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After Steelbeak was released from prison, he retired early to start a life with Dovella

Three months ago, she died from cancer, after she died steelbeak went back to being chief agent of F. O. W. L.

Three years past and what he didn't know was that Dovella has an egg.

A Steelbeak's apartment, he was talking to high command.

High command: greetings agent steelbeak

Steelbeak: hello high command, any new criminally actives for today's schedule

High command: yes, it's time to activate operation-bird flu

Steelbeak: okay

High command: we want you go meet
Major Synapse in pairs, he'll give you the serum, come back to headquarters in the mt. Everest and hand it over to ammonia pines so she can active the machine

Steelbeak: ptt, that's all, tell me something I don't know

High command: well, your daughter is on her way to see you

His eyes open wide and turned to face them with anxiety.

Steelbeak: what? today?

High command: yes, she wants to see you and the orphanage is getting pretty with you

Steelbeak: well about that-

High command: you will see your daughter, weather you like it or not, high command out

Steelbeak: but-but, i-uh

Knock, knock, knock

Steelbeak: huh, she's Here already

He opens the door, to find nothing.

Steelbeak: huh, i guess she couldn't make it

Andrea: ahem

Steelbeak: huh!

He looks down to see a 5-year old chick, her beak for Orange and looked like his. She had black short hair, white feathers and a Lolita Style Women Princess Black Mini Dress Slash Neck High Waist Gothic Dress Puff Sleeve Lace Ruffles Party Dresses with long sleeves.

He looked down at her, she looked up at him and walked inside. He closed the door and was avoiding her, for the moment she was born on the day before Dovella died, steelbeak wanted to get rid of her. No one knows the reason why, he just wanted to give her away when he got back into F. O. W. L. But the orphanage were angry at him and forcefully try to get him to take her but he just pushes her away.

He watches her look around, then she sits down on the sofa, takes out a sketch book, crayons and draws.

She was a talented little artist and very clean, he sits down on a chair across from her, he just watched her until high command called him and he could drop her off at school.

Steelbeak: so!!! How you been, good

She looks up at him and nods her head, another thing about her was that she was suffering from a disorder called Selective mutism, a severe anxiety disorder where a person is unable to speak in certain social situations, she's been like that since she was born.

Steelbeak didn't care weather she was mute, blind or deaf, as long as she didn't ask him about her mother, it didn't really matter to him

The very next day, was time for him to leave town for a few days, in a limousine Steelbeak was dropping her off to school. Andrea was nervous on her first day of school but Steelbeak didn't have time to watch her.

The limousine stopped, he opened the door and she got out, but as she left she noticed that she dropped her sketch book.

Steelbeak: huh?

Walking in a crowd of children, she reaches of the door when.


she turns to see him returning her book back.

Steelbeak: you drop this

She takes it. He bends down to rub her head.

Steelbeak: be good, stay out of trouble and make some new friends

And when he head back, she look and saw everyone looking at her horrified realizing that she was the daughter of the chief agent of F. O. W. L.

she looked down in Shane, guilt and fear. Soon during the whole day all the students and teachers were avoiding Andrea all day.

And it made her feel sad, unwelcome, alone. All she wanted was a friend to play with, she wasn't anything like her dad, she wasn't evil or bad just different.

After school, Gosalyn and honker were exiting out of the school, when they saw her swinging on the swings looking sad by herself.

Gosalyn: who's that

Honker: that's the new kid, she's new here

Gosalyn: why is she all alone

Honker: it's because everyone is afraid of her

Gosalyn: why are people afraid of her

Tank walks in

Tank: it's because she's a freak (laughing) nobody wants to hangout with a freak like her

Gosalyn ignores tank's comment, and looks back at Andrea.

Gosalyn: I would

Honker: Gosalyn what are you

She runs to Andrea and stands in front of her.

Gosalyn: hi

She looks her at Gosalyn and was surprised to see someone was talking to her.

Gosalyn: I'm Gosalyn, what's your name

Confused, she quickly takes out a notebook and starts writing.

Aren't you afraid of me

Gosalyn: of corse not

Why everyone is afraid of me shouldn't you be

Gosalyn: because I like you and I'm not afraid of you

She smiles at her and hugs her tightly, Gosalyn was surprised at first but hugged back, when they let go, she gets off the swing, they hold hands and walked to her house.

Meanwhile with darkwing dark, he and launchpad were trying to find Steelbeak but lost him, they went back home to rest only to find a big surprise.

Launchpad: where do you think Steelbeak might be

Darkwing: possibly somewhere far away and planning who knows what, but darkwing duck never rest but to be on the safe side, we should take a break and do some searching later

Launchpad: ok

When they came spinning from the two blue chairs
table between them. They saw Gosalyn was already causing mayhem.

Gosalyn/Andrea: AH

Gosalyn: look out below

darkwing duck: AH

Still in his darkwing costume, he looked up to see Gosalyn and her new friend riding on a rocket skateboard she created and when they hit the floor, Andrea flew and landed on darkwing's lap.


Darkwing: oh

He looked down at the Andrea, she looks up by at him, and they blinked at each other. They he was terrified to find out someone else found out about his secret identity

Darkwing: GOSALYN what apart of secret identity do you not understanding, who is this

Gosalyn: dad, this is uh- oh I'm sorry I don't know your name

She turns to face her, she pulls out her notebook and writes her name down.


Gosalyn: Andrea and don't worry dad she won't say anything

Darkwing: and how do you know that, maybe she could be lying

Gosalyn: but she hasn't spoken all day

She writes again

It's true

And before he could say anything else, launchpad got a good look at her.

Launchpad: come on, DW who's gonna believe a kid

He thought for a minute

Darkwing: uh, we'll i guess that's true but why doesn't she speak

Launchpad: hmm, maybe she's one of those mute kids but I have to admit she is cute

He goes up to her face, she blinks at him. Then she felt a buzz in her pocket, she pulls it out and it reveals to be a small watch, she walks up to darkwing tugs on his shirts.

Darkwing: huh

He looks down, see her pointing on her watch and he noticed that it is 9.

Darkwing: oh it's getting late, launchpad take her home, her parents must be worried about her right now

Launchpad: ok, come on kid

She grabs her stuff and hugs Gosalyn goodbye. Walks up to launchpad and takes his hand.

Gosalyn: bye see you on Monday

They wave bye and they go inside the car.

Launchpad: so where do you live

She takes out her notebook and writes down Steelbeak's address. When they arrived he decides to walk her to her apartment door, but when her got a good look of the penthouse.

Launchpad: huh, this is where you live

She nods at him

Launchpad: hmm, this place looks oddly familiar

Once they reached her door, they found a note. Launchpad takes the note and reads it.

Launchpad: hmm, hey honey I'm gonna be gone for a few days so go stay at a friends house, I'll be back real soon, be a good girl, love daddy

The puts the note down and looks back at Andrea.

Launchpad: huh, looks like your going to staying with us for the weekend

He picks her up and carries her to the car.

Launchpad: gee, I don't think DW isn't going too happy to hear about this

And he wasn't, the scene cuts to drake reading the note and slams it down.


he stomps and goes to the phone, as Gosalyn celebrated that Andrea was staying for the weekend.

Gosalyn: yeah, I'm so glad your staying with us for the weekend

Beep, beep, beep, beep

Launchpad: how are ya calling DW

Drake: child protection service, I want to know what was so important for daddy to his daughter then to take care of her

Operator: I'm sorry but the number you gave dial, is very busy on the weekend please call back on Monday, thank you and have a nice day

Drake: UGH

he slams the phone.

Drake: ALRIGHT WHEN DADDY GETS BACK from vacation, I HIT A VIEW THINGS TO COMPLAINANT to him and then I'll be taking Andrea to a new well deserved family

Launchpad: well until then, I guess she'll just have to stay with us for the weekend

Drake: ugh, fine, but just keep her out of the way

Gosalyn: ok dad

She takes her hand and takes her to her room.

Gosalyn: come on, I'll show you where your sleeping

The next morning, Andrea woke up and was shocked to see how messy Gosalyn's room was. And to find her already gone. She gets in the center of the room, puts her hands on her hips and shakes her head. Then she goes downstairs grabs a broom and starts cleaning.

Two minutes later, drake was shocked to mind Gosalyn's room finally clean.

Drake; GOSALYN, you-you finally cleaned your room

Gosalyn: oh I didn't clean room

Drake: huh

Gosalyn: she did

She points to Andrea who was downstairs dusting the house, drake was impressed. He walked up to her.

Drake: you clean, do keep you room clean

She nods her head, he smiles.

Drake: hmm, see Gosalyn why can't you clean up your room like her, she cleans up after herself

Gosalyn rolls her eyes in annoyance. Drake through he would get annoyed have Andrea around but she has been proven herself trustworthy and useful. The girls were coloring in the living room.

As a child Andrea always drew pictures of her dad, cause she knows that he still loves her. She drew another picture of him and her holding hands, just the thought of him made her feel sad. Then she got a text from him on her pager.


She takes it out and it reads.

How ya doing honey

She texts back

Doing fine

Then she walks over to Gosalyn, takes a picture of her and sent it to him.

To where he was, he was choke holding darkwing duck.

Steelbeak: aw, she made a new friend how cute

After spending some time apart, a part of him grew a soft spot for her and made he realized what an important thing he has. It made him miss her.

the two heroes came back from catching Steelbeak unfortunately he got away. They went to check up on the girls. And surprisedly darkwing as for once happy to the house not a wreck for once.

Drake: hmm, clean, obedience and well-behaved, she seems like the perfect package

Launchpad looked down at her drawings and noticed  pictures of him and darkwing.

Launchpad: and she's a talented artist

He takes one of her drawings and shows it to drake, he was impressed by her talent.

Drake: hmm, oh and I see that she's got my good side too

He walks over to her, puts his hand in her head and rubs her hair.

Drake: maybe having you around, isn't so bad

Launchpad: if you like her, does that he we can keep her

Gosalyn: oh, I always wanted a sister

He like the thought of adopting Andrea but he remembers about her Negligence dad.

Drake: Gosalyn, launchpad as much as I would love to keep her around and since she knows my secret, you're forgetting that she has a dad

Gosalyn/launchpad: oh

They made an upset look until launchpad spoke out.

Launchpad: but you said it yourself, she deserves a good family

Drake: yes, I guess I did say that, but tell you what, when we see her dad, we'll report him to child protective services and we'll adopted her ok

Launchpad: ok

Steelbeak wasn't the only one who grew a soft spot for Andrea, Launchpad soon became connected with her.

They were watching pelican's island together, the girls fell asleep, Gosalyn fell asleep on drake's lap and Andrea fell asleep on launchpad's lap. Then something happened when he held her tight and closer to his chest, he felt something he never felt before her heartbeat and the love for a child. He felt complete.

The next day was Monday and they just defeated Steelbeak and the rest of F. O. W. L., but when Steelbeak got away, he drove in the limousine, he looked down and saw a drawing of him and Andrea holding hands. I'm he then realized he loved his daughter. He pulled outbid phone and texted her.


Gosalyn and Andrea came home from school, when she felt the vibration from her pager, she read Steelbeak's message.

I'm coming back, I'm coming to pick you up, sent me your address

She smiled and texted drake's address. When he got the address he drove off to darkwing's house. As launchpad and darkwing drove to his penthouse.

He kicked door and pulled out his gun,


Darkwing: AH, FREEZE, huh, launchpad I thought you said she lived

Launchpad: I did

Darkwing: then where is he

Launchpad: well, maybe, he's on his way to pick her up

He thought for a minute then realized.

Darkwing: (gasp) GOSALYN

he runs out the door, launchpad follows but then looks back to find a picture of Steelbeak.

Launchpad: huh, he looks awful familiar

Back at his house, Gosalyn was playing soccer in the house, when she saw Andrea still drawing, she got closer to see her drawings.

Gosalyn: hey does your dad look like

She turns to her, goes through her sketch book and finds an unfinished drawing of Steelbeak.

Gosalyn: huh, that looks exactly like Steelbeak

She nods her head and it didn't take her long to realize.

Gosalyn: (gasp) Steelbeak is your dad

Just then Darkwing Duck came in, ran to Gosalyn and hugged her.

Darkwing: oh Gosalyn, thank goodness your ok

Gosalyn: dad, there's something you need to know

Just then there was a knock at the door.

Knock, knock

Launchpad: I'll get it

And when he Opened it, they were all shocked to see that it was...

Gosalyn/launchpad/darkwing: STEELBEAK!!!

Steelbeak: darkwing duck?

He looked at Andrea and smiled, she smiled back, darkwing noticed him looking at her.

Darkwing: Gosalyn, go hide with Andrea

She nods, takes her hand and they hid in the closet, when Steelbeak went to get his daughter back, darkwing duck pounced on him.

Darkwing: YA

Steelbeak: AH

he was trying to hold him down but Steelbeak was using the power of father love to get to her.

Darkwing: (grunts) what are you doing here, itmron lips

Steelbeak: listen here darknut

He picks up a lamp

Steelbeak: I'm just here to PICK UP MY DAUGHTER


Darkwing: ugh

He falls back, grabs his legs to keep from going to the closet.

Darkwing: ugh

Steelbeak: AH

he then gets on top of him and grabs his arms.

Darkwing/Steelbeak: (grunts)

Darkwing: you will not harm one hair on those children

He then kicks him off

Steelbeak: ugh

Darkwing: AH


Steelbeak: you will not keep me away from my daughter

Darkwing: I don't know where your daughter is but she's not her (grunts)

Steelbeak: ugh, ah, yes she IS


Darkwing: OW

as the two fight, Andrea watched in fear as darkwing beat Steelbeak, he punched him rapidly and knocked his head, he collapsed on the ground. And when darkwing was about to take him out, Andrea came in.

Andrea: DADDY

launchpad: huh

Gosalyn: (gasp)

Darkwing: huh?

Everyone was surprised to hear her finally talked as she ran to steelbeak and hugged his beak. He quickly got up and hugged her tightly.

Steelbeak: it's okay daddy's here, daddy's got ya

He looked up at darkwing, who then turned to Gosalyn was she made a worried look. Then back to Steelbeak as he walked up to him.

Steelbeak: let's not fight in front of the kids, at least until she's not with me

He thought for a minute

Darkwing: fine, I guess this is a truce then

He hands his hand out and they shake.

Steelbeak: come on Andrea, go pack you stuff and let's go

After she grabs everything, she looks back at launchpad who was now Sad, she walks over to him and hugs his legs, he hugs her back and they let go.

Launchpad: (sniff) good bye sweetie I'm gonna miss ya

Gosalyn: bey see ya at school

She walks to to steelbeak, he picks her up and carries her to the limousine. Afraid now that she could now speak, her dad is steelbeak and she knows his secret identity, he was worried that she might tell her dad darkwing's identity

Andrea: (winks)

Or do he thought,

After he watches them leaves, launchpad felt broken, darkwing did what he can to make him feel better

Darkwing: sorry launchpad

Launchpad: it's ok DW, I shoulda've loved someone else's kid (sniff) I got to go

He went to take for a walk knowing he could never have that loving feeling again

Priscilla: (Sniff) (sniff)

Launchpad: huh?

Or so he thought

He heard someone crying in an alleyway, he looks and was awed to see a little ten year old chick with white feathers, orange beak, blonde hair in a ponytail, sneakers, turtleneck and skirt, crying in a box.

Priscilla: (sobs)

She looks up at him, and he smiles at her.

To be continued

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