Chapter 34.

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A/N Don't miss the post in the end!!

~"Iam here and I'll always be here, for you"

Siddharth's pov: 

After listening to Avneet I don't know what I was feeling. She had tears running down her eyes and she was just gazing the sky. 
"It was all my fault, if I would've accepted Reyansh's proposal that day maybe things would have been different. Maybe my mother would've been with me." 
"But why did he burnt your house?" I asked 
"He said if I can't be his , than I can't be with anyone else. He wanted to kill me. Hell! I wish he did" She said wiping her tears furiously

"Never , I repeat never ever say that again. You are too precious to let go Avneet. You deserve to live. You deserve to be happy." I said looking in her eyes.
"But my mother , what was her mistake she died because of me." She cried.
"No she didn't, she died because a fucking douche didn't knew how to respect a person's choice, cause his ego was too big to understand a NO means a NO." I said and she looked at me.

I don't know what possessed me to do what i did next, but I leaned closer to her and kissed the tear on her face,

"They are to precious to waste on someone like him" I said looking in her eyes and her face turned red. 

She told me how she managed to escape. The lady servant who used to bring her food, helped her. It was the perfect opportunity as Reyansh had to go on a business trip. And they knew that he always sleeps on a flight they just had 3 hrs. Because ofcourse he won't be checking the cameras while he's asleep. The lady servant , Asha mixed a sleeping pill in the guard's food and once they were knocked out Avneet escaped through the back door.

An invite letter was the first thing that caught her attention when she logged in her gmail from the nearest cyber café  was an invite letter from Bigg Boss and she took the opportunity. 

"You are the strongest women I've ever came across Avneet" I told her and she chuckled
"That is something I've heard for the first time. Because 'strong' won't be the word you will use for someone suffering from immune deficiency" She said 
"Well that's the thing you never gave up, you kept on fighting. No matter if alone" I said and she smiled.

"You know I sometimes still get scared, what if once Iam out of here Iam dragged back into the same life. What if people again forget I ever existed , and continued with their lives" Avneet said
"I will never. I promise you Avneet I'll not let anything happen to you." I promised her
"Thankyou Siddharth, for everything"

Avneet's pov:
Siddharth's words really made me feel special. No one has never said something like this to me. 
I was feeling much better now. I felt some courage bubble inside me. Maybe I can stop running and fight.

 "You know once we are out of here, we can go out" Siddharth said 
"Oho! Are you asking me out Mr Nigam" I said playfully bumping my shoulder to his's.
"You wish! What I meant was all of us You, Me , Kartik and Naira" He said 
"But you can tell me if you want to go on a date with me, love. I will surely think about it" He said smirking and I rolled my eyes

"No thanks. I'll go on a date with you only when Pigs Fly, i.e  never" I said poking my tongue out
"Come on. I know you like me" He said wiggling his eyebrows and I sighed inwardly only if you knew Siddharth, only if you knew.

"NO" I said 


Ah! I know but he doesn't needs to know that. yet.


It's been 2 days since Reyansh is here. Nothing had happened. Siddharth, Kartik or Naira are always their with me. So Reyansh never gets a chance to threaten or even talk to me.

I was in a comparatively deep slumber, when I felt someone shaking me violently. And I sat up straight startled.
"What? What happened?" I said still trying to open my eyes, when I noticed all three of my friends are standing around my bed.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYY!!!!" The three chorused tackling me in a hug and I fell on the bed with a  thud.
"Thankyou but guyss I c-an't  bre-athe " I said referring to three of their weights on me.

And they quickly left me.
"You fine?" Naira asked concerned and I chuckled nodding my head.

"Damn! It completely slipped out of my mind that it was our birthday today" I said and then looked at them.

"How did you guys know?" I asked confused

"We are pretty smart, aren't we" Siddharth said shrugging

"Their was something for you in the storeroom" Kartik told me and handed me the package.

Well now I know from where they came to know it was my birthday.

It was written HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US in bold letters on the package with a slip of 'for avneet' on top.

It was quite evident from whom it was so I quickly ripped it open, a letter was the first thing that caught my attention and I opened it.

"Happy birthday Skindiana bones,
Well I miss celebrating our birthday together it's the 4th birthday we are celebrating without each other. And probably the last.
I miss you so much. They weren't allowing me to send much things so I sent the only thing I could think of."

I looked inside the package and there was a photo frames inside it.

I picked the first one, and it was our pictures from 12oclock celebration of the last birthday we were together at.

It had a sticky note attached

"I know you are always hungry, but come on , spare me.
I noticed you didn't had any photo frames in the house.
And i know how much you miss my handsome face , so I thought why not send you this.

Ps: It's such a tough job to be better looking twin.
Ps: you still haven't returned me that hoodie , It was my favorite.

I looked in the nearby camera grinning ear to ear.

"Happy Birthday to you to Potato head.  And please stop living in delusion everybody knows who's the better looking twin. Also you are never getting that hoodie back."

I smiled remembering these nicknames we gave each other when we were young. As I was always quite skinny he used to call me Skindiana Jones , while I gave him the name Potato head.
Believe me when I say this , his head literally resembled a Potato at that time.

I peeped inside the package and their was something else inside as well.

It was a chocolate wrapped around it was a beautiful pendent. And I knew from the first glance whom it belonged to. It was my mother's.

Their was another sticky note on the chocolate.

"Found it in her stuff. Knew you would like it. :)
Ps: don't eat complete chocolate in one go. I don't want you to run around the house like a mad women "

I smiled whole heartedly looking at it and clutched the pendent in my hand.

"Love you Jai. Thankyou so much for this and  miss you" I said looking in the camera.

I then glanced at my friends who were all standing besides me wearing a warm smile. Next all three of them caged me in another bone crushing hug.

I really needed that.


Tadadada!!!! Another chapter.
How was it?
Some sweet moments.
No Reyansh in the chapter though ;)


Made a trailer of this book. Here it is ...

Also pls try and see it on YouTube, and like and comment their as well. :)

Goals: 100 votes , 100 comments


Stay Beautiful Stay Kind
Love You All!

Published on 8 September 2021

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