Chapter 50.

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"Brown eyes are just brown eyes, until you love someone with brown eyes"

Siddharth's pov:

"Avneet you should sleep now." I said as I entered her room, she was wrapped in the blanket her glasses on, and was reading.
"Yeah yeah I will" She said not lifting her eyes off the book.
"We have shoot tomorrow you will be exhausted if you don't sleep on time." I reasoned and she  nodded "hmm" I rolled my eyes.

I went and turned the lights off. "WHAT THE HELL" She screamed and even in the dark, I swear I could see her hot glare on me.
"It was such a crucial moment, the secret was about to reveal. Why would you do that." She said

"You need to sleep" I replied in a bland tone and she huffed irritated.
"Ok I will. Now you go" She said now in a calm tone and I nodded, well that wasn't as tough as Jai said it would be.

I closed the door behind me  and headed towards my room. 
Oh shoot ! I forgot to tell her about the change in shoot timings. I quickly went back towards her room, hope she's not asleep yet and if she is , I'll wake her and inform her in the morning itself.

I carefully opened the door, trying not to make any sound at all. And my eyes widened at what I saw Avneet was sitting under the blanket, and their was light coming from underneath. 

I went towards her bed and removed the blanket from over her, the girl was literally sitting with the freaking side lamp under her blanket and was still reading the book. Ok I was quick to judge Jai was definitely right.

As soon as she realized she's caught , she gave me a nervous smile and closed the book.
"It was a really interesting part" She defended herself before I could say anything and I sighed.

"Come" I said and took the book from her , and removed her glasses keeping them safely in it's case. Then made her lay down tucking her in the comforter.

"I promise I'll sleep now" She said in a solemn voice.

"I don't trust you" I said in the same tone and flicked her nose, to which she pouted.
I then went and sat besides her on the bed.
"Sleep, I'll leave once you're asleep" I said and she gave a protesting expression but stopped looking at my stern one.

"Okay atleast get in the comforter , it's freezing" She said throwing the comforter on me. 
"Lay down, I won't bite" She said chuckling and I did as she said. 

I could feel her drowsing already, when she suddenly turned towards me, 
"Uh! I sought of sometimes get these nightmares. You can leave if you feel um uncomfortable." She said hesitantly and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Avneet, I know alright it's not the first time you are sleeping besides me , we shared a bed for 4 months remember? And trust me when I say this, I'll never leave you. Ever." I said looking at her intently and she nodded with a faint smile and closed her eyes again.

"Siddharth" She spoke again her eyes still closed 
"What if someday you ask me to leave?" She whispered 
"You said you won't leave me. But what if you told me to leave. What if you no longer want me in your life" She mumbled , what is up with her today?

"Avneet what is up with you today?" I asked confused and she just shrugged pulling the comforter closer.
"Okay so to answer your question, that day would never come my love. Because I speak what I want, and I'll never want you to leave me." I said leaning closer to her
"Now stop running this head of yours and sleep" I said gently hitting her head with mine.

"Goodnight!" I said kissing the tip of her nose
"night" She said and snuggled closer to me.
"You're warm" She mumbled and I chuckled wrapping my arms around her waist.

Avneet was asleep now, I could tell she's insecure. Which is quite normal looking at the type of childhood she had. Her father not accepting her and then her feeling like a burden on everyone. During Bigg Boss she told me once, how she feels because of her everything falls apart. 

I don't know how do I tell her that she's the most amazing girl I've ever met. And also the strongest. 

I will always protect you cookie monster.


We were shooting for our first music video together. I was loving the shoot so far. It was a romantic song, ofcourse. 

Everyone in the industry knows we're a couple. I mean it was quite obvious after I kissed her on the finale night. Fans are quite sure themselves , it's just that we haven't made it official but everyone already knows.

Ok so the advantage of everyone in the industry knowing is that we don't have to pretend. I mean I can literally kiss her infront of everyone and they won't have a problem. Hehe that's good. 

We were called for another shot, Avneet too came out of her vanity wearing this beautiful ball gown. We had a dance sequence, yeah again I don't know why do I have to dance everytime when I suck at it so much. But it was a ball dance so it was fine.

After few swings and turns, I dipped her and leaned closer "You dance pretty well" I told her according to the script.
"Not as good as you. You're pretty amazing must say" She replied
"CUT" The director yelled which Iam sure I missed because I was so lost in those beautiful eyes of hers.

Her deep chocolate eyes, just like the bark of a willow tree. Beautiful and comforting. No matter how hard I try I just can't look away from those captivating orbs.

"Siddharth" Avneet hissed and I noticed everyone was staring at us and Avneet's face was completely red.

"Uh! Ahm! Er- Iam sorry, I guess" I said running a hand through my hair quite embarrassed.
"Just got lost in the moment" I added and everyone on the set either 'awed' or chuckled.

"It's ok lover boy. You two can sit we'll have the next shot in 5 minutes" Our director Mr Kumar said. And we nodded. 

We were going to sit when Avneet hit me on my arm, "You are quite embarrassing at times, you know that" Avneet hissed and I chuckled at her expression.

"What can I do, when I have such a beautiful girlfriend turned co-actor ." I replied pecking her lips making her face heat up yet again. 
"Gosh! You are too cheesy" She mumbled and walked away making me laugh.
"Come on I know you love it." I said following her and I swear I saw her smiling. 

God, I am falling for this girl harder than I thought I ever could.


Tadadada Another update. How did you find it?
Do comment and give your reviews. 

Stay Beautiful Stay Kind
Love You All!!

Goals: 100 votes, 100 Comments

Published on 7 November 2021


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