2 New Friends

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Emma POV

"Alright but if can stop for 2 minutes u can have dinner." I said taking out a cooked porkchop and stake. "Alright." She said as she put the book on her bed. We had a yummy dinner full of chats and planning. And Lindsey accentually frosted half of her stake. We went to our yellow beds and went to sleep.

??? POV

Where is he? He should be here now about my plans and... other stuff. Finally my messenger teleported with a smirk on his face. "Well..." I said a little impatient. "Your plan has started sir. You should find her by tommarrow morning." Said the messenger. "Excellent." I said in relief.


Emma POV

I woke up and noticed that the moon was still out. It was 5:00. The perfect time for hunting! So I went outside and saw pigs, cows, and chicken. So I thought I should use my new tp powers in good use. So I tried to think about the pig in the corner. I closed my eyes and when I opened them, I was next to the pig. I got my sword and stabbed it. Food! Then I saw a cow get into the water. So I thought of the cow and I tped to him. And when I went into the water, I felt a burning pain that I never felt before. So I tried to tp out. It didn't work. So I tried to run out. I finally got out and saw the cow and then fainted.

Messenger POV

I was waiting with the master untill he said I should go and finish the plan. I waited for a while untill I heared him scream "The plan worked! Go get her. Now!" I heared the master scream. He's so bossy. I teleported to her and found her on the ground. I picked her up and teleported her to the master."

??? POV

Where are they?! I hear a Endermen noise and I see my messenger with her in his arms. I said "Put her in the bedroom." He nodded and did so.

Emma POV

I woke up in a purple room. YAY I'm not dead, but bad situation. I walked out of the room to see a hallway. I walked in the hallway and and saw 2 big doors. I opened them to find a neather themed room. And then I heard someone behind me say. "I heared you awake." I jump and saw a guy with blue jeans, lighter blue shirt, and glowing white eyes. He's Herobrine.

Lindsey's POV

I woke up and noticed that Emma wasn't there. She probably went hunting. I went outside to see that everything looked normal. All of a sudden I see an arrow going straight for my arm and I got hit. The pain hurt so much that I blacked out.

Steve's POV

I was walking with my dog, Rover, and saw a skeleton, but it didn't shoot at me, it shot at a girl dressed as a snowman. She blacked out. Well I just can't let someone die. So I ran to her and saw that she was in bad condiction. I had all my medical tools at my house, which was close by. So without thinking I grabbed her and ran towards my house.

Lindsey POV

I woke up on a red bed, but I wasn't at home. I saw a guy that had blue jeans, a light blue shirt, and blue eyes come to me and said "your up!" In surprise she said "Who are you?" "Oh my name is Steve. And who are you?" "Lindsey." And with that they became friends. They played in the snow, and had lots of fun.

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