Chapter 42.

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~ "Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me"
                   -one direction
Avneet's pov:

I don't know for how long I've been sleeping, yesterday was hell of a long night. No not metamorphically I mean like literally.

I felt the sunlight peep through in between the curtains of the hotel room.
And I stretched my arms letting out a yawn.

Bob was lying besides me like always. But my bed was missing the certain someone with hazel eyes.
And I won't lie I missed waking up curled into him.

The fact that it has just been one night without him and I am feeling this way.

And thinking about him made all the events from last night rush back inside my mind , and I felt my face heat up.

But also the sinking feeling returned in my stomach.
Shaking my head I decided to freshen up and go for a tasty meal to clear my head.

I was about to head towards the washroom when I caught sight of some movement right outside my window, and being the curious person iam I went and drew the curtains to a side.

Only to reveal a pig or more of a very realistic looking pig plush toy , tied to a bunch of balloons floating outside my window.
And something told me it was for me.

Opening my window , I outstretched my arm to grab it which after a little struggle i might add i finally got hold off. And pulled it inside.

Untying the pig from the bunch of balloon I kept it on side while I tied the balloons to the door handle, not wanting them to fly around in the hotel room.

Averting my gaze back to the toy i noticed the little piece of parchment tied on its back.

Okay this looks interesting. I thought and untied it.

If found call the owner ~8754329807

I smiled and dialed the number.

"Hello" the voice from the other side said before I could , and I knew right away who it was.

"Hey" I replied trying to suppress the grin forming on my lips.

"I called you to inform I found your pig flying outside my window." I informed.
"But if I may ask why was your pig dangling outside my window with a bunch of balloons tied on it's back" 

"Actually it was for someone who had told me she'll go on a date with me only when pigs fly. So I had to make the poor creature fly." And I can literally feel him grinning on the other side.

"Oh! Well did she agree to go out with you then?" I asked chuckling
"Just a second I'll ask her and tell you"  He said and their was a knock on my door
I got up and unlocked it revealing the one and only Siddharth Nigam looking ravishingly handsome in his white T and jeans. 

"So, What do you think? Will you go out with me?" He asked and I nodded
"I would love to" I replied grinning and his face lit up "Just a sec" He said bringing his phone back to his ear while I did the same with mine

"she agreed" He said excitedly and I chuckled 
"Congratulations, she's really lucky you know" I said and he looked at me.
"Na, Iam luckier" He replied the charming smile never leaving his face.

"In an hour. Wear something comfortable we have a lot to do. " He said and I nodded
"See you then" He added
"Yeah, see you." I murmured as he left softly closing the door. While I stood their frozen phone still in my hand. "In an hour" I mumbled to myself 
"Shit, I just have an hour" I realized as I bolted inside the washroom.


An hour later

I was ready in my casual clothes, as Siddharth had said. And waiting in the hotel lobby. When i saw him coming. 
"Hey!" He said as he came and stood besides me
"You're late" I pointed out
"Yeah Iam sorry, I went to take this" He said pulling out a pair of black masks and shades 
"Why this?" I asked confused
"You really think , we can sneak out easily when their are so many paps waiting right outside this hotel" He said and I nodded , makes sense

"I've booked another car so that they don't follow us." He said and we both wore the shades and the mask. I feel like some undercover detective right now. I even pulled my hood over my head. 

And we sneaked out, sitting in the car as soon as possible and driving off.

"Where are we going?" I asked Siddharth for what seems like 100th time 
"You'll know" was all he replied like every other time.
Finally , after around 1 hr we reached our destination, and I plopped out of the car stretching my arms. The place looked peaceful their weren't many people around. Which was good it was peaceful. Spending months surrounded by cameras it felt a little good to be away from them for sometime.

"Come" Siddharth said taking my hand , while he closed my eyes with his other hand and I groaned.
"just a little more patience love" He whispered gently leading me and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

When he removed his hand from my eyes , I was in awe. Infront of me was a huge racing track.
"Go Kart?" I asked him shocked and he nodded. 
"You once mentioned it in your journal, that you always wanted to come here. So I thought why not?" He said and I jumped on him in excitement.

"Thankyou thankyou soo much Siddharth" I said hugging him and he chuckled. 
"Your welcome, now let's go" He said grabbing my hand again and that tinging sensation returned, ugh! Stupid butterflies.

"Here" Siddharth said as he handed me the helmet.

"Let's go looser" I said and he scoffed
"We'll see who's the looser" He said as we both sat in our own car. And the race began.

It was a lot more fun than I'd anticipated . Though Siddharth won the first two rounds while I won the last.
Which Iam sure he lost intentionally. 

"It was so fun" I said as we sat back in our car.
"Glad you liked it. Now to the next stop." He said starting the car.

I was excited afterall the day had just begun.


Tadada Another chapter, How was it? 
Hope you all enjoyed it. Well the day had just begun. Let's see what next Siddharth have in plate for Avneet.

Also if any of you don't know what go kart is :


Stay Beautiful Stay kind
Love you all

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Published on 2 October 2021

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