Valentines special

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This was a love story of how gosalyn and honker started dating.

It was their last year in high school together as teenagers, honker was in his room, looking at a picture of Gosalyn.

Honker: (sigh)

Honker has always fell in love with gosalyn ever since they were kids, but he never really got the guts to tell her how he feels because he was worried that she'd laughed at him.

Honker: ok honker today is the day, today you finally tell gosalyn

As they grew honker has gone through some changes but he was still honker, except his yellow feathers turned white, his glasses were different, he wore a red vest, white long sleeve shirt, beige pants and brown shoes and he's gone a little cuter, like good looking nerd

But even though he has gone through some changes, his brother tank was still the same.

Tank: yeah right nerd, you really think gosalyn will go with a loser like you, I'd have a better chance with gos

He turns around in his chair and frown when he saw tank entering his room, he was fat, bigger, his hair was a mullet and he wore a leather jacket, red stained t-shirt and ripped jeans with red wore out sneakers.

Honker : oh like you have chances with her

Tank: not yet but I'll make her mine

Honker: you can't own her, she's a independent woman and you need to respect that about her and she's already told you no, so leave her alone

Tank: oh she's just playing hard to get but I can convince her otherwise

He looks through the blinds and sees her bedroom window open, watching her change but she was grabbing her bag and walks downstairs.

At the mallard's house, their entire house was filled with flowers which was bad for Launchpad's allergies.

Drake: ugh I hate the muddlefoots

Gosalyn walked in the kitchen to grab a fruit. She was wearing a purple shirt that was so short it was revealing her stomach, Demi shorts, a gray jock jacket with matching sneakers and her hair was in a ponytail.

Gosalyn: what's wrong dad, herb annoying you again

Drake: no! They sent us flowers

She saw the kitchen filled lots of flowers.

Gosalyn: aw that's so sweet

Drake: it would be if it's weren't for Launchpad's allergies

She looks over to see Launchpad, eyes watery and holding a tissue.

Launchpad: ACHOO

Gosalyn: oh well tell you what I'll take some to my teachers

Drake: thanks honey

She took some of the flowers and frowned.

Drake: what's wrong gos

Gosalyn: ugh it's tank

Drake: is he still bothering you, do you want me to take care of him

He holds up a fist.

Gosalyn: no thanks dad, this time I'm going to end this today, but what's the point of it, every time I tell him no it means nothing to him but this time I'm going to make my answer clear

She gets ready to leave, grabbing her backpack, something else was on her mind.

Gosalyn: so has anything came in the mail yet

Drake: sorry honey but not yet

Gosalyn: ugh

Months ago Gosalyn wrote admission letters to many colleges but none have written back to her yet.

Drake: gosalyn I know you're waiting but you have to relax, these things do those time

He touches her shoulders to comfort her.

Gosalyn: but for how long, it's been months, they should've been here right now or at least a phone call, I just don't understand why

Just then icelynn came riding down the stairs on the rails.

Icelynn: it's because no one wants her (giggles)

Drake: ICELYNN!!! Ugh ignore her gos, they'll write until then, just try to focus on more important things

This made Gosalyn smiles when her dad touches her shoulders to comfort her.

Gosalyn: thanks dad, well I got to go, bye dad, bye Launchpad, bye Lynn

Drake: bye kiddo

Icelynn: bye sis

Launchpad: see ya gos

She pulls out her skateboard and rides it off to school.

Meanwhile at school, tank was about to start a fight, he and his gang of bad boys roamed through the halls, he then saw gosalyn going through her locker and taking down books out.

He decided to check her out again.

Tank: (scoff) watch this guys


Gosalyn: (humming happily)

He walks over to her unnoticed by her, at the same time honker walked in.

As Gosalyn was anotó leave, her locker was shut by tank.


She made a annoyed impression as he was blocking her.

Tank: hehehe, hey gos

Gosalyn: ugh hello tank what do you want

Tank: why you of course, why don't you and me become a item, I promise I'll show you a good time

Gosalyn: in you're dreams tank

Tank: thanks and their mostly wet ones and with you in them

Gosalyn: (disgusted) ugh

Tank: so what do you say Gosalyn, want to be with a real man

Gosalyn: and where is this other real man

Everyone laughed at tank as he was being put down and insulted.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

But he ignores it and wouldn't take no for answer.

Tank: come on babe why wouldn't you give me a chance

Gosalyn: ok first off, don't take me babe you don't owe me and second you and me, it's never gonna happen, no matter how many times you ask me

She walks passed him feeling with pride but as she does, tank looks down and noticed her butt popped out and the way her tail flinched had him feeling aroused, he smiles mischievously.

Tank: fine then have it your way babe

He reaches his hand down and Spanks her butt

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Gosalyn: (gasp)

Tank: (mischievously laughter)

She turns around, furious at his behavior and punches him so hard, he ended up falling down unconsciously.

Gosalyn: ugh


Tank: AH

(Everyone gasping)

Everyone saw the whole thing including the principal.

Principle bearing: gosalyn

The principle was a bear not Russian but American he was wearing a blue suit. Gosalyn's turned with a panic look on her face as honker hid behind some of the lockers.

Gosalyn: principle bearing

Principle bearing: shall we my dear

Gosalyn: ugh

Meanwhile at the mallards, icelynn was measuring gosalyn's room,

Drake: and what do you think your doing young lady

Icelynn: just measuring my new room after gosalyn moves out


Icelynn: oh come on dad you know she's bound to leave sooner or later

But before they could continue arguing Launchpad came in.

Launchpad: hey DW gos school just called, she's got in trouble

Drake: again

Launchpad: well I can't remember when was the last time she got in trouble

And Launchpad wasn't kidding, gosalyn hasn't gone in trouble since elementary school when she reached middle school that's when things started to change

At her high school, drake walked in the principal's office to find gosalyn looking down then she looks up at him.

Gosalyn: dad

Drake: alright what happened this time

Principal bearing: ah good mr. Mallard you're here now we can begin

Drake: huh

He turned to see the muddlefoots besides tank who had a ice pack against his eye.

Drake: ugh

Principal bearing: mr. Mallard gosalyn got in a fight today with tank, she punched him because he was talking to her

Gosalyn: that's not true he slapped my butt

Tank: I was just talking to her and she just hits me like that

Gosalyn: that's not true principal bearing he started it

Principal bearing: oh gosalyn I'm sure he was just complicating you, I mean who wouldn't, do you see how big her cans were, and how curvy her body is and how smooth her legs are and how skinny and thin she is and don't get me started on-

Drake becomes offended as he sees the principal making a inappropriate gesture with his hands towards gosalyn.

gosalyn then covered herself as she felt violated.

Drake: say one more thing about her and I'll knock you right into next week

Principal bearing: mr. Mallard I know you're angry but you need to know that gosalyn hit another student

Drake: she was defending for herself, you should stand up for her

Principal bearing: even if that were true she shouldn't hit another student, now unless I see any prove that tank was the cause of it or if she apologizes, she's suspended for the month and this will affect her admission into any colleges

Drake: this is crazy

Gosalyn: it's ok dad, it's fine, you men are all the same, always treating each other better then women, it's plain to see that women like me aren't safe anymore around jerks like you, let's go dad

But he before they could go, honker came bursting through the doors.

Honker: STOP wait Gosalyn is innocent I have proof

tank makes a nervous look as honker pulls out his phone and plays the video of tank attacking her first.

Principal bearing: oh it seems I owe you my debt of apologies miss mallard

Herb: oh I'm so sorry drake, I don't know what's gotten into tank

Drake: hey no long as tank apologizes to gosalyn

Binkie: tank muddlefoot you apologize to gosalyn right now

Tank: ugh fine I'm sorry gosalyn

He gets up walks to gosalyn then goes to exit then honker stands by her side.

Honker: sorry for?

Tank: ugh sorry for touching you

He storms off his parents following behind and shutting the door.

Honker and gosalyn looked back at the principal.

Principal bearing: you two can go now, sorry again gosalyn, no hard feelings

He holds his hand out to her, she just stares at it then scolds up at him.

Gosalyn: of corse not but you and my dad are going to have a long talk

This made the principal sink deep into his chair as he starts to sweat when he saw drake smiling mischievously at him.

Then he walks to the door and opens for a female duck with brown hair tied in a bun, wearing a teal suit with a skirt and glasses, she looked pissed.

Principal bearing: SUPER ATTENDANT DARLA

Darla: it's come to my attention that you been treating the female at this school with unfairness and physical harassing them, nah that's unexceptionable mr. bearing

Principal bearing: darla I can explain

While the adults went to talk, gosalyn and honker walked home.

Gosalyn: thanks for standing up for me honker that was Really nice of you to do

Honker: that's what friends are you

Gosalyn: ugh I swear honker the men in today's society they're all the same, such pigs, you know for once I would really like a gentleman, someone who understands the problems female are having today, someone like you

Honker: well Gosalyn some men in this world can be such predators but some can understand the problems of female

Gosalyn: well thanks honker for standing up for me you're such a sweet, I swear your the only guy I can feel safe around

He smiles at her as he saw the way she puts her hand on his shoulders, he leans in slowly to kiss but...

Gosalyn: you're such a great friend

His hopes shattered as he makes a disappointed look.

Honker: huh oh yeah a friend

She wraps her arms around him and hugs him feeling like a failure honker looks down in disappointment.

Honker: Gosalyn you're a amazing girl and any guy would be lucky enough to have you

Gosalyn: you're so sweet honker

She then kisses his cheek and walks home, leaving honker defeated.

Honker: ugh she never go out with someone like me

At the mallard's-

Gosalyn and honker were packing up for a thing she and the other kids are doing at school.

Gosalyn: hey dad

Drake: ah gos there you are honey, I just want to let you know that I took care of your problem

Gosalyn: you called to the muddlefoot about tank

Drake then grabs her shoulders.

Drake: what? No, you got me thinking about that principal creep so I had him fired and he won't bother you anymore

Gosalyn: thanks dad

As gosalyn goes up in her room and drake changes to Darkwing, honker goes in the kitchen to talk to Launchpad.

Honker: (sigh) hey Launchpad, can I talk to you about something

Launchpad: sure what is it Little honk

Honker: ok say you were in love with this person but she only sees you as a friend

Launchpad: it depends, who is this woman

Honker: (sigh) who am I kidding I can't hide this from you, Launchpad I'm in love gosalyn

As his first reaction Launchpad was shocked but excited.

Launchpad: (gasp) oh honker I'm so happy for you and gos, I'd always knew you two would be be together

He picked him up, hugs him and swings him around.

Honker: but I haven't told her yet

Launchpad: oh

He puts him down.

Honker: Launchpad, she just sees me as a friend but I want to be more then that to her, ugh I want to tell her but I'm afraid that she'll laugh at me, she's the first girl I can be normal around, what should I do Launchpad

Launchpad: oh I see,hmm well if I was you I'd just get it over with, I tell her how I feel and if she rejects me then we'll just go as friends, it'll hurt for a while but in time you'll get over it

He thinks for a minute then he gets up with courage.

Honker: you're right Launchpad it's time I stop worrying, it's time I told her, thanks Launchpad

Launchpad: sure thing and hey since you two will be stuck together tonight, perhaps this could be the right time

Later at 6:30, gosalyn cane downstairs to see her dad  leaving.

Gosalyn: dad where are you going

Darkwing: I got a tip that the liquidator has escaped

Gosalyn: well why aren't you taking icelynn with you

Darkwing: because this one is in trouble for sneaking into your room

She looks at icelynn as her little sister made a nervous smile.

Gosalyn: ah it's ok I used to sneak into your room a lot dad

Darkwing: ugh, anyway I need you to keep an eye on your baby sister till we get back

Gosalyn: oh sorry dad but i can't

Darkwing: what? Why not?

Gosalyn: don't you remember dad, me and honker have work on our semester projects during a "lock-in" overnight at school

Darkwing: that's today

He goes to check the calendar.

Gosalyn: yes

She grabs her bag and honker comes out of the kitchen.

Gosalyn: you ready honker

Honker: yep

Gosalyn: we'll be back later see ya dad

But before she could leave, her dad grabs Her hand.

Darkwing: wait are you sure you'll be alright, after what happened to tank

Gosalyn: it's okay dad I'll be fine and besides tank is under house arrest

Darkwing: ok well be careful I just don't want to see you get hurt

Launchpad: don't worry DW she has honker to keep her safe

Honker: she's in safe hands mr. Mallard

Darkwing: ok well I guess we could take icelynn to the muddlefoots

Icelynn: (sarcastically) (gasp) the muddlefoots, oh no everything but them

As icelynn was pretending to not want to go to the muddlefoots cause with the muddlefoot, they just sleep and she could get away with anything.

Darkwing: well I better take her, you have fun honey

He kisses her cheeks and goes change back to drake so he goes to drop icelynn off.

At high school, lots of students were getting their projects out and at the main entrance was a snacks bar, while everyone was doing their projects downstairs, gosalyn and honker, mostly honker decided to do theirs in the chemistry room alone.

Darla: (over the p.a.) attention students principal bearing will not be here anymore due to unexpected peculiar behavior.

Every girl smile and hug five each other.

Darla: he won't be here to start, I will be remaining in charge until further notice, ok now then, it is now 9pm, and all doors have been locked, if you get hungry During the night, you'll find a food cart in the main hallway, I wish you all good luck with your school projects, study hard and prosper and warning the police has asked us to have you all stay close and inside cause there has been a escape inmate

Gosalyn/honker: liquidator

Darla: be careful and good night

Gosalyn: ok so what do we have

Honker: chemistry

Gosalyn: ok let's go

She goes through her bag and takes out a few chemicals and test tubes, while honker still nervous about being alone with gosalyn tonight, takes a notebook, a textbook and a big bowl and chips.

Honker: oh my mom made us some of her 7 layer dip

She walks over and takes a sip of chip.


Gosalyn: oh wow thanks, you know your mom makes great snacks

Honker: thanks

They then get into their books. And after hours of testing chemicals, they gone through their books and study and after going through hours of awkwardness quiet, honker decided to break the tension.

Honker: hmm so do you remember when we were kids, you used to make me do your homework

This made her smiled.

Gosalyn: yeah it seemed you do anything for me even if you didn't liked it

Honker/Gosalyn: (giggles)

It became quite again, the moment seemed right but didn't know how to make the words come out of his mouth or how to say it to her.

Honker: hey Gosalyn we're friends right

Gosalyn: uh no duh honker (chuckles)

Honker: (chuckles) yeah right look I need to talk to you about something

Gosalyn: ok what is it

She puts the book down and looks him in his eyes.

Honker: ok say you have this friend that you known for a really time, since you were kids and you really really really like them but they only like you as a friend now you want to tell them how you feel but you afraid that they might not like you back In that kind of way

Gosalyn: oh gee well i just tell this person who I feel and if they don't like me then I tell him can we just be friends, look if this person can't love you back then there're not worth it, you are an incredible guy honker and any girl would be lucky enough to have you

Honker: (chuckles) I could say the same about you gos

She presses her hand on top of his hand, he looks down then up at her and smiles.

Gosalyn: whoever this girl is, she must be worth it

She goes back to reading her textbook and honker infatuates at her.

Honker: she is and she's very smart, amazing and beautiful

Outside the school the liquidator was running towards the doors.

Liquidator: (evil chuckles) it's show time

She uses his water powers to summon a tidal wave of water to burst through the doors.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Students gasping)

Liquidator: sorry but school is cancelled, will I drown this school or keep you all hostage find out after these messages

Up at the stair railings, gosalyn and honker watched as the liquidator rallied up all the students, tying them.

Honker: the liquidator

Gosalyn: come on we need to call dad

They rushed upstairs and when she pulls out her phone, honker closes the door.

Honker: are you sure we should hide up here, we're on the 3 chemistry class room, he'll probably check this one maybe we should go out and get some help

Gosalyn: there's no time honker

But by the time she dials Darkwing's number and he answers, the liquidator slide through underneath the door and snatched Gosalyn's phone.

Gosalyn: (gasp)

Liquidator: (ticking) calling Darkwing, The liquidator doesn't think so, think to deal with pest like you, the liquidator knows what's best for you and pesky meddlers

He grabs then and hoist them up, he then ties them separately, facing each other back to back.

Gosalyn: (grunts)

Liquidator: (evil chuckles) this should keep you from causing any more trouble, stay tule when the liquidator floods the whole school, will Darkwing duck come in time to rescue the hostages, what I don't know will shocked you

He shuts the doors and locks it.

Gosalyn: ugh (grunts) I'm sorry honker, I'm always messing things up, also dragging you in my messes ugh I don't know how you could put up with me

Honker: well you're the only girl who's ever liked me no matter how nerdy or weird I was

Gosalyn: you're were always there for me even on my lowest days, I don't know how I end up with a friend as great and loyal as you as

Honker: well that's what friends are for

She smiles at him then when all hope seems lost, honker frees himself with his house key.


Honker: come on gis, we're not finished yet

He gets up, unties her and holds his hand out to her, she looks down at it then looks up and smiles at him, as she takes his hand and helps her up.

Gosalyn: ok so we're stuck how do we call for help

They looked around and honker looks at the window.

Honker: I got an idea, the science department has a emergency phone which is on the forth floor

Gosalyn: ok so how do we get up there

Honker: we climb through the window

Gosalyn: but isn't the school on lockdown

He goes to the window and opens it.

Honker: they locked all the doors but not windows, just in case of a fire

Gosalyn: wow that's smart, good thinking honk

Meanwhile with Darkwing, he and Launchpad were still on patrol.

Launchpad: DW we been on patrol for hours now, can't we stop and get something to eat at hippo burger

Darkwing: how could you possibly be hungry on a time like this, not while our watery archenemy liquidator is out and possibly hurting innocent children

Ring, ring

He then got a call from his phone.

Darkwing: hello

Gosalyn: dad it's me gosalyn, the liquidator is at the school and he has everyone hold hostage and I think he's planing to flood the school

Darkwing: where are you

At the school, gosalyn and honker are in the science department, honker trying to open on of the doors.

Gosalyn: we're in the science department, farther from him

Honker: (grunts) (grunts)

Darkwing: ok stay where you are, we'll be there as quickly as we can

Gosalyn: ok but hurry dad

Her cries for helped has him worried even more, as he stepped on the gas.

Launchpad: whoa

Darkwing: I found out where the liquidator is, oh I hope gosalyn is ok

Launchpad: she'll be fine, she has honker to keep her company

Darkwing: and how is that supposed to make me feel comfortable

But back at school, things were getting worst, the science department was flooding with water.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Gosalyn was panicking as she tries to find a way to escape.

But honker was staying as calm as possible as he watches Gosalyn running through the water, banging at every entrance and the flood was coming in fast, going up to their chest.

Gosalyn: ugh there's no way out, where're trapped

Honker saw how scared she was.

Honker: gos there's something I have to tell you

Gosalyn: now's not a good time honker

H: it's very important that you listen

She stops and listens to him as he takes a deep breath. As he grabs her shoulders.

Gosalyn: (sigh) okay

Honker: (sigh) Gosalyn I like you more then just a friend

Gosalyn: (gasp) oh honker I had no idea

Honker: yeah

Honker looks away from her in Shame as she continues to look at him, she then looks back to see water rising, then looks back at him.

Gosalyn: look honker if we're going to die, can we kiss one last time

Honker: (gasp) really

She nods then they leaned in closer, honker grabbing her shoulders again like he did before, gosalyn cupping his cheeks then their beaks were inches from connecting, they closed their eyes and kissed passionately.

Gosalyn/honker: mmmm

And he could've sworn he felt a tongue, but it was his in fact, and was he was enjoying the kiss, honker opened his eyes feeling relieved as he looks at gosalyn then he realized that the water was going down.

He quickly lets go

Honker: uhh gos

Gosalyn: (moans) not yet honker I'm not finished 

Honker: Gosalyn look

Gosalyn: huh

She looks down and the water had drained.

Gosalyn: (gasp) the water's going down, that must mean dad has stopped the flood

Downstairs, darkwing punched the liquidator and trapped him in a giant blockage of ice.


Liquidator: ugh

Darkwing: the pool party is over liquidator

Everyone cheered for him.

Darkwing: come on Launchpad we need to find Gosalyn

They rushed upstairs, meanwhile in the science department, once the flood was drained, gosalyn wringing her hair.

Gosalyn: (hysterical laughing) we alive honker, we're okay honker

As she was thrilled, she looks back to see honker making a shameful look.

Gosalyn: oh right

Back with Darkwing, they checked every science room.

Darkwing: come on they have to be here somewhere

Back in the science department, gosalyn and honker sat down back against back in the wet science room. Still feeling awkward about what happened.

Gosalyn: well honker you officially ruined our relationship

They became quite

Honker: look gosalyn I-

Gosalyn: honker I like the kiss, I like you i really do and I want this to work

Honker: huh really

Gosalyn: yeah and I have to say that for a nerd you were a pretty good kisser

Honker: well my feelings for you were strong, I wanted to do that for awhile

Gosalyn/honker: (chuckles)

They turned around and faced each other, smiling at one another, hands touching.

Honker: I wonder how your dad is going to feel about this

Gosalyn: what no we can't tell him, you know how he is with the muddlefoots

Honker: oh yeah they make him go crazy but I don't blame him sometimes they drive me crazy too but I still love them

Gosalyn: let's just keep this a secret until college ok

(Hands holding)

Honker: ok

The moment seemed really magical, They then leaned in and as they were about to kiss again.

Launchpad quickly opened the door, in time when they heard the door opening, they turned to see a exhausting Launchpad.

Launchpad: (pasting) DW (pasting) I think I found them, you guys okay

They both looked away from each other and Launchpad.

Launchpad: whoa hey is everything okay

Gosalyn was first to get up, wrapped around her damped jock jacket.

Gosalyn: nothing Launchpad, honker just ruined out friendship

Launchpad: oh good you finally told her

Gosalyn looks back at him surprised as she walked past him.

Gosalyn: whoa wait you knew

Launchpad: well yeah I'd always knew you two be together, I mean you guys are made for each other

Gosalyn and honker looked at each other then smiles.

Launchpad: oh boy I can't wait to tell DW

Then they're happiness were turned to fearful looks.

Gosalyn/honker: NO!!

launchpad: huh

He turns to see them stopping him.

Gosalyn: Launchpad you can't tell dad about us

Honker: yeah you know how he feels about the muddlefoots

Launchpad: well that is true, he never really liked the muddlefoots

Gosalyn: please Launchpad, promise me you won't tell dad that me and honker are dating

Launchpad was going to hesitate at first until he saw how close they became, holding each other like a married couple.

Launchpad: ok I won't tell, but hopefully you'll tell him one day

Gosalyn: thank you Launchpad

She kisses his cheek then she walks over to her soon to be boyfriend honker and kisses his cheek.

Gosalyn: I should go now, I'll see you later

Honker: ok bye gos

She and Launchpad went downstairs, outside she saw students reuniting with their families, then she saw Darkwing talking to some policeman as they were taking the liquidator in.

He then turns to see gosalyn, damped and looking down.

Darkwing: gos!!!

He ran to her and hugged her right, he then lets go and grabs her shoulders facing him.

Darkwing: are you ok

Gosalyn: I'm fine dad, thanks for saving us

They then begin to walk.

Gosalyn: dad tonight's event was scary and it hit me thinking

Darkwing: yeah?

Gosalyn: and you were right, I should focus on other things like spending more time with my family and plus I only got a few months till I graduate so there's no rush to be thinking about college, so I'm going okay to wait

Darkwing: (chuckles) well about that honey, this came for

He hands her a letter, she takes it and saw it was an admission to duckberg university, nervously she opens it and it says that she has been accepted to the university

Gosalyn: (GASP) I been accepted, I got accepted dad

Darkwing: I know this letter gave for you three months ago

Gosalyn was surprised to find out but was curious why he didn't tell her.

Gosalyn: wait why didn't you tell me

Darkwing: (sigh) because I was afraid

Gosalyn: afraid?

Darkwing: afraid of losing you, look go when you were little you used to drive me crazy with you shenanigans but also loved how much spirit you had, remember when you were little you used to sneak in my room, take my fedora and sleep with it and your childlike Wonder always made me smiled, it's such (sobs) so hard for me to let go, it hurts me knowing that I'll never see you who, I didn't want to tell you because watching you grow up was the most happiest things in my life and I just want you to know gos, how matter how far away you are, you'd always be my little girl

He cups get cheeks as she looks up at him, tears in her eyes then she closes her eyes and felt his warmth.

Gosalyn: it's okay dad at least you have icelynn to keep you comfortable and I'll always be around

Darkwing: that's my girl

They then hugged throughout the night.

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