Shivay and Om try to find Saumya's Truth

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Om's POV

After Saumya leaves, I look at Shivay who is in his own thoughts. I call out his name but Shivay doesn't even move. Not having any choice, I shake him to get his attention which makes him come back to earth.

Shivay (shocked) - What happened?

Me (worried) - Are you ok?

Shivay (upset) - I have realised finally, that my Anika is innocent and... I shouldn't have treated her like cr**. She is also a human... How could I...

Me (angry) - Took you forever to realise, anyway... stop feeling so guilty as that's isn't going to make you win Anika... first of all, we should earn forgiveness from our sister ... by finding out Saumya's truth.

Shivay (angry) - I am only finding out the truth for Priyanka otherwise, I wouldn't even care... she was...

Me (angry) - Don't you dare say she wasn't family because she was... she freakin tied rakhi on us and this is how you treat her... you know what Priyanka is right, you don't deserve forgiveness from her or Anika... both of them don't deserve you... I will find out the truth myself.

I leave with a huff, as I knew the person that could help me... but I need help... I don't want to go by myself... no, I will go without anyone's support. As I get into the car, Shivay comes running and sits beside me, while asking the driver to take us back to the hotel.

Me (angry) - What do you want now?

Shivay (upset) - I am so sorry, I shouldn't have said that... I know how much Saumya means to you... after all, she tied rakhi to you... and I am really sorry for thinking of her as an outsider... I want to help you... I don't want to make the same mistake twice... I want Priyanka's forgiveness as well as Saumya's... I want my sisters to forgive me...

Me (angry) - You know what Shivay, you can help but make sure next time that you think before you speak because 'people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.' Shivay looks at me with a sorry face as he is about to say something, we arrive at the hotel.

Me (curious) - Why are we back at the hotel?

Shivay (smiling) - We have to get changed before we find the truth.

After instructing the driver to wait for us, we go to our rooms and quickly get changed so that we look decent.

After 15 minutes

As I go downstairs, I see that Shivay is already in the car... wow, he really wants to find the truth.

Shivay (noticing me) - Om, let's go ... I have told the driver the location and to our luck, the person is in Mumbai.

I quickly sit in the back with Shivay and the driver drives of.

Shivay (tired) - I know that both of us haven't had enough sleep... so take some rest as due to traffic the journey will be around 2 hours.

I nod at him and we soon fall asleep.

After 2 hours

Driver - Sir, we are here

I and Shivay calmly get out of the car and nervously knock on the door, hoping that the person answers and also helps us. After continually knocking and hearing no voices from inside, we turn to leave when we hear

Person (shouting) - Coming!

After a few moments, the door opens and I get shocked to see the person that Shivay has bought me to meet.

Tia (surprised) - Shivay bab... I mean Shivay and Om... what are you doing here?

Tia comes to hug us and I immediately step back but Shivay hugs her back. Why is he hugging someone like her? Doesn't Shivay remember that she was also apart of the betrayal?

Shivay (shaking me) - Let's go inside

I nervously follow Shivay inside the house, the house isn't as big as I had imagined. Instead, the house is a 2 story townhouse, with 2 to 3 bedrooms. Isn't Tia rich? Obviously, she is ... but why? I will ask her later.

Tia (smiling) - Please take a sit on the sofa (pointing to a sofa which is black) and what would you guys like to drink?

Shivay (fake smiling) - We don't want any drinks...we need your help

Tia (curious) - What kind of help?

Me (fake smiling) - We need to know Saumya's truth

Tia (shocked) - What? I can't tell you anything

Precap - Will Tia tell the truth or not? (Tia is a positive character in my story)

Thank you guys for the votes and comments that you guys gave in the last chapter. They mean a lot to me. Please do continue to vote and comment. Do tell me how this chapter is. 

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