10/Winter Break

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School finally let out for winter break. We get two weeks off.

The squad decided we should all do something together. Me and Alex talked to Mr. Washington and he let us borrow a cabin that he owns.

"I'm so excited to go," Alex says as we pack our stuff in his car.

I put one of my bags in the car. "Me too."

"Two whole weeks with no adults." He closes the trunk of the car. "I can't wait."

I shake some of the snow from my hair. "Me neither."

I start to get in on the passenger side but Alex dives to open the door for me. "Wow thanks."

He gets in the car. "Did you pack a swimsuit?"

"Yeah, you said to, but I don't see why. It's the middle of winter."

"You'll see when we get there."

We finally make it after a two hour drive and it's just us. We get our stuff from the car and bring it inside. I follow Alex up the stairs to a room on the very end of the hallway.

"It's the biggest bedroom in the house."

I look around the room. There's a huge king size bed. I drop my bags and fall on the bed. "Oh. My. God. This is soooo comfortable."

I flip over on my back. "I could lay right here all day."

Alex smiles and walks over to me. I lean up and kiss him. He pushes me back down and puts his hands on either side of me and kisses me roughly.


We pull apart and see Maria standing in the doorway.

"Hate to interrupt the heated moment, but we're all here."

My face turns dark red. "We'll be right down."

Alex gets off of me. "Maybe next time we should close the door and lock it."

"You think?"

We go downstairs and see our friends. "Go choose your rooms. And by the way me and John have the last room upstairs."
Everyone goes upstairs to pick their rooms.

Lafayette and Hercules come back down first.

"Did you guys get the alcohol?" Alex asks them.

Herc laughs. "Why is that even a question? Of course we got it."

Later that night, Alex makes me change into my swimsuit. I step outside shivering and I wrap my towel around myself. He covers my eyes and leads me somewhere. "T-this better be g-good. I'm f-freezing my ass off."

He uncovers my eyes. "A hot tub?"


I drop my towel and step into the hot tub. It feels so good compared to the cold weather. Alex gets in after me. Everybody else comes a little while after we get in.

Hercules brings some jars with something in them. Alex opens the jar and takes a sip them hand the jar to me. I look at it questioningly. "What is it?"


I take a sip from the jar then hand it back to Alex.

"All right bitches," Angelica says. "We're playing Never Have I Ever." She looks around the group. "Never have I ever kissed someone of the same gender."

Everyone except Burr, Theodosia, Angelica, and Church take a sip from the jars.

The game goes on for a few more rounds until everyone is drunk and all the moonshine we had is gone. It's about 1:30 in the morning. Everyone starts to get out. I grab my towel and head up to mine and Alex's room to change. I put on a short sleeved shirt and long pants.

I know I'm gonna regret everything in the morning, but who cares? I still had fun.

Alex comes into the room and kisses me roughly, I kiss back. I'm not gonna remember any of this tomorrow.

A/N: On this day 214 years ago, Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr had their duel in Weehawkin, New Jersey. 😭😭😭😭

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