Chapter 2

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This has to be the most hardest chapters I've ever struggled with *cough* we

The same as yesterday, you wouldn't stop thinking of that man.

"Why was he here?" you asked your goldfish. You found yourself confiding in him sometimes, especially at times like these.

"He's a strange one, I'll say that ... maybe he lives here? I could ... go look for him" You pace in front of the glass bowel.

"Nah, that'd seem creepy..." you continued the battle in your mind when you finally decided and you grabbed your bag and went out in search for your mysterious man.

You were wandering around your floor when you saw him carrying a trash bag. He had nearly walked into you, seeming deep in thought.

"Oh hello" You acted surprise. He jumped back a bit, being brought back from where ever he was to the real world.

He recognized you and offered a small smile

"Are you ok? From, uh ... the other day?" You asked. He nodded, not really making eye contact.

"I really want to repay you, after all, you did save my life" He shook his head.

"...well, can I at least ask for your name?" You asked. There was a glint in his eyes as he nodded. After a few seconds of silence, you realised what he did

"Oh, oh you're a funny one. You think your sooo funny" You smiled. His face changed to mock-offence, with a smile playing on his lips.

"Can you talk?" You wondered aloud, he hasn't spoken a word throughout all the time you've been together. He froze and looked away, embarrassed.

"Sorry" You apologized

'Do you know sign language?' You showed off your ASL skills

His eyebrows rose

'You know sign language?' He signed back
You smiled and nodded. Thankful of finally finding a way to communicate to this stranger.

'So, what's your name?' You moved your hands

After a few seconds he spelt out 'Christopher'

"Christopher, well then, Christopher, it's nice to meet you" you stuck out your hand, but you remembered how he avoided your touch the other day. As you were about to pull it back, he took it carefully. You smiled as you shook hands.

"I'm y/n" you said as your hands let go.

'Nice to meet you, y/n'

"Tea!" you blurted out after a few moments passed "Would you like a cuppa? I mean, it's the least I can do..." you trailed off. The man, Christopher, thought about it, then nodded. You smiled gratefully.

"You will? yes" you quietly cheered and lead him towards your door which wasn't very far, but he cleared his throat. You turned around and he raised the trash bag. You blushed

"Of course, yes, sorry, yes, oh how embarrassing" you muttered the last part to yourself. He chuckled.

You both went down the stairs and disposed the trash.

Soon you were fixing up a cup of tea as Christopher was in the lounge staring at your fish. "Chris, I can call you Chris right?" you called out, you saw him nod.

"Right, um, sugar? Any milk?" you asked, he signed back no milk and 2 sugars.

"Black with 2 sugars, righty-o" you say to yourself and make his tea. You make your way over to the couch he was sitting on, setting the cup on the table in front of him.

"Name's Gary, one of my friends named him" you jutted your chin towards your fish that swam in never ending circles. He nodded, taking a sip from his tea.

"So, how long have you known ASL?" Weird question, you knew, but you didn't like the awkward silence.

'Since I was a kid' he set down his tea to answer. You nodded and tried to think of more questions

'How long have you known it?' He asked.

"Oh, um, not really that long, one of my friends is deaf and she taught me ASL. So about 7 or 8 years?" You rambled on.

"Do you, um do you have a job? Like, uh..." You were really bad at this talking stuff but you didn't know why.

He shook his head. 'You?'

"Oh, um I work at the Side By Side special school during the day and I take night shifts at the local mall" You replied. He nodded, picking up his cup but it slipped and fell to the ground with a crash, it split in 3 and the tea spilt over the floor.

'I'm so sorry' his hands fumbled as he tried to apologize.

"Oh. no, no it's ok" You reassured him as his face flushed with embarrassment. You quickly went to the kitchen to get some paper towels. As you entered the lounge room again you heard the front door shut and Chris was gone.

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