Treaty of tolerance

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In the city of saint canard, a taxi was dropping off a certain duck at the mallard's house.

In the darkness, it appeared to be a female duck, she grabs her bags and thanks the driver.

Female duck: thanks

As the car leaves, the female duck walks up to the house and unlocks the door.

And when she got in, a irritated drake was sitting chair back away from her.

Drake: and where have you been young lady, do you have any idea what time it is, you are in so much trouble what do you have to say for yourself

Gosalyn: I'm sorry i didn't know I was being expected here

The female duck voice sounded familiar to drake.

Drake: huh

When he turns around, he sees that it was gosalyn, he was to touched by words.

She wore skinny jeans, pink sneakers, and a pink short sleeve shirt.

Drake: gosalyn

Gosalyn: the one and only, hey dad

He gets up, trembling by his words, he walks over to her and pulls her in a warm embracing hug.

Drake: oh Gosalyn sweetie I miss you so much

Gosalyn: but you call me every day

Drake: you been gone for so long gos

As they continue to hug, the door opens slowly and quietly to reveal a preteen duck wearing a blue dress and white boots, she closes the door and when she tries to sneak quietly away into her room.

Drake: as for you young lady, you are in so much trouble, do you know what time it is

Icelyn: uhh bedtime

Drake: icelynn this is seriously, do you know how worried I was when it's pass you curfew, I just hope you're not out with junior again

Icelynn: hey Val is a nice guy

Drake: ugh you need to know when to be responsible, oh and your sister is here say hi

Icelynn: you can control me, oh hey Gosalyn

Gosalyn: hey icelynn

She storms off into her room, as drake stresses out.

Drake: ugh I say that child just drives me crazy sometimes

Gosalyn: oh she's just a kid dad, you figure something out

Drake: you know I never had this kind of trouble with you

Gosalyn: I don't know dad I was pretty much a handful

Drake: nonsense you were the perfect angel

Gosalyn: I'd always made you pulled your feathers out

Drake: we had some complications but still you grew out of it and matured but I saw that girl is reckless, a troublemaker, a tiny terrorist, she's like a-a-a

Gosalyn: a tiny me

He gives her annoyed look.

Gosalyn: (giggles)

Drake: well nonetheless I need you to get ready

Gosalyn: why

Drake: tonight i have to give a speech to have-ugh I'm trying to get fowl and shush sign a peace treaty

Gosalyn: ohh, but why me, isn't it privately

Drake: I need something to keep sane and calm

Gosalyn: alright dad I'll come with you

Drake: good get icelynn and you ready in 5, Launchpad should be here soon

Gosalyn: wait dad there's something I have to tell you

Drake: what is it

She made a worried look and this had him concerned, they both sat down together.

Drake: what's wrong Gosalyn

Gosalyn: ok so something happened in college and well, me and honker are dating

Drake: (GASP)

gosalyn: and we're in a threesome relationship

Drake: (GASP)

Gosalyn: with a another woman

Drake: (GASP)

gosalyn: and I think I'm pansexual

Drake: (gasp) no I will not let this be

Gosalyn: dad please stop being overdramatic it's really not that bad and webby is a really great girl once you meet her

Drake: I don't care If you dating another female I object to my daughter marrying a muddlefoots" I would rather die than become a brother in law to Herb

Gosalyn: wait so your not upset that I'm pansexual

Drake: gosalyn I don't care if you're lesbian, I'd still love for who you are, lesbian or trans, you're still my daughter

Gosalyn: thanks dad

Drake: but seriously honker out of all people

Gosalyn: oh come on dad you like him, he's a genius and the only person we know that knows your secret identity, in time you'll accept him as family

Drake: alright get ready now

As gosalyn goes upstairs to change, she gets icelynn first.

She goes to her room and opens the door to see her pouting on her bed.

Gosalyn: hey icelynn you ready, aw I know that look

She walks over and sits down on her bed, next to her.

Gosalyn: look I know dad can be tuff on you but he's just try to look out for you because he loves you, I know because when I was your age I used to drive him crazy a lot, crear messes didn't do what I was told but over time I grew up and I knew why he's so hard and protective because he loves me and wants to keep me safe, don't worry over time you'll see that I'm right

Icelynn: really

Gosalyn: really now

She grabs her and begins to tickle her.

Icelynn: (laughing)

Gosalyn: we need to get ready

Icelynn: ok (chuckles)

Downstairs Launchpad still trying to calm drake down.

Launchpad: I'm sure it's not that bad DW, I mean a threesome that's sounds great

Drake: you're missing the point Launchpad we're talking about the muddlefoots here, they probably want to come over here from now on

Launchpad: oh you being overreacting

Before they could continue arguing.

Gosalyn: (gasp)

They heard Gosalyn and when they ran to check on her, they saw her looking at her tore white shirt.

Drake then realized who it was when he saw icelynn walking by with scissors.


He hids the scissors behind her back and smiles nervously.

Drake: do have anything to say for yourself

Gosalyn smiled as this reminded her a time when she cut someone else's clothes.

Flashback plays to Darkwing holding his cape that appears to have a cut out heart shape hole while scolding at gosalyn.

Drake: care to fess up something missy

Gosalyn: uhh you fill in the hole in my heart

Flashback end.

Icelynn: uh it was accidental

Drake giver her the evil eye and gosalyn grabs his shoulders to calm him down.

Gosalyn: (giggles) it's okay dad, it's fine, I can still wear it

She goes to change as drake looks back at his other daughter who was trying to escape.

Drake: you're still in trouble

Icelynn: (grumbles)

They were driving to a secret location where the treaty was taking place.

They took a jeep with Darkwing's face, while he was practicing his speech, Launchpad was crashing into billboards and road construction.

Icelynn: Whoo!

Darkwing: launchpad will you please be careful

Launchpad: sorry DW

Darkwing: now please be gentle we have precious cargo in the back and I'm trying to finish
my opening speech.

Launchpad: Didn't you finish that a week ago?

Darkwing: I'm tooling it! This is history I'm crafting here. You think I can pull a ducksburg and use the number "score"? Like "two score and ten years ago"?

Gosalyn: so dad tell me again where is this treaty is taking at

Darkwing: at the old quartarium swimming water park biological warefare test range

Gosalyn: (gasp) you mean that old quarantine chemical place where the pool was build then was closed because the water made people sick or worse...mutated, I heard It's the 50th anniversary of it

Icelynn: nerd Ha!

Darkwing: icelynn!!! You just ignore her My little college girl. Oh I'm could use that.

They arrived at the gate where they were confronted by shush securities in hazmats suits.

Hazmats: hold it, state you have and business

Darkwing: I am the terror that flaps in the night, I am Darkwing duck

The first hazmat takes his helmet off to reveal to be a general pig.

General piggy: Darkwing

Darkwing: General.

General piggy: Welcome to the annual peace conference.

They got out and walked over to the abandoned toxic pool testing range, gosalyn was wearing a white v neck shirt, skinny jeans and black short boots.

Icelynn wore a teal dress with long puff sleeves and her hair in a braid.

Inside a small tent all fowl and shush agents were mingling without anyone having to start a riot or argument.

It was a small banquet with music, fowl guards guarding the entrance and a cake shaped like the globe saying.

Make peace not war


Icelynn: Ohh CAKE

Icelynn snatches a plate and start stuffing her face.

Drake: icelynn!!!

Over by the table was once chief agent Steelbeak, he was retired about he had his kids and next to him was his son Val jr, or Val for short.

Val was a black turtleneck, black slacks and black sneakers, his feathers was yellow and had red hair, they were eating cake and steelbeak was poking at his.

Steelbeak: What a glorious confection.

He takes a bite but then gags

Steelbeak: Oh! Dear Lord! This isn't cake! This is iced cream!

Val: even better but dad maybe you shouldn't eat it, it's Bad for your arteries.

over by another banquet table, gosalyn was getting another helping of cake when she was confronted by an old foe.

Taurus: gosalyn

Gosalyn: (gasp)

She turns around and she drops her plate to see that it was indeed Taurus Bulba a half cyborg with no guns for a hand.

Taurus: my my look how big you've grown, your becone so young so beautiful so...curvy

She tries to not to show fear and keeps things professional.

Gosalyn: hello Taurus, I see you've grown stronger then ever

Taurus: thanks to fowl

Gosalyn: well I better get going now, nice chatting with you

As she carefully walks away from him, he then looks down at her body and was aroused by how much the jeans made her rump popped out and how short her shirt was revealing her stomach, he grabs the loop of her jeans.

Gosalyn: ah

And pulls her closer to his chest, he then moves his robotic hands down to her waist and begins rubbing them.

Gosalyn: what are you doing

Taurus: don't you want to speak time with your uncle

Gosalyn: your not my uncle, you killed the only family I had left

He then moves his hand up to her stomach.

Gosalyn: AH

she tries to get away from him, she pushes him back But he grabs her arms and he brings his face closer to hers, smirking at her, she make a disgusted and distraught look.

Gosalyn: let me go you big bully

Tarus: oh I don't think so

He then turns her around again then he moves his hand underneath her shirt and goes up to chest, then he uses the other hand to move down to her rump and moves it inside her pants groping her bare bottom.

Gosalyn: ugh get off of me

Taurus: you have such a nice body, do you ever let anyone touch it

This made her blood run cold as she was terrified and looks at him, he then gropes her breasts.

Gosalyn: ah (moaning)

Tarsus: that's it gosalyn I want to hear you moan

She covers her mouth, to his her shame then begins to lick her neck passionately and embracing.

Gosalyn: aah

She tries to talk for help but he quickly covers her mouth.

Gosalyn: dar-

Tarus: oh no, you won't be calling help this time

He then moves his left hand down to her stomach and rubs it and with his right moves out of her pant and grabs her tail.

Gosalyn: (muffles moaning)

Then he goes to her front and slides ove finger in.

Gosalyn: (muffles screaming)

While Gosalyn was being harassed over by another table, darkwing was being talked to agent Derek blunt

Blunt: It was a BB gun that almost got me if it weren't for my quick thinking and fast reflexes to dodge and sent them hitting back From Russia with Love"

Darkwing: oh really

Blunt: but this was no ordinary A BB gun, it was a big one

Icelynn: The cool one?

Darkwing: icelynn!!

Icelynn: yes that's the one, The one that you see in action sci-fi movies

Icelynn: Uh, yeah

Blunt: It was a Walther LP53, not a PPK.

Darkwing: (annoyed grunts)

Darkwing already being board and annoyed by everyone in the room, he tries to think of a excuse from the conversation.

Darkwing: where's your sister Gosalyn

Icelynn: she's being groped by that cyborg over there

He saw her point over to gosalyn trying to release her hands from Tarus but he was clutching her waist so tight.

Gosalyn: (grunts) ugh

Tarsus: (cocky laughing)

He saw how Taurus had turned her around to his chest his arm underneath her shirt and making it way to to her face and grabbing her beak, he also saw how distraught gosalyn was in.

It's heartbreaking.

This made Darkwing furious as he crushes the glass he was drinking.

Icelynn: hey dad what does groping mean

Darkwing: it means someone is gonna die tonight

He storms off as he couldn't stand watching his daughter being harassed by that giant cyborg bull.

Then as Taurus tries to go all the way, he lifts her beak up and tries to kiss her full on the mouth, darkwing grabbed a table leg and whacked him hard behind his head.


Taurus: AH

he finally let's go of Gosalyn.

Darkwing: leave her alone Taurus

Tarus fell on the ground rubbing his fractured head then he gets up when he sees Darkwing.

Tarsus: well hello Darkwing duck

He glares at Taurus then looks down at gosalyn and saw how terrified, disgusted and humiliated she was.

Gosalyn: (whimpering)

She was on the ground, on her knees and when she was about to cry.

Taurus: you know Gosalyn for a duck, you sure have a really nice body

That comment made her snapped as she glares looking back at him, she then gets up and slams his face.


Gosalyn: you Stay away from me you sick psycho, you took my family away, you killed my grandfather but you will not get the best of me too, you just stay away GOT IT

she storms off and to the bathroom so nobody would see her crying.

Darkwing: gosalyn

Darkwing tries to grab her but she ran in, crying in the sink.

Gosalyn: (sobbing)

As tears fell down her face, she felt hurt knowing that she let Taurus touched her that way, then she heard someone coming in the ladies room, she turn to see it was Launchpad, looking At her with a concerned impression.

She looks up at him, teared up them she wipes away her tears and runs into his opens arms and they share an embracing hug, he pats her back to comforts her.

Meanwhile in the banquet hall, blunt was talking to a couple of fowl employees.

Blunt: Why would you think James Blunt have
a BB gun?

Amonio: Don't take this the wrong way, but we were all pretty shocked

At a table, icelynn was eating then she saw Val, and when he saw her looking at him, she was staring at him with loving expressions.

Icelynn: (sigh)

He does the same, he puts his hand on his chin and stares at her.

Val: (sigh)

Steelbeak and Darkwing saw their kids making loving faces and when Darkwing saw who icelynn was looking at, he panicked when he saw it was stellbeak's son, steelbeak does the same, they looked at each other then back at their kids as they knew what was going on.

Then they glares at each other as Steelbeak wrapped his arm around his son and pulls him closer while still glaring. Darkwing turns icelynn's chair away from them.

But Steelbeak wasn't the only one who brought his kid to the treaty, agent Gryzlikoff brought his niece Jackie.

She was wearing Jeans shorts with black ankle boots and a long sleeve turtleneck and when Gryzlikoff saw most of fowl staring at her with hungry eyes, he gives them a deadly glare and pulls her closer to him.

Over by another table, J. Gander Hooter was talking to Darkwing.

Hooter: we are glad that you accepted our request to preform for the treaty Darkwing

Darkwing: Well, this is my officiated first summit but may I ask why me

Hooter: well you are the only person who can seem to get things under control and all shush agents refused to make peace with fowl, i figured you might convince them to do so

(Bells ringing)

They all turned to see two hideous disfigured vultures in red warrior like armor costumes and ringing a bell, they were with fowl.

Fowl high guard 1: Second bell!

Hooter: Well, darkwing , I guess I will be departing and I wish you good luck .

Amonia and blunt were shaking hands.

Blunt: well good luck

Ammonia: I will destroy you, uh...

blunt: agent blunt

Amonia: uh Yes I will destroy you, blunt.

Blunt: You will also suffer my wrath.

The third bell rings again.

Fowl hit guard 2: Third bell

Fowl high guard 1: So begins the second summit
of the Treaty of Tolerance

They all go to another room, where on two sides were fowl and shush, sitting on a table far from each other. Both leaders J. Gander Hooter and high command which was two vultures and a loon diver hidden underneath some black cloaks.

Darkwing: welcome to there first annual peace treaty, the Fiendish Organization for World Larceny known as fowl And your basic super-secret international espionage agency also known as shush,
both endowed, have gathered here
at the quartarium of the signing of the Treaty of Tolerance, Determined to ratify
the lawful foundations of right and proper hostility among the peoples of organized aggression, now before we can begin I asked you all take your seats

As everyone members of fowl and shush sits down, up at the stage Darkwing was greeted by Gosalyn as he was going through his speech.

Gosalyn: well I'm going to go for a walk around the compound

Darkwing: what you're not going to stay with me cause I really need you right now with me

Gosalyn: it's okay you got everything under control and they'll probably just going to be arguing the entire night, but hey your Darkwing I know you better you got this and besides I don't feel comfortable being in the same room with Taurus

She points over to the other side where Taurus is looking at her passionately and licking his lips then he gives her a wink.

Darkwing: ok you be careful honey

Gosalyn: thank and good luck dad

She kisses his cheeks and walks out of the treaty.

Amonia takes a seat next to high command she then saw Steelbeak passing through with his son.

Steelbeak: hi amonia

She gives him the evil eye and turns the other cheek away from him.

Amonia: (angry grunts)

Steelbeak: oh boy

Val: why is she so mad at you dad

Steelbeak: it's a long story I'll tell you when you're older

At the end of the table, he grabs his son's shoulders and points him to a crowd of other fowl employees.

Steelbeak: now go wait over there until the treaty is over

Val: ok

Val runs off and steelbeak unfortunately sits next to amonia.

Grizlikoff sits next Hooter, he sees that behind him was Jackie standing next to him.

Hooter: ah you must be Jackie, agent grizlikoff talks about you alot

She looks at her uncle as he blushes a bit.

Darkwing: conditions of their constituents, resolved by thus pooling their resources, to preserve the prosperity of professional antagonism, have created
this Animosity Coalition

In the background from him, icelynn saw Val, he realized someone was looking at him, he turned to see her smiling at him, he smiles back, inches away from each other they looked back at her dad, darkwing making his speech.

Darkwing: and to this end have designated
as their differences

As he continues his speech, icelynn watches looks both ways and back up slowly making sure her dad wasn't watching her leave as she disappears.

Darkwing: high command

High guard 1&2: director Jerry loon, leader of high command and creator of fowl and victor of the Battle
of the great Creek flood damage. Follow by second command Louie and louse vulture

Darkwing: Ammonia pines

High guard 1&2: Defender of fowl,
Vanquisher of Filth and dirt

Darkwing: steelbeak

High guard 1&2: retired chief agent of fowl, high rank officer, former terrorist of Treachery

Steelbeak: alright we get it

Darkwing: (grunts) Taurus bulba

High guard 1&2: major criminal mastermind, as known as the Steerminator, military officer of fowl's top secret and top class weapons division and the execution of Professor Waddlemeyer shush's greatest scientist

He gets up and waves.

Darkwing: And for shush-

(Off key fanfare)

One of the high guards plays the fanfare very badly.

High guard 2: sorry I probably should've practiced.

Darkwing: ahem For shush Director J. Gander Hooter

High guard 1&2: director of shush, founder of shush and Collector of antique pipes

Hooter: how do you know that, that information was secret

Loon: we know all about you Hooter

Hooter: (gulp)

Darkwing: agent Vladimir Goudenov Gryzlikoff

High guard 1&2: top agent of shush, chief agent and accompanied by his hot niece

He was offended by that last comment about Jackie as he gets up, threatened.

Gryzlikoff: HEY

The two panickedas the second guard jumped into the first one's hands shanking in fear.

Hooter: settle down Gryzlikoff

It took Hooter and Jackie to calm him down, Jackie grabbed his arm and patted his back.

Jackie: it's ok uncle griz

She kisses his cheeks, he looks at her, smiles and calms down.

Darkwing: agent..ugh Derek Blunt

High guard 1&2: legendary secret agent employed of S.H.U.S.H., star of sixteen major motion pictures, author of twenty-three novels, and an entire toy line

Blunt: I also Owner of a Toyota Camry in stunning blizzard pearl and a home in Alaska

Darkwing: of course, and finally Dr. Sara Bellum

High guard 1&2: head of S.H.U.S.H.'s research division, shush agent scientist and inventor

She gets up and waves.

At the banquet hall, Launchpad was helping cleaning.

(Indistinct conversations)

And by helping, he was eating the leftover food on the plates, the guest left.

He was then greeted by a female agent with a French accent.

Agent: excuse me

Launchpad: Can't help you, buddy.

Agent: there is No need

He turns around to see a stunning gorgeous red Cardinal, with a red overcut bobcut, a black sequins tube dress with open cuts on the sides and high heel boots, she wore lots of Golden jewelry on her arms, waist and shoulders, her earrings were teal and she wore dark makeup.

Agent: I am agent red feather, from shush and I could help you with something

Launchpad: uh ok what is it

Red feathers: you see I have this itchI can't get rid of

Launchpad: oh where does it itches, your head, back, underarm

Red feathers: come with me and I'll show you, to the compound?

She takes his arm and leads him out of the banquet, causing him to drop his plate.

Launchpad: uh ok

I'm a abandoned pool house, icelynn was sneaking around, she looks to see if she wasn't being followed, then she slowly opens the door and closes it.

Behind her inside the pool house was piles of junk and scrapes of old planes and Jets used in the war of the biological chemical warfare test range.

Icelynn: (whispers) psst, psst, hey are you here

Up behind her on top of a old plane was Val.

Val: yeah I'm here

Icelynn: (startled) ah

She was startled but turned around when she realized it was just Val, she smirks at him as he looks back and slides down a broken wing and down to her.

Val: sorry I'm late i had to get away from my dad

Icelynn: ugh me too

They stared into each other's eyes for a minute then icelynn grabs his hand and leads him to the junkyard of planes.

Meanwhile with gosalyn was away from the  quartarium and deep into the woods.

But as she travels, she felt a chill breeze on her back and a stalking following her vibe.

Gosalyn: I knew I probably should've stayed at the quartarium

Then somewhere in the woods, she saw a small house.

Gosalyn: whoa

Carefully and calmly, she looks around to see who lives here as she approaches the mysterious cabin in the woods.

Gosalyn: Hello? I saw that the lights were on,
so I thought I'd stop by, is anyone here

Without hearing any people near by, she decided to knock on the door.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Gosalyn: Hello?

The door opens to reveal a old fat goose wearing a red wooly sweater, beige pants and winter boots.

Old goose: ah you must be drake's daughter

Gosalyn: (gasp)

Back At the quartarium things were not looking so good. Both secret organizations were arguing already.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(All arguing)

This was annoying Darkwing as he on the stand, board out of his mind from the fight.

Darkwing: this is going Nowhere

Then stands up straight and tries to get everyone to calm down.

Darkwing: Gentlemen! Gentlemen! Decorum, please! Gentlemen!

Ammonia: hey!!!

Darkwing: Oh, you know what I...I just... I-I... I meant "gentlepeople"or something, look can we just get along with this and talk about the treaty

Tarsus: if we're going be talking about something, let's talk about gosalyn oh her body sweet sweet, I want get some of that action

Darkwing gets offended and becomes very furious as moves to the side and threatens him with his fist.

Darkwing: keep talking like that about her and I give you some action right here

Taurus then gets up and tries to fight him but fowl holds him back.

Hooter: Darkwing please settle down, we don't want to start another war here

Loon: yes not like the one you caused gander Hooter

The loon gets up and points at him, making him feel terrified form his threat, he was wearing and shaking, then adjusted his collar.

Hooter: (gulp)

Darkwing: what's he talking about Hooter

Loon: oh I'm surprised he didn't have the feathers to tell you that he was the one that caused the creek damaged attack of 1800

Darkwing: what?

Everyone stared at him until he finally confessed up.

Hooter: high command I know your still upset but please assure that it was a accident

Loon: a accident you washed away a entire village, watched my grandchildren die and blamed fowl for it, we were partners until he became jealous of me and decided to have me kicked out and created fowl to be bad

Darkwing: I'm surprised why he's director after creating such a heinous act

Hooter: loon how much must I apologize to you

Loon: it's thanks to you that I declared war on shush the reason why fowl became a evil organization, the reason why you had to kill Rodger mcroaster

Steelbeak: what? You killed my dad

Steelbeak gets up furious about what he just heard.

Steelbeak: do you have any idea what I been through, thanks to you I became a horrible father

Gryzlikoff: Look can we just get this engagement going on

High guard 1: I like to get going on with his niece (purrs) WHOA

They saw him throwing a chair at them as he was furious about another comment about Jackie.

Gryzlikoff: (growling)

Jackie keeps him calm.

Loon: we are not signing an engagement with a lying madman

Louie: that like working for a serial killer and he takes all the credit for your work

Blunt: afraid of a Little engagement agreement

Ammonia: that's nothing to agree here, Any shush intervention implies that a truckload of garbage, that's why they were responsible of the truck dump  ocean accident polluting the sea life of 1989 not us

Hooter: that was accident

Ammonia: people don't forget

Sara: yes but in 1998 steelbeak versus blunt, it was One city block leveled, two civilian deaths and four photos sent to the shush that steelbeak nearly started a massacre in a mall

Steelbeak: that was a warning and it was a long time

Ammonia: and it's only because you started it first by blaming us for the ocean pollution

Blunt: that was different, what you did is called a Level Five arching.

Steelbeak: oh please I barely started that massacre, I only shot two people and they lived to tell the tale

Blunt: yeah and one of them was me

Derek gets up and shows the bullet wound scar on his chest.

Steelbeak: it was accident and besides I'm retired

Blunt: once a fowl agent, always a fowl agent, my rib cage was nearly shattered that day by that stupid blast. I could've Died

Sara: You're missing the point, That bloodbath was
a Level Five arching

Ammonia: With Level Eight weaponry by your associates that you refuse to oversee!

Darkwing: Uh, have a seat, ammonia, We'll go over supervision of membership conduct soon, Let's keep on topic.

Loon: you then had One agent or more sent over to us and exploded our headquarters, assassinated half of our staff for something we didn't do, we did not, planed nothing then you threw grenades at us 

Hooter: it was a common mistake I can assure you

Ammonia: ugh that's like giving us Christmas sweaters and saying It's a gift Take it

Taurus: It's no deal!

Hooter: look we simply ask for-We want two agents to at least agree to sign the engagement

Darkwing then reset his hand again his hand keeping him up.

Darkwing: ugh I hope Gosalyn is doing better then I am

Inside the cabin, the kindly old fat goose came in holding a tray of two mugs, gosalyn was sitting down on one of his sofas.

Old goose: hot coco

Gosalyn: thanks

She takes it and has a sip, the old goose sits in a old recliner besides her and takes a sip.

Gosalyn: so how do you know my dad

Old goose: I know everything about since he was a infant long enough to know that he is a superhero and I have a granddaughter

Gosalyn: (gasp)

Meanwhile at the treaty, things were going for the worst, darkwing has finally got everyone to stop yelling at each other but they were still giving each other the evil eye, darkwing was going through his speech.

Darkwing. W... I-I can't find anything about this in the original treaty

Loon: they started it first by attacking us, even though we didn't do anything

Darkwing: well To be fair, and I'm being as delicate
as a flower petal, when you got your revenge on them, you agreed that that's all you wanted but then you wanted to create world larceny on the world and continue to create more schemes because you guys like the thrill of the hunt

Loon: we'll only because if Hooter never wronged us enough to become evil we wouldn't declared war on the world

Darkwing: ugh look can we please hurry this up, I have 44 seconds on the clock and I have kid

Ammonia: you're not the only one who has to take care of a child Darkwing

Underneath a table, ammonia picks up a 5 year old little girl that looks exactly like her but skinny.

Ammonia: It's people like shush I want to keep my kid safe from

Little ammonia looks at the ground and brings to sweep, ammonia rubs her head, steelbeak saw her and was shocked.

Steelbeak: you have a kid

Ammonia: yes what did you expect Steelbeak, I moved on and so should you

Darkwing: This is nuts!

Ammonia: i want to make sure everything is safe for my kid, I want to keep my child safe

Darkwing: This can't be sanctioned.

Loon: It is our way!

Shush began yelling then fowl.

Darkwing: ugh and here we go back to square 1

He looks around trying to find Launchpad.

Darkwing: hey where's Launchpad

At the pool house, icelynn and Val were making out.

Icelynn/Val: (moaning) mmm

They then let go, holding on to each other and looking each other straight in their eyes.

Icelynn: I'm so glad we could be together

Val: me too, I just wish dad wasn't so angry with your guardian, ugh I just wish he would stop training me to be like him and taking over the family business

Icelynn: ugh me too, my dad wants me to be the next greatest hero even better then gizmoduck

She uses her hand to create a snowflake.

Icelynn: but that's not me

Val: ugh tell me about it's like they can't see what their dreams are doing to their kids

They laid on a wing of a damaged plane and looks up at the sky to see the stars.

Icelynn: so your dad still training you to be a world champion boxer

Val: yeah he says that it's family tradition because he's father did it then his grandfather and then his great grandfather grandfather uncle but that's not for me, I don't like that stuff

Icelynn turns over to face him.

Icelynn: then what do you like

He does the same.

Val: well I like you...a lot

Icelynn then grabs his hand and they get up.

Icelynn: I swear Val, I promise one of these day we'll run away together, just you and me and we'll finally be together

Val: but what about our dads

Icelynn: forgot them we'll figure out something after high school, just now let's focus on you and me

They both smiled and they leaned in to kiss again then...

(Door creaks)

Icelynn/Val: (gasp)

They turned key go and heard someone coming.

Icelynn: (gasp) hide!

Val: ah

They hid behind the pile and peeled a little to see it was launchpad with that red Cardinal leading him in.

Icelynn: Launchpad?

Back at the cabin, gosalyn was looking at old pictures of young drake and the old goose together.

Old goose: you see after drake's parents passed, I took after your dad, raised him like he was my own, taught him that no matter what life throws at you, you'd always have to stand back up and fight back, over time when I was raising your father, he filled that empty feeling in my heart, I loved your dad, sometime we had that good times and sometimes-

She turns the page to see a picture of the old goose chasing young drake while he is riding a runaway bike

Old goose: he would caused trouble but I still loved the kid, and when he got older he became Darkwing duck the greatest hero who ever lived and I should know I trained him

She sees a picture of him training teenage drake then another of Darkwing and him in arms.

Old goose: in a way, you're like him

Gosalyn: I am?

Old goose: Yeah you were both raised by great people, both trouble makers, both reckless, both handful both-

Gosalyn: full of spirits and orphans raised by strangers who made us into heroes

Old goose: there you go, you got it

Back at the pool house, Launchpad was being harassed by a imperial spy a traitor to both organizations.

She was kissing him full on the mouth.

Launchpad: (muffles)

Red feather: mmm

He pushes her off and wipes his beak.

Launchpad: so wait you're working for fowl and shush

Red feather: yes and The summit is doomed once I unleash My dastardly plan to sent this place blowing in smithereens crushing both fowl and shush upon  them, I shot Darkwing duck and unleashed all of shush secrets To the world and then I will be in control of both organizations and rule the world

She pulls out a Detonator remote and actives it lighting all the bombs but not exploding then yet,

Red feather: and Nothing can stop us

Launchpad: is?

Red feather: is There's no hero strong enough compared to you, we could rule the world together

She presses her body against his, caressing his chest.  She then tries to lean in and kiss him but he urgently pushes her back.


Red feather: huh

Launchpad: no I can't let you kill Darkwing

Red feather: fine then I'll just have to kill you

She pulls out a gun at him and when the kids saw that she was going to shot him.

Icelynn then threw a ice ball at her, knocking the gun out of her hand.


Red feather: ah

Icelynn: leave Launchpad alone

She looks up and sees the two kids, jumping towards her.

Back at the quartarium, everyone was still arguing.

Blunt: Mad scientists! They're mad! They're antagonists! Mad. Scientists. Your problem, registered or not.

Taurus: oh one experimental mishaps and now everyone thinks your a mad scientist

Ammonia: and another thing, They're not angry scientists, They're mentally ill scientists. Why is that automatically our problem when they're mad? We're all a little nuts?

Sara: Scientists invented cellphones, jet packs and every cool thing you own, thank you.

Darkwing: please can we just-ugh stay on topic!

Blunt: Mad scientists...scientists that have gone
over the deep end.

Taurus then gets up holding a chair over his head ready to start a riot.

Taurus: I'll show you deep end

Loon: agent bulba please settle down

Blunt: How can anybody call them good guys?

Steelbeak: "Good guys"?! Well how can you call yourself good guys when your leader hooty has done some dark things in his past

Ammonia: Did you just say that? Are we using "good guys" and "bad guys" now?

Gryzlikoff: Yeah! Let's stop dancing around and
acting all politically correct. We're talking good guys and bad guys, and we all know it.

Loon: oh That's how you always see us? Hooter
Bad guys? When we first started this alliance 26 years ago in 1900 you thought of us as a threat to the world because you couldn't handle a little competition and our agents caught more goons then yours and you thought the world wasn't big enough for two secret world saving organizations

Hooter: How dare you!

Loon: I dare pretty easily.You want me to declare war like the bubble bath of the 60s After all, those sticky suds did take you weeks to get out and made you bald

Gryzlikoff: Any time you'd like, come on

Hooter: agent Gryzlikoff please let's be reasonable about this

Steelbeak then noticed blunt looking at him.

Steelbeak: what are you looking at, Are you trying staring me down like that

Blunt: No. I'm smizing at you good sir, you and that robotic tincan beak of yours

Steelbeak: Oh that's it, it's go time, you and me James fondly

They both get up and about ready to attack each other. Then everyone joins in, getting up from their seats and yelling at each other again.

Darkwing: gentlemen please seat down

But they didn't listen to him.

(All arguing)

Darkwing then rest his head against his arm, and nods his head in disappointment then he takes out a pendant and opens it to see a picture of Gosalyn.

Darkwing: ugh I swear gos, you're the only thing keeping sane from this insanely meeting, do this for her, do this for her

Back in the woods, gosalyn was spending time with her adoptive grandfather.

Old goose: so after drake graduated high school, he got a job as a taxi driver for rich folks, raised enough money to buy some things for Darkwing, gave me some money and went off to find his purpose

Gosalyn: so what happened with you

Old goose: well I kept myself isolated from the world, got a job as a woodsman, I chop wood and sell it to people

Gosalyn: but why here? Why next to a dangerous old chemical toxic water ranger

Old goose: because I was there when it happened

Gosalyn: (gasp)

He begins to have a flashback to a teenager him.

Old goose: I was cutting some woods for the winter market when

(Kids laughing) (water splashing)

He goes behind two bushes to see people playing in the water and having fun at the water park.

Old goose: I was fowl was using the water park as a practice test to poison the water on people

Dog boy: (painful moaning) (spew)

Old goose: at first the experiment work but then came with a terrible side effect

As he saw all the kids turning green, he saw how they mutated with animal parts

(People screaming)

Flashback ends to the old goose making a distraught look.

Gosalyn: so the rumors were true

Old goose: yes after that, shush had gathered all the contagious people and locked down the quartarium water park biological warefare test range, fowl never meant to mutat people they were just trying to make the water poison for shush so they could blackmail them into shutting shush down for the world but that was until Darkwing stopped them and shush took interest in him

Gosalyn: and that's how he joined shush

Old goose: yes exactly, anyway after that I came here to be isolated

Gosalyn: but don't you ever get lonely and doesn't this place bring back horrible memories

Old goose: nope it just reminded me how there are still heroes out there protecting the world someone like your dad, and drake does often visit me, he sometimes comes over gives me money and food, I'm just glad he was able to have a daughter and raised her to do the same thing

Gosalyn: but I'm not really his daughter

Old goose: I know

He smiles at her, back at the pool house Launchpad was hiding behind a big old tire while watching the fight.

Red feather: ugh

Val/icelynn: (grunts)

Launchpad: careful icelynn

Val was fighting her off with his box fighting skills keeping her distracted while icelynn was throwing ice blast at her.

Val tried to kick her but she Dodgers then icelynn touches the floor with her hands creating a icy puddle causing her to slip and fall.

Red feather: whoa, whoa, whoa, ugh

She fell on the floor, Back at the cabin.

Old goose: you see I was a old friend of your dad's father, after he passed I took dad in

Gosalyn: so I guess we really are the same but wait you said you raised him to be Darkwing but when you were a teenager you were at the poison water park and that time

Old goose: fowl new about the poison water took a sample of it and threatened to blackmail shush 13 years ago when drake was a teen

Gosalyn: oh so I guess we are alike, we were both taken in by strangers

She sat on his swing porch bench next to him.

Old goose: you're just like him In many ways

Gosalyn: huh, you Know I always wanted to be like him but he raised me to not follow his footsteps for my safety but I think he was really trying to teach me to be a hero in a different direction and that's why I'm studying to be a detective

Old goose: just like your dad, you remind me everything of him, brave, smart and a big heart

They both shared a hug then they lets go.

Old goose: well you should probably get going now, your dad is probably wondering where you are

She steps off the porch then looks back.

Gosalyn: thanks and what was your name

Old goose: oh it's red, Ted stones

She opened her eyes wide then waves bye.

Gosalyn: well Goodbye, Ted

Ted: Goodbye, gosalyn

As she walks, coincidentally her grandfather was named Ted.

Meanwhile back at the treaty, everyone was being quite but still giving each one the evil eye.

Darkwing: (sigh) Okay So we scrap it?

Loon: Well, if they won't listen and be fair, I see no reason to continue.

Blunt: It's not entirely us. We tried to listen, but they threw pens at me! Especially that one

He points at Steelbeak.

Steelbeak: I threw a pen at you, That was one pen.

Blunt: oh yeah well How would you like it if I threw a pen at you? (Grunts)

He throws a pen at them but it misses.

Steelbeak: Ooh!

Blunt: You like that?

Steelbeak: (sarcastic) now that really hurt

Ammonia: (sarcastic) Nice throw, movie star

Gryzlikoff: Hey, want me to try? But this time I Won't be using a pen.

Louse: Oh! Oh! Oh! See that? That's what I mean They overreact to everything, see?

Louie: how do we know they won't cause another crisis and blame it on us again like 8/15

Hooter: oh the last time I didn't know that duffel bag was for the annual gun convention

Darkwing: I get it. I suddenly get it. You're children, look when I was a kid my parents were taking away by both organizations but then I was remind that fairness is the philosophical tooth fairy, There is no fairness. What'd you guys come here if you didn't like each other, can't stand each other or better yet won't sign the treaty why did you men

Ammonia: hey

Darkwing: ugh Fine! Not "guys"! What did you children come here for? Now are we going to get this peace treaty signed or what

Taurus: there is one way we can get this treaty signed, you give Gosalyn to me and I'll might just sign the treaty

Loon: what you say Hooter you have a problem with that

Hooter: well I'm sure Darkwing can get her to take one for shush

Darkwing: you know j gander Hooter I often asked myself why? Why are you still director, why are you still working at shush, you shouldn't even been at shush, heck you don't even deserve to be call director or go back to shush after this

All of shush look at him with a disappointment look as he looks down making a shameful impression.

Darkwing: and Look fowl, I know that what Hooter did was bad and yes he should never be director or be a good guy and done some bad things in his past but please that was years ago, you need to move on and even what he did was unforgivable but you won't get everything, but you'll get something. Stop with this "fairness" garbage and make some compromises. Then go home to your friends
in their goofy costumes and brag about how much
you got 'em! Or you can go back and go, "Oh! We didn't get everything we wanted, so we got nothing
because we're big babies!" So What's it gonna be?

Fowl looked at each other then shush agents whispered to one a another then...

Loon: (sigh) Fine if you Can forgive Steelbeak about his fiendish attacks then ugh maybe we could forgive Hooter about the water park biological warefare test range incident

Darkwing: thank you-wait you mean he was responsible for the toxic water park incident ugh you know what never mind, Hooter are you and shush gonna play nice and actually get this stupid thing signed? So we can all go home

But before he could answer Gryzlikoff  gets up.

Gryzlikoff: All right I guess we could put everything under the bridge and bring peace to ourselves

Darkwing: Good. Now look over my changes
and sign it, It's as fair as it'll get, And trust me, It's way better than the old version

(Off key fanfare)

High guard 1: So begins the signing of the new Treaty of Tolerance!

High guard 2: I swear I will practice more
if we ever do this again.

It became dawn and after high command and j gander Hooter signed the peace treaty.

Everyone packs up to leaves.

Hooter: well Darkwing you did a bang up job to get this peace treaty signed, I thank you

Darkwing: oh save the chitchat Hooter, you got a lot of explaining to do to your agents when you get back tomorrow at shush

He takes his square pocket and uses to wipe off the sweat on his head.

Hooter: oh I won't be able to hear the end of this from my grandchildren

Darkwing: well I'm sure those grandchildren must be very proud to have a madman for a grandfather

Hooter walks away with a shameful and worried look past him was Gryzlikoff carrying a sleeping Jackie, he was holding her bridal style his jacket covering her.

Gryzlikoff: you've done a good job Darkwing, I had my doubts at first but boy was I wrong

Darkwing: well thank you agent Gryzlikoff-uh is she okay

Jackie: (soft snores)

Gryzlikoff: why yes it's past her bedtime and she's been up since midnight, goodbye Darkwing

Gosalyn then came by, passing by Launchpad who was carrying a sleeping icelynn after having to fight red feather, tying her up and leaving her in one of shush's vehicles.

Darkwing noticed her and smiles.

Darkwing: gosalyn There you are, you missed everything I finally got these idiots to sign the peace treaty, where'd you go

Gosalyn: oh I was looking for myself and I found out
how similar we are,

I was really lucky to have a father like you to look after me, taking care of me and raising me like your own no matter how stubborn I was

Darkwing: well you're still my daughter blood or not

Gosalyn: dad there's something you need to know, there's a reason why came over here

Darkwing: sure what is it

She takes his hand, lifts her shirt a little and presses her hand against his stomach.

Darkwing: gosalyn what ar-

She was confused at first but then he he felt something, he felt a small bump and realize as he looks up at her.

Darkwing: (gasp) Gosalyn

Gosalyn: I'm pregnant

He smiles.

Darkwing: I can't believe I'm going to be a grandfather

Gosalyn: I know your excited dad but I'm afraid that I won't be a good mother, I scared that I never be a good parent as you were

He was his worried she was, he then cups her cheeks and forces her to look at him.

Darkwing: gosalyn I raised you well and I know that you're going to be a great mom and just remember no-no matter what happens, you'll always be my little girl

Tears began to fall down her eyes, darkwing uses his thumb to wipe away her tears, she then grabs his hand to savor his warmth and touches, closing her eyes, she then fell in his arms, her beak on his shoulders, arms wrapped around his neck, hugging him embracingly. He returns the hug back, putting his arms around her waist pulling her closer, holding her tight.

Gosalyn: I love you, Pop.

Darkwing: I love you too honey and I'll be here for you to help take care of the baby

The moment seemed precious and they wanted it to last forever.

Well for 10 seconds.

Darkwing: it's honker's is it

She lets and gives him a annoying playful expression.

Gosalyn: come on dad you'll love him as family as much as I do and besides he's husband

Darkwing: husband?

She shows him the engagement ring on her finger and he was shocked in fear as he realized that he was going to have the muddlefoots as in laws.

Darkwing: oh great well if you really love honker then I'll respect your decision

She smiles.

Gosalyn: thanks dad

Darkwing: so tell me about this other women you're seeing

Gosalyn: oh you're going to love her dad, she's a amazing girl

They continued to talk as they walked to the jeep.

Thud ends the war between shush and fowl.

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