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Launchpad bend down to the little girl

Launchpad: oh hey there are you alright

Priscilla: (gasp)

Launchpad: it's alright I ain't gonna hurt ya

She backed away when he got closer to her. He looks around to see if anyone was looking for her.

Launchpad: where are your parents, don't ya have a family

She crawled up closer to him and gave him a confused look.

Launchpad: you don't have any parents

She shakes her head.

Launchpad: aw don't worry I'll take good care of ya

He picks her up and she allows him to touch her, she grabs her bag.

The next day Darkwing duck was shocked to find a
little ten year old chick sitting on the couch drawing some sketches.


Launchpad: yeah DW

drake: what is the meaning of this, where did this kid came from

Launchpad: oh well I found her outside yesterday In a box

Drake: launchpad I know you still hurting after what happened with steelbeak

Launchpad: literally

He rubs his beak.

Drake: but you can't just decide on to be a parent, besides maybe be parents are looking for her

Launchpad: but DW I found her all alone in alleyway, she doesn't have a family

Drake: what

He looks at him in concern then looks back her and was reminded how lonely gosalyn was.

Launchpad: she doesn't have a family, she was left alone in a board box

Drake: (sigh) I'm sorry launchpad but the next thing I need is another kid from my foe's knowing my-Darkwing's identity

He grabs his keys and grabs the orphan's arm and walks to his car.

Launchpad: but DW she barely say anything when I found and maybe she isn't the daughter of a evil villain

Drake: I'm sorry launchpad but I can't risk that chance

He drives her to the orphanage and when he toke back home.

Drake: (sigh) ok that done and hopefully launchpad will get over this-HUH

He saw her sitting in a cardboard box, she crawled in and was holding a stuffed blue octopus, she sink in deeper into the box, held the octopus closer to her and looked around the dangerous area, she was scared which made drake felt guilty.

Drake: ugh

He slammed his head against the wheel.

Drake: I'm taking a really risky risk

Back at home, it was decided the orphan girl will stay with them until Darkwing can use his detective skills to find her dad.

Drake: I still think this a bad idea

Launchpad: well look how well she and gosalyn are getting along

She and gosalyn were drawing.

Gosalyn/Priscilla: (giggling)

Drake: well how can we trust her that she won't spill my secret, does she even speak

Launchpad: well

Drake: does she have a name

Launchpad: I don't know

Gosalyn: let me see, do you have a name

She looks up at gosalyn, then she flips her sketch book and starts writing her name.


She shows it to gosalyn.

Gosalyn: pris-cilla, Priscilla

She nods her head in agreement.

Launchpad: I guess your name is Priscilla then

He walks over to her, picks her up and mushes her face against his.

Drake: but why is she so quiet

Launchpad: i guess she must be mute

Drake: just like Andrea

The sound of her name made launchpad feel sorrowful.

Launchpad: DW if you can, I rather not talk about Andrea

Drake saw how upset he was, he walks over to him and grabs his shoulders.

Drake: launchpad I know you love Andrea like she was your own but you forget that she dad is the chief agent of F. O. W. L. and having her-Priscilla here won't replace her

Launchpad: I know but having a child makes me feel happy inside

Drake: well I'm glad you're getting used to the responsibility of being a parent but remember she's just staying here until I can find her really parents and force them to take her back

Launchpad: well then that just gives me enough time for me to do some bonding

Priscilla: (laughing)

Over time as Darkwing invested about Priscilla and who her parents are, launchpad comes to love Priscilla like he did with Andrea.

And just like Andrea hobby was painting, Priscilla had a hobby too, she was a photographer, she had a small camera that her mother gave her before she was abandoned on the orphanage.

She was in the living room, trying to take a picture of a bowl of fruit, then drake stomped in upset, slamming the door behind him.


Priscilla: (gasp)

That slam startled Priscilla and caused an Apple to fall.


launchpad: maybe they just don't want to be found

Drake: or maybe their just lousy parents

He sits on the chair grump like, launchpad sits on a sofa next to Priscilla and starts reading a newspaper.

Launchpad: maybe this is a good thing

Drake: oh really and how is that

Launchpad: well I been thinking, all the time Priscilla's been here

He picks her up and puts her on his lap.

Launchpad: well I gotten really close to her and well I want to adopt her

Drake: launchpad, she's only been here for one day and you can't decide on if you want to keep her, this stuff takes time

Launchpad: I know but she and gosalyn have gotten along really well, isn't that right gosalyn

Gosalyn: keen gear

Drake: but what about her parents

Launchpad: drake if her parents were worried about her, they would've been already looking for me

Drake tries to hesitate but he can't argue with that logic.

Drake: (gasp) well-ugh I guess your right launchpad

Launchpad: so can we keep her

He gets up t from his chair and launchpad pulls Priscilla down in front of him.

Drake: tell you what launchpad, if your parents don't show or if I can't find by the end of this month, then we can adopt

Launchpad: WHOOPEE

Drake: never the less, no bad parent can hide from DARKWING DUCK

he does one of his poses and Priscilla takes a picture of him.


A picture pops out and she hands it to him.

Drake: hmm (chuckles) you got my good side too

And as promised Darkwing vowed to find her parents, he decided to do it alone since launchpad wanted to spend more time with Priscilla....but somewhere in the clouds, hovering above the city of saint canard was the helicopter of F. O. W. L.

The chief agent was making a phone call.

Steelbeak: well yes I know that's why I hire you for...OF COURSE I LOVE MY OWN DAUGHTER WHAT DO YOU THINK I AM A TERRIBLE FATHER...look I have some important business to take care of

He hangs up and the agent appeared to be steelbeak.

Steelbeak: Sheesh, nannies these days, you tell em to watch ya kids and they judge ya for how ya raise your child

He then dials another number.

Steelbeak: hey it me, listen I'm going to be on my so tell my little duckling that I'm coming to pick her up-WHAT...what do you mean she's gone, what do I pay you idiots for...she ran away (covers the speakers) she's just like her old man (goes back to the phone) alright fine never-mind I'll find her myself

He end up, pulls out a tracker and a red dot appears.

Beep, beep, beep

He looks up and pulls down a picture, the picture reveals to be him holding Priscilla and was was laughing.

Steelbeak: hang on baby, daddy's coming

Then a flashback plays to a five year old Priscilla covering her ears and shaking in fear.

Priscilla: (sobs)

Steelbeak and a female chicken were fighting.

Cheryl: steelbeak you said you were going to quit

Steelbeak: were going to quit, were

Cheryl: (gasp) I can't believe

Steelbeak: oh believe what you want babe

Cheryl: it's bad enough your going out at night doing who knows what for fowl but flirting with other women

Steelbeak: oh please, have you seen yourself, your not exactly what you used to be

Cheryl: steelbeak we have a child to take care of

Steelbeak: you know before Priscilla, we were happy and before her, you still had a slim body

Cheryl: your not the rooster I knew and loved, now I'm giving you a choice it's either us or fowl, what's it going to be

Steelbeak looks back at scared little Priscilla then decided.

Steelbeak: fine I don't need you or that brat

Priscilla: (gasp)

What he said hurt Priscilla, she was crying and his old flame became crossed.

Priscilla: (sobs)

Cheryl: (gasp) I can't believe you, your unbelievable, if that's your choice then fine, come on Priscilla let's go

Steelbeak: go get, I don't need you

Priscilla was scared she ran to hug her dad but...

Priscilla: (sobs) PAPA

Steelbeak: GET AWAY YOUR BRAT, I don't want you

he smacks her away.

Priscilla: (sobs)

The chicken picked her up and glares back at steelbeak.


he just keep his back turned away from them, the female chicken grabbed Priscilla's hand.

Cheryl: come baby let's get away from this horrid man

Priscilla looks back at him, tears still falling down.  And at the orphanage, it was raining and when they arrived on the steps, Priscilla looks at her mom, she smiles at Priscilla but then that smiles disappears, as she rings the doorbell.


Then she bends down, brings her closer and tidies her up and grabs her shoulders, places her hands on her cheeks.

Cheryl: I'm sorry i have to do this baby but it's for the best, I'm not going to be around to take care of you

She lets go and walks down the steps but Priscilla tugged on her skirt.

Priscilla: mama!!!

She turns around and touches her face again.

Cheryl: it's alright baby, I want what's best for you, and no matter what happens I'll always be there for you

More tears begin to fall as her mom's hand slipped down, she looks back to see her walking away slowly into the rain, then the doors open and our came a nun stork.

Nun stork: aw and where did you come from Little one

She turns around to see her, unwillingly to speak, the stork walks Priscilla inside.

Priscilla's mom died from cancer thanks to steelbeak, after she died steelbeak still became her guardian but he always leaves her with child services and no matter how many times the take her back to her dad, he always finds away to get rid of her...that was until Andrea changes him and now all he wants is to hold his little duckling.

The flashback Ends to Priscilla thinking about the past while creating a collage of launchpad and Darkwing.

Launchpad came up behind her, looked at her pictures then picks her up.

Launchpad: say your a great photographer kiddo

He then puts her on his lap.

Launchpad: DW is going to love it

They looked at it once more then she puts it, seeing how well adjusted Priscilla was doing, he couldn't help but wonder how her dad was.

Launchpad: say do you know who your parents

She nod her head.

Launchpad: oh ok, do you have a picture of them or something

She takes out her sketchbook and flips a few pages until she found what she was looking for, she then showed his a drawing of steelbeak but it was poorly drawn so launchpad couldn't tell.

Launchpad: hmm, oh wow, I wonder what your dad does for a living cause that is one expensive suit

He puts it down and then Darkwing came back home.

Drake: ugh

Launchpad: any luck DW

drake: no such

Launchpad: maybe it's about to give it up

He looks up at launchpad then Priscilla walks up to them holding a collage.

Launchpad: oh by the way, Priscilla made a surprise for you, surprise

Darkwing vowed he find her parents and he failed he felt miserable that he couldn't keep his promise but when he sees launchpad with her, it made him feel happy, so what if he didn't find her parents or they couldn't find her, she didn't them, not when they don't care about her, she doesn't need them not when she has a caring dad like launchpad.

Drake: (soft chuckles) thanks

He then thought about what launchpad had said.

Drake: say launchpad

Launchpad: yeah DW

Drake: seeing you with Priscilla has got me think, well the month is almost up and since I can't find her parents anymore in the world

Launchpad: (gasp) those that mean we can get to keep her

Drake: yes

Launchpad: (gasp) WHOOPEE

he gets up, picks Priscilla, throws her in the air.

Priscilla: (giggles)

Then catches her.

Launchpad: ya hear that Priscilla, your gonna be part of our family

Gosalyn: Priscilla is staying with us, HORRAY

Drake: (grunts) oh

Gosalyn jumped on drake's lap and the two parents smiled.

Launchpad couldn't be more happier...until the next day.

Steelbeak was out in the city of saint canard looking for his daughter. Meanwhile at drake's house, launchpad and drake watched the girls having fun.

Launchpad: see I told everything was going to be okay, see how well gosalyn and Priscilla are doing

Drake: ah I guess you were right launchpad, she doesn't say much but at least she cleans up after herself and does what she's told, why can't you be like her gosalyn

Gosalyn gives him a 😒 unamused look.

Priscilla: (giggles)

Launchpad: (laughing) yeah, see having her here isn't so bad

Drake: (chuckles) yeah you're right launchpad

Launchpad gets up and walks away, as drake continued to stare at Priscilla, he didn't know anything about her, he doesn't even know what her parents look like, he then spotted her sketchbook, he opens it and flips through her pages to find drawings.

Meanwhile steelbeak was looking through the tracker, he followed the dot and it lead him to live at 537 Avian Way, St which is where darkwing is.

Steelbeak: huh? Why those this street look so familiar

With drake, he passes by page to page until what he saw next shattered him.

It was a picture of Priscilla and-


He was smiling carrying Priscilla on his shoulders, he started to sweat and dropped the book.

Thud, flap

Drake: I got to warn launchpad, LAUNCHPAD

he rushes from the kitchen and into the living room.

Launchpad: yeah DW what is it, what's wrong

Drake: launchpad it's about Priscilla, she's-

Just then steelbeak busted the door open.

Launchpad: (gasp)

Launchpad/drake: steelbeak

Drake ran to get dress while launchpad kept steelbeak busy as he ran to launchpad and pinned him down.

Steelbeak: alright punk, where my daughter

He clutches his fist into his shirt launchpad glares at him showing no fear, he grabs a vase and smashed it against his head.


Steelbeak: AH

it caused him to fall back and grabbed his head, launchpad then got up.

Launchpad: she's not here


Steelbeak: AH

He punches his beak and pins on the ground.

Launchpad/steelbeak: ugh

The two fathers then fight as Darkwing walked in.

Darkwing: (gasp)

They were locked, arms around each other.

Steelbeak/launchpad: (grunts)

Launchpad: you already took Andrea away from me

Steelbeak: i didn't wanted to be here either, I just came to get my daughter back

Launchpad: well she's not here, so get lost-ugh

He pushes him back, he keep his balance and stand his ground.

Steelbeak: well my tracker says otherwise, SO GIVE ME MY DAUGHTER BACK

He shows him the tracker but launchpad doesn't believe him.

Launchpad: yeah right

Darkwing: launchpad, he's right

Launchpad: huh

Darkwing: Priscilla (sigh) is Steelbeak's daughter

Launchpad: what-well stop he doesn't deserve her

Darkwing: launchpad

Launchpad: you said it yourself DW, she doesn't deserve a parent who won't love her

Steelbeak: I DO LOVE HER

just then the girls heard the ruckus and When they both came in, Priscilla was shocked to see her dad.

Priscilla: (gasp) PAPA

They all turned to see that Priscilla has finally spoken. Darkwing was shocked.

Launchpad/steelbeak: PRISCILLA

Darkwing: ah, she can talk

Launchpad then punched steelbeak and he went collapsed on the floor.


Priscilla ran and launchpad bend down to hug her but frowned when he saw that she ran to steelbeak, she got on her knees and hugged his beak, steelbeak pressed his hand on her back and rubbed circles around her.

Launchpad saw how happy she was with steelbeak but when he tried to get her back, darkwing stopped him.

Darkwing: launchpad, you need to let her go, she has a dad and it's still one month

Launchpad: but how can we be sure he's not a bad parent

Darkwing: he was searching for her

He looks back to see steelbeak getting up and holding his daughter.

Steelbeak: get your bag, I'm taking you back home

She nods her head, he puts her down and she runs, he then looks back at Darkwing and launchpad.

Steelbeak: look I would never hurt Priscilla as much as I wouldn't hurt Andrea, she means everything to me

Darkwing: we'll keepyour word but if you ever come to this house again, your going to jail alright chrome beak

He looks around the house and thought.

Steelbeak: say who's house is this

But before they could answer, Priscilla came back, she and gosalyn hugged goodbye.

Gosalyn: bye I'll see ya at school ok

She waves goodbye and grabs Steelbeak's hand.

Steelbeak: come on baby let's go home

She looks back at launchpad and saw how upset he was, she felt guilty.

She then leg go of her dad's hand, ran to launchpad and hugged him tight, he returned the hug back.

Launchpad: oh I'm going to miss you too kiddo

They let go, she looks straight at him then walks back to her dad. Launchpad waves bye to her.

Steelbeak wrapped his hands around her shoulders and when they walked out, she looks back and smiles.

After they left, launchpad had them sane feeling again when Andrea left.

Darkwing: I'm sorry launchpad but maybe it's for the best

He looks at him concerned then smiled when he sees gosalyn.

Launchpad: your right, cause this girl

He pulls gosalyn in.

Launchpad: is the only girl I need and that's alright by me.

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