Arrival at Johannesburg

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MS didn't know how long he was sitting there on the cubicle floor. He came to his senses when he heard rapid knocks on the door.

"Sir, are you in there?" a polished formal voice spoke.

"Y... Yeah" Mahi somehow managed.

"Sir, please open the door. Your flight leaves in 10 minutes" The attendant said.

Mahi managed to open the door mustering all the strength in his body.

The attendant was almost shocked to see him like that.

"Sir... Sir, are you alright?" He asked

"Yeah... yeah... I am fine" Mahi replied trying to steady himself.

He stumbled to the nearby wash basin and splashed water onto his face continuously in order to stabilize himself. Once he was a little calmer, he proceeded towards the boarding gate with the attendant and as he was about board he turned to the attendant and said "Thanks for calling me. I would appreciate if you could keep what you saw back in the washroom just to yourself."

"I will sir" he nodded.

MS flashed a mechanical smile and boarded the plane though he was sure he would be their juicy gossip for the next few days.

Back in Johannesburg hotel Virat and Rohit were checking the flight timings from Dubai to Johannesburg.

"Ro you are sure he is coming via Dubai?" Virat asked for the nth time.

"That's what he said at least Vi" Ro said.

"Well if he is really coming by the earliest flight, he would be here in a few hours" Vi said excitedly.

"That he would be." Ro said delighted.

"By the way Vi, what exactly do you plan to do when he comes and finds out this was all a prank?" Ro asked on a serious note.

"What? What is there to be done? We will just tell him it's a prank and say sorry. He would be delighted to see us anyway and he won't be that angry I am sure" Vi said already excited at the thought of Mahi bhai being here.

"Who's coming Vi? Who's gonna be delighted to see u guys?" Jinksy asked suddenly walking in.

Ro and Vi stared sheepishly at each other.

"Why are you looking at each other like that?" Jinks asked very suspiciously "What are you guys upto again? Who is coming?"

"Umm..." Virat hesitated "Umm...actually Jinksy...Mahi bhai is coming"

"Oh really?" Jinks said instantly brightening up "When? Do we go to pick him up from airport?"

"We don't know the exact flight" Ro said sheepishly "He said the earliest flight so he should be here in a few hours."

"You guys don't know..." Jinks said "Anyway how did you two convince him to come? Last time I talked to him like two days back, he said he had no plans of visiting us."

"Well..." Ro looked at Vi for help.

"Actually...Jinks..." Vi tried to think what to say.

Jinksy looked at them sceptically, waiting for an answer.

"Jinks actually he didn't agree to come, we kinda fooled him into it." Vi said at last, unable to lie Jinks.

"Hold up, let me get it clear" Jinks said really surprised "You two...fooled...Mahi bhai?"

"Yeah" Ro said "And we succeeded" he added sounding proud.

"What did you two do?" Jinks asked thoroughly concerned now.

"Well..." Vi and Ro started and explained everything that they did as Jinks went wide eyed listening to this.

"Are you two mad?" Jinks said at last "Can you two even guess how angry he would be when he comes to know of the truth?"

"He won't be that angry" Said Ro in a small voice.

"Of course he won't be" Vi said with confidence "It's just a prank, he might be a little angry, we will say sorry and he will melt. Anyway he will be happy to see us and see that I am actually healthy."

"You both must be kidding yourselves." Jinks said exasperated.

"Well you see when he comes" Vi said now eager to prove himself right when Bhai comes.

"Well I will see." Jinks said "You both are in trouble mark my words."

"We are not" Vi said "You mark my words."

"It's good if you are not." Jinks said and left.

"He won't be as angry as Jinks said right?" Ro asked.

"Don't be silly Ro of course he won't be." Vi said "May be Jinksy is jealous we succeeded in bringing Mahi bhai, when Mahi bhai had clearly refused him."

"You know Jinksy is NOT the jealous type" muttered Ro.

"May be he is not" Vi said "But he is wrong this time, Mahi bhai loves us too much to be angry with us.'

"That he loves us." Ro agreed.

And they settled back down on the couch to watch TV and wait for Mahi bhai.

Jinksy headed out to the lobby and settled in the lounge with a newspaper. He loved his friends but sometimes their antics pushed him to the limits. He couldn't even think how Mahi bhai would react to this, in his opinion tasteless prank. He would be livid, Jinks was sure of that. Well he just hoped things wouldn't escalate out of hand.

Mahi was almost on autopilot as he got out of the airport and got himself a taxi to the hotel that team India was staying in. He wanted to go to the hospital directly, but he knew it wouldn't be the visiting hours yet nor did he have the visitors pass.

He would better go to the hotel and go to the hospital with Ro. Also he needed to check on Ro and the other kids too, they must be devastated. He knew what Vi meant to Ro, Jinks, Jaddu and everyone. He hadn't been in a condition to call any of them or console them. But now that he was here, he will have to get a grip on himself and be there for them.

He almost fell out of the taxi and and dragged his bag at an unreal speed into the hotel lobby and was about charge waiter with something like where is Mr. Rohit Sharma's room when he noticed something very very unusual.

It was Jinks and Jaddu sitting in the lobby calmly chatting with Jaddu , most probably trying to talk him out of doing something stupid that he again had come up with. Mahi almost stopped dead, they both seemed so normal. But with Vi's condition they wouldn't be this normal and goofy. What was going on?

"Jinksy... Jaddu..." He called.

They turned to him, Jaddu broke into a delighted grin, Jinksy smiled too a little subdued, bracing himself for the upcoming storm.

As Mahi approached them, both them almost ran to hug him, Jaddu almost strangling MS while Jinksy hugged him in a much more sedate manner.

"How are you Mahi bhai?" Jinksy asked, genuinely happy to see his Mahi bhai.

"How come you didn't say you were coming?" Jaddu said sounding slightly injured "I was planning this brilliant prank..."

"You were planning a prank Jaddu? In this condition?" MS asked increasingly starting to believe something was very fishy.

"What do you mean this condition?" Jaddu said confused. He pranked people wasn't that normal? Why was Mahi bhai surprised?

"Isn't Vi in the... and where's Ro? Whats going on, Jinksy?" Mahi asked.

"Bhai, I know what you are talking about." Jinks said "Bhai Vi is fine, I know what they told you, I came to know today only, it's better you come to know from them only what happened."

Mahi looked at Jinks confused for a few moments and then his face darkened.

"Where are they?" he asked very quiet voice that even almost managed to scare Jaddu a little.

Jinks visibly gulped, his best friends were so screwed.

A/N: Hey everyone...sorry for dissapearing for the longest time ever but I just needed to take a break from everything. College was really busy and there were some issues in my personal life. And then the Novel Corona Virus pandemic set afloat, as medical students we did our part with campaigns. But now I am back, with plentu of time in hand as I am quarentined as the rest of the nation, so I can promise quicker updates. And really sorry for the delay. Hope you guys still support me as before, you are my real strength.

Please do read and comment...What do you think will happen to Rohirat now?

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