Chapter 52.

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"Heart attacks are just from loving too much."

A/N- I want suggestion of you guys on something so please read and answer it at the end of the chapter.

PS: you can now even listen to the narration of the chapter. Just press the play button ;)

Siddharth's pov:

It's been around a weeks since Avneet is staying at my place. Jai received a job in some really great company their itself , and he'll have to work there for at least 3-4 months before he can ask for a transfer to it's Indian branch. He was reluctant in doing that job , but Avneet convinced him telling it is a great opportunity. So that means, Avneet will be staying here for quite a lot of time or  at least that was what I thought. 

She said that their house will most probably be ready 5 to 8  days now and she'll shift their.
Of course I tried to convince her to stay with me but she didn't agree. She even promised Jai and me that she'll take care of herself. 

I'm on my way back right now, Avneet would be home by now her shoot was till 5 today and it's 7 right now.

Parking my car in the garage , I entered the passcode of the door and entered the house. Only to find Avneet in the living room and Monster's, inc. playing on the television while a kid around 4-5 years was sitting besides her.

"Looks like we have company today." I said approaching the duo.
"Oh you are back." Avneet said cheerfully kissing my cheek and I chuckled.
"And who is this?" I asked looking at the kid, who was now looking at me with a sour expression. Now what is up with him.

"Oh he's Aarav, he'd recently shifted in your neighborhood." Avneet explained. 
"Actually his mother had to go out for some urgent work , so she asked if I could look after him for some hours. And I was bored anyways so I agreed." She added 

"And Aarav here and I have already bonded quite well, isn't it?" She said smiling at the little kid who turned his gaze towards her, his expressions doing a complete 360 turn and becoming the most delighted one and nodded. Okay another kid who hates me because they have a crush on my girlfriend, gosh!

"Uh! Siddharth will you please look after him for a minute, i'll just be back." Avneet said and I nodded.
"Who are you?" Aarav asked as soon as Avneet left his expression turning sour again.
"Siddharth, Avneet's boyfriend." I replied Okay why did I even added the last part.

"Huh! What did she see in you." He said, ouch that was harsh. I don't like this kid very much. Before I could reply he spoke again. 

"Why do you have drawings all over your arm?" He asked 
"Those are my tattoos." I replied 
"Why do you have them?" He asked 
"Because I like them." I replied shrugging
"Don't people think it looks strange?" He asked making a weird expression
"I don't give a fuck what people think." I retorted and instantly regretted shit

"What is fuck?" He asked 
"Shit! Don't say fuck ." I added immediately Avneet will kill me if she heard him.
"Shit. Fuck. Shit-." He began chanting and I panicked 
"Shhh Shh pleasee." I said covering his mouth 

"What are you doing?" Avneet asked confused as she returned with two cups of coffee and a glass of juice. 
"Oh nothing." I replied instantly jumping away from the kid.
"Ah- uh! Avneet  I think Aarav is hungry, you should get him some snacks to eat" I added hastily jumping in front of her so she couldn't hear anything

"But he just had some snacks." She protested
"He's in his growing age, children of this age get hungry real quick ." I replied 
"Oh okay. " Avneet replied and handed me the tray heading back to the kitchen.

And I sighed. Phew! That was close.


Avneet's pov: 

We're going to Siddharth's place today for dinner. I'm quite nervous, I mean I'll be meeting  his parents for the first time and even his sister in law. Yeah! Abhishek's wife Vaishnavi , she's a director I've heard about her. They met first time when she was directing his music video , Abhishek was attracted on the first sight by the dedication she hold towards her work, and her good looks being the cherry on top. They became quite good friends during that shoot and stayed in contact. After around a month or two of talking Abhishek finally asked her out. 

Now they've been married for around 6 months. Siddharth once told me their story and I feel it is a perfect script for a show. 

Noah and Blake will be joining us too, they are a part of the family and as Mr and Mrs Nigam have returned after quite a long trip , they are hosting dinner so that the family can catch up on what they've missed in each others life. It's pretty sweet how close their complete family is .

I was not wearing anything extra as it was just a family dinner and I didn't wanted to look overly dressed. But instead of my hoodies this time I chose to wear this cute striped sweater I recently bought with pair of blue jeans. Accompanied with my all time favorite white sneaker a double chained locket and my handbag. And voila I was done. I wasn't wearing any makeup just my favorite eyeliner paired with a nude lipstick leaving my hair open. 

"You ready?" Siddharth asked he was wearing his t shirt and a jacket on top cause it is cold.
I nodded heading out of my room. "yeah." I replied hesitantly my hand instantly reaching to grab my hoodie strings, which I realized didn't exist cause I was not wearing my hoodie.

Siddharth chuckled as he noticed my action ,
"No need to be nervous love , they all adore you already. And you have met Dada and Ayush. And Blake and Noah are also gonna be their, if it makes you feel better." Siddharth said and I nodded as we walked towards his car parked in the garage.

"Oh before I forget, you look gorgeous. Like always" He said smoothly winking at me.
Can't believe this is the same Siddharth who's first complement to me was , that he agrees with my designer  though I'm still not sure if it can be counted  as a compliment . 


Tadada that is it for this chapter. Do vote and comment hope you liked the chapter. Iam literally updating even though the goals on last two chapters are not complete yet. Which Iam disappointed about but never mind I can't do anything about that Iam tired of constantly begging you all to vote and comment.

And that cursing in front of the child part, I saw a clip on instagram it was from some movie I guess, and found it hilarious so I thought to add it here;)


Won't be posting chapters any time soon now. Not that the goals are even complete. And I don't feel like writing now days.

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Published on 16 november 2021

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