The Change

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        Clancy paced worriedly, wearing a path in the grass field she and Yoi were in. Almost an hour had passed, and still no sign of Cassia.
     Yoi looked at Clancy after a few minutes. "S-she's n-not c-coming b-back, i-is s-she?" she said quietly. 
     Clancy stopped pacing and sighed. "I guess not... We need to get moving then, she told us to run if she didn't show up."
     Yoi looked at Clancy with tears in her eyes. "W-where w-will w-we g-go?"
     Clancy thought about it for a minute. "Home. He won't be looking for us there anymore."
     Yoi hugged Clancy around the waist really hard. "T-thank y-you."
     Clancy took Yoi's hand and ripped open a portal to their old home, then stepped through.

- in another location -

Cassia's limp body lay on a cold steel table, her amulet glowling faintly in the dim light of the room.
Her breaths were short and shallow, her eyelids flicking as she dreamed.

- in her dream -

Flashes of gold and purple collided midair, the resulting color almost like fireworks.
The night was dark, only lit by these flashes.
On one side of the sky, a girl wielded the magic of purple.
On the other side of the sky, a man wielded the magic of gold.
The battle last for hours, neither side becoming tired or slowing. As she sun began to come up over the horizon, the girl did the unthinkable.
She summoned the power of the gods, and cast the man into the Void, so deep he'd never return.
She crumpled to the hard earth below, landing with a crash that shook the ground tremendously.
She stood up unsteadily, and gazed up at where he once had been, mere moments before.
"I'm sorry, dear lifeblood"

- end of dream -

   She slowly became aware of her surroundings, but it was as if in a heavy fog. She could hear the muted sound of voices, swirling around her in a blur of sound. Snatches of the conversation reach her ears "possession..." "gem..." "orders obeyed..."
     She opened her eyes slowly, the very act taking more effort than it should have.
     Above her she could make out two blurry circle shaped blobs, one a tanish peach, the other a deep purple.
     She blinked, the slowness of her actions something that would have normally frustrated her. As it was, her mind wasn't able to function much more than basic human needs right now.
Cassia struggled to form a conherent thought​, but the only thing drifting through her mind was a squid plushie. She had a feeling it was important... She tried to cling to that thought, but it to slipped away like water.
She kept trying to make sense of her surroundings, to figure out anything but the dizzying blur she could sense.
She felt a small pinch on her arm before a wave of blackness over took her once more, and her eyes slid shut again.

     "The darts should have lasted longer master."

"It's your fault it didn't last longer! Make the switch before she wakes up again."

     "Yes master..."

"Good. Now don't forget the final step, and finish the job."

Hey it's ya boi, Cassia!

I felt like making art for this chapter, what do y'all think of it? Should I try and make a piece of art for every chapter, or just to super important ones?

Also I know none of y'all will get how unbelievably excited I am, but I finally figured out how I had thought of the name 'Clancy'!

Apparently one of the jocks that visits my 5th period class, World History which is taught by one of the Coaches, his name is Clancy!
And I remembered​ his name because Coach says hi to him everyday xD

I'm so happy right now, and to y'all it's probably not even making sense xD anyways, I'll cya all in the next chapter!

Until next time,

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