Chapter 49.

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"The people who truly care about you, won't have to tell you they care. They'll show you."

Avneet's pov:

We are back to Mumbai now. And I can't even begin to describe how much fun we had while ice skating. It really was one of the best things I've tried in my life. Though not to forget if not for Siddharth and Dane I would've broken my bones.

I was having a free day today, we'll start shooting for mine and Siddharth's mv tomorrow. Though it will just be a quick two day shoot, as Siddharth has further projects pending. 

Also for some work Jai was going back to his university today. And I was sad. After those two years of being locked up , something about staying alone for long doesn't feel right. It's just some weird feeling. But I'll have to overcome this too, right? 

Besides I've troubled everyone quite enough I don't want to bother them more, I mean I'll manage.
"You sure you'll be fine?" Jai asked as he dragged his suitcase out.
"Yeah Jai, I will be fine. And you sure you don't want me to come to see you off at the airport?" I said and he nodded.

"Yeah their is no need of it"
"Also Neet Iam warning you take care of yourself don't you dare skip your meals, and please take your medicines on time. And also don't overburden yourself, sleep on time and-"

"Yeah Yeah I know mother, I will take care of myself." I said waving my hand in air cutting him in between.
"Avneet, please this is not a joke." He said catching my hand and staring at me intently. 
"Yeah yeah brother dear, don't worry" I said and he kissed my forehead 
"I'll miss you, bye" He said entering the elevator.
"I'll miss you too, love you byeee" I said as the elevator door closed and I went back inside the apartment. I slumped on the couch snuggling into my blanket, as I turned the television on. Okay time for some snacks.

Around 2 hours 50 minutes later I was lying on the couch my feet dangling , packets of lays scattered on the table. Almost towards the end of one of my all time favorite book ,
'The Fault in out Stars' I couldn't find anything interesting to watch on television so I ended up fetching this from the pile of my books. 

And Iam not ashamed to say, this book always gets me no matter how many times I've read it. I was in tears as the book approaches the end. I always relate to this book I can understand why Hazel was so scared of getting close to people. I sometimes feel the same, am I being selfish? What if someday something happens to me? What about those people then? But maybe they'll forget me and move on. And as selfish as I may sound that thought hurts.

Suddenly the sound of door unlocking made me jump, Okay this is not creepy at all. Wiping my face I pulled the blanket closer to my body, "Hell-o?" I croaked but no one answered. 
I picked the first thing I could get my hands on , a giant teddy bear. And held it infront of me as a shield. 

"What a dangerous weapon you have their, cookie monster" Said a sarcastic voice, voice of my boyfriend to be precise. 
"What are you doing here, You nearly scared me to death." I said taking a sigh of relief. 
"Came to check on you." He said shrugging
"And how did you get the keys" I asked raising my eyebrows
"Jai gave it to me" He said 
"Wow" I said bewildered I never though this day will come. 

"You could have called" I said rubbing my face to get rid of the tear marks.
"Then I wouldn't have caught you red handed- wait a second were you crying?" He asked suddenly becoming concerned and sitting besides me on the couch.

"No actua- " But before I could complete my sentence 4 people came hurdling in my living room.
"Crying? What happened?" Came the mixed voices of Naira, Kartik, Blake and Noah. 
"Damn! All of you came to check on me together?" I asked chuckling but no one really payed much attention to it. 

"Why are you crying? Are you missing Jai? Shall I call him?" Kartik said taking out his phone.
"But I don't think he would've landed yet" Naira added hastily 
"No guys Iam not missing him, I just - 

But again before I could complete Blake interrupted 

"Awh you were missing me Little V , Come here come here" He said pulling me in a hug and I chuckled , while Noah and Siddharth slapped back of his head . 

"No but seriously what happened Avneet?" Noah asked 
"Nothing happened guys, I was just reading this" I said waving my book infront of them and all of their faces and they gave me a blank stare.

"What don't tell me you've never read fault in our stars" I asked bewildered and all of them except Noah shook their heads sheepishly.
"Heard about it, but never got to watch the movie." Kartik said while the rest 3 nodded

"Yeah and reading is surely not my cup of black coffee." Blake said while this time everyone gave him a blank look.
"What? I only drink black coffee, you see these guns. They aren't easy to build. You have to work and eat hard. " He said flexing his muscles and I chuckled.

"But you were literally crying over a book?" Siddharth asked mortified while the rest mirrored his expression.

"I will side with Avneet on this one. I know how it feels." Noah said patting my shoulder sympathetically 
"Seee..... finally someone understood my pain." I said stretching the first word

"So Noah you too like to read.?" I asked excitedly and he nodded and we indulged in this long conversation about various novels we've read. And then recommending each other some we should try. 

"You know you can come at my place, and take whichever book you feel like. I have quite some at my place." He said 
"Yeah sometimes I wonder ,if he lives in a house or a library" Blake commented 
"What else can you expect from a nerd" Siddharth added teasingly making Noah frown.

"Oh shut up you both." I said defending him
"But maybe you can help me set up my bookshelf. Not now once we shift to our house. Because Jai ofcourse won't come near my books 'it makes him feel sick' as he say. And  I don't think any of them would be of any help too." I said turning back to Noah
"Sure, Sure" He said nodding eagerly.

"Ok deal then" I said giving him a high five.

"Ok now if your nerdy chit chat is done" Siddharth began
"Avneet pack your bags" he added and I gave him an addled expression. 
"What?" I asked raising my eyebrow

"You are shifting at my place" He said and my eyes popped out of their sockets
"What? why? " I asked quite taken aback.
"Because Iam not letting you stay here alone" he replied 

"Whyyyyy??????? I can take care of myself, Iam not a kid" I protested 
"Oh yeah, I can see that pretty well" he snorted examining the place
"Did you take your medicine?" He asked and I mentally slapped myself, I didn't. Shit!
"Uh uh ye-ah" I answered 
"Well you are a pretty bad liar love. So now pack your bag we are leaving" He said 

"Jai won't agree" I said suddenly coming up with an excuse, ah! Iam proud of this one.
"Why won't he, when he's the one who asked me to check on you, and and he agreed to take you with me if you're being careless about your health" Siddharth replied smirking.

"But what will everyone think I me-an, your parents will they be fine" I added hesitantly well this is awkward
"Oh you don't worry about them, first of all I live alone if you forgot. And secondly Iam sure my mother will temporarily shift at my place if she got to know you're coming." He added 

"No more argument now get your stuff." He said and I agreed reluctantly heading to my room while Naira followed me to help. 

"Holy shit" Naira gasped as she scanned my 2 cartons of books lying in the corner of the room. 
"You really have lots of books" She said
"Well these are just the few I like, rest are at the house itself this apartment wasn't big enough for so much stuff" I said and she nodded horrified. 

"Okay then let's pack your clothes first" Naira said opening my wardrobe 
"What do you want to keep?" She asked and I got up and stuffed all my loose sweatshirts and t-shirts in it . 
"Come on Avneet you are an actress atleast keep some glam clothes." Naira protested
"What's the need? I mean they give you their own clothes for shooting anyway. And if by any chance I need something I can always come and take." I said shrugging. 

I gently packed some of my books too. 

"We are good to go" I said and Siddharth nodded picking up my bag and we all headed out of the apartment . 


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A very Happy Diwali to all.!

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Published on 4 November 2021


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