Chapter 48.

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"She'd laughed, and if he could have bottled the sound and got drunk on it every night, he would have. It terrified him."
-Kaz Brekker

Siddharth's pov:

Shimla, Iam here finally. Yesterday after Avneet said she'll stay their for another day, damn my heart sank. I really miss her. I know she thought I was just joking around when I said I'll come. But I wasn't. One of the reason being Iam an extremely jealous and protective person when it comes to her, looking at the fact that she already have so many men mad for her. And that to of all ages , I mean my 7 year old brother being one of them. That little human hasn't spoken to me since the finale night. 

Anyways what I meant was, she obviously doesn't knows how to ice skate as how she said she always wanted to try  it. And Dane ofcourse knows how to , as he seemed too keen to take her their. And I don't want his hands near her.

Also I want to be with her for her first ice skating experience. Okay I sound like a father right now.
Don't get me wrong, I know he does not have any bad intentions but it is quite evident he like or hopefully liked her. So I just don't like when he's near her, even though  I trust Avneet more than my life.

It was still quite early in the morning. I just reached  the hotel they are staying in. 
"In which room is Avneet Kaur staying?" I asked on the reception. And the lady without looking up said "Sorry sir we can't give away our guests details" She said 
"Excuse me ma'am" I said again and she looked up, and I lowered my mask and she gasped.
Iam pretty famous ;)

"Oh my god, Siddharth Nigam. Iam so sorry sir" She said
"No need to be sorry, you are just doing our job" I said and then she told me Avneet's room number, and also gave the spare card key as I said I wanted to surprise her.
Though I won't deny , giving away spare keys without taking the permission of the room owner is not fine at all. What if it was someone else, she doesn't wanna meet or something like that. I'll make sure I talk about it with the manager. Though right now it worked in my favor.

I sneakily entered Avneet's room. And she was fast asleep snuggling into bob, no shock their. Removing my shoes and jacket I went and lied down besides her, her nose and cheeks were  tinted red due to the cold, which only made her look more attractive. Damn! I sound like a creep right now.

I felt her shuffle besides me and then she opened her eyes a tad bit. As she saw me she smiled and then snuggled closer . Okay that wasn't the expression I was expecting. 

I stared at her for a second or two and then realization hit her. She suddenly jerked her head away and looked at me again, her eyes wide this time. And she screamed. Yeah Screamed.

"Oh my god" She gasped jumping
"You really cameee" she added as she jumped on me and I chuckled wrapping my arms around her to keep her steady.

"Avneet?" Dane's voice came as he knocked on the door
"Everything's fine?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. Avneet jumped off me and then went to open the door.

"You fine? I heard some commotion" I heard him say
"Yeah, Iam fine don't worry" Avneet replied chuckling
"What happened though? Why were you screaming?" He asked and I stepped forward
"Nothing much, she just became too excited after seeing her boyfriend"  I said wrapping my arms protectively over her petite frame.

"Oh" Was all Dane said "You are here" He added after a pause
"Yep, In flesh" I replied smirking and he just nodded his head . 
"okay then get ready you two. We'll be leaving around 10" He said and left.


"Let's go, let's go, let's go!!" Avneet chimed as she jumped on her spot.
"Yeah, just a second" I said as I quickly tied my shoes. 
"Come on." I said as I got up and we both left closing the room behind. 

Dane was standing in the lobby using his phone when he noticed us.
"I've booked a cab, it'll be here any time" He informed us and we nodded.
"Iam so excited" Avneet said and I chuckled
"Yeah, I can see that" I replied .

"The cab's here" Dane said suddenly jerking me out of my thoughts. Damn! I keep forgetting he's here too. Avneet swiftly ran towards the car and sat on the back seat and before I could, so did Dane. Huh! What is his problem.

I too went and opened the the back door , and sat on the other side of Avneet. The driver gave us a weird look and started the car. After a minute or two of silence Avneet spoke.

"You two do realize that, you both are kinda huge. And Iam literally squished in between right now." Avneet said as she wiggled trying to make space for herself. 

"Can't one of you sit on the front seat." She wined and when none of us showed any sign of movement she huffed, "ok then" She said
"Sir would you please pull over for a minute" She asked the driver and he nodded pulling over to a side.

She then got up a little and then from the gap between the two seats she managed to reach the front seat. And actioned the driver to start the car again. While I gaped at her , wow! That kind of backfired. I then shot Dane a glare before huffing and leaning back in my seat.

"Call me when you want, call me when you need, Call me in the morning, I'll be on the way
Call me when you want, call me when you need. Call me out by your name, I'll be on the way"

My phone rang Uh! Blake, he had kept this as his ringtone on my phone, by blackmailing me that he'll leak some drunk picture he has of me. So I had to agree. I pulled out my phone and everyone gave me weird look. 

 Embarrassed I quickly answered the call and and kept it on my ear, "Yeah?"

"It's a video call you idiot" Blake shouted from the other side and I checked the phone again.

"Where's little V? Give her the phone." Was the first thing he said once I brought the phone infront of my face , wow not even a hi for me. 

"Hi to you too, you dog" I said rolling my eyes

Avneet who had turned around swiftly as soon as she heard Blake's voice chuckled at this.
"And call on her phone if you wanna talk to her" I added and was about to hang the call when she made a protesting sound.

"We did ofcourse, she wasn't answering" Noah said piping in 
"Ohh!! I just checked my phone was on silent" Avneet said and finally managed to snatch the phone from me, and then sat back at her place. 
Iam sure the driver would be wanting to throw out of his car right now.

I didn't paid much attention to what they were talking, until

"Wait a second, you are sitting on the front seat?" I heard Noah asked catching my attention.

"Oh! Don't get me started" Avneet said and then secretly tilted the camera to our side , which I pretended not to notice . 

"It looks like they both are on a date and you are third wheeling" Blake said laughing and I mentally gagged.
"Tell me about it" Avneet said and a chuckle escaped her mouth. 
"Okay enough, you three do realize Iam sitting right here and can listen everything you are saying." I said popping my head from behind Avneet's seat.  

"First of all Iam straight, and even if I wasn't I wouldn't have gone on a date with......... that" I said referring to Dane.
"Oh yeah as if I would have" He shot back and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh come on Siddy boi, I know how bad you want to go on a date with me. You don't have to give such indirect signals" Blake said wiggling her eyebrows and Avneet burst out laughing while Noah smacked Blake on his head but laughed anyways.

"fuck off, idiots" I said as I hung up the call.

Making Avneet laugh louder. I can't even pretend to be angry from her.

What are you doing to me  Cookie Monster.


That's all for this chapter. Do vote and comment. Hope you liked it.

Also the above quote ahhhh!! I was more in love with Inej and Kaz when I read it. It is from Crooked Kingdom the next part of six of crows.Gosh! Iam so in love with all the pairs in the book specially Kanej.
Ok I'll stop now I know non of you would understand what Iam rambling about.

Also if you don't know it's
Timothee chalamet on my pfp 🙈🙈 , so obsessed with him recently 
Another one of my many crushes (One direction, Louis Partridge , Rohit Saraf, Noah Schnapp) 

Do tell how did you find the chapter. Tbh I pretty much enjoyed writing this one lol! I love BLAKE hahahaha.

Goals: 100 votes 100 comments 

Published on 28 October 2021

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