Part 3 Abraham Ravenswood

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In the Ancient Reaper Days of Old, The world had to be divided between humanity and magic. Reapers, Dragons and other human like beings got the Reaper Realm where they retreated into to escape from the torment of humanity. Out in the Reaper's sea there was once a moving island that was home to several aquatic human like beings. The Cratchers, Stingers, Pipers, Heart Drummers, Matamortem, Coralbeasts and the dreaded Rinhas. Each one was unique, The Cratchers where masters of toxins. They had sharp pufferfish quills stick up on their head hidden amongst their hair, their very spit is toxic and glows. The Stingers are master's of being Assassins, having either jellyfish like tendril or a stingray's stinger in their wrist, retractable and deadly. Pipers having a strange ability to lure in prey simply by singing or whistling and puts their prey in a trance, their palms have sharp hooks that dig into their prey. Heart Drummers and their beards or mustaches of tentacles for males while females had only two tentacles hidden in their hair, having unusual chest cavities their heart is strong and taught like a drum on the inside of the chest there are four tentacles that will bang on their drum like heart to communicate to each other. Even stranger a Heart Drummer can have it's inner tentacles come out of it's chest through a special membrane, allowing the Heart Drummer to use the four tentacles like extra arms. Matamortem have deadly cells in their body that produces electrical shocks to immobilize their prey. The Coralbeast is unusual, having skin like an everyday human but on the inside it's bones are very much like branches of coral only stronger like steal. The Rinhas have sharp serrated teeth like piranhas and gills on their necks. Their patron God was Seadric, Father of Dragons and Spirit of the Sea. His Upper half was Human like, but below the hips was a serpent body with strange fan like fins at the end of the tail.

During the Iron age of the moving island, a family began to cross breed, resulting in one child in each generation. First a Cratcher with a Stinger, producing a hybrid son that would hybridize with a Piper. Producing another hybrid that met a Heart Drummer producing a hybrid that met a Coralbeast,  producing a hybrid that met a Matamortem who then found a Rinhas which brought another Hybrid. Unlike the previous Hybrids, this one was female. Her name was Arya Ravenswood, when she turned 20 it was time for her to prove herself to her family and her culture. She set sail in the open ocean, she found herself in a storm. Right when she was ready to accept death, Seadric rises from the water and brings the storms to a halt. He shrinks down to her size and slithers aboard her ship, his scales rustled as they moved against the wood. His golden and green eyes looked her from head to toe, perplexed by this unusual creature. But when Their eyes locked they fell in love. Seadric retreated back into the sea the next morning, When Arya returned to her home she returned pregnant. Carrying a Demigod within her, when the child was born a storm broke out above the entire island. He looked like most of the population, human like except for the quills on his head and the slight little jolts of electricity he had in his palms. When he opened his eyes for the first time, it was shown that he had a rare disease that can happen to anyone of the human like beings on the island. He had Sea Devil eyes, where his irises where blood red. When he got older he found that his sharp hooks on his palms come out, he could control his spikes, however he learned that he had two spikes in each wrist along with two tendrils. His teeth developed into sharp triangles like a Piranhas, he could drum his heart like his ancestors. His name was Abraham Ravenswood, the Mortal Demigod of Mischief. He caused many jokes amongst his home, no one dared to mess with him due to how his father is of those who harm his young.

When he was of age, he crafted his ship, and set sail to meet his father and his other brothers if they are there. He found himself above the center of a sunken Volcano with a temple inside, he dove down into the temple. When he touched the ground, he found himself looking at the faces of his brothers, Wavechurner the Sea beast of the waves, Lakechurner the beast of the lake and churner of the lake's waves, Flagstone the mortal flag pirate, Pine Oakson the mortal pirate of the ship, Cra the Cratcher creator, Ray the creator of the Stingers, Peter the creator of the Pipers, Carddruma the creator of the Heart Drummers, Mor the Creator of the Matamortem and Ren the creator of the Rinhas. behind his brothers was his father Seadric, in his right hand was a axe while in his left hand was a quiver of arrows and on his back his bow. "Come to me my son, and gain your power of the sea." said Seadric. Abraham stood there and walked forward. The eldest sons, Wavechurner & Lakechurner presented to Abraham a treasure chest. "Open and you will be complete." says Seadric. Abraham opens the treasure chest revealing a long black sword, and named it Kraken's beak. He gained the power of the Unknown depths, and became Abraham Ravenswood the Mortal trickster of the Sea and the murky depths. He bowed to his father and brothers and returned back to his home.

Upon his voyage back, he found that he could control the creatures of the darkest depths. A Kraken followed him, like it was his own dog. Abraham was skilled and strong, fought in wars and lived. When he crossed worlds he found a woman stranded at sea, a human woman. Badly injured he took her back to his world and healed her name was Mara, when she opened her eyes she smiled for she has seen this scene constantly in her dreams. "I found you Abraham..." says Mara as she fell asleep, when she awoke she found herself in a hammock, Abraham was watching over her. "Who are you and how do you know my name?" he asked her. "I am Mara, and I have seen you in my dreams ever since we where kids.  our futures are hazy, but I know we where meant to meet." she told him. Over time they developed a bond that grew into love for eachother, soon they married, and had one son, named Haru Ravenswood. Abraham taught his son how to sail at the age of 7, later on Abraham died due to a harpoon getting lodged though his heart, But when he died he gave his sword to his son alas Abraham will never taste the afterlife for he is cursed.

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