Chapter 11 +AN

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((Graces pov))
I helped Kaity, pack somethings to bring to my house. I went to the bathroom, and when I walked out I saw Kaity packing her white board with a couple markers
"Wait.... What are you doing!? I thought you were going un mute" I asked.
I'm not ready I don't think.
Kaity scribbled down. I smirked.
"Okay....... Talk when you feel like it. I'm not gonna rush you" I told her.
It was like four in the morning. We decided to leave early do her parents wouldn't stop us.
We snuck out the window of her room, so the floors wouldn't creek. Kaity threw her white board and marker down, put her bag on her shoulders, grabbing the branch of the tree.
Kaity pulled herself onto the branch, I did the same, Kaity pulling me onto the branch.
We climbed down the rest of the tree when he heard someone open the back door. "Where are little shit" Kaitys dad said, with a baseball bat in his hands.
We jumped back into the tree, Kaity covering both of our mouths.
"I will find you" her dad said, swinging the bat rapidly.
Kaity motioned me to follow her, and my face went pale as a ghost, as she went back up the tree a little more facing the other way from her dad.
I looked at her confused. When she jumped, landing on the ground motioning for me to hurry. I climbed to where Kaity was just at, and when I was about to jump, I slipped. Kaity caught me, causing me to blush.
"There you are" her dad said walking closer to us.
"Kaity!!! What do we do" I asked, putting her white board and marker in my bag.
Kaity picked me up bridal style, and started to sprint away.
"My house is that way" I said, pointing to the medium size house to the left of us.
"KAITY ELIZABETH......... GET YOUR FUCKING ASS BACK HERE" her dad screamed starting to run after us. Kaity put me down, shoving me into my house.
"Wait where are you going?" I asked, about to cry that Kaity wasn't inside with me.
"I love you." Kaity said, then cleared her throat. She dropped her bag at my feet. And took my face in her hands and pulled us in for a kiss.
"I'll be back!! I promise" Kaity told me, sprinting away as her dad got closer.
((Kaitys pov))
My dad started getting closer to Graces house. So I dropped my bag at Graces feet, and shoved Grace inside.
He started getting closer, so I started sprinting away. I had no energy left in me, but I kept on sprinting as fast as I could.
"GET YOUR FUCKING GOD DAMN ASS BACK OVER HERE!!!!" dad yelled after me, as he started to catch up to me.
Of course he's catching up.... He's like ten times faster than me.
We both stopped, gasping for air.
I looked up at him fear filling up in my eyes.
"Come back to your dad" he said, holding his arms wide open for me to hug.
"I won't go back into the arms of a drunk, abuser" I said, tears going down my face.
I started to look around for a way to get out of here back to Grace.
"Why not!? I would love if I got a hug from you" he said, taking a step closer.
"You don't love me. All you ever did to me my whole fucking child hood was beat me. You don't love me. You want me dead" I said, clenching my fist.
I finally found a way around him, but if I fucked up I would be screwed.
Before I took off running I just had to say this last thing.
" All I ever wanted were parents....... That would love me........and support my decisions" I said, starting to cry.
I started sprinting for a tree, and climbed up it. Then I jumped off as far as I could, to give myself a boost, away from my nightmare.
I started sprinting faster than ever before, back to Graces.
When I made it back to Graces, my face stained in tears. I banged on her door, Grace pulling me in for a hug.
She put my face in her hands.
"Are you okay!!!? What did he do to you!!? " she asked, wiping away all my tears that just kept coming.
I wrapped my arms around her, putting my face into her chest.
Grace played with my short brown hair, trying to calm me down.
Graces parents ran down the stairs, looking at us confused.
"What's going on here!?!" Graces mom asked. Walking towards us, looking at my red, puffy, tear stained face.
"I'm............... Safe..........for now" I managed to say through the tears.
"I'm glad you are okay." Grace said, wrapping her arms around my waist.
I'm safe for now. At least till they find a way to get me back.
AN: Okay so this story is now off On hold mostly because I've been board and I realized I'm better at writing when it's from the top of my head. So yea. I will try to update maybe later today, or now, or maybe tonight. But I can't really make any promises, about later today, since I'm at my cousins right now so yea. I might be able to do it tonight. I will try to get you the chapters you so desire.
Stay Strong

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