Shivom meet Svetlana

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Om's POV - While Sitting in the car

Tia is right if Priyanka didn't tell us to find the truth... then we would have never done it. Everyone is right, we need to fix our mistakes... I need to know Saumya's truth... but how? Wait... there is only one person that can help us... but... would that person help us? Oh god, I need to tell Shivay.

I rush outside to see that Shivay has just thrown his phone in his anger. How many phones will he throw? Anyway, I rush up to him,

Me (yelling) - I just got a dangerous idea... I know how to find the truth.

Shivay immediately turns towards me and looks at me with anger

Shivay (angry) - Great, tell me so we can finally get the forgiveness from Priyanka

Now I get why Shivay is so energetic to find the truth... because he wants his sister's forgiveness. He doesn't understand the value of Saumya. Oh god, today I am going to show him a mirror to make him understand what relationships are.

Me (angry) - You know what, I will find out myself because you don't deserve to know the truth. You don't even know how to be a good husband or brother, then what makes me think that you will want to know the truth behind why a girl like Saumya, who stayed us with a couple of months and became family. All you f****** care is about Priyanka's forgiveness, well let me tell you something...

I am sorry Shivay, this will hurt you but you need to know this

Me (angry)- That Priyanka is my sister, not yours... you don't have any siblings and you need to understand that... my wife considered you as her brother but you... you showed her that she is nothing to you... what kind of brother doesn't give a damn about his sister's feelings? Obviously you... she tied frakin rakhi to you... do you even know the value of that you know why a girl ties rakhi to her brother? You need to work out yourself. Now coming to Anika... she left you because she was tired... she was tired of having to bear insults from you... she was tired of having to bear abuse from you... and who wouldn't be... you need to know that there is more in this world then just your Naam, Khoon and Khandan (name, bloodline and family) and you need to understand that. What do you think that Anika will forgive you just because you will say 'sorry?' Obviously not, she won't be the same Anika who you married... she will be the Anika who left you... Anika, Gauri, Saumya and Priyanka have been obviously living together and what do you think that when Anika finds out that you don't respect Saumya, that she will let you come near her and forgive you... never. I may have done the same thing that you did but atleast I have been feeling guilty about it but look at you... it has been a year and all you have done is freakin hate her... you needed us your brothers to tell you that the video is fake because you were so blind not to see it. So listen up you loser, learn to respect people just by who they are and not by their status. I am leaving. DON'T FOLLOW ME!

I angrily leave the place, not even once bothering to look back, I immediately dial Uber to pick Shiavy up as time is running out.

Me (angry) - Driver, to the central jail

Thankfully, the jail is only a few kilometres from Tia's house and we reach there within 45 minutes. I could see that a car was following us behind and I know that it's Shivay's but I chose to ignore it. As I get out my car to go inside, Shivay also comes behind me and without saying a word, he follows me inside.

Jailer - No one is allowed in here...

Me (angry) - I have talked to the commissioner, he has given us permission

Jailer - Let me call the commissioner, what's your name?

Oh s***, in the hurry I forgot to call the commissioner... what will I do?

Shivay (upset) - Shivay Singh Oberoi

Jailer immediately calls the commissioner and I think that the commissioner says yes and that's why the jailer opens the door for us.

Me (angry) - Where is Svetlana's room?

Jailer - Go straight and then to the right, you will see her....

I follow the instructs of the jailer and luckily I see Svetlana to my right. I angrily approach her... wow she has changed

But why is she not wearing her uniform?

Me (angry) - Why aren't you wearing the uniform?

Svetlana (smirking) - If it isn't Omkara Singh Oberoi...How are you? Missing me?

Shivay (angry) - No one is missing you Svetlana... we need your help...

Svetlana (smirking) - To find Saumya's truth... I know... I will help you but in return... I need to make one phone call... the jailers here have refused to let me call anyone and I need to call someone... so I will tell you the full truth ... if you let me call someone.

Me (angry) - Who do you want to call? If you don't tell us then we won't let you call anyone

Svetlana (laughing) - Do you think I will tell you? Wow... you are the one that needs my help not the other way around... so let me call and I tell you truth or...

Shivay (angry) - Fine, we accept your deal but you must talk in front of us and use my phone

Svetlana (smirking) - I may be in jail but I am not dumb... you can listen to me speaking but I want someone else's phone... not even a phone... a telephone

I look at Svetlana with anger, as I am about to refuse her, Shivay agrees to her demands and leaves to get a telephone.

Svetlana (laughing) - I knew you guys would come and I was waiting for this day since forever.

Shivay comes in with a telephone and Svetlana uses the telephone and calls a number which we couldn't identify.

Svetlana (nervous) - Hello, it's me Svetlana.... Yes... in front of me... no... delete the number...plan... ok....bye

As Svetlana is speaking to that person I could see lots of emotions on her face, nervousness, scared, excited and happy, wonder who the person is, who is making her feel all these emotions. I knew one thing from the call that Svetlana is making a plan and she also told the person that we are in front of her and that they should delete the number. It's impossible to get out of this jail, so I am not going to be very worried about it. After the phone is taken away and given to the jailer, Svetlana looks at us with a smirk.

Svetlana (smirking) - Let me tell you guys the truth now....

Who did Svetlana call?

Why do you think Saumya 'betrayed' the Oberois?

Precap - Truth will finally be told by Svetlana

Thank you guys for the votes and comments that you guys gave in the last chapter. They mean a lot to me. Please continue to vote and comment. 

Next Update: Monday 

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