Chapter 1

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woo! first chapter!      enjoy

Your P.O.V

Running around the busy London street isn't a good idea. Especially when your late for your parent-teacher meeting. Even more so since you were the teacher and you worked at the Side by Side school in London.

"shit shit shit shit shit shit" you muttered as you chased some run away pages from the folders you were carrying. You chased them down an alleyway where they stopped at the dead end. You sighed and picked them up and stuffed them into the folder.

"Hey pretty lady" a rough voice said behind and you froze, you took a deep breath, trying to remember the martial arts you were taught as a kid, but all those years of martial arts left your mind. Slowly you turned around and saw four men blocking your only exit. One of them had a switch knife out. Your mind raced trying to remember something to defend yourself. Slowly the men came towards you and your body acted on it's instincts.

Third P.O.V

A man clad in leather was walking down the streets, trying desperately to clear his mind of his horrid past when he heard the scream. Not thinking, he ran towards the sound, down an alleyway. There was a woman on the ground trying to fend off a man while 3 others cheered on. The man in leather didn't think. He acted on instincts as he ran and threw himself at the attacking men. There was a struggle but when the man stood up he had the attention of the 3 other men, they were slowly advancing on him, threatening him and taking out knives. The blond man that was assaulting the woman was being used as a punching bag by the lady so he concentrated on the 3 tattooed goons. Two of them advanced and he ducked under one, grabbing him by the leg and throwing him at the other, without hesitation he threw a strong right hook into the third's nose and heard a solid crack. The man with the new broken nose fell back as the rescuer felt someone jump on his back. Blind with panic he jumped backwards and fell heavily on his attacker, then threw his elbow down hitting him in the crotch.

"Come on!" the guy blond that was being beat up by the lady yelled and ran after one with the broken nose. Then the rest ran out leaving the lady and her rescuer.

Your P.O.V

You looked over to the man that had come to your rescue.

"Thank you" you breathed. He looked at you then down at the papers spread along the ground

"Oh... oh!" you quickly collected the papers, taking some that the short haired man had picked up for you.

"Thank you, thank you so so much" you gushed and then ran out of the dark alley. For the rest of the day you wished you could have asked for a name or something so you could thank him properly, like a tea or pay him or something.


You were carrying a big box full of school supplies and were on your way out of the school when you got a phone call. Letting out a sigh you set down the box and fished your phone out of your bag.

"Yeah?" you said into the speaker after picking up

"Heeeey" you heard f/n answer, you rolled your eyes

"Not now" you knew that famous tone she always used on you

"Oh come on, I haven't even said anything!"

"that 'hey' was all I needed to know" you tried to hide the smile, even though she couldn't see

"Well, ignoring that, I was thinking of going to the Big Red with the girls"

"No" and you hung up, rude, you knew that, but she knew it was a school night and you were in no mood, or state, to go out with your friends. You pick up the box again and start your walk back home, keeping an eye out for danger or, you hoped, that man in leather.


"I swear there are more sTaiRs today!" you panted as you stomped up the stairs at the Powell Estate to your apartment. You saw you were nearly at the top and powered through the last of the stairs. Which wasn't a good idea because someone was heading down at the same time.

"Oh!" you nearly fell back down the stairs but regained you balance by grabbing the railing, unfortunately you dropped the box and you watched it bounce down, spilling the contents, you looked up to see who you bumped into and saw it was the man that saved you earlier.

"Oh, it's you again! I'm so sorry about that" you say offering a hand to help him up, he shied away and stood up, brushing himself off.

"Right, sorry about that, and again, thank you for earlier" you smiled, he hesitantly smiled back. After a few awkward seconds you went down the stairs again, picking things up as you went

"Really, what you did before was amazing, you saved my life! You could've just walked past like everyone else did but nope! You're a kind man..." you got down to the box and dumped your armful of stuff in. You turned around expecting him to be at the top of the stairs but he was gone already.

"Oh..." you were puzzled, but you shrugged it off and picked up the box and went back up the flight of stairs. You saw the remaining pens and glue sticks all together in a pile and you smiled a bit.

"Strange, kind man" you said quietly to yourself, picking them up then heading back to your apartment, wondering if you'll see him again.

first chapter uP!

how was it? bad? we know...

Ashley: we struggled with starting it...

Chloe: yeah... we always do tho

Ashley: ya, but you struggle with st0pPiNG!

Chloe: ahaha yeah, the original was like 2000 word aha

Ashley: 1627, I counted (well, Word Doc did but still)

Chloe: I thought we weren't doing this stuff, it'll 'ruin the mood'

Ashley: hussshhh, let the readers decide

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