Twins-maggie and angie

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It was gosalyn's first day at fencing class and she was doing good, doing much better then the boys.

As drake and Launchpad were on their way to pick her up.

It was their surprise that the new friends that she met was going to be the children of one of Darkwing duck's archenemy.

They were walking inside the tall building of a recreation center named ducklings, shh he e was in there because her school has decided for her and honker to volunteer for special classes or other clubs that weren't at school.

Gosalyn joined fencing since it was her speed and honker...well he needed to try something other then science but was close to math he choose painting.

He was in the art and crafts room painting shapes and gosalyn was in the gymnasium practicing her fencing.

She was practicing on a partner, they were both wearing white fencing uniforms.

Drake: it's nice that Gosalyn has a hobby other then destroying the house

Launchpad: I wonder how she and honker are doing

They walk inside the two front doors and they see lids trying out different activities and programs. Then they walked to the gymnasium where they heard swords clashing and kids fighting.

(Kids screaming, clinging)

They then came across a female gym teacher, she was a stork, her hair was white, long and in a ponytail wore blue gym shorts with a white strip on the side and a long sleeve blue workout sweater.

She was upbeat, super positive and hip attitude to help support the kids.

Ally: HI can I help you two, are you looking for you kids

But her positive attitude frightened them.

Drake/launchpad: AH!

Drake: oh hello there, you scared me, yes I am drake mallard we're here to pick up gosalyn

Ally: oh so your gosalyn's parents, sure she's over here

She walks them to where she was, she was practicing with another girl but she was a bit taller then her.

She had her helmet off as she practiced. She looked focused and was fast.

Gosalyn: (grunts)

Drake: wow she's doing so fantastic

Ally: uh huh, she such star, she's done so well, she's are top pupil and she's being so friendly with the other kids, she ever volunteer to tutor are new ducklings, she's even made some new friends

She points out to the girl in the helmet that was practicing with gosalyn.

Drake: oh good (whispers to Launchpad) at least she'll have a friend that's not honker

Launchpad: what's wrong with honker

Ally: okay everyone practice time is over, and gosalyn your dads here

She and her partner stopped and looked back at drake and Launchpad.

Gosalyn: hey dad, Launchpad

She rushes to them.

Gosalyn: come met my new friend

She walks them over to the taller girl as she removes her helmet, they saw that she was a yellow canary.

Gosalyn: dad, Launchpad this is my new friend Maggie, Maggie this is my dad

Maggie: hi

When she waved at drake, she was familiar by Launchpad.

Maggie: Launchpad?

Launchpad was then familiar by her.

Launchpad: Maggie

Maggie: uncle Launchpad

She smiles as she runs into his arms and he hugs her, both drake and gosalyn were surprised by them.

Drake: Launchpad you know her

They let go as Launchpad tries to explain how he knows Gosalyn's new friend.

Launchpad: well ever month I sign up for the Big brother and big sisters association, I'm assigned to be a big brother or uncle or father to a child and every month I'm assigned with Maggie, oh how's your mom doing

Maggie: I don't know, we haven't seen her in-well years

Drake: we?

Gosalyn: well we better go change

As they went to go change, drake was left to get some more answers from Launchpad.

Launchpad: what

He waved at Maggie when he noticed drake looking at him.

Drake: how come you never told me about this

Launchpad: what it slipped through my mind

Drake crossed his arms and rolled his eyes annoyingly.

Launchpad: but there is a fact you should know about her, when her mother gave them away to the big brother and big sister association, when they were a egg, I was a teen and held on to them, it made me feel happy

Drake: again who is they?

They the girls came out wearing their normal clothes, Maggie wore jeans, sneakers and a turtleneck.

As gosalyn ran to them carrying a gym bag, Maggie looked around as she was looking for someone.

Drake: say Maggie would you like to say at our place

She looks back at drake.

Maggie: actually Someone is picking me up, I'm just waiting for my sister

Drake: sister?

He then realized what Launchpad was talking about

Drake: that explains what she meant by we and Launchpad meant they

Honker comes out covered in paint and behind him was another yellow canary, she looked like Maggie but she had glasses, a white lab coat and a green Dress with black sneakers.

Honker: we're back

Drake: huh

Drake was surprised to see the two identical twins reuniting.

Gosalyn: dad this is Angie, Maggie's twin sister

When the twins hugged, Angie noticed Launchpad smiling at her.


She runs to go hug him, he bends down and opens his arms out to her, she runs in his arms, they hug tight and he spins her around, then lets her go.

Maggie: I know his back right

She joins them and touches their shoulders.

Launchpad: wow you girls, wow look at you two girls, look how big you grown, I haven't seen you since your 7th birthday, how come I never see you girls anymore

Maggie: are dad sent us with our aunt

Angie: I'm studying to being a scientist

Drake: oh who's your dad

Maggie: well he's-

Then someone walked through the doors and the girl's face lifted.

Maggie/Angie: DADDY

they ran passed drake, drake, gosalyn and Launchpad turned to see their dad and they were shocked to find out who the father was.

Drake: (gasp)

Launchpad: (gasp)

Gosalyn: (gasp)

They saw the girls were hugging Steelbeak.

Steelbeak: hey now how were you girls doing today, hmm did you did good

Twins: yes daddy

Steelbeak: that's good girls

He bends down and hugs them tight and was shocked when he saw drake and Launchpad.

Steelbeak: (gasp)

He then gets up slowly, not looking into his daughters eyes, still staring at drake, grabbing his daughter's shoulders.

Maggie: daddy we made a new friend today

Steelbeak. That's good baby why don't you two go wait in the car

Twins: ok daddy

He makes a displeasing as he walks to drake, drake marches to him but he was surprised that he walks past him but was that he was heading to Launchpad instead. He forgot that steelbeak didn't knew who he was.

Steelbeak: how is it that you keep finding my daughters

Launchpad: I knew them before you did, and how long have you abandoned them

Steelbeak: listen here hot shot, you better stay away from my daughters or else

He marches away and Launchpad was crossed.

Launchpad: you already took my other daughters away

Steelbeak left before he could here that last, drake walks up to him and patted his shoulders, then he sees Gosalyn standing towards them.

Drake: why is that every new friend you make happens to be Steelbeak's child

Gosalyn: I didn't know, plus they don't even look like  him and I wonder why they didn't tell about each other

Launchpad: I wonder if he has more kids

That then gave drake an idea

Drake: uh I wonder too

Later that night, in Steelbeak's suite, Maggie was practicing her fencing lessons on a dummy and Angie was testing some chemical tubes, steelbeak was sitting in a recliner, reading a newspaper.

Steelbeak: hmm

Maggie: (grunts) uh

Steelbeak: be careful not to break anything baby

Maggie: ok daddy

He then goes to his office and by his surprise, he finds Darkwing duck, on his chair.

Darkwing: nice kids you got Steelbeak

Steelbeak: (gasp) Darkwing duck

He jumps up in front of him and he sees pictures of him and his daughters taken separately.

Darkwing: How many kids do you have

Steelbeak was baffled.

Steelbeak: uhh-uhh well-six, I have six daughters

He looks up at Darkwing and saw how he made a seriously look.

Steelbeak: hey I broke a lot of hearts okay, I'm not exactly father material

Darkwing: uh huh And I wonder if either one knows about the other

Steelbeak: they don't know and you will not tell them about each other

Darkwing then got another idea, he made a serious smirk.

Darkwing: huh geez well I wonder how they would act if I don't know a certain hero brought them all together

Steelbeak then felt threatened by Darkwing's blackmail.

He turns around and gets up to his face.

Steelbeak: you wouldn't

Darkwing: oh you would like that wouldn't you

He glares at him as Darkwing stares at him smirkingly.

Until he finally gives up.

Steelbeak: alright fine you win Darkwing, what do you want, I'll do anything if you don't tell my daughters about each other

Darkwing: anything

Steelbeak: yes anything

For once Steelbeak was now feeling feared from something.

His secret letting out.

Darkwing: alright I won't tell you daughters about the other one if you do something for me

Steelbeak: sure whatever what is it

He takes out a picture of Gosalyn and shows it to him.

Darkwing: ok you're daughters are friends with this girl if you let them see her once in a while or at least let them still be friends with her or visit her and I won't tell them about the other, deal

He puts his hand out in front of him to make a deal, steelbeak stares at his hand then looks up at him and tries to hesitated at first but he didn't wanted his daughters to find out about his secret, so he shook hands with Darkwing.

Steelbeak: deal

Later after Darkwing left, steelbeak tuck his daughters in bed.

Steelbeak: good night Maggie, good night Angie

Twins: good night daddy

He switch off the lights but before he could, Maggie got up a little.

Maggie: dad

Steelbeak: yeah Maggie

Maggie: do you ever miss mom

Just the thought about talking about their mom brought all those sad memories, he loved their mom.

Steelbeak: I do girls, everyday

Angie: then why don't you talk to her

Steelbeak tries to think of a good excuse why.

Maggie: did she hate us

Steelbeak made a worried look as ge didn't wanted to tell them the truth about their mom, so he fakes a smile.

Steelbeak: it's going to be okay girls, I promise you I won't abandon you girls again

Twins: ok daddy

Steelbeak: okay good night girls

Twins: good night daddy

He kisses their forehead, they closed their eyes and fell asleep.

Steelbeak walks out quietly and when he closes the door a bit, he looks back and smiles as he watches his daughter sleep peacefully and smiling.

When he closes the door, he frowned when he remembered their mom.

In truth, he always took advantage of her, she stopped seeing him and answering his calls when he walk up and left her...on the night she was pregnant.

He goes to his office, behind his desk, in one of his drawers, he pulls out a picture.

A female dog holding two eggs.

Then a flashback plays, a shadow appears on Steelbeak's door, a hands knocks on his door.

(Knock, knock)

He opens it, wearing his red bedroom robe and he opens it and was shocked to see that it was his old girlfriend.

Steelbeak: hello-(gasp) Nancy?

She was furious and was holding his two eggs, she walked in and placed the eggs wrapped in a pink blanket on the sofa.

Steelbeak: what are you doing here babe

Nancy: you left me

Steelbeak: well-I-uh

Nancy: you left me while I was pregnant

Steelbeak: (gasp) so you're telling me that these eggs are mine

Nancy: yes and your raising them on your own

Steelbeak: what?

She bends down and kisses the eggs.

Nancy: (mwah) (mwah) good babies I will always love you

She then gets up and walks to the door but Steelbeak was terrified having to raise two children.

Steelbeak: babe wait

Nancy: No Steelbeak, I won't tolerate this anymore, you walked out on me, you walked out on your family now you'll know what it's like to be like abandon, like you did with us

She slams the door, steelbeak looks back at the two eggs, picks them up and frowns.

Steelbeak: (sigh) I'm sorry you two but I don't think I can be the father you want be to be

Flashback ends

Steelbeak: how did you girls end up with a dad like me

(Ring, ring)

Steelbeak: AH

He then got a phone call from high command, he snaps out of his past and picks up the phone.

Steelbeak: hello

High command: hello Steelbeak, you need to come to f. O. W. L. headquarters in Russia, we have some important news to give to you

Steelbeak: ok I'll be there

He hangs up, grabs his coat, heads to the door and looks back at a picture of him and the twins, he then shuts the door.

To be continued...

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