Chapter 32.

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~"And the way they defended me that day, I knew I didn't made a mistake calling them friends."

Day 72

Avneet's pov:

This weeks nomination task was here. We were right now sitting and 'strategising'
The house was divided into two teams. Us four being in one while Dane, Tanya, Manan and Anaya in the other.

Two cycle garage are set up in the garden each belonging to the two teams. Their are 4 cycles in one garage with stuff like tire tube, pumps and tools to tight the nuts and bolts. We have to try and dismantle the cycles of other team while protecting ours . The team with the maximum cycles in best shape will win while all the four contestants of the other will be nominated. 

"Ok so it's decided Avneet and I will be dismantling the opponents cycles while Kartik and Naira will be protecting ours." Siddharth said. We decided this arrangement cause Iam small (as they always like to say) anyone can tower over me easily and I won't be able to protect. Whereas Naira and Kartik can be good for that job. And ofcourse Siddharth is strong and all so he can open the bolts and knock down their cycles with ease.
Also stealing the equipments from the oponent's garage is not allowed.

The buzzer went off indicating it was the time for the task to begin. Rudra was the supervisor of this task as he was already nominated by Bigg boss as a punishment. And yeah he came back as a wild card entry last week. I doubt he'll be fair cause Annaya was in his house , and they share quite good bond. (Now that only few contestants are left we are not specifically mentioned by our hogwarts houses there's no such 'teams' now)

We are the red team ; with red color cycles, while they are green team.

I sneaked from behind as Siddharth tried distracting Dane and Annaya , It was looking like he was trying to get near their cycles but in reality I was already near them. And to stop someone like Siddharth you atleast need two people so it was an advantage.

I tried to loosen up or remove as many screws and nuts as I can. They were damn tight but I still tried my best. Also deflated the tires.

I was doing the same to the second cycle when they spotted me. Though I didn't budge I tried my best to make as much damage as I can.

Annaya was trying to pull me back , I noticed Siddharth had also joined me and he was working on the other cycles while Dane was trying to stop him.

We had made quiet  the damage when we noticed Manan and Tanya were giving Kartik and Naira a hard time. It would take some time for them to rebuild their cycles. We hurried towards our garage and started rebuilding ours. I was quite engrossed in my work  , when I felt someone pulling me back harshly. And I tumbled backwards, causing my hand holding the cycle to twist and cycle to fall on it making me yelp  in pain.

"What the hell Tanya." Naira screamed now looking in our direction, everyone's attention was now on us.

Siddharth who was nearest to me came rushing and picked the cycle up and I whimpered as a sudden pain rushed on my wrist. 

"hey! it's ok, let me see it" Siddharth said gently bending besides me and taking my wrist in his hand. I hissed in pain as he moved it.
"I don't think it's broken, it looks like a minute fracture though" He said examining it. 

"Oh shut up! Are you fucking kidding me!" Naira's voice boomed and I turned my head to see her fighting with Rudra, Kartik standing besides her wearing a determined expression .

Surprisingly like every time he wasn't stopping her instead it looked like he was standing their in her support.
Siddharth helped me stand and we both walked towards where the rest of the housemates were.

"She clearly got physical , you are being partial." Naira bellowed
"It was just an accident" Rudra said trying to defend Tanya
"No it wasn't" Kartik said harshly

"It was just a small mistake, come on guys" Dane said defending his teammate , but he gave me an apologetic glance right after.
"Yeah sure she might have fractured her freaking wrist because of this small mistake  " Siddharth said now moving towards Dane , both the guys giving each other hateful looks. 

The situation was moving out of control no one seemed to back down.

"Enough! back off everyone" Bigg Boss ordered. 
"This task is terminated, which means all of you are nominated  for this week." 
"Also  Avneet to come in the medical room right now, the doctor is already here"  He said 

Well turned out it wasn't a fracture (Iam so glad it isn't) but a wrist sprain. I have to not move my wrist for atleast a weak now , I will have to wear a cast to prevent it from moving. 

As soon as I exited the medical room, all 3 of my friends came rushing towards me.
"Is it bad?" Naira asked in a concerned voice
"Na just a sprain" I replied
"Why a cast then?" Siddharth asked
"To prevent it from moving" I replied
"It's kinda cool though" I added examining the black cast
"Cool? are you serious?" Kartik said  and I nodded my head

"Gosh! you weird kid" He replied shaking his head hopelessly and Naira and Siddharth chuckled
"Why do you guys always make me feel like a kid" I whined
"Because you are" The three chorused and I stuck my tongue out at them.


Tadada another chapter.
Sorry sorry I don't know what the hell i have written. My mind is currently not in it's right place. A lot of things are going on in my life recently and I just can't focus  anything.
Still I updated cause a lot of you've been asking for another ch , I really appreciate that you are liking the book.

Pic of Avneet's cast

Also it was tough after the heart wrenching news we got yesterday to write a chapter that to based on Bigg Boss. 

Also did anyone see the video of Louis Tomlinson vibing on 'brown mundey' I mean my desi heart can't take it 😍

That's it for the ch then.

Do vote.
Stay Beautiful Stay Kind
Love you all!!

Published on 3 September, 2021


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