Chapter 33.

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~ 'I was handed a tough life lesson at a very early age'

Avneet's pov:

This week has already started out "great". With some new wildcard entries , the house again looks pretty filled with people. Their might be more coming, we are not sure yet. 
We just had our dinner and as usual all four of us were sitting in the garden.
My wrist was still not completely  fine ,but it was getting better. 

"I know Avneet will agree." Naira's voice caught my attention and I realized I'd spaced out.
"Yeah, absolutely no doubt" I said though I didn't had the slightest clue of what they were talking about.

"You're kidding me right? The guy has a ponytail instead of a personality." Siddharth said throwing his hands in the air. And I made a confused face, what exactly were they talking about.
"Come on I know you don't like him much, but you gotta agree Dane's good looking" Naira repeated and my eye widened. 

Oh! that's what they were talking about. I would still have the same answer though, I'd always found Dane pleasing to eyes but ofcourse not more than Siddharth the guy was literally an eye candy, but he doesn't need to know that.

"Ok Ok Enough!" Kartik said in a rather grumpy tone, and pulled Naira closer to him. 
"I agree with Siddharth good looks are not always everything you need to have a personality" He said and Naira chuckled.
"Awww , I never said he was better looking than you . You'll always be the most handsome guy for me" She said pecking his cheek and I awed while Siddharth rolled his eyes at the couple. Typical.


We were laughing on god knows what. I was sitting on a bean bag while Siddharth was sitting on the ground his back pressed against it. I was absent mindedly playing with his hair as we all talked and he didn't seemed to mind it.

"Come on we should get inside now , it's getting cold" Kartik said , he was right I hugged my sweater tighter but didn't move. Siddharth got up as well.
"Get up" He said poking the bean bag with is foot .
"Iam tired" I sulked
"You are always tired" He replied, he had a point though.

He the forwarded his hand for help , which I took I was about to get up when the loud noise of the door opening averted my and everyone else's attention.
"Another contestant" Naira groaned 
When the person's face came into view I froze .

Siddharth's pov:
I felt Avneet's body stiffen and her hold on my hand tighten as soon as she looked at the door. I looked at her concerned she was shaking . Naira and Kartik looked at her with the same expression.
"Avneeet? Avneet?" Naira called her but she didn't respond , I bent down besides her and shook her gently "Hey! Cookie monster, what's wrong?" I asked and she looked at me , she had fear in her eyes and I didn't need an introduction to know who the new wildcard entry was.

"Hey! Iam Reyansh." The guy now approached us I just nodded curtly at him suppressing my urge to smash his face so did Naira and Kartik. Avneet whereas was just looking at the ground.
"Hey Avneet long time no see" He said and Avneet flinched.
"No worries we'll have lots of time to catch up" He said smirking and left.

We were sitting on the roof again, Naira and Kartik said they were sleepy so just Avneet and me are here. They never sleep this early though.

Avneet had decided she'll not react at all when he's near because she doesn't want anyone to know what had happened to her.

"You know the room in which I was kept for all these years, it just had a window through which I used to see when he's back home and used to lock my door, in fear that he would do something to me." She began and I looked at her horrified how I wish I can choke and kill that bastard right now.
"I - what are you-" I began according to her Iam not supposed to know who this Reyansh guy is.
"I know you read my journal" She said
"I once saw you with it. " she stated 
"Iam-" I began but she cut me in between
"It's ok, I was a little mad in the beginning but I anyway wanted to tell you guys. The way you all have always supported me you guys deserve this much atleast." She said waving her hand and I nodded

"You never tried to escape?" I asked , I have just read enough parts to know what happened with her not .
"I did ofcourse multiple times" She said
"Infact the last time I did I had a full proof plan" She began
"I had decided to jump off that only window in the room" She stated 

"What? And you call it a 'full proof plan' "  I asked petrified and she shrugged
"I thought maybe if I remain conscious somehow I can ask anyone walking by to lend me their phone, or if Iam not conscious they might take me to the hospital and I can tell the nurse or the doctor everything and they might help me" She said
"But what if anything happened to you?" I asked anger filling inside me how can she be so casual about all this.

"I'd also considered it. I would've been gone for good. I would've been free and be with my mother" She said 
"But nothing went as planned , after I jumped . I woke after a week back in the room, I was wrapped in bandages and their was a doctor their.  She said and I tightened my hold on her hand.

"He told me I fainted as soon as I landed on the ground because I was too weak for such fall, It will take my body longer than a usual healthy person to heal, also the same old they always say that Iam on boundary of my health and I shouldn't play such stunts."
"Later that day  Reyansh also came in my room....

"you really think you can escape from here?" Reyansh said coming closer to her and she flinched

"And what do you think, will happen with your brother and father if you die. You don't know my rage when I loose something that's mine" he said and came closer to her face
"I destroy everything, and you Avneet Kaur are mine" He said and she collected all her courage 

"Iam not yours! you bloody psycho" she shouted

"Now now mind your tongue sweetheart, you don't know what I can do" He said and left.
But Avneet knew what all he was capable of doing , she knew it was no accident  when her house had suddenly caught fire. 

And at that moment she had decided she would do anything , than live under the same roof as her mother's murderer.                                                                     

But now she can't , she can't  put her brother's life on stake as well. And that's when she decided to put her guard down and wait, wait for the right opportunity.

Tadada!! another update! Well not a happy happy one.
But Reyansh is inside the house now. 
What will happen? 
Will he give Avneet a hard time?

Do tell your reviews on the chapter!

Stay Beautiful. Stay Kind
Love you all!

Published on 6 September 2021

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