Chapter 10.

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~ "My favorite job is to annoy you!"

"Siddhhhharthh Nigamm" Avneet's voice boomed in the entire house startling everyone.

Siddharth who was sitting with Kartik and Naira jumped a little on his seat. While the two gave him a perplexed look. And realization hit him he just smirked in response and pushing the chair back made his way towards the bedroom.

Siddharth's pov:
I walked inside the bedroom and as expected she was messing the bed in order to find something.

As soon as she felt my presence she stood straight "Where is Bob?" she asked in a threatful yet calm voice . Oh! okay I have never seen her like that before. 

"Who's Bob i didn't knew we had a contestant names Bob in the house!" I replied trying to fake shock.

"oh you very well know who it is" she said as she threw the pillow at me which took me by surprise making it land square on my face and she howled with laughter "Gotchaa!!" she screamed and continued laughing well now that's more like Avneet I know .

"Oh you are so dead now" I said picking up the pillow and throwing it in her direction she tried to run but the pillow already hit her on the back of her head and the fight continued.

"get ready!" Avneet said breathlessly as she held the pillow in hand ready to attack 
"always" I replied as i adjusted mine 
"ATTACKKKKK" Avneet shouted but before we could move the two pillows were snatched from our hands .

"What the-" we both said simultaneously as we turned to find Kartik and Naira standing with a grave expression.

"-hell" i heard Avneet whisper making the two glare at her and she gulped 

"Yeah! What the hell?" Naira began and Kartik nodded

"Why would you guys do this?"
She added observing the room and Kartik again nodded in agreement while me and Avneet didn't replied anything , we were just looking at the floor oops! looks like we messed up bad.

"Without me!! Why didn't you called me you traitors" She added as she smacked us both with the pillow Kartik was halfway nodding in agreement when he realized what she had said and gave her a baffled look!

While mine and Avneet's face broke into a grin and we both began laughing which annoyed Naira and she threw pillow at both of us and we continued laughing clutching the pillow.

"You know what Iam done with you all" Said Kartik throwing his hands in the air "You do realize this is the second time in last few hours that you've vandalised the entire bedroom" he said hopelessly looking at us lot while we just grinned and continued throwing pillows at each other he was about to exit when I threw a pillow at him  making him turn "Come join us you grandpa have a little fun!" I said smirking while his eyes widened "Grandpa?!" he gasped as Naira and Avneet sniggered at my comment "You-uu ! wait I'll show u all"  he said as he threw a pillow aiming at me and joined us.


We didn't realized for how long we had been playing and thank god the pillows in here are not like the one shown in tv shows or movies as i cannot see a single feather in the room , nor any cotton or foam (That's all the materials i can remember at the moment which are used in manufacturing of pillows ) in short no damage done which means we won't be punished. I looked around to see everyone scattered in the room lying wherever they could tired , I don't exactly know when but everyone in the house had joined us in our pillow fight

And atleast for once no one was being bitchy to anyone. Everyone was just enjoying.

Four of us are right now lying on Kartik and Naira's bed don't ask me how, everyone is too tired to get up and ofc we can't sleep or even close our eyes quietly or else that kukdukku will play and believe me when i say it's the most annoying sound I've ever heard. 

"Come on guys we need o clean this up as well!" Naira said as she tried to get up and kicked me in the process "Ouch! watch out women" I said "Sorry but no sorry!" she replied smirking and i rolled my eyes.
We all groaned but got up anyway cause ofc we HAVE to clean this up. 

"God! I haven't done this much work in my entire life" I commented 
"Stop sulking and start working" Avneet said in a tired tone.


Avneet's pov:

"What the hell they are such selfish pieces of sh*t" Naira cursed as the other housemates denied to help us clean I mean seriously guys you were also the one's having fun.
And before u ask we can't backaway like they did cause technically we are the ones responsible for bedroom.

Argh! I hate them all.

"Avneet u start doing from near the door and I'll do it here" Naira said as she devided the bedroom in 4 parts for each of us to take care of, now that we have to clean this overly messed room I can see how big it actually is and how much time it's gonna take just us 4 to tidy  this up and one of us being siddharth you can really say it's just 3  doing work... the guy sulks more than he works.
I rolled my eyes as I saw him muttering a row of curse words to our dear fellow contestants.

Taking a last glance at everyone working I sighed and made my way to do my part.
When I saw Manan and Dane entering
Not really bother to wait and see what they are upto I started doing my work
"Hey!" Manan said as he approached me with Dane following him
"Umm hey?" I said raising an eyebrow why are they being so formal we live in the same house!

"Um.. actually we- I mean Dane felt really bad that everyone had left all the work for u all so I- no I mean HE convinced ME to come with him to help u all" He finished ok! That was weird..

"Oh! Thankyou !" I said smiling iam glad they are coming forward to help us  honestly they both were among the last person I expected helping us both being a slytherin.

But it is good if they are .. ofc that doesn't mean they don't hate us anymore  it's just courtesy I presume and I appreciate that.

"Ok then u guys and go and help Siddharth over there iam afraid he's barely able to do anything" I said taking a glance at Siddharth who was trying really hard to push the pillow back into its cover.. damn he really is struggling how hard is it just to push the damn pillow in its cover.

He threw the pillow which was half dangling outside the cover and half crumbled horribly inside on the bed but picked it up quickly as Naira glared at him. You can clearly see frustration on his face he ran his hands through his hair making them messier and continued struggling with the pillow.

realizing I've been staring for quite long I shifted my attention back to Dane and Manan
"Ahm! So as u see he really IS struggling.. so u can go and help him" I said as u shifted my gaze awkwardly.

"I can go and help him while Dane can help you.." he said and before I could protest he left. WOW! this isn't weird at all.

I looked at Dane and told him to do few things.. when it comes to Dane I haven't really have a proper conversation with him its always Tanya and well them being in the same group it always become a grp hate kind of thing.
And I their grp and our grp I feel Siddharth and Dane have a kind of personality clash I am not sure as I don't know Dane too well but with his body language and also the amount of words I've heard him speak.
Manan is usually the one talking , even on behalf of Dane u would have seen it just now.

We were working occasionally sharing few words. He wasn't bad and no way near the way Tanya is I think Manan is also not like her it's just because they're are group they always have to support her, I've never really have had a conversation with Aditi but sheo to looks fine.

I tried to control my laughter on something hilarious he said when my eyes fell on Siddharth he was staring in our direction quite intently must add and I can make out that his expressions weren't any positive either. Also after noticing i am looking at him 'staring' he didn't bothered to look away so i did.

But I could still feel his burning gaze in my direction which was sending chills down my spine .


Sooo that's it for this chapter guys do tell what do you feel about it I thought to bring this part later in the book but not having any ideas soo.. here it is.


Published on 15 June 2021


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