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20 years ago at fowl, fowl was celebrating a New Year's Eve party. Even villains celebrate holidays.

Everyone was drinking and eating but mostly drinking and the most person who was drinking a lot was Steelbeak.

He was at a open bar, wasted out of his mind.

Stranger: steelbeak?

He then was greeted by a mysterious woman.

Steelbeak: huh

Dizzy from drinking, he turns around, his vision was a burry but when he focused, he was it was a beautiful feeling dog, she was wearing a red glamour glittering dress, had pearl jewelry, heavy beautiful makeup, black high heels, yellow hair in a bun and in his drunken mind, she was gorgeous.

Steelbeak: (chuckles) hey baby

Stranger: steelbeak are you okay

Steelbeak: I'm better now that you here

He takes the stranger's hand and kisses it, the stranger felt weird about it as she pulls her arm away.

Stranger: huh Steelbeak are drunk

Steelbeak: have we met before

Stranger: steelbeak it's me a Mona

Steelbeak: Mona (hic) that sounds hot, you're kinda hot

Stranger: maybe I should take you home

Steelbeak: whatever you say (snickering) baby

Minutes later, he was taken to a bedroom, in the arms of a stranger.

Steelbeak: boy you're strong, do you work out

Then when he was set on the bed, they stranger was about take off when he grabbed her arms, rolled her around and got in top of her.

Stranger: oh (giggles) steelbeak what do you think your doing, you already burned me before remember

Steelbeak: have I? (Chuckles)

He then pressed his lips against hers, then there were scenes of him moving his hands to her hips and upskirting her dress then he started touching her insides, filling her in, turning her on.

Stranger: (moans) AHH

He then kissed her neck passionately and tenderly this act of erotic mating lasted all night. It took fifty shades of gray to a whole new level.

Until the very next day, as the morning's light shined on Steelbeak's face. He woke up filling dizzy from the drinking and a headache from the party.

He was shirtless, he wakes up, his eyes blinking rapidly like sleeping beauty or Snow White does when they awaken from their deathly slumber.

He sits up, stretches his arms out and yawns for a bit.

Steelbeak: (yawns)

He snaps his metal beck and rubs his eyes as he tries to recall to what happened the night before.

He doesn't remember much of him drinking but he does remember go to bed with a gorgeous woman.

He sees that next to him, underneath the cover sheets, was the mysterious woman from last night.

He smiles mischievously.

Steelbeak: (chuckles) well good morning babe, last night was incredible

He puts his arm around her but then he saw something strange, he noticed that her clothes on the floor was a simple blue dress with vest, apron, and bandana, it kinda looks like the same thing amonia pines wear, he then started to get a sick feeling as he made a disgusting look when he looked at the person underneath the cover then he realized that the woman from last night was skinny but the woman underneath the covers her body was plumped. He then started to move his hand to the cover and what he saw terrified him as he was that it was...

Amonia pine. It was a naked, sleeping amonia pines.

Amonia pines: (loud snoring)

His eyes were open wide in shocked as he realized what happened last night and he remembered what he and amonia did last night.

he acted fast as he had no time to think, he quickly and quietly gets out of bed without waking amonia cause knowing that if she wakes that us going to be some serious and awkward tension.

He puts on his clothes and as he tippy ties quietly to the door, he was relived when he reached for the doorknob.

As he was about to escape.

Amonia: good morning hon

He was startled as he heard that amonia was awake, he turns to see she was laying seductively butt naked all the way, her hands on her hips and she was staring at him, passionately.

Steelbeak: amonia hi

He tries to make up a good excuse as he tries to open the door. He was making a nervous look, his back was faced by the door, reaching his hand down to the handle.

Amonia: uh where are you going hon

Steelbeak: uh listen I love to stay but you know fowl, there wanting me at a meeting for an important assignment so got to go bye

He quickly then opened the door, ran out and left is a hurry.

A few weeks after that horrible night (in Steelbeak pov) steelbeak left amonia without ever a call or seeing her for days.

Since the days past by of that night, steelbeak can't help but think of that dark night, then while he's been called to a meeting with F. O. W. L at the secret headquarters in sunny Miami, in Florida Caverns State Park, Marianna, the darkest cave where shush can't find them. He was going to be expecting the biggest surprise in his life.

He came from his golden expensive jet, he had to go through a lot of secret entrances then he went through the doors.

Steelbeak: you wanted to see me high command

High command: yes, have a seat agent Steelbeak

He had a bad feeling as he sat down on a small chair facing the three crows, vulture and condor and every villain that worked for fowl gathered around him in the dark room.

Steelbeak: is something wrong

He felt terrified as he felt high command's cold glare staring deep into his soul.

He started to sweat and he tug his bowtie out a bit as he nervously smiled.

Steelbeak: (nervous chuckles)

Then unexpected, a blue banner with the words written in gold saying.


Confetti was thrown, balloons came out and everyone clapped for Steelbeak.

Steelbeak: huh, what the- what's going on

The confused Steelbeak was demanding an explanation and wanting to know what was going on.

High command: congratulations Steelbeak you're going to be a father

Steelbeak: huh

He was a bit more confused, wondering which women he's meet that he's got pregnant.

Then ammonia pines came in, holding a egg wrapped in a pink blanket, she was smiling at him, that's when he realized.

Steelbeak: oh nuts

That one night with ammonia, that awful night gotten ammonia pregnant.

Ammonia pines: congratulations hon

She c add my we up to him, bringing the egg to him, he nervously looked at her then the egg and had a horrible thought.

If that egg is his and ammonia child, what if he/she might grow up to be like ammonia, just like her, exactly like her.

He started to vision that a younger child version of ammonia pines mopping the floors.

It was bad enough that she was always driving him crazy with her obsession of cleaning.

He didn't wanted to have to deal with it again, with taking care of a child.

He gets up from his chair and heads to the door.

Steelbeak: nope! No thanks but that can't be mines, no i can't be father

This started to hurt ammonia as she tries to stop him.

Ammonia: but hon think about are child

Steelbeak: that child is not mine and it will never be my child, so why don't you get rid of it or something

He slams the door behind her, after abandoning his child, ammonia was heartbroken, she looks down teared up at her egg.

knowing she couldn't take care of her egg by herself. She decided to that it would be best if she gave her away to a family that'll take care of her.

So three days later, ammonia took a ride to duckberg, in the dark of night, it was raining, the hatchling was already hatched from her egg, it revealed to be a girl.

She had her mom's brown hair with a touch of blackness growing in her roots, and white feathers the only thing she had of her dad was the shape of her beak and she had his eyes.

She was in a basket, sleeping as the rain poured hard, ammonia stepped out of a taxi, hold a umbrella and the basket containing her child.

She looks up at a mansion that looked oddly familiar. She walks up to the mansion and when lighting struck the light reveal to be mcduck mansion.

She uses her cleaning utensils to open the gate and as she walk in the front, she goes up the doorsteps and drops the basket gently on the doorstep.

She bends down to pull the pink blanket that was covering her baby's head to see her face.

Hatchling: (cooing) (giggles)

The hatchling smiled as ammonia says her last goodbye.

Ammonia: so baby but it's the best for both of us, I don't want you to live in such a terrible childhood, like I did, I think you'll be much happier with a better family like this, you're father maybe not have love you but I'm sure that one day, he'll come back for you

She kisses her forehead, she then gets up and rings the doorbell.

Ammonia: (smooch)

Hatchling: (giggles)

She then walks away leaving her, the hatchling then watches her mom leave she started to cry.

Hatchling: wah

Ammonia looks back and smiles, as she walks out into the rain.

The baby continues to cry when the lights in the mansion turned on and when the door opened, it was ms. Beakley that opened the door.

Ms. Beakley: hello

She looked around to see who was it that ring the doorbell.

Ms. Beakley: is anyone there

She was about to close the door leaving the abandoned orphan out all night in the cold rain, if it haven't been her crying.

Hatchling: WAH, WAH

Ms. Beakley: huh

She looks down to see the abandoned baby crying and she instantly fell in love with her cutenesses.

Hatchling: WAH!!!

Ms. Beakley: (gasp) MR. SCROOGE COME QUICK

She yells for mr. Mcduck while still looking down and the precious child.

Hatchling: WAH!

Ms. Beakley: aw and where did you come from little one

She bends down to pick her up and tries to calm her down when Scrooge mcduck came in.

Scrooge: what is it Ms. beakley

When Scrooge saw the baby, he was fond by her when she finally stops crying.

Scrooge: aw and who is this little cutie

Hatchling: (cooing)

Ms. Beakley: I don't know I just found her on the doorsteps

Scrooge: huh, her family must've left her her, come on let's bring her inside

Ms. Beakley: don't worry little one we'll take very good care of you

So they brought her inside, Scrooge through raising a child would be easy but then he started to get annoyed by her constant crying.

It was morning and the hatchling was crying.

Hatchling: (sobbing) wha

Scrooge was in his office, shielding his ears from her crying, then he became furious.

Scrooge: AHH!! Ms. beakley will you please shut that thing up

Ms beakley walks in, picks up the hatchling and calmly rocks her to sleep.

Then she glares at mr. Mcduck.

Ms. Beakley: mr. Mcduck she's only just a baby

Scrooge: a annoying baby

Scrooge was about minutes away to kicking her out in the curb (or possibly sent to an orphanage) if weren't for dr. Gyro gearloose coming on the right time.

Gyro: Hello mr. Mcduck

He was going to help mr. Mcduck with something when he heard the hatchling crying.

Gyro: what's that noise

Scrooge: ah gyro good your here, that's just some baby we found last night on our doorstep

Gyro: hmm a baby huh, let me take a look at her

He walks inside the room, where she was still crying, Ms beakley had placed her back in her basket.

Hatchling: WAH!!!

Gyro walks over to her basket, takes a good look at her and was fond by her.

Hatchling: (sobbing)

He picks her up and held her closer to his chest.

Gyro:shush, it's ok, I got you, you're okay, you're okay

She then stopped crying and slept on his chest.

Gyro: aw why you just want someone to hold you

Scrooge and Ms beakley saw how well gyro got along with the abandoned orphan.

Gyro: aw she's so cute mr. Mcduck

Seeing how much he loved the little orphan, he got an idea.

Gyro: say mr. Mcduck if you don't want here, I could take her off your hands

This made Scrooge relived knowing, he wouldn't have to waste his money on raising a child.

He hands him her basket and pushes them out through the door.

Scrooge: sure go ahead, in fact I won't sell her to you, consider it part of your pay and good luck with her

He slams the door behind them and rest his back against the door.

Scrooge: (phew)

On the other side, gyro was surprised for what happened but ignored it when she's the hatchling smiling at him.

Hatchling: (giggling)

Gyro: don't worry I'm going to take very good care of you

He took her to his house where he turned her basket into a rocking carriage to help her sleep.

He bends down fond by how beautiful she sleep, he puts his big index finger inside her small hand and she holds on it him.

It made him smile.

Gyro: (hums) you parents may not want you but I promise you I'll be the best guardian I can be to you-

He looks over to see a doll with red locks and that's when he thought of the perfect name for her.

Gyro: Annie, my little Annie

To be continued

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