Chapter 41.

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"She was a dreamer, and he was her dream."

Avneet's pov:
Siddharth was kissing me.
Ok I already said that. I was too shocked, but I didn't pulled away, and felt my eyes flutter close. His lips were soft and gentle. It was a strange sensation, but it sent me to cloud nine and electricity shot through me like wildfire.

When he pulled away, all I could see were the hazel eyes I liked so much and a full blown smile across his face.

After a moment or two my hearing came back to me and I could hear everyone cheering and hooting. My eyes caught Kartik and Naira , they were standing with a wide grin on their faces.
While Kartik removed the sling and threw it on side. "Finally I can let go of this" He shouted and my eyes widened his hand wasn't actually broken?

Then I saw Rohit sir giving Salman sir money, "Kya Siddharth couldn't you have waited till the afterparty" he said but laughed.
"What is happening here?" I thought out loud 
"They had a bet, Salman sir said you'll do something before the afterparty and Rohit sir said during the afterparty." Naira informed as she and Kartik came besides us.
"How were they so sure , something would happen?" I asked my face still heated.

"Oh everyone was. We had this extinct you see." Kartik said winking
"Even Abhishek owes me Rs.2,000. " He added
"What did you guys bet on?" I asked horrified.
"Nothing much, Abhishek said you will reject him and I said you won't"  He told
"The amount of faith your brother have in you is commendable" Kartik said sarcastically to Siddharth who was standing without saying a single word.

What happened to him, is he regretting what he did? I knew it. I mean how could Siddharth choose me?
Before I could ask him anything he grabbed my hand pulling me back stage before that I was able to take a glance at Jai who didn't looked quite happy.

"I know Siddharth I can understand if you don't want anything I mean i know , why would you want someone like me i- " I began to ramble as soon as we reached their and he gave me a confused look. 
"What are you saying?" He asked
"No I -" I began but he interrupted
"Wait, leave it. First listen to me" He said and I froze.
"About what happened earlier, you know- 
but before he could complete , a spot person came rushing

"You both need to go." He said and we both nodded following him 
It was now time to announce the winner, my heart was thudding in my chest. It's not like I'll feel bad if Siddharth won.
But it's just I want to prove myself, after what all have happened. I want to prove everyone Iam not weak or worthless  I can fight.


I don't know for how long Salman sir played taking our hands , It's just the moment when I noticed my hand was lingered in the air a bit longer , and I opened my eyes seeing both Siddharth and Salman sir grinning in my direction.

"Avneet Kaur" Salman Sir voice reached my ear and I couldn't  believe it.
He handed me the trophy "I knew I had a good feeling about you."  He said 
"Thankyou so much sir" I told him.

And before I could react further I was swooshed into someone's arm

"Congratulations Neet, Iam so so proud of you" Jai said as he planted a kiss on my forehead.
I met everyone, everyone congratulated me. Except for him.
I was looking here and there when I felt a tug on my dress, I turned back and looked down , Ayush was standing their with a chocolate in his hand. 
"Hello, big boy"  I said bending to his level.
"Congratulations. I knew you would win so I brought this for you." He said forwarding me the chocolate
"Thankyou so much, We'll share it and eat afterwards" I told him and he nodded 
"You look beautiful" He said kissing my cheek and ran away to stand besides Abhishek and I chuckled .

Abhishek then came towards me "Congratulations Avneet." He said and I thanked him when his phone rang
"Oh! It's my mother I'll just tell her the news."  He said  winking and answered the call.

While I turned to go when I bumped into someone. 
"Congratulations! Iam so happy for you, you deserved it." Siddharth said engulfing me in a hug, and I smiled taking in the familiar scent. "Thankyou so much!" 

"Now, I want to talk to you" He said and I felt my face drop.
"Well about earlier, you know h-" but once again he was interrupted 
"Avneet" Jai called as he approached us
"Oh! " He said as he looked at the two of us
"We'll talk about this later" He said basically to Siddharth who gave him a curt nod.
"Neet you come with me." He said and pulled me with him.


Siddharth's pov:
Why the hell is no one letting me complete , what I have to say.
After Jai took Avneet Dada approached me with a smirk on his face while Ayush's face turned into a scowl as soon as he saw me. 
"Maa" Dada said as he handed me his phone. And with the smirk i knew he had briefed Maa about everything that happened. And I mean EVERYTHING.

"Hello-" , "geez, yeah maa." . "Yeah I'll" , "Ok Ok" , "Ok I gotta fo will talk to you later" I said as I hung up the call and handed the phone back to dada. Well my mother was way  more excited and wanted to know the 'details' 
Which I didn't provide ofcourse.

After this we gave a number of interviews , and if you are thinking then no , no one knows about what happened inside.

We were all staying in a hotel. As it was late. 
I never really got a chance to speak with Avneet. Iam thinking I can just go and tell her that now she will be in her room.

Changing my clothes I went towards her room and knocked , she opened the door.
"Oh! Siddharth, I thought it was Naira." She said 
"Em Avneet , I never got to complete what I had to tell you. " I told and she nodded telling me to proceed.

"Actually I-"
But yet again someone pulled me back.
"We'll be right back" Kartik said as he dragged me away while Naira entered Avneet's room.

"Are you serious?" Kartik asked as the door of the room closed
"What?" I asked as he stood infront of me with his hands crossed.
"You are gonna ask her out like this. I mean in your nightwear infront of the door of her hotel room." and it clicked me he was right.

"I mean no girl would agree to go out with you if you ask like this" He said ,  they would he doesn't know my charm. But i get the point.
"She anyway said she would go out with me when pigs fly" I grumbled quoting her statement inside the house. And Kartik chuckled.

Okay I know what I have to do, Get ready Avneet tomorrow's gonna be a day you'll remember forever.


tadada Another update! 
how's it? Ik most of you might have guess what may happen in the next chapter.
Well I'll not say much.


Stay beautiful Stay kind
Love you all

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Published 30 September 2021

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