The Four: Xerkeras the Spider King, the Bane of the Dunes

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Long ago in the World of the Reapers and Humans, there was an island of spider people known as Arachneros. Arachneros was a large island, a majority of it was a barren Desert which was home to the Scaraberi and the Scorpera both a nomadic humanish race. The Scaraberi walked like humans and spoke like them except for the fact they had slight mandibles of scarabs and could speak to their scarab pets, the Scorpera or Scorpion Men where less human like having the upperhalf of men or women but having the lower half of a scorpion with a single deadly stinger and sharp pincers to grab hold of their enemies to tear them limb from limb while impaling them with their stinger. The Arachnneri are the prime race that lives on the island, inhabiting the city covered in webs. Men and women with the lower halves of spiders  go about their daily lives feasting on normal food as we would. The Arachnneri live by the control of a King and a Queen, and there has been only one royal family that took that position when the species was first created the family known as Weaver. That was until one generation twin daughters where born, the first was named Silk while the second was named Yang. Silk was very pale born with black hair and a black spider's body, while her sister was 'perfect' tanned skin and dark hair with a black spider's body. Yang was given everything she ever wanted, while Silk was considered the black sheep or the white crow of her family. On her 22nd birthday, she left her home and went to the desert to find something better. Indeed she did find something better, his name was Cyrus and he was the unnatural offspring of a Scaraberi and a Scorpera. His lower half being Scorpion with a sharp stinger and his mouth had barely visible mandibles of a Scarab. Cyrus approached Silk slowly, never has he ever seen an Arachnneri so beautiful as her. Silk was slightly frightened of him, yet she couldn't help but raise her human hand and reach out to touch him Cyrus followed her movement. At first touch they felt complete, Cyrus took her back to his home a buried stone made house underground in the sands. He gave her water that dripped down from the mornings dew in a shell, Silk drank quietly and thanked him. He treated her like a goddess each and every day, soon they where wedded on the 88th night. Silk then received word that her sister was to inherit the throne through marriage of a healthy Arachnneri, both feeling anger went to the wedding. Silk knew the throne was rightfully hers and hers alone, when the wedding ended Silk and Cyrus came together to create their offspring to take the throne back. Within days Silk's pregnancy became painful and painful by every second and every minute, until she was due. Their child was pale at first his skin darkened to a tan his Scorpion tail rises as his pincers open wide and then close the mandibles on his mouth are sharper and more pronounced than his father's. They named their son Xerkeras Serak, he grew quicker and stronger with each passing day. He had control of the sands, the scarabs, the scorpions, the spiders and his own creation combining the three calling them Death Scarabs for their stings and bites where more painful than anything ever experienced and you would wish you where dead. 

In the Summer King Neros  and Queen Yang where enjoying the day in the palace of webs, until a sandstorm swept in from nowhere followed by armies of Death Scarabs came into the palace with evil eyes. Xerkeras entered from above, "Auntie, you know you should never mess with the true heir." was what Xerkeras said as he brought his tail straight through his Aunt's heart and his Uncle's heart as well, tearing them to shreds for the vultures. He roared with victory and took the crown and placed it on his own head. He went up to the highest part of the Palace of Webs and yelled to the people. "I AM YOUR KING, I AM KING OF THE SPIDERS, THE BANE OF THE DUNES, I AM THE HEIR TO THE THRONE, I AM XERKERAS SERAK!!!!!!" With that the sand rises creating a sandstorm so large that is would make any other sandstorm nothing more than a tiny dust cloud. He brought war to the people of Arachneros, he fought against whatever came to colonize on the island, normally the Arachnneri would befriend them and give them food and water and tell them to go to the other islands instead of theirs. He then introduced them to the unusual feast of what would come to the island, instead of hospitality they feasted on the blood of those who never set foot onto the island. He brought in the Scaraberi and the Scorpera people into the urban areas and out of the hostile desert that caused them pain and strife. He had followers amongst each, however there where those who hated their new king. They lead a rebellion against Xerkeras, during the Blood Moon was when Xerkeras would remain in his palace. A servant girl often went in to feed Xerkeras, but little did Xerkeras know that this girl was the rebellion. She seduced him to enjoy the wine made from the grapes of the island and the blood of those who came to the island, the wine was strong and put him to sleep. The guards guarding the room outside where in on it as well, with the help of the servant girl they wrapped Xerkeras in special silks for the mummification process. They wrapped this silken cloth with black runes around it around him, tighter and tighter till he woke up and struggled his roars where muffled. His Death Scarabs could not answer his call nor could the sands of the desert, the servant girl stood infront of him and said "You shall bother my people no more, too long have we bore the pain and suffering of your reign. Xerkeras I banish you from Arachneros to the prison of ice!" with that the guards tossed Xerkeras into a sarcophagus filled with oil and then lit on flames followed by scarabs that the Scaraberi people could not control, eating him flesh and skin till his bones and silken cloth remain. The lid was closed and locked with Xerkeras' own emblem his muffled screams where through the night till morning, when a ship of Reapers entered the cove greeted by the Servant girl. "Take him to the Prison of Ice." she said to the captain, the captain bows "As you wish Queen Lily Reclusa." The Sarcophagus was loaded onto the ship, before the ship left a sandstorm rises to the sky and his voice rings throughout the air. "I WILL RETURN, I AM THE BANE OF THE DUNES, I AM YOUR WORST NIGHTMARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" with that the shrilling screeches of Death Scarabs filled the air and flew to somewhere else while Xerkeras was taken to the Artic. The reapers carried the Sarcophagus onto the ice, their black clothing flapping in the wind while their weapons where either strapped onto their back or on their sides. The Captain leading the reapers stops and grabs his sword with a ice colored blade. "Open the gate." He stabs the ground and twists the blade, a silver glow comes from under the ice as in front of them the ice lowers down like a drawbridge the terrain changing for walking down it. The Captain lifts his blade from the ground and goes down into the ice, the crew members follow him into the ice. Under the ice is mazes of blue halls with metal and stone floors, torches on the walls giving some light to where they are going. They stop in a room, the captain creates an alcove into the wall using a hellish flame while his crew waits to push the sarcophagus into the alcove. With five pushes they manage to get the Sarcophagus into the alcove, with all of the Reapers together they create a glyph with their palm that makes the water climb back into place this time surrounding the sarcophagus and holding Xerkeras Prisoner forever. The Reapers then exit the room as the captain seals the now frozen over Sarcophagus with a seal that resembles Xerkeras' emblem, once finished he leaves as well.

The Reapers return to the surface, the Captain closes off the prison and retreats back to the ship with his crew. In his captain's cabin in the ship he creates a secondary seal, this one made of clay bearing the mark of Xerkeras. He and his crew carefully transport it to the Great Library of Alexandria in Alexandria Egypt where it will never be touched again, for if that seal breaks Xerkeras will be freed and bring his revenge.

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