The Truth Finally Out!!

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Shivay's POV


Svetlana (smirking) - Let me tell you guys the truth now... Saumya is not my sister... but my cousin... I don't see a surprise on your faces so I am going to assume that you all know that... I and Tia do have another sister, but I won't tell you anything about her... so ... let me continue... Saumya never knew we were related until after she left for Mumbai...when she went to Mumbai, she started working in her brother's company... that's when she discovered about us... she saw some childhood photos of all 5 of us, her brother, her and me and my 2 sisters... she at first didn't recognise us and therefore called her stupid mother...

Om (angry) - Don't call her mother stupid, don't forget she is your aunt as well

Svetlana (angry) - Don't interrupt me you b***h... and I can say whatever I want, you can't control me... anyway... her mother, who is my father's sister... told her about us... and our names... our goals.. Everything... Saumya knew that we would do something to harm your stupid family... so she came back... she came back to save those that never thought of her as family... anyway... while coming to confront us... she saw Rudra and Bhavya's fight... poor Saumya, being an emotional fool... made them patch up...she selflessly gave Rudra to Bhavya... and that was her mistake... she was too selfless... anyway, after she did that... she found out that my third sister... was none other then... Bhavya...who at the time was Rudra's girlfriend... she knew that no one would believe her... and therefore, pretended to be angry at Rudra for leaving her... blah... blah... blah... she pretended to be on our side and we stupidly believed her... we even let her be a part of us... she was seen as the third sister of the everyone.... While she pretending to be mean to you... to make it look to us that she is on our side, she was also collecting evidence against us...with the help of your stupid sister... Priyanka who never at once ever doubted her.... And therefore knew that Saumya was innocent.... Anyway, while she was doing all that cr*p... Bhavya was filling your wife's ears with hatred... making you hate her more... and she was also making Rudra hate her as well... soon her reality was exposed to us with the help of Bhavya when we tried to get her fake married with Rudra... all of us knew except Saumya that Bhavya already married Rudra but we wanted her to feel the pain, the hatred that we felt for the Oberois when we found out that our father died because of you... so on the day of her 'marriage,' we made sure that everyone knew that the marriage that Rudra and Saumya did was fake... and we even made sure that everyone in the Oberoi mansion refused to believe her ... and at that Priyanka wasn't there either... which helped us accomplish our plan easily (SLAP)

Om (hatred eyes) - We never killed your dad... it was an accident... and you need to know that

Svetlana (not affected) - I don't care... he died while working with your father... and he was innocent...

Me (angry) - Innocent my foot, he was betraying your mother as well as the company... he was a two-timing bastard...

Svetlana (angry) - Don't you... (calming down) Do you have any questions?

Note: Guys, I am going to let you guys ask her questions... you can comment a question for Svetlana and you will also get a reply from her.

Om (angry) - How come Saumya didn't know Bhavya?

Svetlana (smirking) - The photos she saw, were photos of when we were younger and therefore, she didn't know what we looked like but she knew our names... Bhavya Kapoor, Svetlana Kapoor and Tia Kapoor. She immediately recognised me and Tia, but since she didn't know Bhavya... she failed... she only made Bhavya and Rudra patch up because she didn't know that the ACP Bhavya Pratap Rathore was actually the Bhavya Kapoor.

Me (angry) - Did you know that Saumya was your cousin?

Svetlana (laughing) - Obviously, I am not dumb... now stop with these questions. I need a break from you idiots... bye

Svetlana turned her back towards us and I immediately went to the jailer asking him to give the worst treatment you can give to Svetlana. The jailer nodded and I and Om left. How wrong was I? I can't believe I hated the girl that tried to save us... I have learnt my mistake... I will do anything to win the forgiveness of the girls. With that determination, we leave the jail to see Priyanka who is in the hospital. Throughout the car journey, Om was giving me the silent treatment and I don't blame him for it. I have been an ass... I need to learn to be nice... I need to understand that there more to a person than just their naam, Khoon and Khandan.

After an hour of a silent car ride.

Driver - We are here

Om who was asleep, wakes up and gets of silently leaves towards the ward, while I silently follow him, but as soon as we enter Priyanka's room, we get shocked.

Anika, Priyanka and Saumya all laughing away while Gauri comes behind with a little crying child in her hand.

Will Shivay found out about Ansh?

Precap - Argument

I don't want people to be confused and that's why I am giving you guys the opportunity to ask Svetlana questions about what she said. Thank you guys for the votes and comments that you guys gave in the last chapter. They mean a lot to me. Please continue to vote and comment. 

Next Update: Tuesday or Wednesday 

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