka (angry) - Have you been living with guilt for the past year (Shivay looks down at the floor), thought so... Om bhaiya may have hurt Gauri bhabhi but he has realised his mistake, by himself, he didn't need someone to point it out to him that it's his fault... unlike some people... he even apologised to my bhabhi while you... what did you do? When you saw Anika bhabhi, you pushed her... she was holding a baby... and you... are you even a human? You are so disgusting... you disgust me... just because someone shows you a clip pointing at your wife's character... you are going to believe it (painful laugh)... I don't even know if I can even forgive you. Please leave and bring Rudy in here.

I could see the hurt clearly on Shivay's face but I even feel that what Priyanka said about us is right... we shouldn't have treated our wives like c****. I leave the room with Shivay and we get shocked by the sight.

I could clearly see that Saumya is really angry with Rudra and so is Rudra. Shivay whispers in Rudra's ears to see Priyanka, while I take this opportunity to talk to Saumya. As Rudra leaves, I go towards Saumya but she leaves before I could even say a word.

Priyanka's POV

I watch as Rudy comes in, with guilt across his face. What I am going to say will hurt you Rudy, and I am really sorry but you need a reality check.

Me (angry) - Welcome Mr Rudra Singh Oberoi... just like my other brothers, you have proven to be another Tej Singh Oberoi...I want you to do a favour for me... close your eyes and imagine that you are in a wonderful place and you love it there... in that place, no one can hurt anyone, everyone loves each other, everyone cares for each other... and you got the opportunity to invite one person that you love there and it has to be a girl... who would it be?

Rudy does what I say and a small smile appears in his face when I start to describe the place but as soon as I ask his who would that girl be... he opens his eyes sweating. I knew it.

Me (smiling) - Who is that girl?

Rudy (sweating) - No one... I...I...

Me (smiling) - Cat got your tongue? You saw Saumya di, didn't you?

Rudy's eyes immediately go towards the floor.

Me (angry) - Why are you trying to ruin 4 lives? Why can't you accept that you love Saumya di and not Bhavya? Saumya di would never cheat on you and you need to get that through your head... the person that would cheat on you would be your wife... I know you won't believe me but you need to open your eyes... now coming to my forgiveness... I need you to do something for me... (MUTED)

Rudy (curious) - But why do you want me to do it?

Me (smiling) - You will find out soon... just do as I say

After Rudy leaves Ranveer looks at me with concern.

Ranveer (worried) - Stop taking so much stress... and are you sure this will work?

Me (smiling) - I know it will and from now on I won't take a lot of stress... I promise

He gives me a quick smile and then pecks me.

Do you guys want Rikara reunion? As Omkara already regrets his deads

Precap - Shivay and Omkara try to find Saumya's truth

Note: Guys, I respect the silent readers a lot but I am not even getting a lot of votes. I really do respect you guys but at least vote or even comment. Anyway, thank you for those who voted and commented in the last chapter. Those votes and comments mean a lot to me and please continue to vote and comment.

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