Chapter 53.

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A/N : As almost all of you wanted see Shivay and Annika as Mr and Mrs Nigam . So I've selected them to play the part. 
Ps: Please don't miss the author's note in the end 

"Don't trust everything you see, even salt looks like sugar."

Siddharth's pov:

I knew their was nothing for Avneet to be nervous about. They all adored her already. We were right now sitting in the living room, it was still some time for dinner. She was sitting between Vaishnavi and Maa, to which Blake threw a fit telling he wanted to sit with her. But ofcourse you can't win from the lady boss of our house.
Though I should be the one she's sitting with. She's MY girlfriend for heaven's sake.

Ayush was sitting on her lap , that little demon didn't even acknowledge my presence. Atleast all others did that much and then went on to ignore me. 
"Oh my god! Avneet you are too adorable." Maa cooed 
"Siddharth how did you even manage to make her like you." Dad added and I rolled my eyes , though he was right. I myself think about it sometime. 

"I know right! I mean at first I thought that she would reject his proposal. I even lost 2000 to Kartik because of this." Abhishek exasperated. 
"Wow! Thankyou  for trusting me so much guy." I replied sarcastically. 

"No-o I mean , It's not like that. Siddharth, he's really nice . Infact everything he has done for me, I feel really lucky to have someone like him. " Avneet said locking her eyes with mine. And my heart melted.

Fuck did I just say that? Gosh I feel like a teenage girl.

"Awwww..." Everyone sitting in the room said at the same time, and Avneet quickly looked down flushed, breaking our eye contact. While I? I was smiling like an idiot looking at my now red girl.

"That is the sweetest thing, I've heard someone say. Specially about Siddharth." Vaishnavi said.
"Siddharth Iam officially in love with your girlfriend." She added and hugged Avneet so very tightly , crushing Ayush in the process. 

While I couldn't wait any longer. I got up from my place , picked Ayush from over Avneet. Placing him on the empty chair, "hey!" He protested which I ofcourse ignored.

Next I picked Avneet up and made her sit on the couch I was sitting on. And then sat besides her, wrapping my arms around her.
"Perfect."  I breathed , now satisfied by the seating arrangement.
Ayush , Vaishnavi and Mom gave me an offended look. While Dad, Noah and Dada were looking at me with a funny expression . Avneet had her face buried in my chest, awh! she was embarrassed. While Blake opened his mouth to say something, but I beat him in that.

"No Blake, you are not coming here. Sit where you are." I said already knowing what he was about to say. And he grumbled. 

After a second or two, everyone in the room burst out laughing. Except Avneet who was still too flushed. And offended looking Blake and Ayush.


Avneet's pov:

"This was the most delicious meal I've had in a while." I said as we completed our dinner. And Anika aunty smiled at me. Soon enough, all the guys in the room started getting up, and I made a confused face. 
"Where are you all going?" I asked. 
"Well we have this tradition, that the desserts are prepared by the men of the house." Vaishnavi explained.
"Wow! So what do we have in dessert?" I asked excitedly.

"Well you'll see." Shivay uncle replied.
"Come on girls . Till the time they are preparing the dessert, let's sit in the living room." Anika aunty said . And all three of us left. 


We were in between some conversation, when my phone rang
"Potato head" I read in the name flashing on the screen.
"Hellooooo!!" I sang picking up the call.
"Took your medicine?" He said, straight away . Rude.

"Uh- Hehe ...Yeah?" I answered hesitantly.
"Stop lying , you idiot." I scolded.
"Ok sorry sorry, I'll take it." I said
"You better. Bye." He said and hung up the call. He's such a meanie. I pouted.

I noticed Aunty and Vaishnavi chuckling lightly, at my expression. The next second my phone beeped, indicating their was a notification. A message from Naira, ofcourse.
"Medicine." She had written. I groaned. How many more people are gonna remind me to take my medicine.
"Damn am I that careless?" I mumbled.

"Yes you are love. Here." Siddharth came, and handed me a glass of water, with my medicines.
I smiled at him sheepishly and thanked him. 

"You guys are too cute. Oh my god.!" Vaishnavi gushed making,  me blush. I don't know how many more times she's gonna say this.
"I really need something good to eat now." I said making a disgusting face, after gulping my medicines. 

"The dessert is here, ladies." Noah said as he entered carrying a trey with three plates in it. 
"Oh thankyou Noah, you are a life saver." I said picking up a dish and passing it to Aunty and  Vaishnavi , then taking one for myself.

"It looks kind of good." Aunty complimented. 
"It'll taste just as good." Uncle said approaching.
"Hopefully." Vaishnavi replied.

"Shall we eat now?" I asked desperately and everyone chuckled.
"Sure ! Sure." Anika  Aunty said.

I took the first bite of the delicious looking dessert , and my face scrunched in disgust.
What the hell is this? Isn't desserts supposed to be like, sweet?

I took a peek at Vaishnavi and she had the same expression.
"So how is it?" Abhishek asked . 
"Oh delicious , here have a bite." Aunty said winking at us both. 

"Here." I said holding a spoonful for Siddharth , and he raised his eyebrow at me.
"Why do I feel something's fishy? you never share your sweets. " He said.
"I was just being nice. " I said innocently. And he shrugged taking a bite. And then spitting it out just as quick. 

"What was that.?" He said making a disgusting face. I turned to see the rest 4 had the same expression.

"Well it was supposed to be the dessert." Vaishnavi pointed out.
"Which it surely wasn't." Blake added making a gagged expression.

"It would have , maybe if you added sugar instead of salt." I said. 
"Dad!" Siddharth complained.
"What? I didn't made the batter. Abhishek did." Shivay uncle defended pointing at Abhishek.
"Did you even taste it, like once?" Noah asked and Abhishek shook his head.

"Didn't you guys found anyone else to make such prominent part of a dish. I mean the only thing Abhi knows in the kitchen is to boil water. In electric kettle." Anika Aunty said. 
"I made noodles once." Abhishek huffed. 
"Yeah! Cup noodle." Vaishnavi said rolling her eyes and he pouted.

"I need something sweet now, my mouth tastes like pacific ocean." I said sticking my tongue out. 
"You know how pacific ocean tastes like?" Blake asked amused.
"I meant salty , you idiot." I said. And he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Gosh.

Well Hello?
*runs and hides behind the couch*
I know I know , I'm super duper late. But But I have an explanation. 
I had my boards which by the way ended on saturday itself. So I was off wattpad from quite some time. 

And now finally I'm back! Yay! 

Also like I was telling something BIG is coming up in the story. I decided to not bring it. I mean it's not necessary right, that always something tragic has to happen before the book ends. Which I've noticed ALWAYS happens in my books. 

Yep. I'm dramatic.

So few more chapters I guess before the book ends. I'm not THAT sad I would say. As this book is already a lot lot long than I'd decided . So I'm satisfied. 

Also if anyone was confused about the quote hope you all got your answer after reading the chapter . LOL! ;) 

Ok then Do
Stay beautiful Stay Kind
Love you All!

Goals: 100 votes

Published on 13 December 2021

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