Chapter 10

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((Kaitys pov))
I silently got out of bed, my whole room dark. No light, what so ever.
I moved some of my hair out of my face, and slowly walked to my bathroom, turing the light on.
I closed the door trying not to make a sound. I sat on the floor, grabbing my blade.
I walked back out into my bedroom, standing by the bed, looking at Grace. Tears filling my eyes.
I took the blade and put it right above my vein on my wrist.
I looked back at the sleeping Grace, on my bed, more tears going down my face.
"I'm sorry" I said aloud, causing Grace to wake up and look at me with pure fear.
I slit my vein, dropping the blade, and started to fall onto the ground.
Grace caught me before I was on the floor completely.
I looked up at Grace, pure sadness, and fear in my eyes.
"I ............ I can' like this..........anymore" I said.
"Kaity!! Why!!? I want to help you!!? Let me help you!! Let me save you!!? I love you" Grace said, tears drenching her face.
"I..........l-love.......yo-" I started to say, before I was cut off by the pure blackness.
"KAITY!!!! PLEASE WAKE UP" I heard Grace yell, shaking me.
I looked up at her with confusion in my eyes.
"You were having a nightmare! You slept walk into your bathroom, and you got a blade out! But I stopped you. And I've been trying to wake you up for the past fifteen minutes" Grace said, relived that I was awake and alive.
"W-what are y-you talking about?" I stuttered.
"Nothing. As long as your alive. I'm right beside you" Grace said, wrapping an arm around me.
I sat there, rubbing the back of my head.
Grace and I finally got up, and went downstairs.
"So" Grace said, extending the 'O'.
"You hungry?" I asked walking into the kitchen. Grace nodded.
I made her some pancakes, and gave her a water bottle.
"You not eating?" Grace said, taking a sip of water.
"Not hungry" I replied.
"You say that everyday!" Grace said.
"I know but it's-" I started to say when I got cut off.
"No! Kaity....... Please eat!" Grace said, giving me sad eyes.
I looked at her and couldn't stand to see my only happiness sad.
" I guess......." I mumbled, stealing a bite from Graces fork.
"You know I love you" Grace said, taking her finger to make me look at her.
I shrugged.
"Hey. Listen. You need to get out of this fucking house. Come stay with me. My parents won't really mind. And when it gets to be too much to handle. I'll be right beside you. Just tell me. I want to help you" Grace said. I looked up at her and smiled.
I opened my mouth to say something, but then closed it again.
I have nothing important to say. Might as well keep everything inside my head. No one ever gives a shit about what I want to say anyways.

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